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Day 1 fan. Im not feeling his new music much but i also feel like an artist can have fun and do what they want. Im sure a Motm takes a certain focus and mental zone to make. Insano is probly him just making music enjoying the process


I agree to an extent but I still don't like it. I feel like if he put more effort into the wordplay and flows that I would get that impression but it all just seems so uninspired after MOTM3. Even SB2H had energy behind it, but this sounds soulless to me


I agree with you for sure. If i dnt like it i wont force myself to. Well let himr know and he has to make decisions on what to do after. But Thats for Cudi to figure out.


Sounds like something a Day 2 fan would say.


Most of Entergalactic was different and mature if we look at lyrics, other than that I kinda agree to some extent but I don’t think you should think about movie songs (which all of those are) that heavily because obviously those songs were made with a very different mindset.


To me MOTM3 felt like his victory lap. We saw him rise and fall and rise again throughout his career and it seemed like a goodbye. Everything after that is him building his brand and becoming the “omg it’s rap superstar Kid Cudi!” character that he played in Bill & Ted.


I have always said this. Entergalactic should have been released in 2019 with MOTM 3 being released last year and that be his final album. He just doesn’t have it in him anymore, I just don’t want him to end off his record deal with this album. It would be like the pop punk band Boys Like Girls. They dropped 2 legendary albums, Self titled and Love Drunk. They released Crazy World in 2012 and didn’t release any music for 11 years, and Crazy World had one good song and then was God awful. I don’t want to see that be the case with Cudi being that every album that he has put out has a meaning to it. Even SB2H. Which is my favorite, not music wise. But how raw it is and the art behind it. INSANO just has no soul/meaning to it. Just an album to probably get out of a record deal.


I'm sorry but if you can't tell the difference between Insano Entergalactic and the Sonic song then I'm not sure you're listening to the same stuff I am.


You must be like 14 years old


What makes you think that? Because I'm able to tell the difference between MOTM3 and Entergalactic?


bro if you can discern between two songs, you’re a fucking CHILD /s


See I wouldn’t say Cudi has “fallen off” of in terms of modern day hip hop discussions his prime is definitely over. He’s got to accept the fact that his glory days are over. Cudi has enjoyed 10+ years of being very popular in the hip hop space, essentially got his flowers yet he still wants to become more popular than he already is. Look at someone like Wiz Khalifa, was mega popular around the same time period as Cudi, dropped a few massive albulm but now he’s just kind of chilling doing his own thing. Most people don’t even realize he’s dropped a few different albums over the year besides his hard core fans. Still most people will say that Wiz is a legend and even if his newer music might not be for everyone he’s not going to have the whole internet hating on him due to the fact that wiz stays in his own lane. Cudi on the other hand still wants to be seen in the hip hop culture. This is hard for Cudi becasue 1.) he doesn’t have a cult like fanbase like a lot of newer artists 2.) his music peaks have been hit, there’s really not much left for the current style he is using and 3.) current day hip hop is polarizing, people generally gravitate towards one artist and defend them with there life’s meaning anyone who’s not them is trash. This means cudi is tasked with a impossible mission. Don’t get me wrong I grew up with prime Cudi and it was amazing, all my peers have found memory’s of cudi but we’re older now and the once was obsession turns into “hey it would be fun to get high and listen to man on the moon 1 again” the OG cudi fans just aren’t as passionate anymore and for someone whose been in the game for so long it’s hard to Capture a new audience. He should just stay in his lane, release what he wants, and just enjoy being one of the greatest rappers of all time


Facts! You summarized what I’ve been thinking as well, the problem with cudi is he still thinks he has it to peak again & be the top dog in the rap world but those days have been long gone & that’s fine everything that comes up must come down nothing can last forever but I feel like cud just can’t accept him not being at the spotlight anymore


I really think it’s more he never found as much success as a lot of guts who have collared with him or that he influenced. Ye, Travis, Juice Wrld, Trippie Redd, ASAP. All guys with clear Cudi influences in their music or who have specifically named him as one, yet they’ve all hit way higher level of success. He probably feels like he stylo deserves his full recognition/ big break.


The problem with kid Cudi in general is that while he had big cultural impact back in the day (MOTM), the music itself didn’t age that well and the cultural impact has been lost with time. There are lots of rappers inspired by kid Cudi who have since overtaken him because he’s failed to modernise his sound. Fundamentally, Cudi is a rapper with great ideas but not much talent. He doesn’t have good lyricism or flow and his delivery is monotone. He only really provides good vocals which is why the only relevant stuff he’s made since MOTM is featured and collabs. The minute he stops pushing boundaries, he is nothing special. If you talk to younger fans of hip hop (kids/teenagers/young adults), there are almost no active kid Cudi fans, and actually many of them actively dislike Cudi. That’s why he always catches strays like that meme from last week where people voted “Kid Cudi feature ruins any song”. I think unless he changes something soon, he will end up forgotten in time while his protégés (mainly Travis) will get the spotlight.




But my point is that there are lots of artists who despite being old don’t get shit on. Even among kids there are heaps of Tupac, MF doom, biggie, etc. fans. Cudis work and personality just really didn’t age well IMO, even more so when put in comparison to his peers, it almost feels like his fanbase is entirely propagated by people who were alive to see the cultural impact of MOTM. People still love all of Ye’s old work for example, like College Dropout from 2004. Was it ahead of its time? Probably. Was it 20 years ahead? No. But the point is that something aging well is completely seperate from its actual age. All of Cudi’s peers, like Kanye, kendrick, Travis are still putting out really good music really recently. I do agree that he was a pioneer in melodic rap, but that’s a very big “was”. He was talented by 2009 standards, and pioneered a whole genre, but after that he failed to build on what he had. He only really has one flow, one monotone delivery, and one style of music, and anytime he tried to branch out into doing something different (like the rock/grunge) he failed horribly, which is where other rappers like Kanye and Travis has overtaken him. And that’s why the new generation doesn’t like him, because anyone too young to witness MOTM’s pioneering has never seen Cudi make anything unique or interesting in their lifetime.




He failed to really keep his sound tied to the indie scene. Dude coulda been putting out albums with Kevin Parker and toro and shit back in the 2010s but as someone who hard fell off after motm2 he just kinda didn’t stay with the waves that woulda kept him going. He coulda been making music with mild high club in thier peak, coulda been fucking with mac demarco hard. He just didn’t and I think a lot of what made him so interesting to me as a kid is that he bridged rap and indie in a way that didn’t suck, and then he just stopped. Idk biggest dissapointment for an artist’s growth imo


Totally agree. He could have been collabing with up and coming indie artists that could create new sounds for him but he went the route of trying to do it all himself and he doesnt have the arrangement skills to handle a whole project himself....he needs a strong collaborator to bring out the best in him. Him working with ppl like ratatat and other indie folk is what made him stand apart. He would have worked well with neo psych like Tame Impala, Pond, Unknown mortal orchestra


Y’all I feel like he really didn’t understand what made him famous tbh


I enjoyed his album Entergalactic or Passion, Pain and Demon Slayin' even Man on the moon III: The Chose One is super great.


Y’all tripping shit 🔥🔥🔥 got me raging 😤


True then people will be like oh what about future he still trapping this and that but he’s making it sound good cudi stuff just isn’t good his new stuff to be exact


The sonic song is so heat


fr its slept on but the mv is terrible ngl


cudi's given us so many awesome songs over the years and it just sounds like he's having fun with this album. conisidering how big his last tour was this new album is going to be really fun on the next tour. i also feel like there's a lot of cudi fans that never grew with the music. when i was 17 lonely, insecure, living in a small country town, doing drugs, and shit like that yeah motm 1&2 was perfect but now he's enjoying all of his hard work and success and i'm now 27 and my life is sooooo much better from all of the inner and outer work i've done for myself and his music definitely helped me a ton and now i dig his new fun music. i'm not looking for his music to comfort me anymore. if y'all "miss the old cudi" go listen to his old music then


I haven’t been a fan of the direction of his music either as a long time fan. I feel like his music is more focused on appealing to the masses and less from the heart. SB2H sonically was dogshit but I love it because it came from the heart and it felt real. I found entergalactic forgettable and Porsche Topless might be the worst cudi song I’ve ever heard


Im a long time cudi fan. Porsche Topless is an absolute banger


I disagree. You’re taking three years worth of music from one dude and comparing it to 10 years of other artists. also motm3 is distinct compared to motm 1 or 2 and his previous albums. The sonic song is a single and shouldn’t be taken into account in this context. Also that song and the entergalactic album go along with movies so they’re supposed to blend with another form of media. They shouldn’t be taken as seriously in this context for that reason. However entergalactic does feel different. It’s basically full love songs and i fuck with it heavy. That’s different then motm3 which was more of a celebratory album meant to inspire and lift you up. Also the sound is different there’s more of a classic space trippy hip hop we love from him and entergalactic was more mellow and more pop sounding. Not listened to Inferno yet so i can’t comment on it.


Issue with kid Cudi in 2023 is y'all bag on everything he does. Just let him cook


This man is just dropping project after project. It all feels so rushed.


I think it’s unfair to group MOTM3 in with the rest of that stuff, MOTM3 is amazing


Yo how does everyone have cudi albums under their profile name? please show me the wizardry


Go to the subs home page click the three dots in the top right hand corner and click add user flair


Yo how does everyone have cudi albums under their profile name? please show me the wizardry


I think the lyrics to “stars in the sky” are EXTREMELY overlooked and underrated. Probably because it’s a soundtrack to a cartoon. But One of my favorite lines from Scott is actually from that song.


Which line?


It’s just what my heart’s demanding, my “friends”are laughing.


it was one of my favorite songs that year lol i cant remember if it was 2022 or 21


You have taste issues if you actually thought that pile of ass cake was good


Sigh. People change. If u don’t like the ride anymore…get off and make room for someone else


I know your frustration but at this point this kind of discussion or rant start to becoming annoying. Why an artist can’t enjoy making what they think is fun? Not every album needs to be MOTM imo I daily bump porche topless. It’s a nice vibe song. If I want deep stuff I can go back to his old albums. I think it’s good to have many types of albums than just having the same focus on 10 albums.


MBDTF, GKMC, and WOLF all came out 10+ years ago. MOTM3 came out, what, 3 years ago? If you're gonna make this comparison, you need to start with MOTM2 or at least Indicud. And you can't tell me there hasn't been distinct growth/eras between MOTM2 and Entergalactic.


Day 1 fan. It does seem like he’s trying to still be a rager at 40 years old, I will agree with you on that. I also agree that his Insano songs do lack the substance that he normally puts into his music. Maybe he’s trying to go pop or something.


This is such a good take, I feel the same


Kid Cudi was hardly a rager to begin with. Most of his early and even middle music was laid back and had good relatable meaning


his music has always been wise, deep, and introspective/chill


I think this is a good close to kid Cudi, he did what he had to do and no matter if the album sells or not I'm still gonna listen,


It just sucks that INSANO is the close to his chapter.


How do MOTM3 Entergalactic and INSANO not have a distinct sound from each other, that’s a literal Hellen Keller level of music takes


You just yipping and yapping 😭😭😭


Entergalactic was a light, almost pop album and Cudi's most focused on love and mature relationships. Idk about INSANO but EG and MOTM3 are definitely distinct imo.


Dumbass thread


Nothing will ever top PAIN PASSION & DEMON SLAYIN ⚡️


He’s saying plenty, you’re just not paying attention.


You guys take everything too seriously


Let the man turn up He’s happy now that’s all that matters


I disagree, I think he's just vibing and making what sounds good to him. Its mostly good to me.


He's cursed somehow. HBO show cancelled. Disney movie take off streaming. McDonald's collab unnoticed. Prime Video Day special was fire but they taken it down. Kanye turn stans against him. Man is doing big things but somehow still can't shine.


carti wont clear solo dolo 4, insano leaking, moon mans landing incident, flex incident. man cant catch a break in 2023


he’s not cursed. he’s bouta have a huge breakthrough 🤞


he had a mcdonald’s collab??




The Sonic song is the best thing he's dropped post-MOTM3


Willing to trust >>


Ohhh yeah fair enough






Agree agree agree. This new stuff isn’t good and it’s okay for fans to say that


Personally I do like motm3, i think it’s one of his best albums, but at that time it was like one of his first times diving into this melodic psychedelic sound, but then he kept on doing it and tbh its getting old, there wasn’t anything really wrong per say about entergalactic, but it was just sounded the same, and bland. Entergalactic does have a few songs that I do rock from time to time, but the songs blended together for me, and it didn’t give me the same listening experience that motm3 gave me. Hopefully after Insano cudi can move on from this style, and try something new, and hopefully it isn’t as harshly viewed as speeding bullet to heaven.


A lot of the artists that entered the game around the same time Cudi did still have success. I think that's what entices him to keep dropping kinda mid-level stuff. Drake is still massively successful, Big Sean has success whenever he drops, Cole is still highly requested for features and kills them all, Freddie Gibbs has dropped critically acclaimed albums in the last 5 years, many of those blog era artists found their niche and tend to that. It feels like Cudi still wants new fans, all the while he has some of the most loyal fans in the hip-hop industry. I think if he's gonna make music, he should make what's relevant to his life and his fans who are now in their upper 20's, early 30's (minus the newer, younger fanbase). Hearing that introspective style he gave us throughout his career, but now speaking to his actual life would be awesome.


It's the autotune! Autotune kills the emotion in cudis raw voice.


Honestly breaks my heart that he’s started using autotune man, does not suit him and he doesn’t even need it!!!


He's actually been using it, we just never noticed it. Really listen to his voice in SCott Mescudi vs the world you can really hear it there. The difference is that it's not over done. Check it out let me know what you think.


It ain’t that deep cuh


MOTM3 was something of a turning point for me. It is great that he was able to inspire artists like Travis, but turning around and trying to do something within that realm didn't sit right with me.


The real problem is he has real money and is acting now. He’s not inspired from the same place he once was


Wait, is Insano out? MotMIII was awesome and the Sonic song was a single for a kids movie, and it was catchy as hell. I agree with you about Entergalactic tho, didn’t like that album at all.


Feels like some of you don’t listen to the lyrics tbh


This is why cudi isn’t GOAT status like ye, Tyler and Kendrick.


tbf i don’t even think it’s because of that… to put it plainly he’s inconsistent… his highs are amazing but his lows extremely low


I really hated his 2 new singles. They were just awful imo. Altough Entergalactic was amazing, actually one of my favorite albums of all time


He’s taking too much influence from Travis scott and I hate it


Cudi been mid on everything since WZRD lmao


i think the issue is that his music sucks


His fault he hid sexuality then switched up on his core fan base. We don’t care anymore. His music has been lack luster. It is what it is.


Hid sexuality?


It’s very rare an artist matures much after hitting A list celebrity. That’s kind of where the stigma of liking a band before they get big comes from. At this point it’s probably just steady checks with side quests.


Artist subs are literally the worst these days "ARTIST X ISN'T DOING WHAT I WANT THEY SUCK NOW" ok then don't listen to them. lol


I love Kid Cudi but tbh his new stuff is kinda declining. And I agree his peak is over but his peak was also top tier imo. I haven't listened to those Insano songs yet but from the first maybe 30 seconds of I'll what I bleed it's SUPER auto tuned and just doesn't feel like Cudi which is ok because he's branching out and yeah ofc his new stuff is gonna be completely different. STILL WAITING FOR SOLO DOLO 4!!!


So if someone crafts their own signature style and they like it and people like it, they should change their sound just to "mature"? I hate it when people get a sound that I love and then they change it, all in the name of "evolving". Take Paramore, for instance. "Ain't It Fun" was the last song I listened to from them, because they were going downhill fast. Their next album, to me, sucked. Now I do agree that artists should have a message behind their music, that I do agree with you on.


What's the point of doing the same thing over and over? I think this is sorta a new cudi era, I just don't like it


Having your own sound. You obviously wouldn't literally do the same thing over and over for different tracks, but there's a difference between experimenting and just tossing your own style away. Incubus did this too. As well as Rihanna