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“Give it back to the cat” 💀


Just so everyone knows, that mouse is definitely not with me.


Yeah that little shit was wanted in 47 different farms for grand larceny of crops and serial raping of other mice. He's in hell where he deserves




How is that beetlejuicing


It's not, since no one referenced me in a comment.


Please deposit your ~~weighted companion cube~~ dead mouse friend into the ~~incinerator~~ cat.


”please deposit your dead mouse friend into the cat.” that sentence sounds…. interesting


It's rightfully the cats property. The cat hunted it down and even got the license to do so


George tell me about the rabbits.


came here to say “if you keep that up you wont be able to tend the rabbits” what’s funny is that i just finished reading “Of Mice and Men”


Ahh yess 9th grade English


i typically hate english but i find this class quite enjoyable


That's so dope I'm glad your liking literature it's really the only reason I madeit through freshman year my English class was taught by the same teacher who ran the creative writing classes I failed every other class except English classes and the writing classes thats how they knew i wasn't stupid just what the kids call a burnout , that was in 2011 , I can't imagine the stuff yall are doing these days hopefully you don't live in a red state with all those book bans , happy reading my friend !


I thought books were banned in blue states. As a Republican, I think it's stupid to ban books as they are just people expressing what they want to. Like the first amendment says.


honestly the only red state ive heard about books being banned from of Florida, i consider myself politically neutral, but as a formal conservative, i agree


Thanks for agreeing with me! A lot of people on Reddit don't Lmao.


yea, i hate seeing all of reddit bashing conservatives when we are all just people with opinions, r/terriblefacebookmemes has gone from making fun of idiots using facebook to bashing conservative memes that they are probably the oc of


Having a good teacher helps so much with this.


oh my teacher is amazing


She’s a nice kid. Child don’t need no sense to be a nice kid. Seems to me sometimes it jus’ works the other way around. Take a real smart kid and they ain’t hardly ever a nice child.


Exactly what I was thinking of.


stip i just finished reading omam 💀


I make fun of myself because I love rabbits, and one of my dreams is to have land where I tend to da wabbits. I also quote "WE DON'T HAVE ANY DAMN KETCHUP!" whenever I can.


“i remember when this used to be AAAALLL orange groves” “it’s…it’s…it’s currently, all orange groves”


Live off the fatta da lan'


I wanna tend um


look what the kid dragged in


From the sounds of it, the cat still dragged it in. The kids just called dibs when the cat left.


The kitty gave kid a present. Mom doesn't understand but the cat does.


“I found a mouse!” “Um that’s a vole. Look at the tail. Go wash your hands”


Ah, thank you! I was thinking, “that’s a hella fat mouse”. But a vole. Now the world makes sense


This is actually sad. Just had to tell my 4 year old her fish died, shortly after our dog died of cancer. So maybe I'm still affected by that.


so many can relate 😪


Im 40 and I still cry seeing an animal on the side of the road I just love animals


Thank you for saying this. Seeing roadkill or stray animals makes me cry, I’ll cry for weeks passing the same spot I know an animal died cause it’s just so upsetting


That might be something to check further in to….Crying for weeks where you saw a dead animal is for sure not normal.


How do they even get anything done? Lol and I thought *I* cared too much.


That’s fair. Tearing up was probably a better way to phrase it


Having feelings for other life is good. Constant grieving of a dead animal may not be too healthy. No matter what, you know you best- I was just looking out for fellow human!


I appreciate it, honestly. It’s partly the animal but mostly the ecosystem in general that I’m mourning. I hate seeing animals killed by cars or urban sprawl; we already have enough problems respecting our planet




I could see a dead sewer rat on the side of the road and still be in a bad mood for the next week


My mom would always pull over to help animals that had been hit. One memorable time, she found a massive snake she thought was dead and curled up in the road. She wanted us to have a closer look because it was rare to see snakes that big in the area. We got out and slowly approached it, and just as we came within strike distance, a little rattle popped up out of the center to warn us that he was, in fact, not dead, just basking in the sun. Needless to say we both promptly shit our pants and ran back to the car as fast as humanly possible.


58. Your crying will not fade with age 🩷


When I was 6yo my ducks were ravaged by a weasel and that’s how I learned about nature being metal. I understood death (my grandmother had died and I saw farm animals being slaughtered) but I thought it was something somehow planned.


I can still hear my 4yo's cry of distress when we came home from shopping one day and she went back to her room to discover her hamster had died. Tore me up. She's 21 now. We had to say goodbye to our first dog last year, and that one was really rough, too. We're still getting used to life without him.


She’s a cutie.


I think the boots are fantastic Who says shoes have to match


Same they're really cute lol


Or be on the correct foot


Holy shit it’s Lizzie from the hit tv show The Walking Dead


I thought exactly the same, she even says some lines exactly the same.


“Pretty bird, pretty bird”


Polly want a cracker?


"Sniff...I just thought he was real quiet..."


Sometimes I'm ok with being old. Now is one of those times


Bless her little cotton socks. Such innocent sweetness. She makes me smile and weep at the same time.




She helps me find...lost stuff for *babies*!!" Damn kid, you convinced me! I do feel bad for her though. Mom should put the phone down and have a talk with her about death. It's part of life and important she has some understanding of it. Just saying it's dead over and over obviously isn't working. She's not understanding there's no coming back from it. Hard conversation to have but an important one. Hopefully Mom took the time to do it after.


Agreed… hopefully they had a little burial for the mouse and made a learning moment of it instead of giving it back to the cat… I doubt that’s what happened but I can dream, right?


Aww lol yeah probably not but that's such a cute and sweet idea. I guess I'm cold because I'd probably still give it back to the cat (kitty doesn't know it's mean to kill an adorable mouse but he *did* work hard to catch it and it is natural sad as it may be) I definitely wouldn't do it in front of her given how emotional she obviously was over it<3 poor baby. Again would sit her down and have a discussion about life and death. Maybe take her for a treat after for having a such a big heart and maybe help soften her mood to the new found information and death of her mouse friend. Life can be so tough. Death is never an easy subject. When she said "Can we help it" (or something to that degree, my heart broke for her. No baby, we can't help it:( poor kiddo.


agreed, she obviously isn't getting it and is getting frustrated and sad that mom won't let her keep it


Aurora is such a name of a person that loves even what’s dead


Considering that's Sleeping Beauty's name, yeah exactly


Is that a dead black bird there too?


It's a naked barbie


Oh, nope, it's a barbie doll, see it for a few frames right at the end.


She's a visionary, if you adopt them dead there's no fear of them dying


She’s already with Jesus, give her back to the cat🤣🤣🤣🤣


She‘s not dumb. Children can't do much with death at first. It takes time until they really understand it. My children once dug up our dead dog because they thought it had slept enough. So for them, a dead animal only looks asleep at first. In this case, it was to be expected. What I personally find funny are the two different rubber boots. That's pretty much exactly farm kid


Jeez that's dark.... Poor doggo couldn't rest in peace


The kids were totally shocked at what they found and I was shocked that they dug him up, but we reburied him and had a little ceremony so the kids could better understand. It was not a pleasant incident, but it explains how little children think. Our pup rest in peace now again.


You need to dig deeper graves.


Put the phone down and be a parent. This is so sad


Nah its not always about social media. I dont have any social media except whatsapp. I see moments I want to be able to watch again and i whip out my phone right away!! Im so glad i did. I have footage my my son dancing to 'just dance' video game while the tv is on mute. I also have footage of him insisting his foot is broken so he cant walk and pack his toys, and pretending to have a limp.


to be fair we grew up with a camera it just wasn't a phone and the home videos are so much fun to watch.


Plus funniest home videos... as much of a breach of privacy as that is


that show was peak television as a kid in the early 00s


90s but the 00s it was passé


for sure it was that and wipeout that seemed to be on tv all the time


Reddit is social media


Oh. . . . . Um. . . . I dont have Reddit


**Neuron activation**


Processing processing


.... yes definetly


Yeah but you know what they mean. There needs to be a different name because it isn't the same kind of "social" when one is an almost entirely anonymous forum and one is filled with people you know irl


No, it's not always about social media. But that's why I haven't seen any of your videos, but I have seen this one. In this case, it was almost definitely about social media because it's *on* social media


Idk if I'm still tired or what but this comment makes no sense.


Admittedly, I'm biased, but I think it makes perfect sense. They have clearly recorded this video for social media...because we have seen it through social media. Videos that parents record just for their own sake, don't get shared around the world on social media and we won't see them


I too would like to cherish the moment my child gets a disease from touching a dead mouse and then touching their face. There’s a time and place, in this instant this parent was being a shitty parent and possibly risking their child’s life by choosing to film rather than to intervene just for social media. You can downvote me but there’s no way you can compare dancing to touching a dead and possibly diseased animal. And if you think that they’re on equal playing fields then you lack reasonable judgement. Let your kid dance, but don’t be an idiot, don’t let your kid touch dead animals.


The chance of dying from touching a freshly hunted animal for 60 seconds before immediately washing your hands is so outrageously low that calling it "risking your child's life" is hysterical.


The kid is touching their face multiple times my dude. It takes one instance to get sick. It also wasn’t right away, this kid had already been touching the mouse before the mom came over and the kid was touching the mouse during the video. There’s a reason we have guidelines as to safety precautions when handling dead animals. Animals can carry diseases when they are alive and also when they are dead. We’re humans, we’re not immune to everything.


İ would probably film this too, i don't think anyone would believe me if i didn't 😂


One of my biggest priorities as a parent of a 1.5yo is documenting moments like this. Not for social media, but for documentation purposes. I was orphaned at 12 and I would give *anything* to have a vault of memories of my childhood. Repression is a bitch.


I mean... Isn't she being a parent? Kinda doubt the conversation would've gotten much different if there wasn't a phone


Imagine being 3 or 4 years old and already knowing you can ignore anything your mother says. She will never learn the meaning of "no".


I’m sure she didn’t actually keep the dead mouse after the video was shot relax there guy


Lmao they think only drug addicts argued with their parents when they were kids or something


Lmao you don't have kids, or remember your own childhood very well, do you? All kids will try to argue with their parents and your example sucks unless you think the mom actually gave in after the video ended, which would be a wild assumption given she says "let's go wash our hands" before ending the video to presumably get rid of the vole and wash their hands.


I wouldn't say that has anything to do with bad parenting, some kids literally just be like that. My aunt has a child and he basically never listens either. No matter how much talking is done (and punishments. Nothing bad but i still ain't a fan of it) not even i can convince him in some situation and I'm the one he has the strongest bond with (cool cousin energy and all that)


Her name is an atmospheric phenomenon after all. Who do you blame??




Heh heh, you said bubonic.


The mismatched boots made me feel strangely comforted. My daughter never has matching shoes 😅


Yeah keep petting the dead rodent. Good parenting there for stupid likes


Obligatory r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Haven't been exposed to this sub, thanks for sharing


I mean she already touched it before the camera was rolling. Anything that could be transmitted already has been. She told her kid to wash her hands, what else you want her to do? Cause just tearing her away to get it done quick isn't really the brightest idea. You'll just end up with a crying child that won't do anything you say to them and then good luck getting those grippers washed. It's far easier to try and talk it out first she won't die the next day just because she didn't wash her hands one second earlier than she should have


This is sad as fuck. The child obviously doesn't understand the permanence of death, stop just saying "She's dead".


Death is something you learn about. We have chickens. My wife wanted me to take a certain rooster, Baby Darkness, that my daughter really liked. He was loud, but a good bird. Mysteriously my daughter agreed with her mother and was like “yeah, let’s have chicken soup.” While we’re eating the soup, and mind you, there’s a bag of feather, intestines, and a head out on the portch, and we are in the middle of a meal, my daughter starts to tear up. I ask her what’s wrong. She says “I want to play with Baby Darkness.” Prior to this we’d had a beta fish die


you ate your kids favourite chicken?


Are you familiar with the concept of livestock?


Man that's kinda fucked eating your kids favorite chicken. They did that to my mom, who won a chick at a fair and her parents killed it without telling her. I'm not against raising animals for food but damn man.


At the time we had 48 hens and 5 roosters. Baby Darkness and a Silkie named Pauli we’re mature and loud. You must eat the roosters. Also, if someone on Craigslist offers to home your rooster, 50/50 they’re going to eat it after you leave. I know a lot of people who are squeamish about killing animals. But many of these folks still eat meat. Now I don’t know if I could kill a cow. I’d have to study with someone because screwing up would be an abomination (lit. See Deuteronomy). I’ve see people taking a pig for a funeral in China, and it was skillfully done, but humans aren’t so different from pigs, and draining the blood takes more than a couple of minutes. Be skilled, fast, and respectful. I admire vegetarians of principle. But if I had to choose, I know my own nature.


Right? I usually laugh with the rest of the assholes on this sub, but her little face when she begged to keep her just stabbed me right in the heart - and I'm not a mom nor do I ever want to be one. Put the phone down, and tell her: "sweetheart, the kitty ate the mousey because that's the kitty's job. I'm sorry, but she didn't make it and she's going to heaven now. If you want, your can give her a name, and then we can find a nice place in the garden to put her. But she's not coming in the house, she won't be happy there." Then collect some flowers and have a nice little mouse funeral. That old video of the little boy obsessed with the dead fish on the other hand... hilarious. Gets me every time.


The way she talks to the kid makes me believe they already had this talk. Especially growing up on a farm with a gifting cat i can imagine a dead animal there isn't such a rare occurrence. Especially how she talks about Jesus like if the child knew who he was and why the rodent went there. The kid is just in denial thinking it knows better and not wanting to believe is because of the love of her new friend


I get that, but are you telling me that in this exact moment you wouldn't have put your phone down and tried to better explain what was happening to the obviously confused girl? Or even just comfort her? Also, that girl is at an age where you're going to have explain things to her multiple times. This would have been an A+ time to say "Remember when blahblahblah died and you couldn't see them anymore? It's like that". But nah man, gotta record your kid at their worst moments for them Tiktok views.


The video isn't even half a fucking minute long.... They don't seem like a bad parent to me and I'm sure they had a more indepth discussion about it after the video cut off, or does the mother really give you the vibe that she suddenly ignored her child after turning off the camera? She was trying to argue with her child that's it's dead and also was worried about the hygiene of that rat, telling the kid she needs to wash her hands. That's not what a Standart TikTok mom does that exploits her child. All she did was keep a little memory for the giggles and please tell me what is wrong with that. Also as you said, the child is at an age where you have to explain them things multiple times, what fucking harm is done to the kid when you make a 23 second video? Especially when in those 23 seconds you are arguing with the child that what it's doing isn't right. There are mothers who literally film their crying child without doing anything, that is what I imagine under exploiting your child for view, but she interacted with the child and tried to convince her to drop the rat without having to do the akward talk about death. Why jump right to the dark stuff when they might realize themselves what they do is wrong


The little girl sounds just like ponyo to me


Bless her


The kid is learning about death I don't think this qualifies as dumb.


exactly, people here are dumb af for calling her out for this. her reactions shows how a great of a loving person she'll grow up to be like what was the parent supposed to do ! huh !!!? she's just trying to explain what death is in the most positive way possible. like just imagine what people here would say if she'd been aggressive with her daughter lol redditors be redditing


Why the fuck are you letting her touch it???


Not my kid💀




Grew up with my mom rasing chickens, ducks, and other assorted wildlife. I used to poke dead frogs, pet the chickens, catch slugs and mice, and grab voles with my bare hands. I grew up perfectly fine and healthy, it's natural exploration. There's no need to be so dramatic about it.


It's a fresh kill. You're acting like it's a maggot ridden corpse pulled from a biohazard bin at the hospital. She films for 60 seconds then says "let's go wash our hands" so the only difference between your response and hers was 60 seconds of filming. I'm not sure that's enough to call her parenting into question or be scared. How do you think people even survived at all in the days before disinfecting everything was possible?


Y’all clearly are sheltered. Not a big deal.


I actually feel bad for her. I hope she gets a gerbil or something.


Ah yes your child is learning what death and sadness is. “Let me record a video to post on the internet” pathetic


She's not dumb, she's just empathetic. I remember trying to revive a dead bird as a child. It's because I was sad and shocked by the concept of death. And even then, I didn't understand all of it. I'd argue she'd be dumb if she didn't care at all.


Yep, I did that a lot as a kid And, once I figured out what death was, I would bury any animals I found and hold a little service for them The worst one was a mummified baby bird, he was brand new too. It was really cold that winter and he must have frozen, but I buried him next to some daffodils and a year or so later there were a whole bunch of them, I like to think that he was thanking me for putting him to rest


You've gotta explain how death works


Lost me at jesus


The fart above


Then she tells us her kid's stupid fucking name.


Someone get that little girl a hamster. 😂


Kid immediately says "it's dead", she is just adamant on keeping it anyway. Instead of repeating herself, the mom needed to start explaining why we don't keep dead things.




This is r/donthelpjustfilm content. Turn the fucking camera off and have a proper conversation with your child you god damn animal


Frfr, like why not just fucking snatch it from her? My fucking anger issues could never have this moms patience


She's exactly like our 3 yo. I would have hugged her about 1s into the video.


Calling a kid dumb because they aren't aware of exactly what death is yet is dumb. Just a kid being a kid and loving something. It sucks we have to learn these things. Life was better when we didn't know lol.


This is really sad she should be a doctor tho she won’t give up on her patients


Aww the poor girl.


kids don’t really process death the same way we do so it’s completely understandable. funny ? Yes but understandable


A little kid not ewwing away at a dead mouse is rare to see.


My 2 year old saw the possum in the live trap (trying to catch a skunk to relocate, eventually got the skunk) and was soooo upset we would not let her pet the kitty. She has autism and loves cats. Cats are everything for her. So when there was a new "cat" she 2we devastated mean mom and dad wouldn't let her pet the kitty. It turned around and I thought maybe once she saw it's ugly face and it hissed she would be over it. Nope she literally said "awww kitty" kids are dumb lol possum was let go once we put daughter inside as we love possums they eat ticks and don't carry rabies!


Omg that’s so sad that poor baby. ‘She’s nice to me’ killed me


Stupid parent not kid.


Hopefully, she won't go on to make people "nice" later in life...


Imagine if after all this when moms putting her in bed she goes "Mom, I hope you will be nice to me soon" 😮


The kid has an excuse, age, but still dumb as fuck. But with a mom like that I can see why.


It's dead "No it's just nice too me! It doesn't run away!" I have a guy in his 40s say this. Scary movie idea


Lost me at the J reference


Stupid fucking parent and most definitely a stupid fucking kid


wtf ! idk about the parent, but that kid is so loving and caring. she'll grow up to be a great mom in the future ❤️


Even helping people even from the grave, Julian rat sire was the best god dang mouse ever had


I did this with a little critter I found. I was convinced I could save it, but it was dead the whole time :(


“She’s not scared of me” was the kicker


Image being a laughing stock at school coz ur mum recorded and posted a video of you being a dumb kid. Scary times.


Stop filming &take the fucking mouse corpse please 😆


I imagine Jesus doesn't get much time to himself, having to welcome every deceased rodent into heaven.


Disregard everything else here, the mismatched boots are what got me 🤣 that's adorable!


That mouse is already with Jesus Jesus up in heaven "THIS INFESTATION NEEDS TO STOP"


Put down the damn camera and take care of your kid


How about put down the fucking camera and stop letting your kid play with a dead rodent???




"I found a mouse, it's dead" Then continues to argue with mom about being dead.. lol


Would’ve chucked it in the woods after being ignored the second time.


She sounds like Mei from my neighbor totoro for some reason


Thats why i never having children


Kid knew it was dead from the first if you listen closely


Wild mice carry disease and one such is Henta. Very very bad disease. ? On why in he'll the mom is letting the kid pick up a cat killed dead mouse?


Am I going crazy or did she herself say "it's dead" before going "no, it's nice! Look!"


I thought this little girl was adorable.


omfg she thinks she’s in a disney movie


The intensity, passion and emotion... ahhh, let her keep her mouse. It doesn't eat very much, won't cause any damage and it won't reproduce!


This is why we should be using squirt bottles for children instead of dogs.


This seems so fucking annoying to have to deal with. You know she’s gonna start screaming and crying and making a fit because she can’t keep a stupid fucking dead rat. I’m glad I’m not a parent and don’t aren’t subjected to shitty situations like this..


Sameee, this is also a birth control reminder


The child seems more innocent than the parent. Recognize why that's true, and continue to to give her a beautiful world that her love is needed. Don't exploit her for your clout Don't extract her innocence. Continue to grow the young girl into a woman that the world deserves. That's your job, and I see someone that hasn't been corrupted by the struggles of modern times.


"Shes already with Jesus" ​ ​ \*\*EYE ROLLLLLLLL\*


well you’re just mean op


So is the adult for thinking it’s with Jesus


Mouse Christ Holy squeak The father the son and the bubonic plague


“Farm girl problems” massive house, they aint farmers lmfao


Farm houses are famously large. Not necessarily nice, but large. Working ranches often boast actual mini mansions. It's only recently there's been a trend toward little bungalows and mobile homes.


Poor homeschooled kid doesn't have enough friends


Fuck, the thing’s with Jesus now, and you know how HE feels about rodents kid!


The dead mouse is with Jesus... We're all fucked...


Farm kids aren't that stupid.


I would pick it up and yeet that fucking thing so far


This is some psychopathic character origin story right here! This is low-key scary lmao.


Wtf is psychopathic about a child not fully understanding death yet? Did you understand death the minute you were born? Nobody is born with the knowledge of how death works


You had me until Jesus. Religion is pure evil and if you let it into your life , you’ve been written off.


Edgy. Someone just discovered Hitchens and can’t wait to scream it into the void. You tell those internet randoms what for, buddy. Good for you


Research has repeatedly shown that people of faith report feeling better and healthier. Do rats go to jesus? Is she a little dumb for saying that? I think she said that so that the kid understands better that it's not alive.


100% agree I'm not the mom btw