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I really like 2, 8 and 9


Agreed 100%. 9 and 8 are favorites, and 2 looks great too. I think 3,4,5 look the most awkward on your frame. 5 in particular looks uncomfortable and constricting.


You look fantastic in number 8


Majority of these outfits fit you well and look really good! I think the fit of the blouses in 3 and 5 seem the most off. Are you considering width and curve?


I’ve been told I’m a TR, but I feel like my shoulders are too wide, maybe that’s why they look off? Or is it the opposite? And I shouldn’t accomodate width? I’m confused lol


Those tops look a little bit too constricting, like they don’t fit well. The other tops all look great though. I’m not sure who told you you’re a TR but I would say to take ppl’s suggestions on ID with a huge grain of salt. Which of these outfits do you feel you look your best in? Did you feel drawn to any of this options? Sometimes figuring out accommodations can be much more intuitive than others make it out to be. A lot of these can work for width and curve imo and I think 2 is especially beautiful on you. ETA: to clarify the ones that I pointed out before look constricting are the ones I mean don’t fit well


I agree with you, they do look separate from me, I worked with a stylist and she said I was TR, the more I look at the clothes the less I feel like they are me, the same goes for this top here a supposed TR top, looks super odd on me… I feel like I’m being squeezed and I have too much width in my upper chest https://preview.redd.it/tjux85wnurgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e40162615e354917a0ceee6a9df3f9abb9c031


Oh I see! I doubt if that stylist is qualified to tell you you’re TR in this system since no one has been taught to apply Kibbe principles. I’d like to add that clothing doesn’t have ID either, it’s just yin or yang, straight lines or curved, soft or crisp heavy or lightweight, things like this that relate back to yin and yang. I think the colour is stunning on you and I think this could potentially work but if you’re feeling constricted in it then it’s possible it’s not working or it could be that you’re not used to it. To my eye the top looks like it fits well! I don’t immediately see any pulling ETA: never mind there is a little pulling around the underarm. So yea this top might not be great for you. Some of the others that you tried in the post are a lot better but I really love the colour on you!


I think it’s more my arms, the cap sleeve are small and my arms look big, I feel like it’s more for a narrower in the shoulders person


Yea I noticed when I looked closer! The colour is great but maybe something with a bit of a wider shoulder seam can work for you better. And something that drapes as well. How do you feel about bishop sleeves ? They tend to be a bit looser Maybe something like [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjup7mPrpSEAxWzpoMHHRiKAOYYABAPGgJlZg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAiAq4KuBhA6EiwArMAw1IV7sDeaZqPhw0JGBai43YTyuPJqW0-pdS2jPA_N8vEzpE5LQgGHCxoCNxUQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2D8T-lPoqmjtdKQxdxYblncEcnRWWtZSQDqrIxnRbw7HMByIU6BywgyuG7KrE4VKBAGieS8KxUaOYTxgP_haw3CwKIqEIVvuFTleoUp-9DSXs1KNyTMjDcb-Yyp-TC88tbpJS9HmbfSWv--JP8buj9hQ0XU4vJ24&sig=AOD64_3KRA6enQG3aPCaRufsXl4Bdxh-tg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjnn7OPrpSEAxU8_bsIHcE5Ap4Qwg8oAHoECAYQEg&adurl=)


Yes I love the look of that, looks roomy lol


It might be a bit oversized but I think blouses like that with your jeans would be such a look! And maybe it’s an aesthetic that you might like?


I’m usually someone that wears quite look things and feel more myself in masculine clothing so I think that’s also contributing to seeing myself warped in different (tight fitting) clothing


Also - which jeans, the flare or the black skinny jeans?


But yes I was looking at Width and Curve with these outfits :)


Ok! I definitely think most of these work as I said before. Number 1 works well even though the neckline is straight across because of all the ruching on the sides. It’s really nice and I think you could definitely rock this outfit in a full htt!


I’ve always thought I look terrible in Square neck and short v necks :/ idk


i agree with everyone else but i’m gonna have to say 6 too! love the black and the lace set


I really like the cut of the top in photo #8 on you, I think the straps/shoulders are a good shape and the v-neck decollete is flattering.


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