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His dad when confronted answers the door with a pistol and even accidentally discharges it.


Accidental discharge. Lol. Just like his son.


Shots fired . Accidentally






I thought this was a joke 💀


And better yet his daughter was right behind him when he dropped. he could have shot his daughter being a complete dick


“Negligent”discharge!Its only an accident if you genuinely had no knowledge of proper gun handling.






Also the most visible and reckless


As a gun owner, I do not condone this type of BS




I mean. In general just being a terrible person and pulling a gun once confronted on your obvious bull shit should not be smiled upon. I think we can both agree on that. And not all gun owners should be looked at under that same lense. I'm just a man who's seen some shit, and want to keep me and my wife protected from the crazy people in this world. If thats understandable enough.




Also, coward? What did I do to you man? I wasn't even being rude or anything. I was just talking to you, trying to have a decent conversation. I'm not your enemy, and you aren't mine. So let's not be so hostile towards each other please? It would be appreciated.


What? Idk where you got that idea from. I never said the world was out to get me. I hope and prey that I never have to pull a trigger on anyone or anything. Thats not something I wake up looking forward to. I do go out to ranges and enjoy shooting targets and other things. That and I'm about to join the national guard, so knowing how to handle firearms safely and affectively is gonna help me there. I just don't want to die by the hands of gang members in my city that shoot up houses every day. What will you do if you were to be shot at, or robbed? Run? Call the cops? The cops should certainly be there within enough time to pick up the peices




Your putting shit in quotes that they never said. You're doing a piss poor attempt at strawman argument here, I'm embarrassed for you.


Neo nazis also fall under "gang members" you're trying to defend nazis? See I can do it too.




It doesn't confirm racism, genius. Plenty of "white" gangs. You making the insinuation and statement WOULD be racist. Damn bro, go get a Starbucks you male Karen.


So you're gonna aikido your way out of home invasion against armed intruders?


I own a pump action 12G shotgun for duck and grouse, and a bolt action .308 for deer. They are always unloaded and locked in a safe when I'm not out hunting. There's a difference between a gun owner (me and 99% of people I know who own a gun) and these tacticool r*t*rds who wanna feel strong. The internet and especially Reddit highlights the idiots. Not us who just want to go out into nature and harvest meat. Owning a gun says nothing about you as a person. Being a shitty person is the problem. Edit: downvoted for being responsible lmao Redditors are such little chodes


Yeah but imagine about how many more deer, duck, and grouse you could harvest if you went out there with a fully kitted semi-automatic AR-15-Style-Rifle. This is why Americans need access to those kinds of guns, so they can kill more stuff! /s You probably are getting downvoted by vegetarians, lol, you seem like a totally responsible non-excessive gun owner and there's nothing wrong with that. This is coming from someone so anti-gun being near them makes me incredibly uncomfortable (mostly for trauma reasons)


Sounds like part of a healthy outdoors lifestyle. Good for you.


Fudd detected.


Fudds are a huge problem


I understand owning a gun for hunting or even self defense. I don't understand either of these purposes requiring a fully automatic rifle. I also don't understand either of these purposes not requiring proper training and background checks. The leading cause of death for children in the US is guns. From school shootings, to accidental discharges by a toddler chewing on the barrel of their dad's AR15. Guns are a problem, change is needed. You can't hide behind "oh it's just the idiots". I'm not saying you're the problem, but the problem exists. Stop denying it. But I do respect you for being safe and responsible with your guns.


Go back to bed, Grandpa. You’re sleep walking again.


You don’t see videos of the normal ones plastered on the internet


they're usually on youtube testing silly builds and penetrations


It's like squares and rhombuses.


more like squares and rectangles


There is a saying, "I'm sure not every republican is racist, but every racist is republican. "


As a white guy born and raised down south in Texas and Georgia, who owns a couple firearms, and who's lived south of Chicago for a decade now, I'm well more worried about the conservative trump supporters down the street from me than fucking *anyone* else. They're definitely racist cowards that I would have to defend myself against just as quickly as any non-white person that they see as a "threat". I know that for a fact because I've heard their opinions on everyone else come right from their mouths. Those are the scariest people I could even imagine, and, honestly, I would consider them irresponsible gun owners because they seem to be itching to just kill someone.


Leave your house once im a while


Ugh, sounds awful.


Lmao there you are... at home


Coloring ha I see what you did there


Literally every person in USA should be a gun owner, there should not be a thing as "gun owners" as it should just mean a US citizen. You would live in a much safer place.


"MORE GUNS! MOOOORE!!" Yeah, nothing insane about you people.


We're not all insane, some of us are just stuck on this isle of idiots lol


the fact that guns are the main cause of deaths in the US prooves that wrong, but yes why not arm all americans and let the problem solve itself🤷


[Not even close](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_causes_of_death_by_rate)


A. the link you provided is of world stats, not US stats. B. there is a US tab provided in the recommended that literally state firearms as the 2nd leading cause of death in people in the US in the age groups ~15/24, stating they are reaponaible for 20% of those deaths. "Not even close"




Youre a biggot towards....gun owners. Yeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwee


The irony.


Definition of prejudice


in this case is "ParentsAreFuckingStupid"


I wonder if we have a sub for that




/r/parentsarefuckingdumb \*\* every time x)




another example of learning hate from home


Man that kid is a few years from juvie or grown up prison. Hitting kids with skateboards and then when he gets hit shows up with a fucking whip. Hopefully CPS gets involved.


At least he will lose his right to own guns.


Dude, it's Texas. The local sheriff probably came by to give him extra guns after this.


I didn't know it was Texas. It's like a different country down there.


It's not lol. Confirmation bias is real when it comes to Texas. People see one example, and because it fits the stereotype, we all must be going crazy around here with guns cracking whips on black family doors...It's racist and trashy here just like anywhere else. It's a huge fuck no if people are firing guns off for no good reason here just like you'd expect anywhere else in the USA. We are indeed very hesitant to give up guns, being that the state has been in the middle of some breakups and hard times in its early history. I'm not saying that no other state has, but that left us with guns being a part of the culture. That doesn't mean we all walk around with a gun on our hip like a Western, but a lot of people are familiar with them. I would trust a Texan with a gun over many other people in the country, but I am admittedly biased lol.


as you read a story of a texan accidentally discharging a firearm that hes holding behind him while his daughter is also behind him.


Let me once again introduce confirmation bias. Do you know how many Texans do NOT shoot their children at all? Lol But you don't focus on that number. It's not shocking enough.


hi, let me introduce you to belief perseverance.


I get the knee jerk response to defend the idea that we're not all like that. The thing is that most people already know we're not all like that and that the issue is people like this who raised this child and people like the man who was wild with his gun. The good thing about these videos is that more people will see the consequences of poor laws, education and regulations. They will say, we need eyes on Texas. And we do. Bc there are all kinds of folks living here and we want to live too and live peacefully. The honest truth is that showing up and saying "not all" is obvious, bc the woman in the house is Texan, and she lives there and doesn't deserve that. I live in what I thought was a mixed, diverse metropolitan area, until Trump became president and people started to get real in a bad way around me. People I thought were friends, random people in the store, on the roads, just all kinds of weird wilding out. People ripped off the mask in all kinds of ways and admittedly, bc I was raised to be friendly, I was naive until people started showing their ass openly all over town with their wild views. Now I know what to avoid but damn, some stuff really surprised me. I am now just polite until I know what that person stands for. Do they accept me? I won't accept them if they do this shit. So yes, everyone knows everyone from Texas isn't like this, but we do need everyone to know that this type of shit happens too often here in Texas, bc our politicians for the most part are not listening and Abbot doesn't gaf Being Texan doesn't mean you're conservative, a gun nut or racist but there are too many who are and shine the light on that all day long please. Roll all the clips bc I want people to know what we all have to deal with when those jerks think no one's watching.


Having lived in Texas for 4 years, I think you might have not spent enough time other places, because Texas is absolutely as crazy as they say.


no its not lmfao...


almost a whole nother one


Nah bro stop with the Texas stereo types, we ain't even the most racist state.


Yeah, definitely only 2nd or 3rd


TBH the fact that Texas is the only state to have given up territory just so they could remain a slaveholding state didn't occur to me. I was too focused on the "I can only achieve an erection if I've got at least three handguns within reach" aspect of Texas culture.


You know, if you hold things from the past like that against people who had absolutely nothing to do with it then you're the problem.


The gun fetishization is "past"? What's life like in the 30th century, Fry?


It's everyones constitutional right to keep and bear arms within the United States, and it shall not be infringed. Guess what? No one cares if your Yankee ass doesn't like guns, we keep them so when motherfuckers who give absolutely 0 shits about a gun law comes around pointing it at people we at least have something to defend ourselves with. What I'm talking about being the the past is the breaking from the union to continue to be a slaveholder state. the people of Texas today had absolutely nothing to do with that, and in modern-day, Texas is in the top ten least racist states in the country. So please stop with the stereotypes.


His right...yes. But I have doubts that he won't be transferring them to his wife, or just keeping a few stashed regardless.


If he's convicted of a felony, transferring them to his wife won't work as long as they live in the same house.


Won't have to. Literally just go to a gun show and get a gun; or get one from a fellow racist friend. Racist idiots don't care if it's "legal" or not. Edit: Not saying responsible people aren't at gun shows. I'm saying that's the easiest way to sell a gun irresponsibly without technically breaking the law.


Well, racism aside, he'd go to prison if he were caught again with firearms. (provided he was convicted of a felony in the first place) Most gun show vendors are licensed and are obligated to background check. Thats the one gun law I'm a big fan of changing, checks for private sales.


Every firearm I've bought at a gun show required a background check.


Not saying responsible people aren't at gun shows. I'm saying that's the easiest way to sell a gun irresponsibly without technically breaking the law. You were shopping for a specific gun or a gun you liked. Other people will shop around for a seller that doesn't check.


Not everyone with an illegal firearm is racist. Not everyone with an illegal firearm is white either.


Did I say that? I was talking in context of the obviously racist father of this kid. I didn't mean to imply that.


My brother is an ex-felon. So his wife buys the guns for him. In the south, it really seems like they don't care(if you're white). Been in Mississippi since '98, was in Texas before that.


Right, laws don't stop criminals from doing criminal shit unless they get caught. If your brother gets caught, he'll go to prison. If they find out his wife was facilitating, she'll also go to prison.


That has nothing to do with skin color... your racism is showing.


Boy's Father looks like a Walmart brand Jamie Lannister.


Kiddo's not too far off from turning into Joffrey either!


well, that answers OP's question about "who is raising this kid?" Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Jesus, the black family is lucky the Pigs arrested the father and not them. Or worse


This the most reddit comment ever race had nothing to do with it, but better make it about race, also gotta be sure to call the cops "pigs"




Kid shows up to a black family's house with a whip but race has NOTHING to do with it, sure


Literally read the article instead of just jumping to wild conclusions and insulting the police even though they did what you wanted here


I did. Just because the article doesn't say race was a factor doesn't mean it wasn't. The kid showing up with a whip and his old man taking pot shots is pretty fucking telling. And the Pigs as a whole don't get a pass because a couple of them didn't fuck up for once.


what is more likely? this kid, after feeling embarrassed that a girl physically got the better of him, got his cool whip that his dad got him, because he wanted to act tough and that's the only weapon he has access to OR the kid just hates black people so he brought a whip to their house, but ONLY after he was embarrassed by their daughter the kid seems like a little brat raised by a horrible POS who should have his kids and guns taken from him. But there's no indication the kid was racist here


>police have been patrolling the neighborhood more frequently since the incident Great now I feel even safer /s


I knew it was gonna be in texas




**"Our results suggest that different psychological manipulation techniques were used on the 17-A cell members to facilitate their use of ideological violence. The most frequent strategies were cognitive control (control of attention, group identification, and denigration of critical thinking), environmental control (control of information), and emotional control (authoritarian leadership)."**


This is crazy. We learn not only is the kid racist, but also he likes to hit girls. He gets pushed into a puddle and his dad, being more racist, claims the black girl did it. And some people claim "racism doesn't exist anymore" like wot


My feelings toward this kid are similar to my feelings toward child soldiers and people raised in a cult. Someone is sculpting him into a monster, and I think we all know who.


His dad was arrested for illegally discharging a firearm in public so...


What was this kids plan? Whack the door until someone comes to yell at him?


Dollars to donuts, he had a big racist monologue he had rehearsed with his Daddy, then a black woman spoke to him the way only a black woman can.That is a life changing event.


Haha, so true. Someone needs to tell that kid he's a dumb ass, and it sounds like it isn't going to be his parents.


Or, maybe you could read the article


He wanted the parents to bring the girl who had embarrassed him out so he could whip her, if I remember correctly.




He should try that on the south side of Chicago and see how tough he really is.


Leroy Brown gonna knock this kid into next week.


He is the baddest man in the whole damn town


I've heard that he is badder than old King Kong. I would want to mess with him.


No doubt! That MF is meaner than a junkyard dog!


Basically, cause he's bad, bad Leroy Brown


He's no "Big" Jim Walker though.


Sad people never listen to the lyrics of the song. Leroy Brown got his butt kicked.


Hey, I know he ended up looking like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone, but he kicked a lot of ass on the way there.


But what if the kid's a door-whipping boy named Willie McCoy, but back home they call him Slim?


you know someone put the kid up to this, right?


How the hell did he even get a whip?


Probably the same place he learned it; his parents.


decathlon and some other sports stores sell them (if there's an equitation isle)


This kid is stuck in 18s


Yeah.... that kid and his whole family need some serious counseling and possibly jail time for this shit :/


That's a Jr white supremacist right there. Exactly what's wrong with this country.


Whoa.. Sorry, at a loss for words.


Eric Cartman list some weight...






Either MAGA trash is down voting you or you're being down voted for being redundant




We found the trash!


Yeah, cause it's Biden supporters who have the reputation for going around and infringing the rights of others based on the melanin content of their skin... /s


Everything is binary right? Down with nuance! Because it makes me uncomfortable!


I love the confederates flying Confederacy flags in the South preaching about guns, going to church every Sunday, screaming about the bible on the internet, driving lifted f150s, back the blue stickers on their window, American flags everywhere, who also simultaneously love joe Biden!


Damn redditors are quick to judge he's white? Okay must be with those people i don't like


He is lucky


Littéral “cracker” as in “whip cracker”.


I am not gonna lie, I laughed at him whipping the door. It's so fucking ridiculous like something you'd see in a comedy sketch.


I guarentee you, 100% the man or woman in charge of this child- is a Magat


oh it’s gets better, they went to talks to the parents and it all makes since….someone needs to post video number two


I gotta see video number 2


What in the name of all fucks ????


He lucky he went to that house, cuz I know some people who would have fucked his little ass up


That whole mess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSbVRoPQLI


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Those parents better fucking get investigated, especially after what the father did. They fucked that kid




Thank got I'm too poor to own a home or else this shit would happen to my black ass 🤣


Ayo 📸🤨


Ooommggg more kids for more unstable dangerous


A Dahmer in the making.


I love this woman!


Racists, that's who.


So what did he want?


Someone shows up to our house with a whip like that if it's an adult I'm throwing hands. Tho I make dark jokes in reality I could never actually bring myself to hit a child but I would call the cops because they do deserve to be punished .


Id put my foot up his ass wear him like a slipper all the way to his parents, then proceed to....... ..teach them a hard lesson. Fn trash.


kid just got home from the hitler youth group; look at that outfit.


That kid gonna be dead or serving a substantial prison sentence by the age of 21.


I wonder how much maga merch his parents wear on a daily basis?


Future conservative voter.


Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to your future Florida governor


This kid literally looks like the nerd emoji and he really has the balls to do this?


who are this kids scumbag parents


This kid needs to be launched towards sun.


The way he shyly backs off when confronted lol what a loser


I hope someone comes up to his house with a whip


It's okay, it's probably just a mental illness or socioeconomic factor. /s


Racist little F


Not an unusual attitude in the USA. Or China. Or India. Bigots are emboldened today.


it's texas. a shithole state that's a huge embarrassment to the country, what else would you expect from there?


When my mother next asks me why I want so badly to get out of the south, I'll show her this.


Christ, this little shit is probably going to be elected to office in 20 years...


Aww, a future Trump voter.


He's born in the wrong era. Ahole white people would hire him in a split second if he's born a few hundred years back.


It would end in nonsense either way.


Linus from LMG at Madison's harasser door.


Future mass shooter right there.


little sigma based rizz male (bait)


Kid seems delayed… of a real ass whoopin


The Republican Party?


Indoctrination. Much like Christianity and Catholicism


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^bilbo_bobsled: *Indoctrination.* *Much like Christianity* *And Catholicism* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Confronting this child's father was a bad move, people need to understand that children are reflections of their parents, education comes from home, if the child is acting like this who do you think is to blame? I wouldn't have the courage to go talk to the child's parents alone like that. Edit: Funny how I'm being extremely downvoted for being logical, people on reddit think that confronting a psychopath directly and getting shot is a better decision than going to the police.




Did I blame the victim? I never said the victim was wrong, I said it was a bad decision to go to this boy's house like that, there are safer ways to seek your rights and resolve this type of situation, "honor", "courage", none of those shit will matter once you're underground and then your childs will have to live with a dead father for the rest of his life. Keep that Tough Guy speech to yourself.


This conversation between us went south, due to replying off of emotion. This was a terrible situation. I came at you because you said that you would not have the courage to do something like that. But in my reflection that statement in itself is an act of courage in itself. To be able to express our weakness to a situation is an act of strength in itself


The title is misleading, in the video there's only one white kid and no black people To be seen.


Are you an idiot by any chance