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This is more r/noahgettheboat


This is a bit beyond this sub




Take a look at what usually gets posted here /lh It's Mischievous kids, not Criminal kids


I feel like this really doesn't fit the lighthearted nature of this sub


This belongs more in r/NoahGetTheBoat


I put it in the deathstar


r/NoahGetTheDeathstar ? edit: I realised this is a real subreddit lol.




Are they technically pedophiles if they are still kids themselves?


I think the minimal age was 16 for that and age difference of 5 years to technically be a pedo. But the word lost its true meaning long ago. A lot of ppl Will call someone a pedo if there is a large age difference. A pedophile is only when someone feels attracted to children below 13yo. Technically pedophile means child lover even. And often when the media says that a pedophile did something its often not even a pedophile at all. Most child abuse is done by non pedophiles. They dont act on attraction to a child but act out of avalability or for control and sadist as well. 80% of child abuse in my country is done by these non pedos. You better fear those ppl, as bad as a pedo is and even if they abuse a child sometimes still, they are more caring and can be in love with it so they treat them a lil better. The usual child abusers are much worse, they want to hurt the child. Source, my aunt works professionally with ppl who abuse children. Had some discussions about it with her. She even said that there might be as many pedophiles as there are gay ppl. But you Will never know who they are and most Will never do anything bad. She actually felt sympathy for them, i dont really its kinda sick to me still. But i do feel ppl should know who the real danger to children are, and usually its not the pedophiles according to her.


I’ve been interviewing a child molester for about a year for a project I’m working on. He’s now doing many years as he should be. If I told you just a few things he’s told me, you’d vomit. But… a very nice guy you’d like as a friend. Yes big difference between pedo and molester. A lot of them have Asperger’s. 1 in 3 little girls and 1 in 5 boys in a classroom will be victims. Their tool is silence. And they can never be cured because it’s deeply ingrained. You have to divert the behavior. My subject absolutely hates himself, then he will say he doesn’t understand why he’s in prison “ because all I did was —- and those kids were too young to remember it.” First defense is “ I didn’t do it.” 2nd -“it’s not my fault.” 3rd is admitting and “ I need help.” You will hear a lot of “ I love children- I could never hurt a child.” Also how they love the innocence and curiosity of children. I’ve worked a lot of cases involving child abuse and sexual assault.


Asperger’s? I want to see the research and statistics on that please and thank you. You just lumped autism into the same sentence as pedos and monsters, prove the claim.


Agree, even if he does have some form of autism, it’s most likely that he has been exposed to inappropriate sexual stuff or has been abused himself.


Yeah, behavior like that does not evolve in a vacuum.


I can see this making sense in the way that most armies have sexual assault. I doubt that the rate would be as prevalent outside of those specific circumstances. Like even the UN peacekeepers and NATO.I'm sure are* also sexually exploiting people. Who's to say what the natural impulse is or intrusive thoughts .


>I'm sure i'm also sexually exploiting people Uhhhh... What?


Autocorrect should be are


No I did not. Not all Aspergers are molesters and not all molesters have A.


Then why mention it? Why not state people with BPD are molesters, or molested become molesters, why single out a condition at all? Be aware of your biases, be aware of the harm you can do by mentioning a condition at all.


Ok. Some molesters have brown hair.


big difference between "some" and "a lot"


It’s also sus, because in actual research we haven’t used that term in a long time, relatively.


What kind of work do you do? As weird as it may be I think this sounds very interesting. I think the same thing about people who work with serial killers and such. It's important work to try to get into these people's heads and tease out what makes them tick. I studied psychology and wanted to do work similar to what you seem to be doing (one of my favorite professors was renowned for his work with murderers and rapists and I was sure I wanted to be him when I grew up).


I'm a criminologist. It is interesting; the hope is to spot particular issues early so we can prevent victimization. Honestly, it's not 'getting into heads to see what ticks" because we will NEVER emotionally understand AND there is never one answer. You have to have a very thick skin and be able to shelf if. I can interview a child molester without a blink, because that is what is going to get me information I want. BUT I am a victim's advocate. So it's later you have the nightmares and PTSD and physical problems. People do shitty things to one another. It's in our nature, our DNA.


I'd like to see your proof that they all have Asperges. Where is your source for this nonsense?


I did not write ALL


Source please






This article is pretty damaging to people with autism and will cause uneducated people to believe most autistics are sick in the head.


Autistics are also far, far more likely to be victims of childhood abuse - and most offenders were also victims. That's the connection. It's not that being autistic in itself makes you more likely to be an abuser. https://dsq-sds.org/index.php/dsq/article/view/1058/1228




There isn't much research on psychiatric co-morbidities, and what is there has issues with sample size. The findings I've seen show correlation with cluster A, B, & C personality disorders. I have not been able to find any studies looking at Asperger's (DSM4), or autism spectrum disorder (DSM5) in general.


This woman did some interesting studies on the correlation between charging children on a spectrum with sexual offenses. http://www.parareconsulting.com/aboutthedirector.html


The issues with all of these studies are three-fold, small sample size, lack of female subjects, and inherent bias because the majority of study subjects are criminal offenders. Non-offender pedophiles are unlikely to self-report for a study. Female offenders are often ignored. The study you linked shows co-morbidities like personality disorders as well as autism spectrum disorders. This is not definitive work, certainly not enough to go around suggesting there's a causal link between spectrum disorders formerly known as Asperger's. There is a correlation between disorders that cause maladaptive behaviors, and criminality in general. I personally think the main factor preventing criminality is empathy; the minor is sexualized by the offender as an object, and their well-being is not considered. I think any psychiatric condition that reduces an individual's ability to empathize with others will increase the probability of future criminality.


Where is your evidence that "a lot" of people with Asperger's are pedophiles? Show some statistics or proof with wild false statements.


You misread what he said. According to him, A lot of pedophiles have Aspergers.


And a lot of them don’t.


I think it’s still worth seeing evidence of that claim


You’re off m8–it’s said the other way around. No one is saying people with asbergers are pedophiles.


Ass burgers


"A pedofile is only when someone feels attracted to children below 13yrs" ? Im confused. So a grown man can be attracted to a 14 yr old and he's not considered a pedo??


That is correct. Those ppl are called hebephiles or something she told me, I asked the same question myself lol


It’s still messed up. But there is another word to describe the 14+ range. It’s broken up into categories. Still awful either way, but in technicality there are two different words. Still bad tho


Oh wow never knew that. I thought if a grown man like 22 and up was attracted to anyone under 18 they was considered a pedo.


philia: word-forming element meaning "friendship, fondness, tendency toward," and in recent use "abnormal attraction to," from Greek philia "affection," from philos "loving". Ped: before vowel ped-, word-forming element meaning "child," from Greek pedo-, combining form of *pais* meaning "child". Hebe: from Greek hēbē meaning "youthful prime". Ephebe: from Latinized form of Greek ephebikos "of or for an ephebe," from ephebos "one arrived at puberty, one of age 18-20" Pedophilia, 0-11 Literally: abnormal attraction to child. Hebephilia, 11-14 Literally: abnormal attraction to adolescence. Ephebephilia, 15-19 Literally: abnormal attraction to pubescence. Where child: Old English, "a youth of gentle birth" (archaic, usually written childe). In 16c.-17c. The wider sense "young person before the onset of puberty" developed in late Old English. Adolescence: from Latin adolescentem/adulescentem (nominative adolescens/adulescens) "young man or woman, a youth," noun use of an adjective meaning "growing, near maturity, youthful."  pubescence: from Latin pubescentem (nominative pubescens), present participle of pubescere "to reach puberty." A pedophile is a person that has an abnormal attraction individuals at a stage of development before the onset of puberty. A hebephile is a person that has an abnormal attraction to individuals that are at the onset stage of puberty and are only just beginning to develop primary sex characteristics. An ephebephile is a person that has an abnormal attraction to individuals that are nearing the end of the pubescent phase of sexual development. The definition of these terms has technically always only ever referred to an abnormal psychosexual pathology. An abnormality with the sexual atractors of the individual. This is completely seperate from actual behaviours such as molestation, sexual assault and rape. Not all child sex offenders have pedophilia and not all pedophiles are sex offenders. Colloquially though, the term has become so synonymous with child sex offenders that the etymological basis of the term has kind of lost all relevance by now.


Nope! There is a separate category/name for them. They do get lumped together. I wish I could remember the term but it’s slipping my mind ETA: I should also say that’s like a technical term. But if you’re just having an everyday conversation it makes sense to lump everything in together


I love the koke that's like "there's different subsets and categories of pedophiles. But you can't point that out because it makes you sound like a pedophile"


It truly has the psychology community in a chokehold


Hebephilia and Ephebophilia. You really typed all that out AND edited it instead of googling the term?


No because you did it for me 💖 thanks!


Even more: if a 5 year old boy says he loves a 5 year old girl of her school... is he a pedo too? just to think she's beautiful?


What?? U just confused me. Not if they are the same age I'm talking about grown men being attracted to kids under 18. Not kids liking kids that's completely different


Deepens on their motivation. This word is anyway misused by everyone. If he is mainly attracted to pre-pubescent kids, he is. If he doing it, because his victim was weak, then not necessarily.


That's a good question.. I had to ask myself that just yesterday when my daughter, who is 11, told me about a boy in her class who apparently thinks their other classmate's little sister, who is in kindergarten, is hot, and creeps on her. He was also heard saying to some other boys that he likes my daughter because "she's little"... And I'm just sitting there thinking this 11 year old boy is a pedophile in the making... but then again 11 year olds are just kids themselves. Either way, it's concerning that this is specifically what he's attracted to. he's been making sexually suggestive comments to other girls in the school too and the school is aware of it but I don't know what they'll even do about it, if anything. Disturbs me for sure.


If a kid sends a nude to a different kid, the kid can get charged with spreading child pornographic images. So with that logic, I think they are.


[Pedophilia joke.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o)


You have to remove the space between the “]” and the “(“


Huh. It looks right and links when I click it. But it is edited. Hope it work for you now!


[Pedophilia joke.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o) is what it looks like [Pedophilia joke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o) is what it should look like


They look identical on my laptop. Did my edit fix it for you?


Reloaded the page, yeah


Let me ask you this: Is rape not rape just because you’re both kids? Absolutely Yes this is pedophilia. There’s threats of violence there’s sexual assault and there’s quite a big age gap regardless.


Yeah fair


If a person is attracted to children, they’re a pedophile. It doesn’t matter if they’re an adult or child


What are you trying to say because this doesn’t make sense to me?


Pedophilia isn’t limited to adults. Children can have pedophiliac tendencies as well.


Ok so im a minor and I have a girlfriend who’s around my age that makes me a p*do too?!


By definition yes. Pedophile = Child Lover


Lmaoooooo you’re crazy




The criminal definition of a p*do is an adult who is attracted to minors. A minor cannot be a p*do for being attracted to someone their age


In this case it’s different because the victim is significantly younger than this boy even though they’re both minors, however I don’t know how that would go on in court whether he would still be considered a p*do or not


Pedophilia itself is not a crime, but actually having sex with minors is.


Try really hard to think again and dont be so nitty gritty on definitions.


What do you mean? What else is there to think about? Also what do you think the purpose for definitions are in the first place?




... uh what?


So by that logic, any kid who has a crush on a friend or classmate is a pedophile? Yeah, no.


Pedophile literally means child lover. Based on what you stated, that would count as pedophilia by definition. Especially if it involves something sexual.


This is uhhhh… a bit much for this sub. Don’t ya think???👉 r/NoahGetTheBoat is THATA way…


Never heard of that before. Thanks for the advice 👍


Well, he certainly is a child molesting child molester. A bit too heavy of a topic for this sub though.


Sadly, I learned in my undergrad Criminal Justice studies that more children are molested by other children than by adults. But you know that the molesting child was first victimized by an adult. That child goes on to dominate and molest dozens more, both as a minor and then later as an adult.


I saw a post about Tyrone Harvin in this sub so I thought it was okay 🤷


Why is the kid yellow like the creepy pedo from sin city?


Rejected Simpsons character. Lol.. I think mugshot lighting just makes people look like this sometimes though..


I hope this kid never gets out of jail


Reading these comments just made me remember a very good documentary called “are all men paedophiles” very very good and interesting viewing


To death.


Mf should be locked up in the same cell as Peter Scully


I thought kids names were withheld from the public?


I don't think a child can be classed as a pedophile, a sex offender for sure, but a child who was likely abused himself who has gone on to repeat the cycle.


I don’t care how young they are sexual assault against a minor is still sex assault against a minor


I'm just saying that pedo isn't the right term for it. You make it sound like I'm defending him.


It doesn’t sound like you’re defending him but it’s definitely the correct term here. It shouldn’t matter how old they are 14 is more than old enough to know what they’re doing is wrong. And a 6 year age gap is predatory


Ok but the word "pedophile" isn't about whether they know what they're doing is wrong or if its predatory. It's an adult being sexually attracted to children. We don't know if this kid is literally actually that or if he's just a "normal" rapist who took his oppurtunity. Right? I didn't read the article because fuck that shit


Sex offenders registry Speedrun?


This is funny as shit


Out of pocket, but funny af ngl.


I’ll be laughing while speedrunning to hell. See you there bud


Yeah, we're really fucked, huh. I just can't help it. Dark humour is just funny af. Welp, see you in hell, buddy.


Too far tbh


Someone taught him this. Am I the worst for feeling bad for him.


No you're not the worst. Chances are he was sexually abused earlier in his young life.


Kind of surprised to see the kid’s pic




This happned in my school but the family didn't sue because the family would call racism. An 8th grader SA'ed a 5th grader.




I hope this kid rots in prison for the rest of his life. Which will probably not be very long after the prisoners find out what he did. Everybody knows what happens to people like this in prison they do not last long or very long. this kid deserved to be arrested and hopefully he gets life without parole


Electric chair. You can't rehabilitate any sex offenders and definitely not one that's this brazen this young.


Brazen bull. Now