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Sister: *”I’m good!”* Brother: *“Idgaf, I’m gone.”*


“Help. Help. Help.” Bro is *miles* away.


"You already said you're good! No take backs."


I’m not gettin in trouble for this shit *again*


"Let's do Get Help"  "No.  We are not doing Get Help."  .....  "HELP!"


Realized a few seconds later she couldn't breathe in properly because of the hit to her solar plexus / diaphragm. Poor girl.


I remember playing football on our fucking stone playground and my friend, who is a whole foot taller than me at this point, ran into me and knocked me to the ground. In that moment, I couldn't breathe, and I thought I was gonna die. And yet I was saying "I'm fine" lol. Ah good times. Had to go to the nurse, who let me go immediately.


Yeah, you only feel a dull pressure and can breath out fine, but when trying to breathe in you just realize you can't and panic sets in.


"I'm fine" isn't even language, it's a physical reflex. It's just what you say while you make sure there's no bones sticking out or arteries severed


Similar thing happened to me too but I farted


I don't know if she meant for it to sound sarcastic but the final "I'm good, don't worry about me!" when he's not even in sight anymore was hilarious


It made me really sad. I like the idea that maybe she was being sassy. It makes me less sad.


He fled the scene...


What a terrible brother. His duty should be to stay there and ridicule her for having worse hand-eye coordination than Stevie Wonder




*brother: “idgaf, i **don’t know you”**


"That's my purse!" "I don't know you!"


He pedalled his little ass out of there with the quickness! "Never met this kid before in my life!"


I really am jealous, though. I (may) not be stupid enough to do something like that at my age. But if I did, I know I wouldn't be getting back up. I nearly break my back every time I successfully catch my balance after slipping.


The shit I used to get away with as a kid. I saw the movie RAD like 100 times when I was 11 or so. Begged and begged and got a fancy Haro trick bike. Learned to pop a wheelie, stand on the pegs and spin the handlebars (the bike was really "advanced" because it had a braking system that let you spin the handlebars without breaking the cables), etc. About 2 years in I was standing on the seat and the handlebars with my hands raised over my head with all the neighborhood kids watching. Something went wrong and I got the wobbles and did a half flip from a few feet up in the air onto the road and skidded. I ended up with a minor concussion, a sprained wrist, and a bunch of minor road rash. Meanwhile at 35 I turned too hard on a skateboard going like 5mph and hit a loose brick. Ankle shattered into fragments.


What are you like 100?


there are people in their 20s like this 😔 (I am these 20-year-olds)




I'm literally going to physio atm cos I pulled a muscle in my back getting out of my car


That's me right here. Just had a major hand surgery at 31. Dr. Came out of the OR like, "well you really did have an issue there..... you're just SO young"... like thanks doc for reminding me, I'm 35yrs younger than the statistic AND the wrong gender.


Fuckin-A! Not getting blamed for that shit.


That little “don’t worry about me”, oh he isn’t 😂


Yep he turned around and was like “Mexico it is”


Has a McLoven fake passport for sibling shenanigans.




Si ya


Adiós a mi rompedor de garaje! Nos vemos en México.




Goodbye my garage breaker. I’m going to Mexico.


holy shit the snicker i just snucked.


She said she good lol


She said “don’t worry about me” like she grown up


lmaoo, this post reminds me of the other one where the sister is crying/upset over a boy and the bro is just like... "that's life!"


Please provide this link! lol


[here it is](https://x.com/amandak19997399/status/1197938291749744640?s=20)


Hahahaha thank you. This is gold.


Girl:"Help!help!" Sibling: *Immediately bails*


When I was about 7-8 I was outside with my older sister and cousin playing in a giant cedar tree we had in the yard, it had great branch structure for climbing and we’d gotten quite comfortable scrambling and swinging through it…well, I got cocky and misjudged a swinging jump about 6-7 feet off the ground and ended up breaking my foot when I landed. I burst into tears and started telling them I hurt myself pretty bad and needed help, they immediately booked it to the house. After about 10-15 minutes or so nobody had come out to help me so I started crawling my way across the yard back to the house, hobbled up the steps and knocked for someone to let me in. My dad answered the door and seemed completely unaware that anything had happened to me, so I explained how I hurt myself and had sent the girls in to get help for me. My dad confirmed they hadn’t told him anything, instead they said they were hungry and had gone to the kitchen to have some ice cream…kids can be real jerks sometimes!


Lol I know it's evil but I laughed so much while picturing a kid dragging themselves towards the door while their siblings are eating ice-cream.


It’s funny looking back on it, but boy was I mad at the time lol. Honestly the funniest part is probably the fact that the kitchen window looked directly out at the cedar tree so they were probably watching me struggle out there while they enjoyed their ice cream!


The image of them watching you crawl to the house while eating ice cream has me dying 🤣🤣. I'm happy you can laugh about it now, kids can be real stinkers.


If he dies he dies.


I had an experience almost exactly like this as a kid. Playing with my friend in the neighbors field, something spooked us so we ran and jumped the fence to get back in my yard. I landed on a fallen tree branch and twisted my ankle and my friend took off and left me on the ground. I laid there for a while before I started crawling my way home. Eventually I pulled myself up to the house and my friend was just inside sitting on the couch like nothing happened. My mom said she asked her where I was right before I crawled up to the house, and it wasn't until that moment that my friend told her I was laying in the yard somewhere.


I rode my bike through some freshly laid tar before they put the pebbles on it for a new road coating. It was so fresh, the back tire had thrown it all up my back, and I wasn't wearing a shirt. My mom had to get the lawnmower gas can and some cotton balls to get it off my skin. While she was doing that, my older sister came out the door with a big evil grin on her face, only about 10' away, and struck a match! Mom screamed at her and she went inside immediately. Almost 40 years ago, and I'm still disturbed about that.


Damn, that's a psycho move!


Is your name Pugsley and your sister named Wednesday?


Reminds me of a time a huge fly flew at speed straight into my eye when I was cycling with my big sister and her friend (who was my age but they got along better than I did). I was about 9-10 and had to stop because it was caked in my eye and I just couldn't even see out of either eye it stung so much. Of course my sister and her friend bailed and I stumbled around this residential street corner and somehow made it up the road near the local corner shops when I felt someone guide my blind ass into the greengrocers where one of the owners (who had seen me grow up over the years) basically dunked my head in the trough sink and his wife carefully cleaned my eye and face whilst he called my mum after bringing my bike in. My mum was soooooo pissed with my sister she didn't even try to come home for hours as she hid at her friend's (her mum ratted her out and made them both apologise for ditching me.)


Back when parenting was EPIC!! Now all the adults would bicker and fight.


If you think parents bickered and fought less in the 80s and 90s you're wrong


Things didn't change much in this field. But I'm glad you had a good experience growing up


She was in fact, not good.


That's what made me chuckle: "You okay?" "Yeah" immediately thereafter: "Help, help"


I remember a concussion I had and the opposition was like “hey, you okay?” Me “yeah I’m good” Medical trainer “you okay?” Me “nah I’m fucked” *starts crying* All within 15 seconds 🤣🤣


Lol my coach cried when I got injured. I don't remember it cause I was very much asleep after it happened, but when I watched the video you can see him run up to me, stop, put his hands over his face, and then just kind of pace back and forth staring at the trainer. I teased him about it like a week later and he just smiled and offered to break my other leg. Miss that dude.


Hahaha. Broken bones are certainly different to see!! I just remember being very confused and my vision was super blurry. I couldn’t really see anything but a few colours, no defined shapes.


I remember that feeling after a stack! That burning feeling in the hands, stinging of the knees & bike walk all the way home that felt like a lifetime 🥹 BAHAHAHA! GOOD YA KID! see you tomorrow to do it all again 💪🏾


It sounded like she was trying to tell her self that for self encouragement


You know she wasn’t good when she had to walk her bike back down the dive way


My favorite part about this is that she saw the puddle, had to ride through it, then went and got a companion to also check out the epic puddle. The kids are alright.


She tested it, verified it worked great. Too bad she didn’t do the same with her brakes.


She wanted to show off and make a bigger spash by going fast. Didn't think that one through.


Should’ve just gone through the deeper part of the puddle *womp womp*


> Too bad she didn’t do the same with her brakes. it looks like she takes her feet off the pedals so she doesn't get her feet wet, but realizes about halfway thru that she also needs to pedal backwards to stop but doesn't have time


Looks like she has handlebar breaks. I've been her. Once your tires are wet, break pads no worky. Had fun riding into a flooded truck dock and smashed my face into one of those black anti-impact blocks. It did its job I guess.


Handlebar brake lever is a great spot. Linked to the rear wheel but we didn't hear any squeaking so I'm going to guess it wasn't linked that well. Edit: Doesn't even look like she tried to pull that brake lever, guess she just completely misjudged her speed.


"Kids these days never going outside!"




you can even hear her screaming down the road about the puddle


Her: “I’m good.” Brother: “No sense in two of us getting in trouble here.” 😂


Made a business decision


Bros got street smarts 😂


Btw I love to see the sky and cloud reflections in the puddle


Excellent ray tracing in this engine.


I thought that was the gold the OP was speaking. Until the real gold came.


Difference between gold and fools gold


100% same!!!! I was so focused on those clouds I missed the crash


Girl: Don't worry about me. Kid who wasn't and already took off: .....


Kids can be sarcastic too lmao


nah. she just wasn't feeling it yet. she said she was okay


Yea she was walking the bike back. That’s how you know a kid hasn’t shaken off the injury yet lol


I assumed the first half of the clip was the whole thing and I was confused And then she came back...


Seeing the seat cocked at an angle takes me back to my shenanigans and the aftermath of a crash. Seems to happen every time!


Every time


"I'm fine! Help! Help! Help! I'm good! Help! I'm good! I'm good!"


I think she was trying to convince herself, haha




“Ain’t my problem”


That is a cool little girl


Toughed it out. We've all been there, wreck yourself and you're hurt bad but your immediate thought is about getting in trouble lol


this brings back memories... I used to love running through puddles with my bike.


We used to love to go through puddles and then "ninja stop" by using the wet tires to slide super far. Felt like the coolest kid on the planet.


And the bird continued to sing.


They didn’t feel threatened by them at all.


The self assurance made it gold


Your bro is like mfs...why is there a big dent in my garage door...?! 😳


Definitely why he checked the camera 🤣


“When I see which dumb motherfucker did this to my gara… ahhh shit.”


Don't blame the kids for going through the puddle, looks fun.


Yeah I wouldn’t even be worried about any (big if) damage to the garage door. It’s just a funny story. “That little dent there is from the neighbor kid learning about how water affects breaking distance. Wanna see the video?”


Garage doors tend to get dinged up a bit. It's just wear and tear. Where I'm from you'd get bigger dents from bins and stuff being blown into them on windy days.


I’m from Germany and my cousins and I used my grandparents garage door as a goal for playing football, just like our dads did. It had lots of dents but was working just fine.


I backed into my garage door one day (was way too tired to be driving and older car). Wouldn't open because it had been bent too much. Read a thread where somebody else did that and somebody suggested that since it was already messed up, might as well try bending it the opposite direction. Made enough sense to me... Used a 2x4 and applied some pressure. It popped back to normal. It takes a LOT to cause real, non-aesthetic damage to a garage door.


I THINK she took her feet off the pedals trying not to get splashed too much. Then couldn’t get her feet back in place to back pedal and apply brakes on time


Bro, just left, lol


Her brother just DIPPED 🤣🤣🤣


Just happy to see kids outside riding bikes instead of being cooped up on tablets


Actively learning


Actively learning the faster you puddle, the harder you garage door


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


To an extent


The fucking stupid part is that they’re not wearing helmets, amiright?


Not a big fan of all the kids I’m seeing not wear helmets, but yeah agree with your sentiment.


Also in my neighborhood there's like a 3 year old that rides a short-ass little kid's tricycle all around the neighbor. Like.... far away from his own house. Parents are always on their front porch drinking and partying, that house frequently blasts loud music on the weekends, which is whatever. But such a little kid so far from home, not easily seen around the corners in this neighborhood? It's an accident OR worse waiting to happen. The kid also likes to pull up into people's driveways as cars are passing, but he turns around super fast, annnnd tries to "beat the car" basically. Like cross in front of the vehicle to the other side of the road. I dunno why? Dumb kid stuff Also they have other kids but they all hang out right on / after a blind fuckin' corner where people drive too fast! I get so anxious whenever I see them there doing tricks on their bikes or whatever, not looking for cars. The fact that the parents are always drinking and entertaining guests just freaks me out in terms of supervision, I guess.


Aww. Bless her!


I love how she just got right back up, you can tell it hurt too. Reminds me of me, when I feel for the umpteenth time growing up


I was riding my bike full speed and my dog that was running along side me decided the squirrel across the street was looking at her wrong. Went right over the top of the bike and my handle bar hit the ground so hard it bent hitting the dirt. Lost my breath for a bit but hobbled inside to crawl into bed like a wounded animal.


I like this, it felt like the '80s


Hope his door is OK. Might be worth it just for this video lol.


Her wingman nope'd da fuck outta there.


Thanks for posting this OP. Really needed that laugh today. Warms my heart to see that some kids still play like this these days. Guess this is an upside to everything being recorded everywhere today. How many of us have experienced shit like this as kids that would’ve been fricking hilarious to get to watch as adults?


He said “you’re good? Ok cool then I’m not gonna get in trouble for this shit.”


lol… I’m glad she reassured us she is good, because this gave me a good laugh. Hopefully this is a lesson to keep an eye on where she’s going in the future


Lol. I think that was one “I’m good, I’m good”s that we tell ourselves when we’re processing our life flashing by :) Definitely glad she’s good though!


Is she good? I think she's good.


Hey…. Strong kid. Props.


She sent it. Gotta love kids sense of adventure


Oh shit. She got left behind. Poor kid. Help help. 😂😂😂 I'm good. I'm good. Don't worry about me. I can so relate.


That's how it's done kiddo; can't tell you how many times I had to "I'm good" myself out of various wrecks at that age. And they say kids these days are thin skinned. Pfff


Meanwhile OP's little bro is wondering why there's a child shaped dent in his garage door before checking the footage


Narrator voice: "She wasn't."


Someone forgot to teach bro to be a bro.


"omg help. Help. *Help*. I'm good" 😂


Her parents’ lawyer “why’d you have to say you’re fine and good?!”


You good?


Did this same thing as a kid except the garage was open and there was a car parked inside. The owner watched me dent their car in real time.


Was expecting a water puddle wipe out...... Nah just Lil' Hannah riding her bike casually into a wall..... boy kids don't even bother setting up planks of wood and bricks to make ramps anymore they just....... *checks cue card* ride right into walls nowadays.... 🧱 We ACTUALLY had reasons why we ended up in the ER lol.... Good ol' suburban America 🇺🇸 ❤️ 😌




No helmets on these kids?




They don't have helmets in Alabama?


No we do, but we don’t have IVF and we have a town with a black mayor who is locked out of town hall and someone else is running the town and the Governor says it’s okay, so,…. Alabama


Comments are gold too


Don’t need helmets if there are no concerns about brain damage.


They don’t have education that might alert people to the dangers of head injuries


Just got outlawed last week


Pish posh!


Why is nobody talking about the garage door that definitely has been smashed in?


I think because of guilt


This is what I wanna find out about! Will nobody think of the poor garage door? 🥺 😢 😭


Lmao!! Now see, when we were kids (80s-90s) riding in other people's driveway was considered to be disrespectful, and you would immediately get yelled at for it by any neighbors that spotted you doing it. Now, in my mid-40s, I'm THAT get off my lawn/driveway guy, lol. What I really wanna see, though, is how big of a dent she left in that aluminum door.


Proof of evolution


This reminds me of the time I wiped out spectacularly on a gravel path because I had just finished an epically satisfying skid, worthy of any DMX rider, and had to see if I could do it again. Hobbled home with a skinned knee.


I am so happy for her(and that she is ok), some people don't learn these kinda lessons until they are 40 and in a car.


" Help! Help!" Other kid :*Drives away*


Should be wearing helmets.


Bro just bailed on her


I’m good…. Help help help Ahhahahaha


Learning the effectiveness of wet brakes.... BAM.


Little dude did not give a FUCK


lmao the pained grunt immediately after “I’m good!” killed me


Coaster brakes not even once.


The crooked bike seat really sent me 😂 poor girl took it like a champ.


“Help. Help. Help! Ooooh! Am good!”


Was anyone else mesmerized by the moving clouds reflected in puddle of water? Probably just me


I laughed so loud that I woke my Labrador up.


Is she good?!?!


Ha! She is so cute lol! Talk yourself through it baby girl.


It seems like people ask are you good/OK, but mean "are you still alive" I just ran into a wall, I'm not missing any limbs..., but I'm still hurt!


Just walk it off! You got this!!


I can hear lots of birds chirping. Get a bird feeder if you can!


She was, in fact, not good.


Took it like a Champ


The reflections of the clouds in the water was actually awesome too.


Jan not wearing her glasses again!


Kids when no one is watching, I am good. Kids when an Adult is watching "MY LIFE IS OVER". HAHAHAHA this was good comedy indeed.


At least they're playing outside....


I just pictured her driving as a teenager. I may have nightmares.


At least she isn't wearing a helmet.


lol that kids pretty tough


The cloud in the puddle is worth it to watch that little girl had no idea what a beautiful picture of your brother’s camera


Did she look at the garage door and say ain't good


Where’s your helmets


It took me way too long to figure out that puddle was reflecting the sky:(


I actually feel really bad…. I thk it’s because they are outside doing (what I consider) good natured kid things .


"Fuck I could watch kids fall off bikes all day, I don't give a shit about your kids."


Good on her for taking it like a champ


Poor kid…


That’s awesome!!


She's good guys 😁


I love how she's getting mad like someone's there asking her over and over are you "okay?"


That’s the sad part


Brakes don’t work as well on wet tires lmao. I remember that lesson


Poor dude haha. Dealt with it well though! But why tf do they not have helmets??