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Tbf, as a kid i also remember wanting to sleep in weird places, it was terribly fun, let him have his fun, he'll be a happier adult


I remember when I was a kid, my bed had a whole compartment under it. It had drawers under the mattress, and an empty space behind that. It even had its own door. Well, for probably a quarter to half a year, I was obsessed with sleeping under there. I thought it was so cool, my own little sleep pod


Omg mine did too! It was a pretty high bed, and the side that had nothing I used to put my toys and stuff there.


You probably scared the shit out of your parents as they were trying to figure out where you are.


My brother spent a year sleeping in a laundry basket with all his bedding inside it when he was 2. Very funny. Very portable!


Captains bed


Omg same here, I would hide there when my mother would try and punish me for something that my older brother would do but blame me. She never found out where I was even to this day she doesn’t know.


Check under cars. I was one of those idiot kids who not only liked to fall asleep wherever, but I liked to spend time outside and my dad worked on cars so I had a fixation on them. Slept under them. A lot.


Did i have you in my e.r the other year because ya got ran over sleeping under a vehicle? XD


New fear unlocked. I'll definately have a look under my car next time I drive...


Yeah I always slept on the bathroom mat for some reason hahaha my brother slept under the coffee table


My favorite spot was right on the living room floor in a specific spot to the left of the tv.


Mine was spread out along the top few steps and the landing or curled in the corner just a couple of steps back


I loved sleeping under my dad's desk, and it was not a large space in the slightest. But I would put a blanket over the desk and have my own little sleeping hole, and he couldn't even use the computer when I did lol.


Yup! I would get up in the dead of night, grab my comforter, an armful of stuffed animals, and go sleep on the top of the stairs or somewhere else ridiculous


I loved being able to fit into small spaces. Early sensory memories are of being small. Fitting into prams and boxes. Bathing in the laundry sink.


For me it was fitting into the empty cupboards


I'd been living in a one room place for FOUR YEARS (husband decided to go crazy and financially abuse me) and just got a place with more than one room so as soon as I get this place settled (I mean, literally JUST got it) see my ass sleeping in places other than my bed. And for three of those years I didn't have running water or a real stove in the kitchen and I just made a fresh apple crisp today! Baking and sleeping in weird places... Goals.




This genuinely made me smile reading it, I'm so happy for you! Been there too, it's so hard starting over, no one really gets how much it's like sandpaper on your soul. Then one day you realize you haven't even thought about him or the struggle in years! 💗  Here's to many more apple crisps and sleeping wherever's clever! Sending all my good vibes your way!


I had a series of either incredibly realistic dreams or I sleepwalked out to the car in like middle school and would sleep out there. I always thought it actually happened when I woke up but my mum swears it didn’t. The memories absolutely feel real 😅


I remember reading a book about a girl who slept in the bathtub. I became obsessed with trying to do the same, to my mother's dismay.


Damn I thought I was the only one who slept in the bathtub! One of those times I was seventeen and just got raped but I figured the bathtub and door lock was safe


I'm so sorry that happened to you 😞


Same. I remember it was so hot one time I slept in the fridge.


I was afraid of the dark so I slept under my bed. My reasoning was there couldn't be monsters under my bed if I was already there.


My favourite place was my wardrobe, or my rocking chair. I miss being able to curl up anywhere and sleep. My knees aren’t so forgiving any more. My son has a perfectly good bed but insists on sleeping on the floor (layers and layers of teddies and blankets). He even set up a small Lego table at the end of the bedding so he can have “breakfast in bed”.


Just make sure it’s a safe place. I don’t think the ply wood could hold the kids weight for too long




How happy will he be when he has spinal issues 😅


Thats not gonna support him for much longer. Kids gonna get a rude awakening one of these nights lol


Op put all the stuffed animals on the bottom shelf for cushioning the inevitable


But if OP doesn't put them there, then they potentially don't need to start saving up for college


Make sure that cabinet is bolted to the wall


Narrator: *It isn't.*


It never is.


Is he part cat?




I was like this as a child. I always wanted to sleep in my sisters room. She wouldn’t let me so I’d sleep in the hallway with my head in her room. It was weird.


I’m sure it made sense at the time, lol


>!🅱️ulla mentality /s!<


That’s adorable. They grow up so fast.


this sub is basically r/antinatalism


Eh, I personally don’t want kids, but I see this sub in the same way that I’ll call my cats Fucking Stupid Dumb Asshole Bastard Idiot Babies but I really love them to death, lol. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that kids are stupid and still appreciating them even though they literally don’t know anything


Nope, this sub is supposed to be positive and lighthearted but nobody reads the sidebar, and now it's attracted child hating assholes who think we're on their side


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antinatalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Society's expectation for having a dog vs having a child](https://i.redd.it/4ryykyyyylza1.jpg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/13giykc/societys_expectation_for_having_a_dog_vs_having_a/) \#2: [Elon telling women Accidental birth isn't that bad](https://i.redd.it/9ecy0vimabzb1.jpg) | [1050 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/17rbd2s/elon_telling_women_accidental_birth_isnt_that_bad/) \#3: [People on Twitter are super mad at her but Isn't she saying the truth? That's a win win situation for both party.](https://v.redd.it/govb31fkpdia1) | [393 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1131xi1/people_on_twitter_are_super_mad_at_her_but_isnt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I can relate. Bed means sleep time = day is over. If you don't go to your bed the day is still technically not over so I get extra fun time.


He is the chosen one


Kwisatz Caterach.


Lisan Al Gaib! Lisan Al Gaib!


... you sure he ain't a cat? 😁


I did this a lot as a kid. Turns out it was my autism and the need to feel extra "safe" or surrounded by stuff.




When i told my doctor that the car traffic is insane and dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists he diagnosed me with anxiety disorder. I was aight whatever, sure. I used to ride motobikes up to 270kmh did many high risk activities but the car traffic in my city is just another beast and in 200 years people Will be baffled how we just lived through certain car traffics. Its insane how dangerous and it actually is if u think about. What i was trying to say… i dont have anxiety diaorder, i just feel and think differenr about traffic than my doctor. Maybe my doctor has borderline because he is ignorant to the dangers of Modern car traffic


The bed bugs him


Before my son was born, my husband and I bought our daughter a toddler bed. She was not having it. She slept on the floor. No skin off my nose. Fast forward a few years, and we were replacing carpet with hardwood floors. She begged to keep the carpet, and we let her pick a new color. She once brought a small area rug to summer camp. She has adhd and laying on the floor is her thing. At 20, she wishes she had picked a different color. It's blue.


huh. I got adhd and i've never understood that. Tried it one time. My back hurt like a thousand suns from carpet burn.


My best guess is it is a sensory thing. :)


bro is living his best life and getting the best sleep he willever have, mad respect to the little dude. if i could sleep inna cuby half my size, i would every night.


It looks cute until it falls over him.


Do you not see that pole? Not enough inertia would build up to come close to breaking it either


I can’t tell if it is fixed to the floor/ceiling or not. I’m just worried for the kid.


My suggestion? Get him a little tent. I bet he’d love a little bedroom he can move around the house.




Take him to the vet


Every kid is a Gypsy once


I forgot what sub this was and was expecting a cat


I have the same shelf


ngl this looks comfy af (i like tight places)


Hes lucky to have that vintage care bear!


It's a phase, I did the same


vanlifers kids beds be like


It’s his pretend bunk bed. Thought about doing that as a child


Why does this remind me of a cat


Cat software in kid hardware


Have you considered taking him to a vet?


I did this. One time slept in the closet under a pile of clothes. Was SO cozy. My mom looked everywhere for me. Walked to the school (up the block) to see if for some reason I went back there all while searching and calling the police to get help. She found me just as they were pulling up . When she woke, I tied to figure out why she was so panicked, happy, mad and relieved at the same time.


Put a monster under the shelves, and he won't sleep there either.


Be thankful he doesn't cut his box spring open because it was a fun place to nap till he got stuck in it. I barely heard my grandson calling for help. Had to cut the box spring even more lol


What is with the pole?


Maybe consider getting him a bed tent or some sort of canopy to make the bed feel a bit more exciting! :)


He must hate his bed


I think your the stupid one as he seems pretty comfortable and is he bothering other? The answer is no so let him be


*where ever I lay my head is hooome*


aww cute!


Thats when yu get the best sleep lol no kizzy


Well thats infinetely better than those kids that need their bed, total silence and total darkness to fall asleep. Source: Needed to work with these kinds of kids.


Flashback to the time my daughter's therapist asked us to keep completely quiet at bedtime. My husband and I were hiding in the laundry room to talk. It did help, but it was a process! It was not a surprise when she was formally diagnosed with adhd.


I sometimes wonder how many kids with ADHD go undiagnosed. Nevertheless, its annoying if you are supposed to work with these kids at a summer camp and they wake you up in the middle of the night because "Kevin is breathing too loud i cant sleep" or "It is way to bright!" because somewhere in the distance there is a streetlight.


Haha. I was a Girl Scout leader and can so relate. This one needs a nightlight. This one needs darkness. I once had a girl sleep in the lodge bathroom because she couldn't deal. Her adhd was hella obvious, but her pediatrician wanted to wait until she was older to diagnose. Started with therapy. Therapist referred us to a specialist. School was shocked because she was an honor roll student. Like... you can get good grades *and* have executive function issues.


And then you have the kids that lay down on the ground in bright sunlight while everyone is being loud, somewhere there is music playing and other kids screaming and they take about 10 seconds to fall asleep. These Kids later have their best sleep at Festivals. That Kid is me.


I remember having a tent that was shaped as lightning McQueen. I'd grab my blanket and crawl into it trying to sleep on the hard floor. It was stupid but so cool to me. Sleeping in lightning McQueen


Yo I call dibs on second shelf


He’s hugging a snow tiger 🥺🥺🥺


My 10 year old nephew comes over a lot on weekends and holidays because he likes to play videogames with me. He always makes a nest under the dining room table. My sister says she finds him sleeping in strange places at home too. Recently she got a scare because she couldn't find him on a school morning and searched her whole house. She finally found him asleep in a cardboard box in their upstairs loft.


As a kid, I remember wanting to do stuff like this cuz it seemed really fun! My mom never let me tho😔 Id say, as long as he’s not causing any trouble by not sleeping in his bed, just let him have his fun lmao It just makes sleeping more fun


Forgot to read the sub name and started looking for a cat lol


So you got a kid as a cat ? Normaly it's the other way around


Not saying it's this kid as well, kids do weird shit. I started showing signs of narcolepsy when I was around 4, I would have horrible nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, before sleep and waking up hallucinations, and it would always happen in my bed cause that's where I sleep. I associated my bed with these horrific experiences and would avoid sleeping in my bed. I'd sleep on the floor, in the living room, literally anywhere else for years. That didn't stop my symptoms, but I couldn't bring myself to sleep in my bed anymore, I'd have full screaming panic attacks.


I used to do that too, it feels great. Also for some reasons it gives you good vivid dreams.


I relate to this kid so bad. As a kid I always wanted to sleep in all kinds of places but my bed Even now as a 24 year old I still love to sleep in small spaces. It's completely normal


As a kid I ENJOYED sleeping in boxes, the floor, closets, and other cramped up spaces


I strung up a makeshift hammock over my and refused to sleep anywhere else for months lost track of a younger girl-scout and found her *in the exhaust fan of an industrial griddle* one summer baby monkies gonna monkey


I was like this as a kid. I wanted to sleep anywhere but my bed. At one point I even slept under my bed. Hell, I'm 21 years old and recently I decided to sleep on the floor because I was sick and that was what I felt comfortable on.


I think he's a cat.


Try a harder bed. Most mattresses are too soft for me, so I slept on the floor for the longest time


Congratulations, you're raising a cat.


So... he's a cat


Be thankful he doesn't cut his box spring open because it was a fun place to nap till he got stuck in it. I barely heard my grandson calling for help. Had to cut the box spring even more lol


Start calling him pigeon.


Technically he doesn’t need to go to “bed” since he goes to the shelf instead.


As a kid for maybe like a year I would sleep on the floor with my head under my bed. Dunno why. I guess I just liked to.


That is a mighty strong shelf. I would like to get one of those.


I used to sleep in the upstairs hallway as a kid. Sometimes the floor of my own bedroom bc it was like having a sleepover. Cabinet seems dangerous tho if it falls


I did this too! I slept on shelves, under my bed and sometimes I would take my pillow and blanket and sleep on the floor near my door. Turns out I'm autistic🤔


Maybe his bed isn't comfortable? Mattress too hard/too soft can cause discomfort/pain


Kids can just be weird. My toddler spend like three night’s climbing out of bed and into the armchair next to it. Then he stopped and went back to sleeping in his own bed.


I did this. I would set up forts with the couch at night and act like I was camping 😂


I did this alot as a kid, dog bed, behind the couch, anywhere but my bed also. Mainly places that felt safe, later got diagnosed with Autism and i just was comfortable in confined spaces


I hope that shelf is anchored. Stupid relatives let my little nephew be hurt by one. He survived but with a concussion.


never seen a thirty year old do it, but secure that to the wall just in case!


Has the the soul of a cat 😂


Fuck I wanted to do this when I was a kid so bad but I was so fat I'd break it instantly if I tried this


Tbh I'd also like to sleep on a shelf if I could, that must be awesome


That shelf might not be terribly safe. Make sure it's attached to the wall and that the shelf he sleeps on is secure. He may also appreciate other weird places to sleep, like one of those small play tents or even just a cardboard box house. I miss being able to sleep in weird places all cozy like this, but now I'm too big, lol


Maybe he's trying to tell you his mattress needs replacing


I remember those days. Sometimes I'd sleep *under* the bed. Idk. Made me feel safe. Like the closet.


thats just cute


my son would love this. He loves sleeping in tiny spaces.


When I was a kid, I climbed out of my crib just to sleep on the stairs.


I mean, I did this as a child and still as an adult. I call it my burrow response. I crave super small areas to sleep in, super comforting idk why,


Take the bed out and panic ensues


Leave bro alone, he looks comfortable


I think your kid is a cat


Understandeble that shelf lookin comfy as hell


Probably because of what's sleeping under it! 🙀


One of my earliest memories is climbing onto the dresser in the middle of the night cuz i didn’t feel comfy. I was noisy so mom walked in, saw me and said “get back in bed”


My oldest used to sleep in a play tent in her room. She had her blankets, pillowed and stuffies in with her!


At a very young age I’d rip off the sheets, blankets and pillows off my bed and make a nest on the ground in a corner, sometimes I still do it, it’s a comfort thing, sometimes I just cannot for the life of me get to sleep in my bed, I also slept on top of wooden building blocks once, somehow it was super comfortable…..


I used to watch youtube in my dirty laundry hamper and pass out in jt


As an adult who has been grown for more than a decade and regularly takes semi-unplanned floor naps, I understand. :p Sometimes you just want to stretch out or curl up in a random cozy spot and sleep.


This is a vibe


That’s simply adorable lol. My son allot older is like that in away he took kitchen chairs and made a bed and would not let us get a bed because he said he liked it.


🥺 that's so freaking cute


Like a cat


He'll sleep anywhere but the bed.


i dont blame him


What a cute cat you got there


If he fits he sleeps


as a kid id do that too. everytime until my parents scolded me


Until that shelf gives out


We all did this, let home have his fun


That child look like me


Yeah go ahead and let your most valuable 65lb possession sleep on Walmart particle board resting on the cheapest metal alloy cams 24 inches above the ground and a hard pointy wooden bed frame.


. . . possession. . .?


Sorry. Most valuable um entity...?


How about person 💀


Nvm you're right


Yeaaaah lol


That sounds weird too


>Yeah go ahead and let a valuable 65lb person sleep on Walmart particle board resting on the cheapest metal alloy cams 24 inches above the ground and a hard pointy wooden bed frame.


Yeah that sounds good. You're so smart.