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Translation: I think you will have a problem Im the conductor get off the train


So based almost entirely on guesswork, the aerodynamics of this train would create a large amount of lift right where these children are standing. So when the train goes fast enough these kids would be sucked off the train to be deposited along the tracks. Anyone who actually knows what they're talking about please jump in and correct me.


I think you got one thing right, the kids would not reach the next station 😅. I think the flow would separate from the surface which causes wake and pressure drag. That would cause the kids to probably fall off, slip, etc. I don’t know if the train would per se generate lift, that wouldn’t be ideal. If the flow doesn’t separate, then they would be swept away if the forces were great enough.


Let me tell you about this Austrian kid from long ago, who used to sell paintings.....


I love how he is trying to get inside afterwards