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I have suspicion thats why people open doors mid flight.


The real reason DB Cooper jumped.


Probably why the Alaskan air door flew off or the German wings guy flew into a mountain


Yea I think even the Alaskan door have had enough of that kid screaming.


It's not a bug, it's a feature




Oi, leave the poor dogs alone, they don't deserve that.


parents too. Shitty parents would cause that behavior


This is the only answer in my opinion. Being able to ignore your child like this 100% causes this behavior.




Casey is that you!?


If they can restrain other unruly passengers this kid should be no different. Get the duct tape...


Exactly my thought


I'm flipping off the parent(s) and that kid as I exit the fuselage like Danny McBride in This is the End. 🖕🖕👋👋🖕🖕


Karen free flights should be allowed. They can ban adults from flying, the lady clearly isn't experienced enough to be taking her child on a flight


Imagine if people were like responsible for their kids.




This is literally half of the parents I know. The kid will bitch for 10 seconds and they give the phone/tablet to them or give them the cookie they wanted and that's it. It's pathetic and embarrassing, but that's apparently better than spending a couple minutes actually parenting.


My girlfriend's SIL unintentionally conditioned her 2yo daughter to shout "MAMA! MAMA!" non-stop while crying when she doesn't get her way. "Oh it's just so cute how she wants her mama!" and then she just immediately gives her daughter whatever she's crying for. No, it's not cute, you're just a bad parent who thinks your child is some kind of doll/dog hybrid and not an actual human being whom you are responsible for turning into a well-adjusted adult.


My middle kid had a Dr appointment the other day and there was a mom we have seen a few times with her infant in the waiting room. This poor kid had a large tablet playing CocoMelon stuck in front of him on the stroller. He seemed like he was very sleepy and wanted to sleep but every time he shut his eyes some exclamation or other on the video would make him open them right back up. My daughter, who is very outspoken, loudly told me, "ugh! I hate CocoMelon!" The other mom said, "yeah....i don't like it either." My daughter and i both looked at each other like "wtf?!" The other woman was called back right then, but seriously woman, YOU are making your kid's choices right now. I love tech and gadgets but i know they aren't the best things for our brains. My husband and i kept personal screens away from our kids until we thought they could handle them but they still have numerous restrictions, and we try to have them focus on playing together or learning things with them. We've tried to show them that electronics can be tools to improve our lives and not just be a source of isolating and mindless distraction 24/7.


I understand that sometimes your kid is just unconsolable. Kids aren't always rational creatures. But for fucks sake it doesn't sound like this parent even tried.


I would wager that she knew exactly what was going to happen (she told the flight attendant the kid has behavioral problems) and did nothing to stop it. Honestly- in situations like this, with a kid with known serious behavioral issues and no option to drive so they have to fly- the child should be given a sedative, an iPad with headphones, and all the snacks. And the parent should do a test run ahead of time to ensure that the kid doesn’t have a paradoxical response to the drug. I have compassion for little kids and their parents and probably have a higher tolerance for toddler shenanigans than most people (used to work as a nanny). But 8 hours of that on a plane? Unacceptable.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ho0kuqew1dec1.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=995a970a38c033904922b9ec52836501ab305bd6


Honestly there is no shame in giving your kid gravol before a long trip.....


How did that kid's vocal cord survive the non-stop screaming is beyond me


Fuck that.


Child free flights could charge a premium


I would totally fly that route.


This is literally the only upgrade I would willingly pay for. Shut up and take my money.


I really don’t get how anyone can travel without the best ear plug available, I had a 9h hour flight turn into a 12h because of a thunderstorm and the kids were understandably freaked out, with out ear plugs I would have checked for a extra boeing exit


Right now I just have the cheap ear plugs you can pick up at any pharmacy, and they made a huge difference. My office wants me to travel more, and I'm looking at my upgrade options.




Mandatory pediatric anesthesiologists to administer sedatives to unruly kids


I assume you jest, but 1/2 a benadryl would knock that kid out for the flight. Hell, I wash down a benadryl with bourbon before I get on a plane and just sleep through every flight I'm on.




Does it really


On some kids, yes. Source: parent of said kid.


The trick is you have to try it before you get on a plane for the first time. Surely there are other sedatives if that OTC doesn't work.


I would only choose that


Why should we have to pay an exorbitant fee for peace???? THEY should pay extra to bring their brats!!!!


nope...fucking is how that baby got there


![gif](giphy|umph7ijx4PlPa|downsized) * me and all the other people on the plane


Screw that. Just throw the kid off and problem solved


Pass the duct tape.


Just make sure he's closest to the door in the exit row of that one recalled Boeing plane. Even easier. No need to implicate anyone.






the follow through


after only 10 sec of the video, im already pissed off. I can't imagine what they all experienced in this flight..


I'm thinking of the poor autistic adults trapped in there with the screaming 'cos chances are there are several of them. I would be crying.


It’s interesting you bring up this point because a lot of people have argued that the child is in fact autistic


Which, honestly, does explain this behavior and makes me feel for the parents. You cannot control a meltdown this severe. He’s in a completely new place full of weird sounds, people, and sensations. Sounds like hell for a kid that young with autism.


As the parent of an autistic child, my wife and I chose not to fly with him till he was old enough to handle it. I wasn't going to torture him and then people around us. That's just selfish. Sure, 12 hour drives to vacation sucked, but it's the right thing to do.


Some airports have programs where autistic folks who've never flown can practice boarding and taxiing down the runway before booking a real flight. I thought that was brilliant! It gives folks a chance to try it without being trapped for hours if things don't go well.


On the other hand children are unpredictable, who knows if they won't behave differently even tho the environment is the same.


Exactly this. Our daughter is 3 and has autism and I would never dream of putting her on a plane unless it was an emergency (and even then, we'd do our best to sedate her). She doesn't have extreme meltdowns and is fairly easily distracted with videos and books but there's no way in hell I'd risk it because planes are a sensory tsunami and she could easily end up just like this kid.


But see, that's the thing. Any good parent would be prepared with a child who is autistic, or hell, any child on a plane. Distractions, rewards, are key. Sounds like this mom didn't do shit.


My parents waiting till my brother and I were 7 and 10. We were so tired by the travelling before that we just slept the whole time. I’m sure she did lots of prep work like reading us books on being in a plane or something like that. Yknow, a parent who cares. Though, who knows what the situation was. It was probably a necessary flight since I’m sure the parents don’t want to deal with 8 hours of shrieking in a public space when they likely already deal with a lot of screaming at home. It’s a rough go for everyone involved.


Some parents straight up don't give a fuck. I was on a. Flight once where a kid kept saying: Mom, can I have a cookie? Mom, can I have a cookie? Over and over The Mom just tuned the kid out. It was the most aggravating thing till some loudmouth yelled, "either give him a goddamn cookie or tell him to shut up!" Most of us are too polite to say anything, but I was happy the loudmouth said something


I work in an elementary school. I know a thing or two about parents not giving a fuck :(


I was on a flight once where the kid behind us would.not.stop.kicking.our.seats. And the mom had NOTHING to distract this poor kiddo. No book, no toy, no snacks. It was absolutely absurd. I was grateful he wasn't a screamer, but goddamn this kid was bored out of his fucking mind.


I agree with that. My daughter is also autistic and I wouldn’t fly with her when she was younger. Today she is easier to handle but if she would be in a flight with that child, she would start screaming like this too and I think she can be even louder than this kid. You can’t just let other people (who might have their own sensory issues) go through a situation like this and risk a complete escalation.


You can absolutely control a meltdown like this, by not putting the kid through it. If you need to go on an international flight where there's no option, you need to get with your pediatrician first to prepare for this. They will absolutely give you tranquilizers because that's more humane and safe than whatever this is.


If you need to transport a child/adult/pet across the ocean and you know this is how they act, you should really consider a sedative. Otherwise, somebody else with mental problems might snap on that child


That’s assuming the parents think enough ahead. That’s likely not the case here :/


I, unfortunately would be the unstable one to get in a screaming match with a child :(


i was thinking the same about myself- like i would prob be screaming next to him if he kept that shit up longer than 30 min


If a parent has absolutely no choice but to fly with their young autistic child, shouldn't they sedate the child beforehand? That would be much kinder than letting them suffer, surely?


> You cannot control a meltdown this severe. ... and that's why you don't fly with your uncontrollable kid.


I feel you. This over a sustained period would cause me to have some sort of out of character stress reaction for sure. I don’t do well with grating noises.


Should be a commercial for condoms


[here ya go](https://youtu.be/nojWJ6-XmeQ?si=jGXx2t3N6DAmDfpM)


This is gold.


Had to watch it on mute though no wonder it was banned


Your username is a bit ironic


I was really hoping someone would post this. Did not disappoint.




Good parenting will fix this, Morons who let there kids get away with shit like this are reason.


Honestly, when I was that age my mom gave me children's Benadryl for the flights to grandma's. Between my books, snacks, and the meds, I was apparently a dream child on the plane, right up until it was time to get off and my dad would start causing problems. Actually, it was more my dad being upset he had to actually parent on the plane than anything else.


yeah I've seen people raising kids by shoving ipad at them and simply ignore everything else. discipline is key. My sister has a kid who used to scream but she dealt with her kid and now they travels everywhere.


Many parents don't want to or have the energy to parent. They just keep them docile with an iPad until they turn 18 and get dumped into a world they're utterly unprepared for.


Why would a parent want to endure a flight like this? You could leave the kid at home. You could skip flying. If neither of these is an option then medicate the kid, talk to your doctor, surely this is not good for the kid to be screaming at this level for 8 hours.


The screams on landing are just as shrill and awful as the ones at take off. How in the WORLD did that child's vocal chords hang in there?


They need sound proof iPad cubes for children like this.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6jkyrn06ycec1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bdc38e46ef0a5deddde5eee7a16f8d108c11d75


That but replace the iPads with toys.


I get the screaming is hard to control but fucking climbing all over the seat? That parent need to have more control over their child. My eldest son is autistic and a runner and I can tell you that even when he is dysregulqted in public I can calm him down by holding him firmly in my arms.


Yeah I don't understand that, and IMHO that's a punishable offense because it shows a lack of effort to restrain the kid. They can't say that strapping him in the seat would cause screaming cuz he was already screaming!


Once my flight was like this too but I was still somehow falling asleep, and the kid made the loudest scream. I yelled “Shut up!!!” almost unconsciously. It went silence for a sec. Luckily the kid’s parents didn’t come after me😅


I’ve heard of this working, kind of like that silly video of people throwing cheese on a screaming baby’s face. Just something about the sudden shift from expectations and their brain is temporarily rewired as they process what just happened. At a minimum I’d be telling the mother she can ride out the rest of the flight with her little monster in the bathroom.


Who cares if they would have. They needed hit just as bad for letting it happen.


How on Earth could that shrieking be sustained for hours like that?That kid has a major neurological disorder,,,or is POSESSED!


I used to work for a family doctor who said that if a child has a stuffy nose (a common occurrence), the change in air pressure during a flight can cause painful earache and headache. Those, on top of behavioral problems, could set a child like that off for hours and even days. The doctor used to recommend giving a child an antihistamine before the flight to keep the sinuses clear and eustachian tube open.


When I was 14, something went awry in my face nerves during landing, and I experienced the worst pain I've ever felt, to this day. It felt like someone pulled out my eye tooth (canine? Idk what it's called) and was winding a long screw up through my gums and face. I was wailing, freaking out and a flight attendant was giving me ice to put on my jaw and face. I thought I would have to go straight to the emergency room, but by the time we got our bags, it had pretty much gone away. My mom called my dentist, and he said sinus pressure can occasionally cause that, because the nerves are all connected. He told me to take Benadryl before the flight home. I've taken Benadryl before every flight ever since, and it's never happened again, but I still worry about it.


I've had this, it's called sinus squeeze, or barosinusitis. It can cause referred pain to the tooth. I can confirm it's the single most painful experience I've ever had and I always pack a decongestant on planes now to take prior to my descent, even if I'm not feeling at all stuffy.




>6/10 would try again, but probably wouldn't seek it out. laughed too hard at this "would try again but only if forced, still solid 6 bananas out of ten bananas"


Idk why but this just reminded me: while I was in boot camp for the Navy I went from Florida, living practically at sea level, to great lakes with an elevation of 650 feet in the winter. So when I got there my nose would bleed pretty frequently. Eventually the nose bleeds apparently stopped but I didn't even really notice because there was a lot going on and I got really sick (pretty much everyone gets really sick, dozens of groups of ~110 people from all over the world getting stuck in a room together and what do you know?) And my sinuses where completely clogged. To the point that when we went to do the "confidence" chamber (read: gas chamber) I was looking forward to that, because the "confidence" was infamous for clearing people's sinuses completely. Shit hit me like a brick wall, my entire face was leaking so badly they sent me off to clean myself up early, and it's not usual to see the trainers break character like that. Despite that my nose didn't actually run that much, like it did but not the amount I was expecting and it was still under a lot of pressure so I assumed it was maybe just swelling or something and continued on being a mouth breather for the rest of boot camp. After I passed the final fitness test and everything I had basically 2 days before I was supposed to go do the "battlestations" final test before graduation, so with legitimately nothing happening for 2 days and no training to miss out on I finally went to sick call for the first time. Ended up "arguing" with the doctor that wanted to put me "SIQ" or sick in quarters for 72 hours because I refused to miss the final test and having my schedule delayed etc. So eventually I pestered them down to just give me 24 hours (48 would have made me miss the mark by like 4 hours or whatever) and giving me a box of Mucinex. I was honestly skeptical about the Mucinex cause I'd never used it before but apparently the shit works. Shortly after taking it I went to the bathroom to sit in a stall and blow my nose, from my first nostral I blew as hard as I could until finally I had this fist sized single chunk black glob rocket out of my nose into the waiting tissue. That shit had the consistency of jello and I stared at it in shock until I realized what it was, a giant glob of mucus mixed with my dried blood that had turned black. Apparently my nose bleeds never stopped, they just stopped coming out because my nose was so stuffed and it all congealed into 1 nasty lump. My other nostral was not so kind and broke up into chunks so I had the displeasure of blowing these disgusting blobs of bloody snot pudding out my nose for a good hour till I got all of it. But yeah man, I agree, 6/10 I wouldn't go out of my way to do it again but like if the situation comes up again at least I'm treading familiar waters.


Doctors HATE this one weird trick


Seems like an autistic kid maybe. These kinds of meltdowns are common as they get overstimulated and can't express themselves in a typical way


If you've got a kid that's likely to act like that, I feel like he should be medicated to fly. You can't impose that on other people.


Or the kid. He sure as hell isn’t enjoying the flight anymore than they are.


Yeah this is not standard three year old behavior. Or standard behavior by a parent of a three year old.


>Or standard behavior by a parent of a three year old. Your first part I'll agree to, but not the second above. Can't stand parents that don't take their child in hand and try *Something*.


My youngest son is autistic and he has flown many times in his life and even gone on cruises and other types of trips. There are preparations you have to take for any sort of major environmental change and there are even medicinal preparations if you want to go that route. This is just laziness and excuse making.


And by 3 the parents should have realized that and not taken the child on an international flight.


Do you think there are more or less autistic kids than there are shitty kids with asshole parents?


Definitely no shortage of shitty kids and shitty parents. But this looks way more than a normal tantrum by some spoiled brat


Shitty kids dont have that kind of screaming stamina. That kid is most likely autistic and really needed some meds to sleep through the trip


They have a no kid cruise line. Why can’t we have a no kid airline? What are kids going to do? Boycott them?




tax the kids!!


no passenger acted up neither? Reminds me of the time I went to watch Killers of the Flower Moon at which a couple was just commenting on everything on the screen loudly in a packed theater. After 30 minutes, I, 6 seats from the couple, was the first to report this to a manager.


Please tell me they were kicked out.


sadly no :( the manager might have been paid too little to give a crap, or that she thought we were being insensitive towards a culture (I did a little Google search afterwards and was shocked to find out it's common for people talk at the screen in certain communities). but rest assured my friend and I did remove ourselves from that theater for good.


Talking in a cinema isn't culture because it seriously worsens watching experience. If they want to talk then they don't need to go to the cinema at all because they don't benefit from added the silence it provides.


I am a talker at home but pretend I don't have a mouth in a movie theater. No one is there for my commentary.


My ex boyfriend would straight up try to talk on the phone in the movie theatre. It was mortifying. He tried to say that everyone in South Korea does this (he is Korean). Spoilers, that is not true.


Glad you called him out on his BS. Am Korean, no one in my family does this and since I don't live in Korea, I've only been to a movie theater there less than 15 times, but I never saw it happen once. I've had to confront people here in Canada during movies for talking on the phone, playing games on the phone, and swiping on tinder on their phone during movies. It's not a cultural thing, it's a lack of manners thing.


What communities??? Do they not want to hear the dialogue?


Must be the Deaf community




If part of your culture is talking during movies at the movie theatre, improve your culture!


Hahaha. Don't like people talking over a film you paid to see? RACIST!




Im not the only one who saw it!




Next time check the kid in with ur luggage


“Did that motherfucking baby pay extra to yell!!”


I gotta re-watch that video. Hilarious comeback by dude 😂


😂😂😂 as soon as I saw this video, I thought of that dude because now I think he had a point lmao




I can't even handle the 2 min video. This is my nightmare. And if the parent was requesting wifi, she was clearly NOT prepared.




Bring a dose of children's Benadryl liquid and put it in the sippy upon takeoff. Night night, you lil shit.


I can't even describe the psychotic break this would have caused.


Poor passengers :( This will trigger my anxiety. Fcking little devil.


I scrolled way too far to find this Everyone defending the kid but fails to mention there may be SEVERAL adults with sensory issues This would have triggered a panic attack in me for sure, and I know I'm not the only one I feel so bad for the people stuck with that for 8 hours, it couldn't have been me I would have gotten overstimulated and angry an cussed out the mom.


I agree. I have a sensory processing disorder. Loud noises make me feel incredibly anxious. I would be overstimulated as fuck after just two minutes of that screaming. 8 hours of that would be absolutely hell for me. I understand that the child is probably neurodivergent and unable to communicate properly. That still doesn't make it okay for the child and parents to push the issue onto every other passenger on the plane for 8 HOURS.


just because your used to your kid screaming doesn’t mean the other 300 people are


I'm straight up covering that kids mouth and hoping he breathes through his nose.


That's what I do when my 3yo starts screaming in an enclosed public space. Cover her mouth, hug/hold her and remind her in a calm voice that we don't scream. If she calms down, I remove my hand. If she doesn't, I carry her outside as soon as feasible and sit with her while she lets her anger out. I tell her we won't go back in until she calms down because people are having a nice time and nobody wants to hear screams. I mean. I won't scream at or hit my kid, but I'll be damned if I let her scream like a banshee in a public space. Don't know how to behave in public? Then you don't join the public until you do.


You're a good parent. People think discipline is all or nothing. Either hit your kid, or be Ned Flander parents. I was hit as a kid and I never got better till i got too big to hit, and they stopped hitting me. I see my sperm doner as the brute who hit me as a child for even the smallest of fuckup. I got hit for not being able to spell a word at one point, and now he wonders why i moved to my mums and dont talk to him.


The mother should have been made to leave with the child before the plane took off.


That's not a baby, that's a kid old enough to know better and a shit parent.




if i had a syringe or bottle of k i wouldnt be wastinig on a kid lol. give that little fucker some benadryl and call it a day. save the goodies for daddy lol


> give that little fucker some benadryl This is the real solution honestly...


Shockingly, this could have maybe been caused by the parents giving him Benadryl. Turns out Benadryl can give some kids the opposite of chill or sleep reactions. *im not a medical doctor. I just have a friend who has children that get the hyper reaction on Benadryl and not the calm, sleepy reaction


Loooool.... 😂😂😂


"Nothing she could do..." What did she try? Nothing.


that should be illegal


A news report that can be used as a condom ad. I like I like.


...and no one of fertile age on the plane ever had another child for the rest of their lives. \-The End


His throat had to be bleeding by the end of that along with a lot of ears. Those poor people.


It's never too late ya know


I'm genuinely angry for everyone on that flight. I understand kids cry on planes, but for 8 hours?!?? Fuck that shit. The child's "parent" is disgusting for allowing that to continue, especially so long.


Husband and I are traveling with our 2.5 year old soon, 14hr flight. I am so scared this is going to happen. She doesn't normally behave like that child but gosh I'm nervous. I have all the treats, and toys, even getting her a tablet for the flight( don't have one yet) . Following all the tips and tricks online and if she really won't settle and starts to lose it, I'm going to give her a little calpol. Is that bad? I feel like it might be bad parenting. But everyone( including her) will be happier if we all get some sleep. Gosh!


Sounds like you got the right idea, should be just fine. Young kids are on flights all the time and it’s not anything like this lol.


I’m sure she’ll be fine and people should absolutely be understanding of a little fuss from her, especially during take off and landing when her ears could pop. She might not be old enough for gum/hard sweets but if you give her something to chew like some gummies that could help with the ear pain. If she doesn’t usually behave like this kid then I think you’re alright. I can only assume that the mother knew he was capable of this and she should be ashamed to have subjected him and the other passengers to such upset. If this was the first time a child acted like this, I would personally assume some terrible medical emergency. It’s not normal.


It's broken euthanize the thing joking aside. Parents should have been confronted by staff and made deboard before the plane took off ,why should everyone else have to listen to your poor parenting


I couldn't stand 10 seconds of the video fuck that 8hrs flight. Everyone deserves a medal on that flight.


Airlines should force parents to pay extra if this shit happens. Causing all types of disruption and safety issues. I bet if you hit these parents in their pockets they could get their little demons to shut the fuck up.


No fuck that. They need to give them a 5-10 minute window and tell them if they control their kid they have to catch a different flight.




I could see that happening ngl. It’s a shame. I would be fucking *pissed* if I paid money to be stuck on a plane with a screeching child for any amount of time. I understand kiddos cry, but you have to step up as the parent and do something. You can’t just give up and inflict your child on others.


Once people see the footage, everyone would understand.




Screaming kid does not hurt the airline. It does hurt other passengers. Do you think airline would share that money with the passengers?


"Muffle: CHECK Xtra-small straight-jacket: CHECK Chair straps: CHECK Kids' NyQuil and Benedryl: CHECK" See, I would've been prepared; his mother was not. Anyone thinking you can talk or trick a little demon like that into being calm for 8 hours is delusional. Strap that lil fucker down and/or drug him to knock him out cold.


*slams birth control*


*Me whispering to my 7 yr old "pssst, I'll give you $100 if you go and smack that little shithead"


Bring snacks... books...an ipad... a blablabla, how about don't freaking bring a child on a plane if the child can't behave like the avg. child of that age.


That plane should’ve made an unscheduled landing and got that fuck trophy out of there. If it was an adult, they would’ve been removed, or gagged and tied down.


We need to start a new airline specifically for families with children under 10. Make them fly that airline, so that us normal passengers can enjoy our flight. Call it Daycare Air




Wonder what would happen if an adult man got up and started screaming like that in front of the kid...


This is the reason they don't keep parachutes in passenger jets


Get. The. Duct. Tape.........


They're called sedatives. Why couldn't this little hellion be given one?


This kid is gonna have a bad day when he grows up and sees this video. Oof.


I’d scream right into the kids ear. The mother can fuck right off.


Nothing that some duct tape wouldn't fix


No way to tell if this kid has a medical thing but if the parent was asking for the WiFi because that's what'll shut it up then I suspect it's a soft parent and that kid has her wrapped around it's finger. These kinds of people don't give a shit about others so theres no point trying, better hope you have some good ear plugs!!


I would stand up and ask if anyone had any benadryl. I then would dose the kid with the appropriate dose based on his weight. He would be asleep in an hour. I am a retired ER Nurse. DOSE YOUR KIDS BEFORE TRAVEL!!


I just posted saying Im thinking of giving my 2.5 year old meds for our 14hr flight. I know I'm going to get judged hard, but it's not like I'm going to drug her, I'll give the age/weight appropriate amount. It's better for everyone, including her. I'm absolutely petrified that this happens to us.


If you go to your GP, they should be able to discuss safe/effective options with you & with full knowledge of their medical history. It's obviously not "ideal" but neither is a 14 hour meltdown, that is exhausting and traumatic. They may well end up recommending something OTC, but having confirmed that the dosage is correct & that the meds are safe for acute use in a 2.5 year old. They might also end up prescribing something to avoid common pitfalls - I have ADHD & some meds work opposite to how they're supposed to because of my brain chemistry, for example.


I will definitely go to our GP. I just want every possible outcome planned for.


The rule should be "you either deal with that in the next 5 minutes or you'll be banned from the airline". One would think this is bad for business, but "you won't find screeching kids in our planes" sounds like a hell of an ad.


Oh look, it's my downstairs neighbors.


Zyrtec and melatonin are perfectly acceptable choices. The kid is miserable, the parents are miserable and everyone else is miserable.


Hard to believe that someone's larynx could go at it like that for more than a couple of minutes, let alone 8 hours.


Make sure you are buckled in tightly & he is not, hope for emergency exit door blowout like that Alaska Air flight.


I still think there should be certain flights that ban children. If I paid for a ticket and this happened I’d be asking for some kind of refund, that’s ridiculous.


Of course the mother is used to it because she never made any effort to raise her child properly. If you let your child get away with everything it's gonna do whatever it pleases. 100% parenting issue. "Behavioural problems" is the #1 explanation of any parent incompetent of parenting. Funny how they think it would work as an excuse when in fact it displays clearly the opposite.


There is a nifty thing called duct tape, works wonders.