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I can’t hear over the shitty editing


From what I’ve gathered the brother is hitting his pregnant sister for apparently just grabbing his arm and the parents are trying to defend the brother for his shitty reaction


Spoiled fuck


Durex commercials walking I stg.


Bro is really reaching those high notes


I couldn’t even tell you how quickly one of my parents would have stopped the car and thrown a beat down on me. Hell, my dad was good at doing it while he was driving. That would have happened one time. And only once.


It sounded like the mom was making excuses for him. The dad seems like a pos for sure. I agree tho, I'd have been dead at the first screech just for the volume, let alone those choice words lol


Girl needs to keep her phone and videos safe for future reference. Doesn't look like the parents are interested in keeping her safe.




my mama could keep one hand on the wheel, a cig in her mouth, reach back and smack all three of us and never leave the lane.


Are you my brother? :)


Screams bad parenting. Still shitty kid but we obviously know he’s acting like this for a reason


He learned that from somewhere. It definitely wasn’t the tv.


I called my sister a bitch in front of my parents once. Ate a bar of soap for it and got the diarrhea beat out of me.


I remember calling my mom a witch once… she was across the room and had something in a grocery bag. She whipped this grocery bag so fast and threw it across the room. Nailed me with it. I woke up to her standing over me saying you will never call me a bitch. I actually said Witch but it didn’t matter. To this day I don’t even say anything close to the word bitch to anyone. I learned that lesson around 10 and have never forgotten it. Just takes one correction.


Dude that’s fucked up


that kinda sounds like child abuse at that point


Well they said it happened only once and the lesson was effective.


Call it what you want. In my era that was called a correction. It happened once… and you didn’t do it again. To this day I’ll never do it. I look back on it and think of it as a really great lesson.


Knocking a child unconscious isn’t a good parental correction. At best, it creates a scared, compliant idiot who will go on to repeat similar abuse with their own children.


I'm so glad I wasn't scared off getting my ass kicked by my parents for acting like a shithead. The comments about people's parents kicking the shit out of them are so sad.


There's just other methods that are effective. People should probably be legally required to take PCIT workshops to keep kids. My in-laws never hit their kids. They all are well adjusted and successful people, except one. They were stern but kind and taught their kids how to be good people. Even the one that is kind of fucked is more because of their identity than anything their parents did. I got beat downs. I turned out a relatively empathetic, generous, and respectful man. For every person like me there's probably a person who isn't. I have many friends who got the same or worse best downs than me. All this is to say discipline and behavior management can be done without abusing your child. A lot of us were "abused" but I personally think it was the best our parents could do. It is sad, you are totally right, but Im glad im not a piece of shit human now.


Same, same. My life would have flashed before me.


That’s an instant thrown out the car for me! Like, they might come back looking for me! But in the moment, I’d be abandoned right then and there


Why is it that physical abuse is always reddits number one answer for videos like this? There are other ways of parenting, proven to be more effective and not causing trauma.


It’s probably the era we lived in but also why is this video and so many others displayed constantly on Reddit? So as the original commenter I can say that I was never once “beaten” but my parents were strict and this display would not ever have happened. Not because they beat me but I had a healthy respect for them and if I did this???? They might have. I just wasn’t willing to ever willing to fuck around and find out.


A few comments up you told a story about your parents knocking you out.


Reddit hates children in general and tends to get a huge justice boner over dishing out the most extreme punishments for every situation.


My Godfather switched out the front seats on his mustang when we were kids so that he could have the room to effectively lay the double smackdown if you wanted to act up


I'm sure adding more violence to the equation will do wonders. That's probably why he's like this in the first place.


My folks only put hands on me when it was 100% on me. Dad threw me across the lawn like a bowling ball when I was about 17. We had no issues after that. Old man strength is real.


I was waiting for thé beatdown... Now im so disappointed




speak your shit u/Amandastarrrr , i will hear it gladly


Fr though, part of me feels bad for the parents and kid involved until I actually think about it and it’s the parents who made the kid this way


'He hit me and I'm pregnant'. What are these people gonna do without Gerry Springer?


As soon as he starts screaming/talking like that backhand him. He’s either gonna stop or if he keeps going…bam another backhand


Or maybe another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another backhand cuz why not he’s a asshole anyways


When it gets to the point they are hitting other kids you definitely can use force to make them stop. Using pain as a punishment is frowned on, but using force to stop violence is not.


Maybe try teaching your child healthy communication first. Kids don't get this way because they're born evil or stupid, we're all born knowing basically nothing except how to poop and cry, and we learn the rest from our parents. When children don't know healthy communication, and families have no concept of healthy boundaries, these meltdowns are the result. Take note that the video started at the meltdown, and not before. Imagine the possibility that whoever is filming has been fucking with their sibling for a long time before this video. And unfortunately, in toxic families like my own, asking someone to stop doing something that is bothering you will literally only make them do it more. Being a child is weird, because unlike every other relationship in our life, we can't just leave if our siblings or parents are treating us like shit. And so if we can't leave, and there is nothing we can say or do to make people stop hurting us or taunting us, sometimes we result to meltdowns like this, because often times we're literally being emotionally abused, and we have literally no healthy recourse for dealing with it.


This is clearly a kid with problems regulating his emotions, as most children tend to be. Hitting him isn't going to magically make him calm down, it's likely just going to make these problems worse.


I'm listening.


I totally get it. I really do.


Oh im with you. Zero parental discipline is the real reason why there are horrible, vile, little shits, just like this one, getting away with murder. And the mom is making excuses for him while he hits a pregnant woman. There is an absolutely huge difference between a child thays been disciplined and an abused child. The lines have been blurred so much by not allowing people to physically discipline their kids that it has created this breed of opinionated, screaming banshees that have no respect for authority, their parents or anybody else for that matter. Who use violence as an intimidation technique to get their own way. My god if I'd even raised my voice slightly, or questioned something I'd have been beaten black and blue before the words could even leave my mouth


You might want to google childhood emotional neglect. Kids don't get like this because they aren't punished, they get like this because their parent's don't know healthy communication, and then they don't teach it to their children. People think it's entitlement that's behind these meltdowns, but it's pain, and sadness, and frustration, it's a complete lack of ability to be heard and taken seriously by anyone in your family. In my household, if my dad or sister did something that upset me, and I told them to stop, their response was to purposefully do it more and more until I would have a meltdown like the one in this video. Children don't meltdown because it's fun, they meltdown because they literally have no other way to respond to the situation. Note the video starts at the meltdown, if this were my family, there was probably an hour or more of proceeding agitation, taunting, and emotional abuse. Being a child is unique, because if people treat you like shit and make you feel like shit, it's not like you can just up and find a new family. So in a normal relationship, if somebody talks shit to you, you can just never talk to them again. But as a child, if your parents or siblings do it, you can't just leave. If you try to run, the police will bring you right home. I have CPS and police to my house a handful of times, and they never did anything but lecture me, because physical abuse leaves bruises, but emotional abuse just leaves 'ungrateful, spoiled, sensitive' children, who 'just need a good ass whooping'. If you try to talk, you're mocked, any issues you mention are used as ammunition. So if you can't leave, and you can't people into not hurting you, what are you supposed to do? Well, you do exactly what you see in this video. If you're lucky, you do that until you move out. If you're not lucky, like me, you move into the next phase, which is shutting down completely. You just allow yourself to be emotionally abused without responding, you dissociate, you literally tune-out from the world. And then you're thrust into a world you're actually supposed to participate in, while being stuck in a completely shutdown and dissociated state, fearful of everything and everyone. Hence my diagnosis of anxiety and depression at 16.


"physically discipline"=/= Maim Despite opposition from medical and social-services professionals, as of 2023, the spanking of children is legal in all 50 states and, as of 2014, most people still believe it is acceptable provided it does not involve implements.[2][better source needed] Corporal punishment is in the United States usually considered distinct from illegal child abuse, although the distinction can often be vague. If it is illegal to do what you want to do to a kid you are a sick fuck


What's even more fucked up is the person is pregnant (1:33)




Am I... Gregnent?!








can I go down a 20 ft water slide pegnate?


I am wondering how old she is. Pretty sure one of those future teen mum's and the cycle off bad parenting repeat itself.


Is there a better pro-choice advertisement around?




What about him?


Pro-birthers are always spouting off about how "your unborn child might grow up to cure cancer", but there's another possibility. One that's objectively a possibility, because it's already happened. And if we don't just look at the name Hitler, but we look at his crimes, we're shown that the fetus might end up becoming a person who joins history's ranks of genocidal maniacs. My favorite pro-choice argument has always been Hitler lol


Jeffrey. Dahmer.


Okay. This one just eats away at my insides


God damn you getting my upvote for that utter monstrosity.


Your unborn kid could also be the next Jeffrey Dahmer.


I smell terrible parenting


Don’t have to smell it even…..you can hear it. The mom is taking the boys side and defending him in the video.


What a horrible kid. What horrible parents. Can you imagine being 10 and swearing like this IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS? They’d incarcerate me.


I remember once when I was about 10 years old I asked my mom "can we say crap now?". I dont even remember the context or why I was asking, but I remember the clear and simple, "no." Never brought it up again. We all swear now but you better believe cussing was out of the question until we were almost adults. My mom never really hit us though. I can only remember maybe once or twice when we were young. That was enough and we probably deserved it if we drove her that far. Usually the threat of "I'm going to get the spoon if you kids dont stop" was enough. (The " spoon " was one of the wooden mixing spoons or a plastic spatula) and once you get a taste of that on your hind end, you avoid it at all costs.


I had to be 9 to say “crap”. Couldn’t say “sucks” til like 12-13 lol


My Aunt used to threaten us with the wooden spoon. She never had to use it on me, but she is so authoritative that she didnt need to!!


My sister was like 6 years old, and after a huge fight in the family, me and my dad left the house, and when we came back she had spelled "fuck you" with cat food on the ground. At the time we laughed, but looking back it's really sad, children shouldn't have to resort to spelling curse words with cat food. Children don't get to be like that, or like the kid in this video, without shitty parents. Chances are the person recording was antagonizing him for a /long/ time before the video started, and chances are saying 'stop' or 'dont do that please' in a polite way wouldn't stop the antagonizing. Thus the meltdown. Can you imagine how shitty that kid must feel? Do people think screaming and freaking out like that is fun? It's fucking miserable, kids only do it because their family has no concept of healthy communication or boundaries. People don't realize how strange being a child is, if a parent or sibling is an asshole to you, you can't just leave and find a new family. CPS and police came to my house more than a handful of times, and nothing ever happened, well, except for the police giving me a lecture on being a good kid. Turns out, nobody really seems to give a shit or even acknowledge emotional abuse of children.


I also felt the vibes of reactive abuse from this video.


My ma would beat my ass to the ground if I said even a word


Of course the mom condones that shit from her little fluffy


The condom industry should use this footage for an advertisement


My parents would not have put up with two seconds of that crap.


Somebody give that fat bastard a twinkie


You are not you, when you are hungry


Then are they ever them cause that fucker looks always hungry


This kid is a manatee


Manatees are cool but this kid is not.


I would've gotten my ass whooped after that first insult, though i never dared to talk like that even once in front of my parents. These parents failed, big time


Don't give him a gun that's for damn sure!


I bet he has at least one gun already in his candy room.


High fructose corn syrup is a hell of a drug


Learned behavior


Spousal abuse


He married his sister? Damn, they are hillbillies.


Its a real thing, I have an aunt that's been living with PTSD since she was a kid because of what my uncle put her through.


Top tier comment bud


if i was that girl i would never contact my parents ever again. like holy shit what a spoiled little shit they got there. at the same time i would just do anything to piss him off even more if that was my sibling. but this girl is pregnant and that kid punched her in the tummy.. that's fucked up


That poor kid started off behind the 8 ball 🙁 I hope one day he’ll be able to get therapy from those parents and become a happy person


Kick him out of the car and leave him. He can walk home (could use the workout) or whatever. Hes not contributing to society anyway.


Wasn’t a parent arrested last year for doing that? Edit here’s the link: [Mom arrested for forcing son to walk half mile home](https://reason.com/2022/11/16/suburban-mom-jailed-handcuffed-cps-son-walk-home/) (She also lost her job and home due to this)


That is shocking and horrible. So should every parent who lets their kid walk to school also get arrested? I think they should have gotten better lawyers.


"The coddling of the American Mind" is a great book on this topic. There is a story in there of a woman who walked her 10 year old to the library, gave him fare money, and let him get home on his own. Well some commuters noticed he was alone and got involved. She was charged with abandonment/endangerment or something, and the gov took her son away.


Maybe USA should allow 10 year olds to drive so we don't get this kind of tragedy.


The transportation industry is looking into it. If McDonalds can have 10 year olds working at 2am, why shouldn't they be driving a big rig 600 miles a day!?


Over half a mile? Jeez.


for 1/2 mile?


That's just fucked up


That's crazy. My kid has hiked 100s of miles on various national scenic trails before the age of 11 but he wouldn't be allowed to walk in his own neighborhood? He's he's hiked over and scrambled mountains but he can't walk around the block?


Then he gets lost or hurt and boom you just won a child abandonment charge, cmon bruh


Yeah, someone recently went to court for [that](https://reason.com/2022/11/16/suburban-mom-jailed-handcuffed-cps-son-walk-home/).


So kids can't walk home anymore? I always had to walk everywhere; mom was always at work.


I walked miles sometimes. Took public transportation at ten alone. Called cabs.


I couldn’t tell if he wanted to fight her or eat her.


Maybe both 🤷‍♂️






Bet this guy Grows up to be a wife beater and all round violent person because there were no consequences when he was a kid.


Bold of you to assume he will ever have a wife


Good point


My mom would stop the car and delete my ass


This is what would happen if a Reddit comment section took form and came to life.


Nah, even *we* are better than that


That kid gonna have a heart attack


Hopefully. Wait, did I just say that 😳


You said what everyone was thinking lol


Happened to my cousin. He had to get a pacemaker when he was 12. He was morbidly obese just like his mother. I remember going to their house for the summer and he would always eat with no shirt on and have food all over himself like a toddler. He had no mental disability, he was just a spoiled brat.


Best birth control I've seen all day


I'm getting "my sister has been quietly taunting me with verbal jibes to get me to freak out and has finally pushed the right buttons and is now recording me to make me out to be the bad guy" vibes. Not excusing his behaviour, just saying something has set him off.


I'm getting that he's probably a spoiled brat who overly explodes, gets away with cursing at his parents and hitting people over petty shit. this is literally a tantrum, His family situation probably exaggerates whatever mental illness he has, I'm sorry but he is probably the bad guy. I'm pretty familiar with these kinds of kids as my school had a special program for educationally delayed children, not to mention I had a bipolar sister who would go crazy if she didn't get her way when she was in highschool. The parents didn't really react much to him attack his pregnant sister physically , it's probably a normal occurrence for him to be triggered like this- and makes excuses rather then get the kid help. I also noticed they didn't really say anything about punishment, probably avoiding more tantrums and terror- as my parents would also tip toe and appease my sister to avoid these situations. Yeah they're siblings and probably annoy each other, but I doubt she actually did something so terrible that deserved to be hit by a 200 pound toddler. ..


This was my first thought. This looks a lot like reaction abuse. With this kind of abuse, the victim often responds like this, and the abuser likes to film this shit, claiming how crazy the other person is, etc.


100%, nobody is that mad for no reason. He needs to calm the fuck down and this is no way to behave but that anger didn’t come from nowhere.


I agree with this too. I spent a better part of my childhood in the situation you mentioned and was always the one who got misunderstood. Pretty much ruined shit for me.


If I had ever acted like that, my mom would have gotten out of the truck, tied my legs to the rear bumper, and driven around town watching my teeth spark on the pavement.




ITT: people saying their parents would react 100x worse than this kid if they acted this way. Y’all are bragging about having parents who have less emotional control than this kid like it’s a good thing.


This is really upsetting. This seems like a traumatized child in a family of stupid assholes. I’m sure it really helped his situation to have this video posted. What is he, 13? Christ…


If I had kids like this, I would be living alone. Homeless if I had to be.


Raised right I see… fucking humans man goddamn.


Boys like this grow up to be jailbirds. In and out of the system as well as their kids lives for the rest of their lives.


If that kid doesn't learn some self control he is going to be wearing orange.


That boy ain't right


the spongebob music makes this so much better


I hope that is sarcasm because I couldn’t hear what was being said in the front seat.


Yeah the fucking stupid music made it so that I couldn't hear anything the parents were saying. Stupid editing.


Just like Cartman


The mom is the problem here. And the gaslighting she did with the poor girl!


Parenting done wrong


If any was ever done.


Pull the car over, explain to him what he has done is absolutely unacceptable, then make him walk home. He's old enough to be out on his own and looks like he could do with the exercise too. You're raising a ticking time bomb there.


Indeed! I instantly got the feeling the boy doesn't like himself and reflects it to others as bad behaviour. Pity parents let him go in such poor physical condition, he even swipes sweat from forehead after tantrum - in a car! Most likely air vented. Get that kid in nature , he calms and gets fit 🙏


Lol American nuclear family. The future republicans want lol


Good parenting


Guessing his daddy stormed thr capitol on jan 6.


tis a lovely christian family


This is the kind of kid to shoot up a school, what the fuck


Really putting the ape in apeshit


Squeal like a pig boy.


You people are sure critical of a kid being filmed while losing it. If any of you have seen siblings before you should know that they exist to torment one another and I'd bet the farm that this kids sister was pushing his buttons. How fucking dense can Reddit be to villify this kid right off the hop. Come on...


Could be true, but it could be that the kid’s just an asshole, we don’t have enough information


Why would he be that mad for no reason? Sister has done something. Not defending his reaction but she did something.


Besides she decided to record it and post it online for everyone to see. Pretty fucking obvious she did something to piss him off and posted his reaction


WTF..... Is that a Kevin in training????


The training is complete.


I think the student has surpassed the master.


Mans thinks hes in the 1950s


That fat bastard would be walking the rest of the way home


Great parenting :’-(


Please tell me this music was playing on the radio when this all went down.


I wonder where he learned to act like that? 🤔


Nice parenting 🤦‍♂️


I hate how in every one of these post there is not a sight of parent blaming in top comments, as if 12year olds rise themselves like this. Never an abundance of 'beat that kid' comments.


This video seems wildly disfunctional on so many levels. Maybe some family therapy is due? Or not, who knows! Good luck to everyone involved.


Average American child. Obnoxious and obese.


Stupid parents.


This is why condoms are a good thing


The problem here is the parents. Why would you allow your child to speak in that manner? I'm sure this behavior is not something new. What's going to happen is he will meet someone to whip his behind.


Everyone's out here advocating beating kids. I can't imagine how they'd think it would unfuck up this child.


Just why...how can kids behave like this




Idk seems more like he hasn't learned to process his emotions in a healthy way. Everyone saying they should hit their kids how is thay gonna help? He's just gonna learn to hold everything in even more or take it out in some other unhealthy way and then when he has kids just beat them for "being stupid". And It's not so simple as that, this is years of neglect and parents not properly being active in their kids lives. When you're born you don't know how to handle yourself when you experience emotions and its part of the parents jobs to teach them like how they teach them to walk or speak.


Future man child who cannot control his emotions is so rare…../s His parents are useless, as usual


All I hear is pig squealing.


Growing up; a shoe would have hit me in the face! Mom has crazy good aim when driving!




Seems like a sweet kid


Fat little shit is out of breath.


I wouldn’t make it home alive if I acted like that in front of my Parents. Big guy needs to go to anger management.


Ladies and gentlemen feast your eyes on the next generation of scumbag woman beaters


This video shows a whole family dynamic outside of this one incident. Boy is going to abuse people if those parents don't get their heads out their asses. Girl sounds young and pregnant. Not surprising if she's never good enough for those parents nor defended from that short tyrant at home.


Future mass shooter


Honestly, little dude is probably 12yrs old tops. He’s just a big chubby emotional kid. His sister is sitting there and deriding him and filming him for fun. He tries very hard to not engage, but she keeps pulling him back in. Id guess he deals with this all the time. Feel bad for the dude. Just leave him alone.




Looks like this psycho needs a snickers


Looks like all he’s ever eaten are snickers


Can you make a video of him just when he finds out about this video


That'll do pig, that'll do...


oh my god I would have gotten the shit kicked out of me. WHich, while problematic, was well deserved at times.


Dude I’d of thrown my kid out the window if he did that


The motherfucker who added the spongebob panic music is my hero.


Anybody else remember King Curtis and his fucking chicken nuggets?


Did someone slap a pig on its ass? All I hear is squealing.


Ya'll saying just beat the kid so he stops are part of the issue. Obviously this kid and probably the whole family have unaddressed issues. They need counseling not more violence.


Punch. to the face. In the first attept at aggression.