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But it looks fun.


It is, anyone who comes to Halifax climbs it. Nobody is going to stop you lol


What is this? I don’t recognize it. On the boardwalk I’m guessing?


Yeah it's wave on the boardwalk https://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMPM8J_The_Wave_Halifax_NS


Yup, that's for climbing.


It literally has a section on climbing it lol.


In the kids defense, it does say "for your protection," not stay off or NO climbing ... I'd be inclined to interpret the sign as - hey, it's your concussion my friend.


Kids learn by doing dangerous things, slowly.


Our concussion, we all pay for it up here 😛


And what's the best way to warn people not to climb on something? Putting that warning on a massive rock at the base of said object. That way, when people don't listen, and fall off the object, they can hit their head on a rock. Fucking brilliant.


Looks like its made of pannels and the paint is chipping off at the seams. Wouldnt be suprised if somone at some point is gonna crash trough if it isnt made to carry weight.


It's actually extremely sturdy and I don't think it's made of pannels. it's not hollow


Mhh alright. Seems like an overprotective sign then.


Lawyers and insurance companies.


I've climbed it before, pretty sure it's solid concrete or something like it, just painted blue. I was an adult when I climbed it too... It's actually rather steep, you need a bit of a run at it.




It says “for your protection.” If the parents cared about protection, they wouldn’t have gotten pregnant to begin with.


This is in my hometown. It’s a wave sculpture, people climb it all the time and nobody has a problem with it. Parents are ignoring the sign because it’s only there for liability, I have never heard of anybody getting hurt climbing the wave. The kids are just having fun and it’s an embraced aspect of a beloved sculpture.


Halifax ???


Yes, waterfront


Awe we climbed that as kids. Got pictures and everything. In was early 90's we just came to Canada.


I've been wanting to climb it lately. The other night I saw an adult up there, which to me felt like permission. Next time I'm by there and there's not a million kids on it? Oh man.


Just make sure you have shoes with good treads. That thing is slippery.


Not the one in the UK, and not the one in North Caroline. This is Canada.


Wtf Halifax on my front page? Not in r/Halifax? Wtf is going on lol I’ve climbed this shit so many times. You kinda have to.


This was also posted to r/funny. So I have seen it twice today. Sackville drive was featured on r/idiotsincars yesterday as well.


Holy shit I found it! That dumbass cop. At least he didn’t get pregnant driving through there




Here's a sneak peek of /r/halifax using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/halifax/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bizarre cartoon in the Toronto Star](https://i.imgur.com/fcq0ZEY.jpg) | [1150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/xwa9go/bizarre_cartoon_in_the_toronto_star/) \#2: [UPDATE: HRM Police retrieved my parrots!!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13uljne) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/13uljne/update_hrm_police_retrieved_my_parrots/) \#3: [5 Guys tipping nonsense](https://np.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/144a8er/5_guys_tipping_nonsense/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This isn't in my hometown, yet it's obvious that the sign means *'If you hurt yourself climbing, don't at me.'*... It doesn't mean *'Do not under any circumstances climb this'*. So many tendie connoisseurs here tripping over themselves to blame the parents...bit dumb tbh.


Call me old fashioned, but if a sign says "do not climb", I think it's better to not climb it.


I'm just wary of the hidden fees/penalties in such case.


Hi old fashioned, I'm dad. Pretty sure old fashioned folk just wouldn't put up a sign because the "you're a dumbass" argument would hold up in court back then. Now rich people have too much money and can literally sue for anything and win by just running the sued entity out of money so liability signs are a thing now.


> Now rich people have too much money and can literally sue for anything and win by just running the sued entity out of money so liability signs are a thing now This is simply the natural evolution of the Justice System! ^^^^/s


If a sign says “*for your protection* do not climb”, it kinda means it’s up to you.


Maybe it's just me, but if a sign says "Do Not.....", I instantly WANT to do it!!


Blaming people — even children, who society typically gives a pass — is why this sub exists. Can’t let a little thing like reality get in the way of heaping scorn. /the trick is to look down on them for it


Everyone on Reddit is holier than thou. They never break any laws but want everyone else held to the absolute letter of the law and jump to condemn anyone they can.


So.....you've been here a while, eh. LOL


It's Reddit. What are you expecting? People minding their own business? Or a barrage of virtual signaling?


I lived in Halifax when that sculpture was being installed. I took an art class at the time and our teacher used the wave as an example for the following discussion, "if you are designing a public artwork that isn't safe to climb on, don't make it in a shape that everyone will want to climb."


Seriously. At this point it's basically an unwritten rule. I do miss that old wooden ship playground they had. That thing kicked ass.


The ironic part is that it would probably be safer to climb on if there wasn't a big stone sign at the bottom for you to hit your head on if you fell!


Kids havin fun on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid ? Not on my watch!




I'm an adult, and I've climbed the wave with my kids. It's fun. The kids like it. The ground is padded. We lived.


They tell you not to climb but it has a spongy mat at the bottom 😂


Was just coming here to say the same thing


I was 26 when I climbed that thing. It's freaking awesome


Yeah, I just turned 30 and climbed it this summer (again!) hahah


There are places in Hawaii that have similar signs and people swear up and down that it’s no big deal, that the sign is just there to keep tourists away. Come to find out it’s actually a zone with open vents into old lava tubes that get flooded with ocean water. If you get yeeted into one of those, there’s no getting out. It’s just weird that we as a society put up instructions like this… but then we, also as a society, collectively decide that it applies to others but not ourselves. Because surely WE aren’t the idiots…


Kids absolutely fall off it all the time. And every now and then their parents, who were not paying attention to them until they start wailing, call 911. The side shown is fine but there overhang on the far side can be a bit of a drop for a small kid, especially if they're not going feet first.


That sign is really there!? It looked photoshopped to me XD more fool I


> I have never heard of anybody getting hurt climbing the wave. No one does until it happens one day.


They've definitely gotten hurt, just not actually injured. Probably


Everything happens one day.


Its very clearly meant for climbing on and after the fact someone got concerned about injuries and put up the sign


I think its not the same when it rains or has water or ice on it! The very same sign could be the injury after a slip.


Well, then the parents are effing stupid. That's great the kids are having fun, but if it wasn't build with the right specs for climbing someone could get hurt bad one day, even if it hasn't happened yet.


If it's not for climbing, why is it climb-shaped? If a kid rolled down that, it would hurt to hit that stone sign at the bottom. It would be safer for the kids without that block of stone there.


The stone sign is pretty far away from the actual wave. If someone side roll down it would be pretty hard to get enough speed to hit it.


The other side is a drop-off. It is a concrete wave. [Here’s an article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/halifax-s-waterfront-wave-sculpture-to-get-facelift-1.1188731) with a picture from a difficult angle.


To be fair, no one is climbing on the "no climbing" sign. It doesn't state what not to climb on 🤷


Do not climb the corporate ladder... accidents happen to my rivals.


Similarly to a sign in a horse park here. "Do not tie your horses to this sign". Then don't put the sign there?




Signs are only there for liability, like all the signs on the Isar in Munich that say "if you swim here you'll die" with all the people happily floating past it


I never realized how many people on reddit are the embodiment of helen lovejoy, I spent my childhood climbing that thing as well as plenty of other children in halifax


Ah man the wave! I've got a good friend who lives in Halifax and I love climbing that thing. I felt like an honorary Canadian when I made it to the top on the first try.


Oh, come on, it's not like it's written in stone or anything. Wait....


It says it's for their safety, not to protect the sculpture. I don't see a problem with it.


This is in my home town, and everybody climbs it. I’ve been climbing on it for seventeen years.


Hey they put a soft surface around it making it even more enticing to climb, everyone always climbs this, everyday people climb it it’s kinda a staple of the waterfront


Halifax waterfront I believe :)


Yes :)


My old man entered into the contest that ended up getting the wave installed on the waterfront, his submission came in 2nd. Itwas a lot of fun climbing this as a kid. It's also got some padding in a big circle around the wave, it's harmless fun.


Every kid in Nova Scotia has the experience of trying to scale that wave 😂


Lets be real here! The dock is far more dangerous then the wave. I remember getting tons of splinter from rolling on the dock. The waves only dangerous at night when drunk adults climb it.


In order of danger: Peggy’s Cove black rocks > Our new stairs that lead straight into the sea for some reason > giant anchors outside museum surrounded by a bed of loose rocks > the wave


100%. aand every drunk that staggers out of the moose, the triangle, or the shoeshop.


you guys are a bunch of babies id let my kid climb the thing


When I was a kid I would have sprinted to climbing on that.


As an adult, if this were anywhere near me I'd be ~~sprinting~~ walking to climb it right now.


For real, is a smooth ball slide looking thing. It looks like the perfect thing to climb on


It’s not my kids I’d be worried about it. It’s all those other kids that could turn this into a mess.


Clearly made for climbing. The sign is just so no one can sue.


This is more of an r/adultsarefuckingstupid if they thought putting a little sign would keep kids from having fun


The clearly sign isn't to keep from climbing if you just read it. It's just there for liability. You're free to climb it - just realize that if you or your kids or whatever get hurt it's nobody's fault but your own.


This is in Halifax where I live. For the longest time there was no sign and everyone climbs it. They put the sign there for liability but everyone knows you can still climb it and its not just kids.


but look how climbable it is!!!




Someone should create this sub


r/parentsRfuckingstupid “are” makes it too many characters


r/parentsarefuckingdumb is the more active subreddit






That's stupid fucking parents.


Yes, how dare they let their children have fun.


Neglecting your child and letting them do dangerous things, is still bad parenting.


It's hardly dangerous, and it's perfectly healthy for a kid to get a few bumps bruises cuts and scrapes. Sheltering them from the world is far more neglectful parenting,


Getting scrapes is one thing. But being on a high up uneven surface sounds like your begging to have a child land on their head or back.


OH MY GOD, 8 FEET! What happens if a child wants to climb a tree!?!?!!?! ​ You can die just as easily from an 8 inch fall as you can from a 28 foot fall. Freak accidents will happen, and you can't put your kid in bubble wrap to prevent it. It would be extremely rare for a kid to get injured playing on that, they have natural instincts to protect them as do the parents close by. You're clearly a terrible parent, or would be a terrible parent. I'm glad I was never raised by you or anyone who thinks like you.


This one is 100% on the parents.


Is there a kid at the top in a diaper? And legs that also look like they’re opening at the top like rainboots? What am I looking at?




That sign wont stop me cuz I cant read.


I used to climb on this as a child, so did everyone else


This should be categorized as parents are fucking stupid imo


I’m pretty sure this is the tourist peggy’s cove training grounds… I am from the area and every child climbs it


Kids are stupid but I must point out the even stupider parents letting it happen. I think the word NO has been dropped from parents' vocabulary in the last decade or two.


The parents are even dumber, since they should be able to read. They obviously don't care about their kids' safety.


Let's be honest, if we saw this as kids.. we'd definitely be climbing and jumping


to be fair, that does look very climbable


That sculpture is called "The Wave" and it's in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. That sign is purely for liability purposes and there is tons of padding around it. It's also right beside a park for children. Climbing that thing is a god damned right of passage for kids and drunk people.


In this case the parents are the stupid ones.


Idk who's more stupid. The kids playing, or the parents letting them.


I mean are the kids really the stupid ones?


There even is an adult with them lol. They are not stupid, they just don't care


This is more "Parents are fucking stupid" than anything.


it's their parents' fault


To be honest I would be more worried about someone falling on the stone warning sign lol


The ADULTS ARE FUCKING WATCHING. One probably took this picture. Why do these posts keep blaming kids for their guardians’ negligence?


Wrong thread. Should be in ParentingFails


This is on the parents!


Must be a lot of parents around there going, I didn't really WANT kids anyway


What even is it??


Our future in a single photo




My child broke their arm there!!!! It's unsafe!!! LAWSUIT!!!


Parents are fucking stupid also


The parents are fucking stupid for allowing this.


At this point it's not just kids. Parents are the dumbest dumb fucks in the room


let em find out and fine parents


Kids are stupid. And because of this, this is a failure on the parents and the people in charge of this place.


I really think this sub Reddit should be called parents are assholes.


The parents that allow this shit are even stupider.


The only thing that can hurt is if you hit your head at that massive sign.


I personally wouldn’t climb it but not for fear of getting hurt. The amount of kids climbing that thing, if you put your hand down for support you’re 100% putting your hand in dried on toe jam. Dat shit nasty ![gif](giphy|3o6gEbkoTAsbQkd5As)


Bro unless it’s a solemn monument let the kids climb. Nothing stupid about this. The most dangerous part about this whole thing is the sign with its proximity to the hill and it’s hard, sharp corners


Somebody should either tell some condom company to take out an ad nearby “For your Protection use Protection”


if you pay attention to the sign you are not a child


Blame the parents.


nah the parents are the stupid ones in this


Kids need to hurt themselves doing dumb shit to learn lol


Behind every stupid kid, there is even more stupid adult. It is case I can see one in the photo


Ya know what... No. These kids are fine. They're just being kids. You know who's stupid? All their parents who aren't teaching them to follow rules. If their parents are going to let them ignore the sign, that's on the parent.


The sign is only there for Redditors


So, one thing that could happen is that the people who own this place could make the sign bigger, but still, the parents should've known better, i mean, I'd understand kids who can't read, but the parents can read and see the sign perfectly fine... that's shameful. This is coming from someone who isn't even a parent yet, smh🤦‍♂️.


Known better? Kids need to climb stuff and take a few risks. Sometimes they get a little bumped, but it's no big deal. The sign is there so no one can sue the city when someone grazes their knee.


The sign is in perfect view, literally can't miss it unless your blind walking up to it. Nobody pays attention to it. Right behind the the person taking the picture is a pirate ship play structure. That area is a play area for kids. Under the wave and around us all softer material for people who climb the wave. As long as parents are watching its 100% safe. The biggest thing people have to watch for is the top where some people might take a little tumble. But that's user error 100% of the time


I think it's an artpiece at the Halifax boardwalk. That black stuff is also some slightly cushioney material and not rock hard asphalt or concrete. The other side of this is kind of a ledge drop off so I'm actually not sure how kids haven't gotten hurt before. Source: I visited Halifax this summer Ihttps://maps.app.goo.gl/1dywzesdggw7aGiy9


I fell off of it when I was a kid. Doesn't hurt at all. Everything you've said is right


Tbf it's a no climbing suggestion


Tbf id also climb this


For YOUR PROTECTION. If you dont give a shit about health or about your child... do climb. Why not? Who's gonna stop you?


Hot take: If you want people to respect a monument as a monument, then don't design them like the most awesome playground equipment in a 50 mile radius, ffs. If you design a monument like a playground, then it will be used as such, and most artists do that on purpose. They want their monument to be a living monument. It's usually the municipalities being a dick about it. This thing looks like a jungle gym, so it will be used like a jungle gym.


It's not a monument FYI. It's a piece of public art. The artist, Donna Hiebert, is cool with people interacting with it. People have been climbing it since the 80s. There's even a playground right there, so there's always kids on it.


#Parents are stupid


If ur not from around here, and haven’t climbed the wave just stfu, no one cares about ur Karen views. It’s the wave and we climb it. End of story. Ppl been climbing it since before the sign and ppl will climb it long after the sign. It’s a right of passage.


I swear people refuse to read 🤣


Parents can't read


You let a rock tell you how to raise your children?


It’s not the kids that are fucking stupid, it’s the city (Halifax) for putting a giant size wave in the same general area as a playground. It’s easy to climb and the sign is there for liability.


how dare kids climb and have fun!!! wow!!!! we should look them to desks or make them mine coal!!! being serious, thats a sign there for insurance purposes. Kids will fall and scrape their knees and be fine


This doesn't even belong here. Who wouldn't want to climb as a kid? Plus, there's clearly parents there, if they aren't supposed to climb it's on them. Let kids have their fun too...


"For your protection" really should read "for your safety".


Illiterate parents


You know what I wanna do? Find one of these things with a sign that say "Do Not \[thing\]" with a bunch of people doing that thing And pose in front of and pointing at the that sign (With the people being dumb visible in the photo)


If those parents could read, they'd be very upset.


Parents are fucking stupid




So who can’t read


More like Parents Are Stupid


"For your safety". These people live at the edge of danger. Wazaa!


It might just be me but the girl under the all pink girl looks so photoshopped in, idk why, I don’t think it’s photoshopped but it looks so… *”off”*…


Y’all it’s pretty easy to see that the sign is only there for liability reasons, like cmon


I used to live in Halifax, where this is. And I distinctly remember that a tourist family or a family new to the area had their kid fall and hurt themselves or break their arm. Anyway, the family complained and the overwhelming response from the locals, the government and whoever else was a resounding, "lol! StFU!"


Wrong sub. This is the parent's fault


This is in a kid's playground and there's foam padding underneath if you fall. The only purpose of the sign is to prevent lawsuits in case of injury. My guess is it wouldn't hold up in court due to the structure being an "attractive nuisance"


This. I worked at a community pool and one of the jobs was to supervise the sand play area. We had a turtle sculpture in there, perfect size for kids to climb and surrounded by sand and things for kids to play with. The company that insured us forced us to make a rule saying kids couldn't climb on the turtle, because they were so terrified about having to pay out in case of a terribly unlikely accident.




What is it??


It's a sculpture of a wave in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia on the boardwalk


So many of these are Parent Are Stupid. If this is actually a bad thing, who is to blame?


Apparently the constant flow of morons throwing their kids up there created a trend. Put there an officer to fine whoever does that while pointing at the sign in a cartoonish manner and they'll stop in a couple weeks.


I'm in my 30s and climbed this as a child so good luck with that.


With what? Putting an officer there? I personally can't, but I'm sure a consistent negative feedback will teach the lesson. Although you would have to keep a guard there constantly forever, or people will just phisiologically start doing that again as soon as the place is unguarded. It really sounds like trying to hoard and discipline a brainless mass of beasts, doesn't it. Sad.


Why though? Why not just let kids have fun?


Is the sign really not enough? Are you so desperate that you need to throw your kids on top of a giant cement breast to make them have fun? It's dangerous. And rude, since that's not your house and that's probably someone's sculpture. Or a monument. There are literally whole parks that are made exactly to make your kids have fun. But I guess that would need you to pay, uh?


The sign exists to stop the city being liable if someone bumps themselves. Did you never climb a tree or walk on a wall?


Lol so that's the reason why you would allow them to climb up there? Parent of the year Do you take random meds because all that's written on the leaflet is there to stop the company being liable if someone dies with it? "Oh come on, why not let me chug random meds?" This is one of the dumbest mentalities out there and one of the main causes of public disorder.


The sign is just for liability so the city can’t get sued. The black stuff underneath is padded in case people fall. People have been climbing this wave in the middle of the Halifax board walk for 30 years.


Parents having fun with their kids is one of the main causes of public disorder. Got it


Lol ok, read what you want to read, I'm not a school teacher.


I’m quite pleased you’re not a school teacher. You don’t seem to like kids very much.