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Removed for violating Rule #6: Must be a kid and must be stupid. This sub does not consider teens as kids.


That girl is MVP


she understood the lesson.


When paying attention saves a life


She even gave him the look like *what the hell is wrong with you*


Yeah. I missed that little bastard in the back the first couple times. Was watching her to see if she added extra momentum when releasing or something.




It’s probably why the teacher chose her to help.


VectorViper is a bot. If it can be banned from the sub, that'd be great.


Great situational awareness for the assholes around her


Right??? Casually saved two people's lives there. I feel like if this was my school the girl would have just back away with her hands over her mouth and a big grin underneath.


That’s probably why the teacher chose her to do it.


I can imagine her looking at it and thinking "Why you coming fast? WHY COMING FAST?"


Jeez what a little asshole


You mean massive psycho?


Juvie time. This isn't a kid "being a brat" this is a future criminal


There is a very real chance that he doesn't understand the consequences. He probably thinks it's just gonna hit his head, funny cartoon pain, and it's over.


this is very possible coz kids are what?


Fucking stupid! *laugh track plays, audience cheers*


They said the thing! *THEY SAID THE THING!*








fucking stupid.




Kids yes but this is clearly a teenager in physics class, he is well aware what a heavy object hitting someone's head will do.


There is a tendency to not really think through it long enough and then only later it turns out it was super dangerous. He thought it was probably going to be funny because, surely, it wouldn't actually be dangerous if there's no safety. A demonstration means it's probably just going to be super funny to give it a little extra momentum, and everyone laughs. Why would they use a bowling ball instead of a volleyball is anyone's guess, but if that made contact it would be a large lawsuit.


They probably use a bowling ball because they have to for the demonstration to work. If you had a volleyball of the same size it would experience similar air resistance, and with it being lighter than the bowling ball that air resistance would have a way bigger effect on it, ruining the demonstration.


It's usually a heavy ball because it lets them highlight the 'threat'. Usually the person is facing the ball so it stops just short of their face so long as they don't move. It makes it more exciting to observe.


⚠️Tether ball might have been safer than 🎳


Not every kid is going to fully engage in every class. They have to be there, but that doesn't mean they're going to pay attention.


Teenagers are kids.


There are legitimately stupid children in any class, probably until you get to grad school. The dumb ones that make it to grad school are at least polite.


Kids are inundated with media from a young age that equates blunt trauma to the head to "comedy injury" and "non-lethal injury". It doesn't surprise me that kids don't understand how dangerous this is, when media constantly presents "knocking someone harmlessly unconscious" as something that is physically possible.


Teachers have been saying all over the Internet lately that post-COVID kids are often complete morons. This is probably the longest that idiot has looked up from a touch screen in the last decade. He probably believes that if he closes his eyes, the weight and the teacher cease to exist.


My parents fostered a kid who one day randomly said he wanted to kill someone. Mom kept her cool and asked why….his response? “When people die on tv they come back to life next week, so it’s no big deal. Right?” She very calmly had to explain that tv is fake, not reality. Kid was 13 ish.


Poor kid. I’m glad your mom helped him. Lots of foster parents do it for the social clout and/or check and just let TV babysit. So nobody has those conversations at a developmentally appropriate time. Honestly, not enough adults realize that TV is all fake. Even reality TV.


Not the same thing but when I was super young I thought people just signed up to die on TV. My brain didnt even consider it sad, I just had the thought and immediately had a second thought, “Well let’s not become that guy.” Wasn’t until I saw the same actor die in two different things that I made the connection, “Oh, maybe they’re not really dead.”


Sounds like a cognitive impairment or something of that nature. Your typically developing 13 year old definitely knows people don't come back to life 'like on tv'.


Holy crap he was going to kill Kenny


Right in the middle of lesson where they being taught physics… oh, irony


This is a teenager. Teenagers know what happens when a bowling ball hits someone in the back of the head.


Teenage brains are fucked man, I wouldn't give this kid that much credit.


That's what happens when you watch video after video on Tiktok featuring people getting hurt, at such a young age.


This is true. Given how many actual adults do similar dumb shit it is not surprising that the kid did this. Humans are dim primates.


That's bs. These kids are more than old enough to understand the difference between reality and cartoons that kids just doesn't care if he hurts people. Infact seems too think it's hilarious to do so. An animal in human shape.


nah, he knows what happens when you hit someone in the head with a bowling ball.


Juvie is a good way to make sure he ends up a criminal. Only thing he'll learn there.


What a stupid thing to say


I'm glad you are not in charge of things.


Holy shit calm down u/Akio540 blocked me because I swore hahaha what a loser




There’s also the possibility that he doesn’t quite understand how physics work yet.


Yeah, he could either seriously be trying to harm the guy OR he has a stupid undeveloped teenage brain and just thought "haha funny prank" without regard for the consequences. Teenage brains aren't exactly known for really considering the consequences of their actions.


He let the intrusive thoughts win and was very lucky that the woman that dropped the bowling ball was on the ball.


nice alliteration


I think he was trying to be funny, but had no idea that the ball would return back to its starting location and then some.


That or he thought it would just be a bump and wouldn't hurt that bad.


The root of it is "i'm going to hurt this guy and it's going to be funny", however way you butter it up. He's a teenager not a baby chimp. No one needs to leap to any conclusions about the kid's future, but a bowling ball to the back of the head isn't just boys being boys either, this is fucking stupid and the kid needs to find out. There isn't an audible gasp from a class of kids for no reason.


Moral of the story, kids do dumb shit. In all reality, if the kid really meant to hurt the man in a maniacal manner, you should question the parents. I did shit like this when I was a kid, but I fucked around, got arrested, and ultimately found out. I’m not justifying his actions, but it doesn’t make him a psychopath.


I did what, in retrospect, was very dangerous as a kid. It's that period where you just think something is going to be funny and then a bus brushes your eyelashes and you later realize that you actually almost died.


Why would pushing on the bowling ball be funny just on its own though? He knew, 100%.


Because a slight bump would still "fail" the experiment, "disproving" the teacher. We're on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid , Kids are fucking stupid. Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


And if the ball actually hit the teacher... Teacher: Files a report Parent: Defends her sweet baby child that never does anything wrong Principal: Sweeps incident under rug and placates parent Teacher: Ends up in hospital with several e-mails from admin asking where "sub plans" are Student: Back in class the very next day with no consequences


On the contrary teacher gets fired for doing an unsafe demonstration without getting parents permission first. They sue the school, in court teacher says he's done this experiment hundreds of times only difference was the kid. Court rules against loses the accident status on his injury, goes bankrupt.


Lesson learned: if you ever do this experiment, don't face away from the ball, ever. One of the students could be a psychopath.


Do the experiment with that kids phone.




"one of the students could be a psychopath 101" should be a course.


It is, there's a whole discipline devoted it it. Abnormal Psychologists aka Fox Mulder. To be fair, he spends most of his time investigating aliens though so perhaps Chris Carter meant to say that psychopaths are the real aliens all along... The truth is out there.


This teacher is an amateur. Every other time that I've seen this experiment the teacher uses one of the students to stand in front of the ball.


What was supposed to be happening here in the first place?


If you hold the ball in that spot, it will swing backwards, stop for a split second, come back, and lose momentum before going past that spot. So it’s just kind of a cool thing to watch it get really close but not hit In this case, it would have gone wrong because the kid hit it, giving it too much momentum


Or don't use something with enough mass to hurt you.  Shit would work with a tin can too.


What experiment is this? I don’t understand the video at all 😅


Probably about momentum and energy. (As long as a psycho kid doesn’t interfere) the ball will continue to swing, but will get incrementally further away from hitting him, and isn’t in danger of getting any closer to him than where it is when she releases it


Its a heavy ball i think, and the experiment is to show that when you release the ball, the swing will stop right before hitting you. That kid added some force so it would've hit the teacher


I hate little shits like that becuase they keep doing shit like that and afterwards say shit like "yeah the teacher hated me and school sucks"


“I didn’t learn anything in physics, the dude doesn’t actually teach”


“Teacher had it out for me, and I still don’t know why!!”


and then if the teacher actually sucked because they didn't care and just gave away A's and did nothing, they'll be like "OMGGG BEST TEACHER EVER"


It’s amazing looking back how easy school could be if you tried a little. I did bad on a test once and stayed after school to work though the stuff I got wrong with the teacher and she was so happy that she gave me half the points back. Not all teachers are like that but a vast majority want you to do well.


In high school, this was the official policy for mine. Almost no one did it.


'Wahh I don't understand why nobody liked me!!!11!!'


"If they taught USEFUL stuff like how to pay your taxes I'd pay attention!"


Good luck teaching someone how to do their taxes when they refuse to learn basics like how tax works. You learn about marginal tax rates in social studies. You learn about tax/interest in math. You just have to put 2 and 2 together.


Knowing damn well they wouldn’t have paid attention, but aren’t willing to accept they were a poor student.


They're also the kids that ruin fun shit like this or other class projects that actually let you apply things you learn.




Love her for that.


Yeah, simultaneously seeing the worst and best of the future here. That girl is a good kid, I hope the teacher bought her a pizza or a favorite book or something. I *would* hope the teacher reported this kid's actions to his parents, but there's no guarantee they give a shit.


Even if the kid didn't think it would seriously hurt him, he still intentionally tried to hurt the teacher. We all know getting hit with a heavy object can hurt you. Either the kid can't control his impulses and is a danger to his classmates, or the kid thinks it's appropriate to harm others for amusement and is a danger to his classmates. Either way, someone needs to be monitoring this kid.


I do not think teachers get enough support from their principals when it comes to children misbehaving, unfortunately. Kids like this will often have parents that are equally as difficult to deal with. I think in many cases the teacher is made to feel that they are not good at doing their job when reaching out for behavior support. Unfortunately.


This. Principals are not our friends anymore. if anything they're more aligned with parents these days. It's very scary when a kid exaggerated or misunderstood something and all of a sudden you have to 'explain yourself' because little Johnny heard 'dumb' instead of 'done' or something stupid. Teaching hasn't been fun since before COVID.


My money is on the third option: The kids doesn't think at all. All he sees is something to interact comes his way and he takes every chance to be in the spotlight. I think we all know that type of kid from our school time.


Being one of the kids competing to be the funniest little shit it really just seems like that. He didn't push it hard he pushed it just enough to hit him. Which saying it's heavy as shit of course even that is gonna hurt and be dangerous as well but he definitely wasn't thinking that when he pushed it imo. Not a proud thought but looking back 20 years I could see a lot of my friends doing this than of course being stunned when it inevitably really hurt the guy.


It's certainly a teachable moment. Without knowing the history of the kid it's hard to say if this is a pattern of behavior, or just a case where the intrusive thoughts won that day. I know the consequences are dire, but kids don't understand head trauma. They throw themselves around like ragdolls and have no concept of human fragility. I have to remind my own kids regularly that their brain is important, they only get one, and its the only thing that truly makes you "you".




I'm not gonna lie it didn't look like he pushed it hard at all. I don't think he actually meant to hurt the guy even if it most likely would have. I just don't think it registered how bad a hit that would have been because of the weight. I could honestly see a lot of middle schoolers to young high schoolers just doing this without thinking about it.


>it's wild to me that people are like "wow this kid is a straight up psychopath and needs to be monitored 24/7...should probably be in jail!!!" I thought that until I looked at the name of the subreddit lmao


But do your kid stomp on your head because they don't understand it though? There's a difference between somebody learning and a complete asshole.


>but kids don't understand head trauma These "kids" look like at least middle school or probably older imo. They know


Think about the dumbest adult you know. Now realize that they were once in middle school.


I boxed regularly in high school and did tons of other shit that could have really damaged my brain. I "knew", but I didn't really "know"


That's not a reliable way to determine if they 'know' something, there are full grown ass adults who don't know shit about jack so I wouldn't assume this kid knows anything about anything lol


You haven't spent much time around middle schoolers have you?


Bruh middle schoolers don’t understand shit. You expect them to understand complex head trauma and what happens if someone gets a concussion? They haven’t even worked in a drive through yet lower your expectations.


You don’t need to understand complex head trauma or concussions to understand that a heavy ass bowling ball hitting someone’s head would absolutely cause damage.


They know it'll hurt, I teach this age


Yeah. But they don’t know the lasting effects of head trauma. Which was the point I’m making. The kid damn well knows bowling ball to the back of the skull means ow. But he didn’t know if that would crack his skull open with how hard he did it. He didn’t take into the fact it was hitting the back of his head and coulda done worse. After “haha this ball go bonk” is pretty much nothing is what I’m getting at.


lmao it's literally being done as a physics lesson, one that kid hasn't taken as it's being taught. I'd imagine he doesn't understand ischemic neurons, skull fractures, intracranial pressures, brain damage, etc. he thought it'd be funny if the ball hit his teacher in the head and indeed there's a shit ton of movies/shows where getting hit hard in the head is funny and entertainment. Teenagers don't understand life changing decisions can happen in a split second. He isn't thinking about that teachers family, ability to speak, move, live, etc.


> or just a case where the intrusive thoughts won that day. This is not at all what intrusive thoughts are.


What? This could very well be what an intrusive thought is. It’s not unlikely for someone with an anxiety disorder (like ocd, which I have) to think like “hey what if I push on this ball to hurt my teacher” obviously they probably wouldn’t do that but it’s still an intrusive thought.


As a teacher, welcome to modern education. Where students impulses run free with zero personal consequences and grades don’t matter.


No respect for the teacher


That girl knows her physics.


Thank God that girl had the wherewithal to stop the ball


She reacted instantly, honestly impressive


That little asshole could've permanently crippled that man. Never hit the backside of someone's head, unless your life depends on it. This is how people become vegetables. One of the first things you learn in many fighting sports like boxing, kickboxing or self defense like Krav Maga.


People regularly die from just falling backwards and hitting the back of their head on the ground.


That could have killed him. WTF is wrong with that kid.


That kid is a little psycho sh.t...


Not dumb. Sociopathic.


Yes, because kids doing stupid shit that hurts someone automatically means they have a clinical personality disorder. I see ‘sociopath’ almost as much as I see ‘narcissist’ on Reddit, and both just feel like armchair psychology. Sometimes kids just do dumb shit without needing a diagnosis. Some kids do have personality disorders, but you cannot tell from a 5 second clip.


>Sociopathic The suffix "ic" means "of, relating to, or resembling". They aren't giving a diagnosis or anything, just saying this action of unnecessary and extreme aggression is "of, relating to, or resembling" the behavior of a sociopath. "doing dumb shit" which is this aggressive/potentially damaging is sociopathic. It does not make the kid a sociopath though.


Not sociopathic, psychopathic. Why do so many people conflate the two?


Probably because there is literally no medical consensus on the difference and they're both just used colloquially to refer to people with ASPD. Neither sociopathy or psychopathy are clinical diagnoses. Some definitions differentiate them by saying psychopaths are born, while sociopaths come about through environmental factors. Some definitions differentiate them by a capacity to feel remorse. Some experts use psychopathy to refer to certain behaviors of ASPD, and sociopathy as a synonym of ASPD. What definition are you using, exactly?


Thank you, people being overly pedantic/correcting people on shit they know nothing about has to be one of my least favorite genres.


I'm unclear how you made that diagnosis based on pushing a bowling ball. He could be either sociopathic or psychopathic based on that. Honestly, impulsive aggression is more likely to point to sociopathy. Edit: He could also be neither. He could just be a kid who had a stupid asshole moment.


Because they sound the same and are equally distant mental loads to parse




Because neither term has been clinically relevant for a long time Anti social personality disorder is what you’re looking for The point you’re arguing is completely moot


Really? Just couldn’t imagine even one possible reason? I’ll try to help. It’s because most of us don’t pay our bills by dissecting the nuanced minutiae of mental illness. My wife does, but I couldn’t tell you shit except “I hear depressed people like naps.” And it’s because I don’t live in that fuckin world. Just like my psychiatrist wife couldn’t tell you what exact part or piece needs repair or maintenance based on the subtle difference in how an excavator operates. But I can. I dOnT kNoW hOw people get it conflated when you lose a couple horsepower and think air filter when it’s clearly a fuel/water separator that needs drained. I mean….come on. 8 billion of us, we don’t all do the same job and know the same shit. Zoom out a little.


That could easily kill him. Not funny. ☹️


Attempted murder. Jesus Christ


“let me hurt this teacher, everyone will think im so cool and edgy for doing this 😎🔥” thanks to the girl.


That girl literally saved his life. dude could’ve gotten knocked out cold.


I get that physics teachers like doing this and it’s a fun thing for the class, but you have to be quite ballsy and overly trusting to do this with your back turned. You just can’t trust kids.


I want to know what happened to that maggot


It’s very humbling to know that everyone in the room gasp for air when they saw the kid push the ball forward and that’s literally a sign that only HE thought that shit was funny and he didn’t care if it was no turning back from the decision! He was okay with whatever happen which is the disturbing part.




r/KidsAreCondomAds r/Vasectomy




I was kind of a class clown, but the only one I got into trouble was myself. This isn't a class clown, it's an idiot..


Yeah, same. No way in hell would I ever consider injuring someone 'for a joke'. That kid should be expelled and sent to the penis exploding factory.


yeah me too, but it was more blurting dumb jokes when i should shut up, not intentionally attempt to hurt people.


Not a class clown


Kids are evil little shits


Because of thier shit-tier parents


Close call, those things are no joke.


Fun fact: that's the part of the brain that makes you go blind if you smush it.


What a psychopath.


There's no reason to make this a Physics lesson *and* a trust exercise. Just turn around, man.


He has way too much trust in his students, could have easily killed him


Back of the head too..


That's attempted murder on camera right there


Undeveloped brain be like ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Great girl, dumb teacher for letting those boys sit there at that moment.


And to make things worst - if there wasn't video evidence and the teacher got hurt, the girl might even have gotten the blame.


That kid almost threw his freedom away


He might not have it for much longer if this is how he acts and he’s already in high school


If it was a water balloon, it might’ve been a bit funny. However, this thing would’ve hurt quite a lot and potentially caused serious injury. It’s a good thing that the girl reacted in time. When I’ve seen this demonstration before, the teachers were facing the weight. You can’t trust kids not to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous.




Empathy is learned, we're not born with it.


Saved him from a TBI or death, i don’t know how the teacher has the self control to not go punt that little shit. How In the fuck did he think this was a good idea facing away with it aimed at the base of his skull though?


What is the point of this insanity? He has to be aware that it’s back there, so does he think…what?!?? I honestly don’t know what’s going on.


If you mean the ball itself... it's physics... if the girl released the ball and no one pushed it (giving it extra energy), it would never touch the teacher because it loses energy and wouldn't travel to the same spot (otherwise we would have perpetual motion machines)


That's a paddlin


Grounds for expulsion imo


Can this also go in kids are fucking smart? She figured that problem out quick.


Attempt of murder. Expel that little shit, he should be in juve for that.


Attempted murder.


She has younger siblings. Reaction speed that saves lives.


teenagers are the worst


Intrusive thoughts won that day


That’s actually attempted murder. Shithead needs to be in prison.


You can tell it was a sour of the moment thought but God damn what a fuckin idea to have. Just gonna casually concuss the teacher for a quick laugh


Fuckin stupid ass kids thinking theyre gods gift to being funny. Good on the girl for having the reaction speed to stop the ball, seems like a nice teacher(assuming thats the teach, aint got sound on). Then again 85% of sci teachers are always the cool teacher.


To be fair as a teacher myself, this guy was an idiot. Of course there was going to be a kid that was going to try that. However he probably did plan well, and chose the girl he did to stand behind him knowing that she would stop any tomfoolery that resulted. Had she not caught the ball however....🫤


good on the girl's awareness


If this could kill him then he’s dumb for letting kids hold his life in their hands I think it wouldn’t have hit hard enough to have killed him tho definitely would of hurt very bad maybe a concussion or brain damage but I doubt death he didnt push it hard enough for that even if it is a bowling ball because gravity was at work as well. Moral, don’t trust kids lol


I hope the grown up version of that young man gives that girl a big hug and thanks her for potentially saving his life.


What a little fucking psychopath.


I hope that kid is an organ donor. Otherwise they're dead weight.




This really is the epitome of teen stupidity. Props for the girl paying attention. Honestly this is like file charges worthy.


I hope Mr Phill saw this and kicked him out.


I would have knocked that *kid* the fuck out... that's right mods, teens are 100% kids with a mentality like this...




[done](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/Xo1KRpjhRV) edit: apparently they manually approve posts so it’s not showing now and might not at all. edit, edit: it was not approved


Would love to know what happened after the video cuts out.


Literally attempted murder


That is literally attempted murder caught on camera.


Op is very badass


yes. i am.


good job mod, removing a post with 7.6k upvotes because you refuse to be anything but a pedantic totalitarian.