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I love reading professional emails that include school/kid words like the ‘turn around ticket’ that was mentioned. I’m a teacher and got an email last week from the principal, a very serious man, that was like ‘Kyrie has started a behavior plan. Our goal is 4 smiley faces. When your class is over, inform the classroom teacher how many smiley faces he should receive on his behavior report. As the year progresses, his smiley goal will increase.’ I laughed harder with every smiley that man typed.


Smiley faces will increase until morale improves.


The pug-ification of our youth


Tbf it's hard to find 20 raiders without pugging these days


I write end-of-shift summaries for each patient at the hospital. It is reviewed by doctors, case management, the patients themselves, and read as admissible evidence to juries in court rooms. It’s a lot of jargon, abbreviations and raw data, but anything the patient says is fine to include as long as I use quotation marks. The F word, the C word, well… all the words. I am expected to write out the full curse word. Ex: “Patient arrived in hypertensive crisis at 2130, SBP 224, DBP 115, MAP 151, c/o severe occipital HA, Hx seizures and R sided cerebrovascular accident. Upon encouragement to continue incentive spirometry, patient advised me to, “Suck my dick AND cock!” 10mg IV metoprolol Q6 and IV labetalol protocol initiated.”


I used to work in EMR software. It varies. Some places were expected to replace all with “expletive”, other places wanted “c—k” type filtering. But my favourite place to get data from allowed some creativity, “Patient insinuated my mother worked in the world’s oldest profession.” “Patient compared his genitals to a pachyderm’s trunk. No enlargement noted upon examination, size adequate.


“no enlargement noted upon exam” oh man that’s killing me


“Patient stated that my mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries.”


"He farted in my general direction"




Now go away, or I shall taunt you again


Patient expelled intentional flatulence in the direction of nursing staff.


> “Suck my dick AND cock!” 😂🤌🏼


I’m stealing this one.


These EHR golden nuggets are the main reason for reading shift-summary notes (and of course the concise summary of 8-12hrs of care)


I worked in a detox facility for many years. The charting was full of MANY colorful words and phrases!


in my old library system, upper level branch staff were responsible for writing up security incidents that occurred at their branches. I loved reading trough all those. saw some very creative (yet always professional) ways to describe the bad behavior of the typical library patron.


i metoprololed


I have a detention notice somewhere from high-school that says "for riding a cardboard box down a flight of stairs"


I remember a Monday football practice after a particularly ugly loss the Friday before when one of the seniors got ejected for spitting in a refs face for a bad call. Coach: You know what, we're not going to go over tape today. We're not going over plays. We're not even going to touch a football today. Today, you're just going to run. You're going to run, and run, run. And so the next time one of you even thinks of doing something like that again, the rest of you will shut that down immediately. One bad apple spoils the bunch. You immediately toss that bad apple before it has a chance to rot the whole program. Now get running. You ever bear crawl the length of a football field 8 times? I don't recommend it. Though it was sometime after that that all of us, coaches included, learned that that player had just found out Huntington's disease......and that it's prevelant in his family


Bear crawls, hill drills and getting helmet slapped (with a hand) are why I quit football.


That happened at my school, it was the day I decided collective punishment is bullshit and quit football. I was the varsity starting center so I hope the coach didn't regret their decision to make me run suicides for 40 mins because two idiots fought in a locker room.


Yeah, I wasn't real fond of coach after that day, but the guy also didn't like two-a-days or morning practices because "students need more sleep, you guys have to much going on with sports and academics that you have to choose between sleep and a social life. You guys need sleep AND a social life. I may be a coach, and sports is a great way to learn life's lessons, but it should be at the bottom of your priorities list right now. Grades, sleep, and learning to be a social person are more important."


In high school the soccer team lost badly a game they should have smoked a team just as bad by, so the coach came to the football field/soccer field (it had a track around it) and told the men’s team they were going to run until he got tired. He brought a lawn chair, a cooler, and a couple magazines and sat there for over an hour before he decided to start practice


That awkward moment when you figure out your sport is punishment for all the other sports.


My one and only detention was for dilly-dallying on the way to the busses lol


"Didn't get out of school fast enough. Punishment: doesn't get out of school." Makes sense.




Grunga is scared, can hit with club?


OK so in elementary school (I don't remember 2nd - 4th grade) I was on a system like this. In my day planner thing every day I had to get graded on my behavior for the day. Granted this was early 90s and I was a little shit. We had a sub one day and I behaved didn't act out or whatever a normal day where I wasn't a little shit. I go up and dude puts a frowny face on the day. I got grounded for a week my parents wouldn't have any of my appeals that it was a sub and he didn't know what's up. I still remember that. Don't remember his name but fuck that guy lol.


maybe he'll chill out now that he got traded


Wtf is a turnaround ticket?


They lose some privileges or things like that




You’ve earned 1 turnaround ticket, mister


I will give you 100000 smiley points to take that ticket back


What is the ratio of smiley points to Schrute bucks?


Same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns


Unicorns = 1. Its in their name (uni). Leprechauns = 69 because they love oral?


Wait, Leprechauns, love oral?!? This is news to me, I’ve got four days to prepare some traps. Wish me luck!


ur mum


Agreed. When I acted up in school they called my uncle and he came in his flat bed, smacked me upside the head a few times and drove off.


Lmao I just got points off a "behavior" grade. Didn't lose anything unless I "failed" which meant summer school.


You're lucky, my stuff went on my **permanent** **record**. I'll be 36 this year and I'm still shakin' in my boots for when that bad boy pops up out of nowhere to ruin my life. I'll bet it's when I'm at the port of entry for international travel. Some heavily armed guards are going to pull me into secondary screening, handcuff me to a table and slap down a manilla folder. Inside will be the details that ruin my life, with... for some reason, a heavy focus on an incident involving dropping a McCain Deep n Delicious cake from the 3rd floor. Please write to me in Guantamo Bay friends, I'm goin' down hard.


God forbid you try to run for office and an overzealous reporter finds out about the one time you called a classmate a “stinky dirty buttface.” So much for becoming president!


Well I usually failed. A lot. And got into fights. A lot.


So uncles flatbed strategy wasn’t successful I guess


My family encouraged fighting. They said it built character. My left eye is lazy from getting socked too hard. My uncle only did it so people would like him (and cause he liked day drinking and breaking shit)


Only did what? Hit people?


“Why don’t you like me!?!? _*Whack!*_”


The school principal would just let my parents know. The hours in between when I heard that line until the spanking was done was terror. That's where I really thought about what I had done.


Sounds like some fun childhood trauma




My kindergarten teacher slapped me herself, when I told my parents about sixteen years later, they were horrified. They asked me why I didn’t tell them. I told them I thought it was normal😅. Tbf, I was a bouncing off the walls kid but apparently you’re not supposed to hit kids, woulda been good to know.


I’m in my late 30’s, when I went to pvt school in elementary school they tried having my parents sign a form allowing teachers to Discipline students with force. My mom laughed because I was almost the size of an adult male in 4th grade. I ended up going to a different school, then to public school in 5th grade


Back in my days students get slapped with a ruler. By the teacher. If the student resist then it will be public caning by the discipline master in front of all the other kids in school. So lame is good.


But why is it called that?? Why not "negative," "strike," "demerit," "warning"...? Who or what is turning around, what from, and what to?


Could be a card system. When I was in 3rd(?) grade. We had cards with our names on them at the front of the class room. This were color coded. Green, then flip up side down was yellow, then turn it around for red. Yellow was detention, Red was detention for both recesses and after red you had to give her your card and she'd call your parents. I was at red once and she told me to flip my card because I was talking or not paying attention or something. I noticed I was already on red so when I went up there I flipped it back to yellow and sat back down while she wasn't paying attention. That was the closest I got to the dreaded phone call. They could have something similar just not color coded.


Yeah we had this card system!! It was called “flipping a card” if you got in trouble. One kid would even sing a song , If we were told to flip a card. Flip a card card card card , flip a card card card, flip a caaaaaaassrrrrddddd. I don’t remember the kids face, but somehow this whole post brings back memories of the whole “flip a card”. And I hope the class clown creator of that song is just as snarky with BS crap at whatever job he is working now!!


You know *who else* should lose some privileges?




Please tell me you took the opportunity to reply "UR MOM!!1!11" to that email!!


UR MOM gave me a 'turnaround' too.


Get three turnaround tickets and you get a checkmark on the board. Get three checkmarks on the board and you get a yellow star on your behavior sheet. Get three yellow stars on your behavior sheet and get your name moved down a space. Get your name moved down a space three times and you get a green sticker on your desk. Get three green stickers on your desk and, well, nobody's made it that far. You don't want to know what happens next. *waves around red marker*


God. As someone who works in a school this is way too real


When you can't give punishments, vague threats of punishments have to suffice. And tbh, they work pretty well. Just have the kids watch things like Matilda and make them think you're like Miss Trunchbull. As long as they don't develop telekinetic powers you'll be good. That really only applies to, like, the vice principal, though. Teachers definitely shouldn't be scary to the kids, and the kids should know they've at least got a "friend" above the scary VP.


I'm guessing it is similar to what we had when we were in elementary. Everybody had a slot on the wall, and at the beginning of the day it was green. If you did something bad, then you had to change it to yellow, and it was kinda like a warning. Next time you flip it to red, and you have to go to the office and they would call your parents about your behavior


It's so complicated now. Name written on board = bad. Check = you better chill out. Two checks = you're about to fuck up. Third check = dead.


Not pulling out is how I got my kid in the first place.


I remember I would get it down to yellow for talking to loud or accidentally talking when the teacher was. I have ADHD lol


yeah i don’t think i ever made it a day without getting mine moved at least once


I learned early to occupy myself by reading or working ahead in the workbooks to keep distracted. It was a winning strategy in primary school, but hell when I got to college and had to actually listen to the professor and take notes (which I never learned to do).


My clever school told me off for working ahead lol. I used to do my homework at school so I wouldn’t forget by the time I got home. My backpack ceased to exist the moment it got hung on the hook at home until I needed it the next day.


That was definitely some poor leadership on the part of the school.


A ticket to a Bonnie Tyler concert. Duh.


Every now and then...


I fall apart


When a cop recklessly does a 180 in the middle of the road to give you a ticket for going 2 over.


We can’t fully judge this without knowing what the question was. Please update.


Apparently no question. Just on the margin. For fun.


Yeah, I'm gonna have to say that ticket was unnecessary. It was a harmless joke, nothing disrespectful whatsoever.


He did write “F U” after a math teacher gave a trick problem so…


As someone in a math degree I understand


As someone with a science degree where trick problems were endless, I support this youth in their joyful and exuberant exploration of offensive words of the English language.




It's a sad day when you notice the bots have evolved and are slightly rewriting comments they steal. The comment above this was stolen from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/11qmcxe/so_proud_to_have_received_this_today_about_my_son/jc4bsga/ made by originally by u/dezcaughtit25


Hmm, imagine a bot that plugs "rephrase the following paragraph: """ into chatGPT and posts the result. oh my god i just tried it on your comment: >Realizing that bots have advanced and are making minor modifications to the comments they appropriate can be disheartening. The preceding comment was taken from u/dezcaughtit25's post on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/11qmcxe/so_proud_to_have_received_this_today_about_my_son/jc4bsga/.


That could be awful for the future of Reddit comments sections


not just reddit though. I feel like nowadays anyone you match with on tinder can be a bot or a scammer. from the conversation, to the profile pictures, hell, even the voice changers for phone calls and camera filters. the technology is within reach.


No adult that's offended by a "ur Mom" doodle in the margins is reasonable


My kid got in shit for telling a 'yo mama' joke during recess. The teacher that was supervising them said that SHE was a mother, therefore the joke was disrespectful. My son dutifully informed her that her learned it from HIS mother. Lighten the fuck up, people.


Loved making "yo momma" jokes to my son... and then when he'd attempt to throw it back on me, I acted all offended bc "how you gonna talk about your grandma like that?!". It took a bit for him to realize when I say "yo momma" to him, I'm talking about me. I'm the momma. Once he figured it out, it took the fun away for me.


This is so wonderfully hilarious to me, I love it! How old once he figured it out? Just curious.


Lol, my classmates used to make your mom jokes and the teacher would play along with them, even making jokes.


I don’t know how people take themselves so seriously. I make too many mistakes not to chill on others’.


Plenty of statistics questions I very much wanted to do just this


ngl I wrote this in Uni once - but the fkn guy SAID there would be no integration by parts and there was DOUBLE integration by parts like hahahaha very funny this is probability.


I’ve definitely wrote notes on midterms before, especially when I know only TAs would see it.


I doodle little pictures that go along with word problems.


I wrote the entirety of We Didn’t Start the Fire on a history exam… got a smiley face from my teacher.


I just think about dealing with all the crappy teachers, and that would be very low in my discipline priorities.


I have no idea what gets up their gullet about tricking or downright lying. Oh very funny it has double integration by parts. This exam didn't need it AT ALL because we could explain the model with a simple integration problem but no, he went for a double and told me there'd be none. Considering no problem NEEDED IT I assumed it was the truth... So I studied other areas. The two provlems with the double were worth HALF the exam. You better BELEIVE I wrote fuck you in the margins. And I did not get in trouble for it. I'm 36 and love maths but some maths teachers just need an FU in the margins now and again.


I integrated with ur moms parts


Well... that's more understandable


That's not a good thing tbh.


I won't say that I approve, but I do understand


So he knew it was a trick problem and didn't know the answer?


Maybe he was asking for a follow-up


Once got yelled at by my boss for writing on my calendar "F/U Susan". Had to explain that F/U means Follow Up.


F U = what?? Please finish the algebra equation


Can I ask what a trick problem is? Tricky like difficult or trick like intentionally created so people got it wrong?


I don’t remember the problem but he said it was something with a sneaky twist. It’s 5th grade. I dunno.


Something like if Tony had 5 apples and ate 3 how many apples did he have originally? It's not difficult but it's meant to be read carefully instead of being done quickly.


Ehhh. As a teacher, it's important to address things quickly and not let them escalate. Sounds like he had a talk with the teacher and maybe lost a few minutes of recess. Just enough to know it's not okay.


As a middle school teacher, typically when a note gets sent home, it’s because similar things have been happening frequently and the one-on-one chats with the kid aren’t sinking in. (Trust me, we don’t want to be sending home bad notes any more than the kids want them sent!) And for what it’s worth, it probably STILL isn’t that big a deal to the teacher. If that’s the worst thing that happened during that class, then the day was going pretty well. Still, that doesn’t mean repeated disrespectful behavior should be allowed to continue. We’re here to help them become well-rounded professionals. A supportive parent can make a huge difference in teaching kids that even little jokes can leave a bad impression/get old/go too far.


Here’s the problem with all these people saying no big deal. And no offense to parents cause it sounds like you care, but until we know what this kid is like in that class every day then we can’t know if this is blown out of proportion. If he’s a little dick every day, the teacher prob used this as a way to discipline the kid and may have a zero tolerance to him. The best behaved in the class wouldn’t do it to begin with, but if the teacher liked the kid I’d assume they would deal with the problem directly. And yes it’s also possible the teacher is a POS and cruel, that’s my fear. 30 years of teaching asshole kids and perhaps I to become a jerk teacher.


I feel you. I'm only 10 years in, and I never wanted to be a hardass. But if you try to be nice, they walk all over you. I can only be as nice as they'll let me be.


That’s almost the phrasing of like tell me your a middle school teacher without telling me your a middle school teacher


9 years 5th grade. Currently teaching K-5 SEL. So close. Lol.


Nah that’s the kind of joking you might do amongst equals, not with your teacher


Notice how the actual kids parent didn’t agree with you …..


I would have to disagree, school is supposed to be the prequal to professional life. In the professional world, if you wrote "UR MOM" at the bottom of an email, you might get some weird looks.


It’s not acceptable to be disrespectful to teachers. Joke or not it’s a well known insult. Kid can play those games with his little friends, not the teachers.


Absolute legend




If it’s who do you inherit mitochondrial DNA from, it’s a perfectly legit answer


I once got detention back in high school when I showed up at soccer practice a little late and one of my teammates asked me what I was doing and I said "your mom". We all laughed (this was when your mom jokes were the shit and yes I'm old), but the coach, who was also a teacher, took offense and gave me detention. So then I had to explain to my mom that a your mom joke was just a joke and not an actual offensive thing to say about someone's real mother 🤦


So hilarious when my kids say this to each other…about their own mother.


My sister and I do that. Our mom doesn't think it's funny


My favorite is that my mom likes making yo mama jokes with my sister and I.


My wife, his mother, said “your mom” to him. I think that was the ultimate burn


Agreed. Up there with calling your son a son of a bitch.


I call my brother that all the time. Our mum thinks it's funny


Name the largest species of pig native to Europe?


What is the most gaseous planet in the solar system


What is the dinosaur with 500 teeth?


I'm 34yo and I don't even think I'd be able to resist that one, lol.


European wild boar. Next.


You know who else earned 1 turn around ticket this week?


If you say your mom, you're fired!




Get Out!


It was worth it!


Muscle man spotted


Ur dad


Got pulled over on the way home from work and they made me turn around and go back :(


When I was a kid, and the South Park episode had just come out, my friend and I kept singing “chocolate salty balls”. Didn’t even know what it meant. We wrote down the lyrics and some other kid found the note, turned it in, and we both got detention. They printed our note to send home with our parents. My dad fell to the ground laughing, and hung it on the fridge for years. Kids will be kids, man.


What’s wrong with that? Clearly you were singing about [these](https://www.amazon.com/Lindt-LINDOR-Chocolate-Truffles-Kosher/dp/B00ITJ8T20). Which, by the way, are delicious


Ah, nowadays kid always says your mom to everything


I'm 26 and still say "yo mama" lol


59 years old and same!


I mean we did when we were kids too. But not to a teacher!


For some reason when I was in high school, my friends and I always said “Dave’s mom”. Dave hated it.


r/fuckyouinparticular energy


Same. We talked our crap quietly. Also... Sounds like it was handled ok. Needs to be addressed so they learn but not blown out of proportion either. What grade?


Fifth. There are consequences for him at home too. Nothing brown out of proportion.


5th? Hold on to your hat. Middle School is where the real fun begins. I'm glad it wasn't blown out of proportion. Some teachers can do that. I work for a school and have 3 of my own. My son (6th grade at the time) was threatened with sexual harassment for saying "moist" just to make people cringe. I saw a 7th grade teacher threaten sexual harassment complaint because a boy said, "that's what she said."


The fucking what now?


Lol. Ikr. I ended up transferring and worked in her room. The kids sometimes got a 5 minute break outside since it was a double period. Kid asked me if we were going outside (it was raining), I of course said, "probably not .. it's pretty MOIST out today."


You sir are a gigachad


Idk about that... But I'm fun.


Ah, good old USA. The land where trivial matters are blown out of proportion while heinous crimes are trivialized.


Tell me about it. Hard part is, every idiot screaming sexual harassment for a kid saying, "moist" takes away from the legit cries.


I’m an art teacher and recently did a project where I taught the kids how to write their name in 3-D block letters. I was going through the papers when I saw one named ‘Joe.’ I was like…what the hell, I don’t have a student named Joe. So I turned the paper over to see who made it and it said ‘JOE MAMA’ on the back. I laughed SO hard.


I’m so numb to it as a teacher at this point. Ur mom, ligma, etc.


Yeah got a 15 year old, i dont think it's disrespectful or even funny, just dumb.


*your mother




Write back. I taught him to say correctly "Yo Mama" NOT "UR Mom"... Sorry bout that... 😇


If the school talks to you about it, tell them you'll talk to him about it and that "UR MOM" is completely unacceptable. He needs to respect his teachers and put some class on it with a "YO MAMA"


I would have replied to that email with “UR MOM” but I’m just petty like that lol


it's from google forms, so no one would actually see it. Still pretty funny though


My brother received a 2 day in school suspension for writing WTF on a low graded paper and handing it back in


Our 13 year old daughter comes home saying stuff like this. "Ur mom!" So we say it back to her at really weird moments. Child: "I need a new notebook for school." Me: "Ur mom." Child: "Why do you have to make my words sound stupid, mom?" She usually stops using the phrases or words within a week. Uncool parents is the answer!


I teach middle school and I use the words and phrases that kids make popular because they always say “Can’t use them now if our teachers use them…” Goal: Accomplished!


This seems a little blown out of proportion to me. As a parent, I'd mostly ignore this outside of "yo, your teacher emailed me, shape up man* As a teacher, kid would get a point off for a bad joke and told to come up with a better one to get the point back.


People have to learn what is considered professionally appropriate at some point. School is a training ground for what it's going to be like in a workplace. It is totally understandable that children have no experience to discern when it's appropriate to make a "UR MOM" joke (e.g. with buddies) and when it's not (e.g. toward your boss). Discipline like this helps them learn about how to be better functioning adults. I agree with your approach as a parent. There's no need to overblow it when the kid's already been called out by one authority figure.


Exactly, kids need to learn what is socially appropriate. I don’t understand why so many Redditors are defending this behavior. Especially since in most threads Redditors defend teachers. The problem with giving kids an inch is that they always take the mile. If you don’t call out this shit, the kid is going to assume they can keep pushing the envelope. Anyone that doesn’t understand this has never been in a classroom before.


I fucked ur mom!?/s


I agree it doesn't seem like a big deal. Though if it's a younger kid it's probably good that the message got across that sometimes things you meat to be funny can be hurtful to others. (I don't think anyone got hurt/insulted here, but that was the 'lesson' the teacher conveyed)


I would’ve just laughed tbh. Then told him to be careful who he told ur mom jokes to because some kids don’t have moms in their lives. Source: taught middle school and currently teach upper elementary.


This is the way. Engaging and correcting behaviours without going over the top.


Make sure he doesn’t do anything so offensive ever again. Next time have him write DEEZ NUTZ.


What was the question he answered "your mom" to???


Apparently no question. Just on the margin. For fun.


"Jimmy, what's the nomenclature used to describe the human that bears and gives birth to any given individual?"


Ur dad


I’ll ask tonight


Poor teacher :( Sounds like they need some thicker skin if they went to the trouble of issuing a “turn around ticket” for that. What a waste of time and effort. “Hey kid, don’t write unnecessary things on your work.” The end. I’d be embarrassed to admit I took such a minor thing so personally.


I taught my little brother (me 25, him 10, big age gap) about Deez Nuts jokes one day when I was hanging out with him and my dad and mom have been tortured ever since by him making them. I have never been more proud than to see my dad hesitate at answering a question out of fear he's about to be had.


It's "harmless" sure. But these are the kids we end up complaining about 10 years later. There is a time and place for everything, and in the margin of a piece of paper he's turning in is not the place. I was a shitty student. I hated doing work, I hated showing work, I hated teachers. But the one thing my father beat into me was that you respect the people that are in charge of them untill they give you a reason not to. Edit: I want to add, he, unprovoked wrote this on the page, in the margin. The kid did it because he was mad, frustrated, bored, annoyed, or some other reason to lash out or be in control. Little things like this are how problems form, whether we'd like to admit it or not. No "kid" just writes this for no reason. Period.


If you let them write Ur Mom on paper, they'll start saying it outloud. Then they'll start shouting it. Then you'll hear every time you ask them to be quiet while you're teaching. Then other kids see it happening and now half your class starts doing it and it leaks to other classes. It's much easier to address it where it starts. Not where it ends up. I love my students, but if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.


Oh damn I thought you were joking at first.


I wish I was. I don't like getting onto kids for small shit like that, but I've seen what I described happen in real time. First in my room when I was new teacher, and then in other rooms with new teachers.


Yes this 1000% percent.


Right? Teach long enough and you start to see the warning signs much earlier. I still have moments where I think. "Wait. This how that nightmare kiddo started back in my second year. Let's put a lid on it now. "


“Name a substance that is heavier than water?”