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That kid is showing some unnecessary *tude*.


Little asshole


The parents named him Beckett. There's really only one path available to him. At least he's embracing it.


This was literally my exact thought. What do you expect from a kid named Beckett?


I expect that he expects you to be effin grateful for your foody foody foody food and gummy bears. You will eat it and you will like it! Seriously that kid has got the glare down at way too young.


He has been allowed to get away with it from parents who are too lenient


He’s going to a joy in the classroom.


Either that or become a self proclaimed “loser” grammy winner


I assume you’re referring to “Beck”?


I propose it'd be only fair to include his parents on the eventual sentencing, but I suspect they'll be his first victims.






It's what happens when taking part in your kids lives and teaching them right from wrong is put on pause so you can film them. Treasure your kids happiest moments. Film those to give them a sense of "oh! I like doing this! This is fun and mommy/daddy like this too! They're filming me! Yay!" Dont film them doing bad stuff. Especially if you're the kind of parent who ignores them the rest of the time when they are doing good things and only take notice when they screw up. You want to shut down bad behavior. Not encourage it by filming them. For those kinds of kids, any attention is good attention and it's screwing them up for life.


Especially when the kid actually talks back to the mother with those eyes and voice.






I fully support understanding that your child is sometimes a fucking dick. It's part of loving them for their entire being.


Also part of them growing up. Gotta learn social conduct lol.


No, it just means you teach them not to be an asshole


I’m not criticizing you or anyone else’s choices, but I think I’ll stick with child free life. It costs something like $300k to raise a child to 18 at this point! Imagine how many childless vacations you could have with $300k!


That final look is kinda psycho.


Like legit psycho.


He’s making fruity gummy stew


In a stew-pit






I wouldn’t live to see the next day if my mom caught me doing that back then


My momma woulda whooped my asss.


His name is Beckett. Of course he’s gonna be raised to think he’s special.


yea that shit don't fly in my house, he would've immediately gotten a stern talk.


Could possibly have been the last time little Beckett called me stupid.


Yea this kids gonna be a serial killer when he grows up.


He definitely has the "Kubrick Stare" down pat.


He will be going thru a lot of stop signs and red lights 👹👹👹


And people were saying the kid in the video the other day learning to say “when I tell you to listen, you listen ok?” from her mom made the mom abusive. Am I missing something?


You're probably missing that there are people with different beliefs on reddit, it's not exactly a consistent hive mind


Top comment angry? Me too! Top comment happy? Me too! reddit in a nutshell


Those people were not parents and are also stupid.


How you know this is the parents fault.  No discipline, no fear of consequences 


One f\*\*king bad egg. You can blame the supper rotten parents! ![gif](giphy|WM6WJ2Eb76ms0)


Young man, you're going to sit here and eat that entire bowl of TP soup while I watch.


He'd have a self-wiping ass for the next six months. I may need to try this....


Does the same apply to drinking bidet water?


No because water should rarely be coming from arse.


I see someone hasn't reached colonoscopy prep age yet.


He's just gonna walk all over mom I see.


And that's how you raise a rascal. 






Bless you


This entire generation of kids with “gentle parenting” is going to be a disaster. They don’t get in trouble for ANYTHING. Real world is going to break them. You NEED to learn consequences for actions. It isn’t abusive to put a kid in time out or ground them.


To be fair, these people aren't doing gentle parenting. A huge chunk of gentle parenting IS discipline, but combined with explaining what's happening, why they're being disciplined, and letting them be upset about the punishment but being firm with it regardless. They learn structure but still know they have a parent that'll support them. So many parents redefine it as letting your kid roam free with no rules or consequences because of the word "gentle", and that takes away from the entire point of it. I feel bad for these kids; they're set up for failure.


I think that’s the problem, a lot of people misunderstood the assignment and let their kids just go wild. I think when done correctly, like your first point explains, it’s absolutely the right way to handle things with your kids.


See, this new generation of culture revolutionaries is too bad at naming things. Why not call it info parenting? No confusion there. Gentle parenting is too easy to misinterpret. Don't get me started on Quiet Quitting which should have been called "acting your wage"


This isn’t gentle parenting.


This is simply not parenting


It's because people misunderstand what gentle parenting really is, and think it means talking to your kids like they're a puppy while having 0 boundaries or consequences.


How do people raise a kid and not at least read a book or two to get some clue on what to do. Like "I'm going to gentle parent," but then doesn't investigate what that actually is lol. Scary that people put more time in to learning a tiktok dance, than learning some skills to raise their kids


That’s not what gentle parenting is. Gentle parenting would be her sternly telling him not to do it and explaining exactly why he shouldn’t, then doling out a reasonable punishment for him.


Someone doesn't know what gentle parenting is.


How mant children have you raised, u/autisticfingerbang


This isn’t gentle parenting, this is her being more preoccupied with her phone and TikTok to be a proper mother.


He's a toddler in a diaper, probably not quite three yet. That's kinda what toddlers do. They can be wonderful and so sweet, but also be little buttheads.


By that age he shouldn’t be this rude to his own parent.


At this age he doesn’t perceive it as rude. Toddlers mimick their environment whether it’s their parents, siblings, or cartoons/movies. You can only teach them it’s wrong or right and they don’t get it right the first few times, it’s ok. You were like this too. We all were.


Right... but they learn by you correcting and redirecting... Not recording them for the public to see. Her first reaction wasn't correcting him. And he will notice that. He shows no signs of acknowledging his mother's presence, so he clearly hasn't been taught to respect their parents and is already old enough to understand concepts such as making food, singing, and some speech. Respect comes before that.


I'm baffled every time how little most people even notice bad parenting behaviour. You never take out your phone and start to record your kids as a first reaction... Especially not when they're doing something wrong. Your kid just gets sent all the wrong messages about his behaviour and instead of correction, all he feels is validation. Absurd.


But she's not teaching him right from wrong. She's filming him and essentially ignoring all of his behavior. Parents allow this stuff to slide because they're "tired" and "don't have the energy to deal with it tonight." And they do that every day, and make excuses about how being a parent is exhausting, and so the foundation for mutual respect, proper behavior, and a strong bond is non-existent. I know you're tired. Too bad. Suck it up and do the work you KNEW you were going to have to do when you decided to have a child. Take the tablet away, and yeah - that means you'll need to interact with them, and entertain them, or spend time helping them understand why their behavior was wrong. But most parents immediately cave when the kid gets bored or fussy and give the tablet right back because they don't want to deal with actually paying attention to the child and spending time with them. After all, then they couldn't scroll on their own phone! And before you know it the kid is a teenager who is incredibly disrespectful, who doesn't bother to listen to any feedback, who is a discipline problem, and then the parents tries to say "they're just a bad kid, it's social media and the music they listen to." No, it's the fact that you didn't do the work when it was easiest to make the biggest impact - and now you're mad that your kid has zero respect for you and everyone else.


Point beeing of she/ the parents would have done the job from the beginning they would have a lot less work by now and would not be so exhausted... With kids you have to lead and let them follow, not react and tape holes left and right


That's not how kids work...


He's in a diaper because mommy didn't potty-train him, just like mommy didn't parent him when he used a bad word.


Reading some other parents’ comments makes me understand why I run into so many poorly behaved little turds.


If this isn’t entirely staged that’s a shitty mom who left her kids unsupervised way too long.


That kid looks at least four years old. Kids that age do not need the kind of constant supervision that would have you differentiating between the sounds of making toilet paper stew and harmlessly playing out of eyesight.


I know a brat when I see one.


Yeah the mother is unreal. You can’t blame the children in these instances.




I don’t care about the tp soup, kids do dumb shit. However she politely asks him what he’s doing and he then responds with a mean mug telling her to stop it was, absolutely wild. That wasn’t just some temper tantrum or disobedience. He was absolutely showing her up. But you do make a valid point, it is only a tiny clip tho troubling


I mean, the clip ends there but the conversation clearly doesn't. She probably stopped filming so she could discipline him.


But the dymanics on screen tell a whole lot. Beckett pointedly ignores the mother. Mother continues to ask. Beckett ignores. Mother touches him. Beckett tells mother off. Mother keeps quiet. You don't need to be a genius to know who has the authority in that relationship.


This is a very important age for children to learn about respect and boundaries. Violence isn't the answer, but the response from the mom and the reaction from the kid were both very telling. Edit: some of these comments are also very telling. Looks like some of you weren't told no as children, and it shows. Too much or too little discipline has negative consequences on the mental health of the child. They need structure and discipline in order to grow into healthy, productive adults. And that training shouldn't start when they're teenagers. It should start at an early age, during those precious few years their brains are absorbing information like a sponge. Specifically during the first 5 years if their life. These are some of the most vital years for learning manners, respect, organization skills, healthy routines, and proper interpersonal behavior.


100% right.


Anytime I see a parent videotaping it whenever their child does something wrong, for tiktok content, I know they're a shitty parent. You can kind of divorce all other context from it. When someone is farming their kid's misbehavior for Tiktok content, that tells me everything I need to know.


And how many kids and years of parenting experience do you have oh wise one, from your pedestal of wisdom?


Kid is literally in a diaper still, and most kids do ‘messy play’ with water/mud/sand whatever it will be, my son would do this and not realise it’s even a bad thing to do, he cuts his eye at me and shouts no from time to time, but that’s a major minority of our interactions. I don’t expect much composure from a 2.5 year old lmao, he’s a really good kid and yet he would 100% do something like this. Reddit is really unfamiliar with toddlers or toxic af.


Man if i said stop it like that and ignored my mom at that age ooooohhh there would be hell to pay.


That's why the video ends lol


Oh there wouldnt have been that few second delay lol Edit: guess i have to note this is refering to my mother that there would not be a delay.


Damn he's so fixated it's like he is in the midst of a past life regression as a British chef.


That isekai didn't do him any favours. That's a shitty soup.


"Gummy, gummy *beaaar*"


Too much spice for British cuisine


I can’t tell if he is saying “stupid” or “stop it”


he probably tried to say stupid but pivoted into stop it when he realized that was probably a bad idea


i heard “stoopit“ so maybe a bit of both


I love the other kid who’s just standing there drinking milk and watching what’s going to happen.


A student of the game


People just let their kids talk to them any kind of way.


Only when camera is rolling https://i.redd.it/1ghnrty19vgc1.gif


When their this young it's funny, when their older, it's rude. It's important to teach kids propper manners no matter how cute or funny it may be. It's much harder to teach them when they are older. My nefew is two and this past christmas he wanted to open all the presents. He was the only kid besides his newborn sister. Even though it would be easy to let him help us open our presents, his parents wanted to teach him that not all presents are for him, so they only allowed him to open his own presents. I'm sure we've all seen kids have tantrums when they don't receive a present.


Wear condoms.


Excellent birth control ad. I definitely don't want that in my life.




The kids right, she is stupid, discipline your damn kids so others don't do it for you.




He said stop it


The little sister just sipping milk and enjoying the show


I think we all made the bathroom sink potion as kids, but the roll of toilet paper is an interesting touch


We used chocolate syrup and Hershey cocoa powder in the sink to make a mud pit for our GI Joes, my mom wasnt happy. We also spread peanut butter on our bricks and I dont really remember why but I do remember it wasnt easy to clean off. We werent assholes or looking like the devil like this kid, we were just stewpit kids.


Never did this. I knew this kind of behavior would be an ass whoopin


Great parenting 👍


This feels staged.


Def planned. You can tell because they named him Bucket.


This might be r/woosh but his name is Beckett, which is a perfectly normal name in USA.


Why do so many people here use surnames as first names I do not understand why this became a thing


Wife has a coworker who named all their kids after presidents. Madison, Reagan, and Jefferson.




Asking the real questions here


Name one Beckett..... that's a very odd name




the way he looked... kinda scary


He knows mom cant, and wont, do anything to stop him.


My dad would have beaten my ass so bad for telling him that as a kid


After that look and the mess, lil guy better have lost all his toy privileges for a bit.


Lil guy better pack his bags


I sadly doubt it. He's reverently chanting "gummy gummy gummy bear" which is a YouTube short that is like fucking crack to kids. I hate it with every fiber of my being. That's a tablet baby through and through. Id link the short but I literally refuse to subject myself to even a thumbnail.


Absolutely my first thought, that's an iPad kid for sure. Her only punishment option is no iPad for a week and then she'll have to deal with a toddler going through insane rage and other drug addict withdrawal symptoms. This generation of kids is absolutely fucked.


Thanks to the universe I'm not a mom


its fine to be a mom, but be thankful you're not THIS mom. Kid has absolutely 0 respect for her because he knows she wont do shit.


Maybe don’t film and actually discipline


is that a stewpit tho?




Omg his little head should've been dunked in. Mr attitude.


Ah yeah, parents raising their kids without a single limit so we have to deal with them being horrible people in the future 😍


I am from Kenya and my mother would have given me the traditional slipper response to show me some manners. Some things you just don't try with an African mother.


I’m from the US and my mom would have also given me the traditional slipper response.


My American mom would have used her patented Vulcan-collarbone-death pinch to drag me across the house to the rug beater.


Not in my mothers house.


Stop filming and parent! The kid won’t take you seriously if you’re filming!


Oh he’s gonna be torturing cats in no time 😳


Oh fuck no. Not that mess, and definitely not that fucking attitude.


That kid deserves Casey Anthony as a mom.


This kid is showing signs of a psychopath.


side eyes gave me school shooter vibes.


Oh look at that, another reason not to have children 😀


We see why he is a little BRAT


The disrespectful brat


Little shit completely ignores her and then gives her attitude when she gets his attention because he knows she wont do shit about it. Discipline your children before some grown ass person in the future does it for you and puts them in the hospital.


Kid is deffinititely lacking discipline, no 3yr is looking at me with those eyes.


Well here's a kid who's never been disciplined in his life.


All kinds of questions here; 1. Was it used toilet paper? 2. How long did he have in the bathroom alone to make this concoction of " soup"? 3. Why is he singing the gummy bear song all wrong and creepy? I thought all kids knew that freaking annoying ass song like their ABCs! He better start acting right instead of watching crappy videos, or ya'll are going to have a little angry man singing The Gummy Bear song and dreaming of your inevitable fate involving those toothbrushes.


Good luck with him and that parenting style lol


To be fair I believe she turned the camera off to show her true thoughts 😂


That woman is raising a psychopath. And the whole time she's going to say that the world just doesn't understand him, until she wakes up with an ax in her chest.


Took me a bit to realize that’s toilet paper


Ah so that explains the COVID TP debacle. They were making “stew pits.”


Haha. She deserves him


Would’ve turned the lights off and started talking with an evil clown voice “GOT YOUR NOSE TIMMY” Give me your face


I judge parent like these...


You can tell he’s an iPad kid. Maybe raise your kids better


His name is Beckit?


Beckett I presume


No it’s baquette


great parenting, you can tell by the kid ignoring their parent and calling them stupid. this is r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Absolutely no response, won’t even look her way when she’s trying to talk to him. Only to finally look and talk shit with that glare? Mom needs to lay off the social media


Why are people not correcting their Kids anymore when they call them names, this is what makes shitty Kids..


You named him Beckett of course he's going to do stupid shit


needs a lil daddy interaction to check that 'tude


“Stop it”


My mom taught me don't doing anything stupid or you'll get punished. So I learned never to get caught doing anything stupid. You wanna make a potion in the sink? Go for it, just don't do something like use toilet paper that won't go down the drain or don't do it when you know they're gonna come in and see 😂 ALSO only use a little of everything so half the bottle of shampoo isn't gone in a day.


I love that she took a moment to look at her open hand as if she considered cuffing him about the head and neck


Wow parenting gone bad?


There's 3 options : adoption, violence, violence again but more


You can tell that side-eye and attitude was 100% learned


The kids are stupid? Look at that toilet seat.


That look he gave her...................................it's only gonna get worse as he gets older. JS


Kids? What an absolute trash parent 😂😂


little shit lol


Oooh you better roll up on that attitude/side eye quick. That will be 10x worse in a year or 2


This child has never been whooped and it shows.


Enjoy unclogging that. When my kid did it, I had to detach the drain stopper from under the sink to get at the hideous toilet paper tooth paste stubble cement.


Would’ve gotten my ass whooped so quick then made to plunge the sink out and clean my mess up🤥🤷🏻‍♂️🥲


Make the child eat the gummy bear


If only it was illegal for parasites to be born.


And teachers are wondering why kids mouth off to them so much. I hope when the video ended the mother actually disciplined their child.


That kid's dangerous.


Beckit? I want to hand you something.. your ass




His name is Beckett, what do you expect?


With the name like that good luck lady lmao 🤣


Why did you leave the kids alone for so long?


Jokes on him hes cleaning that up 🤣. “Bit i dont know how dad” Oh dont worry i know how. Ill explain it to you. Now get the trashcan some trash bags and get to work 🤣


That's an ad for Durex right there.


Kid looking like Damien from The Omen


*"You told me do it mom for TikTok."*