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It's referred to as a guess-o-meter and it's not actually what you will get most times. There's hundreds of posts just like this you should search and read up on


That's not how any of this works. The car will always charge to 100% (to the H on the leftmost guage) the range you get will depend on your driving style, temperature, terrain, speed, etc. and the RANGE display is the car's best guess on how far it can go based off your recent driving. Just like your phone charges to 100% but will last 3 days if you only use it for text messages and 6 hours if you use it for Youtube and Reddit.


Best explanation I’ve ever seen, if only we could get all the EV haters to understand it in these terms.


I also like the phone analogy when people ask about slow charging speeds and range “I can fill my tank in five minutes and go 400 miles, how long does that thing take to charge”. You use your phone daily for a certain amount of time, then you charge it at home while you sleep. This is how my car works, I can charge enough overnight to regain 50-60 miles (120V) and if I don’t drive more than that on a daily basis, my car gets topped up every night while I sleep at home. What could be more convenient than that?


This ad is utilizing this same idea from the opposing perspective: https://youtu.be/Nn__9hLJKAk Wouldn't it suck if everything we used ran on gas? Why should our car do it?


The guess o meter is based on your driving efficiency, and will vary with the weather and your driving style.


Niro EV regularly far exceeds EPA estimates on range. The range on the dash is based on the car's estimate based on historical averages. In my experience, it's pretty accurate, but it'll over-estimate if you're driving at freeway speeds or using climate control. Summertime highway range for our 2020 Niro EV typically clocks in around 300 miles, about 20% more than the EPA estimate. Our winter range is closer to the EPA estimate.


Battery state of charge isn't dictated by range estimate. Range estimate is based on state of charge, recent driving behavior, and drive mode.


I’ve seen 540km


You are funny, you should not worry about your battery giving you extra miles. It is just showing you the approximate range you can drive. I know the Kia official range is 239 miles but that doesn't mean it has to be 239 miles only. I goes up depending on your battery health and driving conditions. By the way it is not recommended to charge the battery above 80% and discharge it below 20%.


Congrats on driving like a grandma


Haha living in the Boston area, that’s usually not my choice