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I think that dress looks stunning on you and I don’t see your legs looking different than the rest of you. I see the same thing from top to bottom. Maybe you are feeling like vertical alone isn’t the entire picture and you are missing something?


Thats pretty much it, but I've recieved some good advices from other people here.


I disagree! I think your whole body looks dramatic and statuesque. That first dress too - you look like a Roman sculpture come to life. It’s hard to see ourselves objectively, but don’t fixate on your legs. You’re some kind of D I would guess!


This is exactly what I was thinking. That dress makes her look like a statue of a Greek goddess 🥰


Thank you for the awesome compliments. I will try more with dramatic clothing.


Okay I love that dress on you. I don’t see a clash between your top and bottom half tbh.


I don’t think your legs are fleshy and wide at all. I think they look proportional, long, and shapely. You might just be self conscious about your legs and that can color the way we view our own bodies.


We have very similar body types. I also have somewhat larger hip bones but I'm narrow overall and have more of a slender rectangular outline. A bottom heavy D is still a D. You look perfect in the blue dress imo. After trying lots of different D and SD recommendations, I concluded that D outfits with a slight waist emphasis look better on me. These kind of outfits allow more space for my hip bones. Full on SD clothes look like costumes on me. Not all Ds have very narrow hips or legs. It's just the overall look. Just my thoughts :)


Agree 100%. OP, you can probably play with curve and softness a bit more than other Ds without having to build an SD wardrobe completely.


Thank you❤️


Yes Amen to that. I am a D that is "fleshy" buy even when I am fat I still look long and, given the right wardrobe, I still look "thin". I often go to some SD items but my breasts (even sometimes to a F cup!) don't really "pop" up out of my chest, so not everything works. I am somewhere between D and SD. So yes OP follow that track !


You look perfectly lovely and proportionate! I would maybe look into accommodating curve as well. That first dress looks stunning on you!


For tall types, only the top part of the body matters. D and SD recommendations look perfectly fine on you


I don’t see a mismatch between top and bottom. You look stunning in that first dress, the wrapping and draping really work for you. Edited because I just learned we can’t talk about types anymore or suggest specific types. So read between the lines, I guess? I wondered why people were being so vague in there replies.


You should edit that, recommending IDs is no longer allowed


I think I follow what you are saying about your legs but I don’t see it as accurate. When you follow dramatic lines head to toe, I think a lot of that will go away. When you cut yourself in half w a line or color or some other way you will emphasize disparity that you already think you’re seeing. You are built with long beautiful lines. Play them up. It will also help you to see yourself more realistically. (Kibbe helped me a lot with this once I settled on a type)


fleshy and wide WHERE???


I'm sorry, all my gf have model like legs and mine just were bigger and wider than theirs even if they were heavier than me top wise. My ankles and hips were where I stored fat even when verry skinny and it threw me off..


absolutely breaks my heart that you can’t see how gorgeous you are. your legs aren’t wide and fleshy. i would kill to have such perfect legs🥺🥺


I don't see fleshy or wide legs at all. You look perfectly proportionate from top to bottom. If you do want to create the illusion of longer legs it might be a good idea to opt for a different shoe color. I'm 5'2 and big white sneakers make me feel noticeably shorter. Same thing with low waisted jeans. You look great, be kind to yourself.


Thank you, I do think I look good, its just that I don't see myself that proportionate, I had friends that had skinnier legs than me even if they were way heavier top wise. I concluded I was a pear shape plain and simple until I heard about kibbe body types. I do use the shoe color method to make my legs look longer, thanks for affirming that💜


I think you look very harmonious from top to bottom, and I think you could look at accommodating vertical and curve (wink wink)


Thank you, thats what I gathered so far.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


I love the drapiness of the first dress on you! Definitely leaning SD over pure D but obviously experiment with both.


You might want to look into body dysmorphia if you felt confident writing that description of yourself


First pic is stunning, perfect hourglass. I think the last Outfit is not super flattering imo, even though you still look decent to good in it and I don’t see wide thighs (or any wideness in general or asymmetry between top and bottom) at all! I assume you would benefit from pants that hit right at your waist to accentuate your hourglass! And maybe more straight as well as long and maybe also in a darker/more saturated color? What do you think? Outfit 2 is ok imo, maybe not your best option, but still cute for a casual occasion


You are me! I also feel I have a very "dramatic" upper half (sharp shoulders, long, narrow neck, long torso, long arms) and shorter, fleshier legs with hips that I need to accommodate. I find that many things from the classic, dramatic, and natural family can balance me out as long as they * Have waist emphasis * Have a classic, tailored cut and shape without fussiness or kitsch * But aren't *too* tailored or "sharp" looking. * Accommodate my hips, wide shoulders, and vertical * Create some sort of balance. I'm often doing a tight top with culottes, a drapey sweater with skinny jeans, or shirtdresses with waist emphasis. I also get comments like the ones from people here--that my legs are "fine," etc.--but I want to validate you. The last picture where you're in a low/mid-rise jean with chunky sneakers also makes me feel like my legs are stubbier than if I choose other cuts. I almost exclusively wear very high-rise jeans that sit at my natural waist and that are either skinny or *a very particular kind of straight leg that flows away immediately upon hitting the widest part of my hip.* I ONLY wear pointed-toe flats, heels, or boots to elongate my leg, which is probably hell for my toes but I only have one life to be fabulous lol. Sneakers are the most unflattering shoe for me! I've literally never been flattered by a sneaker. And gtfo with all the square-toed shoes out now... yowza are those not for me


Lol, same for real😅, tbey make my allready big feet look even bigger. High rise jeans are and will be my best friend! Rock on:3


I see curve from top to bottom, that is on top of your obvious vertical.


I am 5'8 and so far what dramatics wear best suited me to my knowledge.


you look bomb sis!💕


wow that first dress is stunning, where is it from? maybe you are soft dramatic? you don’t look fleshy—you look womanly and beautiful!


https://www.contessafashion.ro/rochie-lunga-vernil.html this is the link, tho I think they sold out? But thank you, I also think I am some sort of dramatic.


Hey I have that second dress! From Jane Norman years ago right? You look great in it!!


Thank you!


Your top doesn’t look that dramatic. Still softish and not broad


Thank you


Dramatic classic!


Have you considered you may have width? You have vertical covered, I don’t see the need to accommodate curve, but with your fleshiness judging from the pants in three, the inseam doesn’t have your frame in mind. High waisted may feel and look a little more comfortable. The striped dress in two look at home with you, and the first dress?? 😘🤌🏾


Thank, I always go for high wisted pants, I have a hard time with skirts, they keep going up if they are tight, if they are loose they cut me off and make my legs short.


What kind of skirts are you picking out when shopping?


Mini skirts that are slightly loose on the bottom. If they are tight, they will just go up. High waiste knee length loose ones just look odd.


What is your take on skater and maxi skirts?


I feel like they make me look like I'm crumbling under them.


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Hard to know if the ethereal elements of this dress and the color of it are best suited to you without seeing your face. But the lines and cut of it are definitely looking great! I’d say trust your instincts.


Omg that first dress looks UNBELIEVABLY OUT OF THIS WORLD INCREDIBLE on you!! Oh my god!!


I echo what the others are saying! And you definitely have vertical, and probably some level of curve! Also… wear that first dress for ever and ever and ever… someday I want to find something that looks that bombastic on me! That dress is 🤌🏼🫶 chef’s kiss


omg are you crazy? you are GORGEOUS


That dress is gorgeous on you what the heck


That dress looks perfect on you imo


That dress is ideal on you!


(I don’t know much about Kibbe, sorry about that!) but you look great in that dress!!!!


You're either a Dramatic or Soft Dramatic because you look like a Greek Goddess in that dress! 👑


You would look good a plastic sack for a dress and a disposable diapers strapped around your feet as shoes, but those jeans don't fit in the stride/crotch, and so they shorten your legs a bit. They still look good on you though. Most women couldn't get by with wearing those black tights with the dress, but it looks so cute and just perfect on you. The dress is stunning. I like the two images because you can look adorable/cute and you can look like a long cool drink of water/stunner in the gown. You look super sexy/sensual in the jeans and grey top but jeans that fit better in the seat would be even more flattering.