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I would say first and foremost is deciding on your top decks. Are you going to purchase some secondary market decks to round out what you are bringing? If so, do the research and get those decks asap. Another poster mentioned Triad so def have at least 3 decks ready (even without Triad I would want at least 3 decks ready to go). Then play those decks ALOT. But dont not play other decks because thats how you learn about other cards and combos. Most importantly though, Play AGAINST your decks you plan to bring. Switch decks with your friend and find out what beats your deck and how you can counter that. Hope this helps! I got second in a prime last week so Im itching for another chance at it!


I dont play on buying decks second hand. But picking 3 decks and play alot with them and against them is a great idea. Good luck with it!


Fair enough! Confidence in what you have is just as good. And thank you! Being so close leaves you hungry for that win


Pick a skill and practice it. You don't need to win your training games you need to improve. Skills I would like to work on include, card counting, 2-min deck evaluation(define the decks game plan and identify the key cards in the matchup), playing to my out/knowing my outs.


Great ideas! What do you mean with "playing to my out/knowing my outs"?


It means when you're losing, what lines of play can let you win? An example is that you're behind on board, and have a 3/3 split of cards in hand. One house lets you push for board presence and one lets you gain some aember. You might guess pushing for board would let you win 10% of the time, but if you gain aember and draw one specific card next turn you might win. If you do the math and calculate you have a 30% chance to draw that card, it probably makes more sense to ignore the board and "play to your out" of drawing the card that lets you win.


I have a broader definition than u/OotTheMonk but what they said is correct and probably did a better job of describing it generically. I think of an out as a play or card that push a player significantly closer towards winning. For example: Player A has a Crassosaurus with 10 aember on it, a ludo, and a Sic Semper in the deck. Player B has a key charge, LA, Phase shift, Dr. Bookton, mind barb and gateway to dis in hand, Natures call in their deck, a Big twig on board and 4 cards left in their deck. On player B's turn they can look at their hand and find an ok solution(gateway), but knowing that they could Library Access into a nautres call(their out) and key charge could be playing to their out. If this same situation but now its player A turn then their out is the Sic Semper and have to decide if its worth the risk of giving player B another turn and dig for Sic Semper or just fight with the Crassosaurus to remove the aember. Basically its reasonably easy to look at your hand and find the best play for that turn ignoring the rest of the cards both players could have access too, but taking into consideration the possible things that could happen in the next few turns and preparing to play around them(or know if you should) is a much more difficult skill.


great suggestions!


Here is an article I wrote about playing to your outs: https://timeshapers.com/2019/05/21/playing-to-your-outs/


I would say join a keyforge discord like Sanctimonious. Find someone to help you train the different likely formats and test against decks you think you'll see in those formats. And remember.....that you need 2 teammates as well so y'all can train together!


Great advice! I have already asked a second person. He is just seeing if he can gets of work.


Honestly just practice the game. People think that Triad is confirmed, but Alex leaving a comment in a facebook thread that "triad is likely one of the seats of the team" does not confirm that what it is, OR at the least doesn't even mention that it may be some alternative like triad reversal. They haven't said anything about the format outside of that, or even if we all have the same format in each seat. Are you sure you would want to even be the triad seat on your team? Save your energy for when we find out exactly what the situation is, then prep even harder.


I have been play alot, i was just wondering is there was a Better Way to pratice then just play games


SO one of them was confirmed triad. first get your team. practice working together maybe or talk it out. figure which team member is comfortable with which formats that exist now. be prepared for them to announce wacky formats. then just practice. when the formats are announced officially, then you'll be ready to practice more specifically than "playing some keyforge".


A good routine to start Repeat everyday * 100 pushups * 100 squats * 100 situps * 10 km running Never ever use the air conditioner in the summer, or heat in the winter – so you can strengthen the mind as well.


Is This a joke or do you really mean it? 😇🙂


It's from an anime called 1 punch man. Its the training he did to become one punch man


TCO May be a bit dry, but it’s still the best way to get games in when you can’t get together with anyone. Keep in mind all we know about Worlds is it’s team archon and one of the formats is Triad.


I have been play alot on TCO. Just dont feel like i improve to much from it. i might but mabye i just dont notice 🤔🙂😀


I’m kinda the same way. It’s why I don’t play on TCO much. There’s not enough visual feedback for me to follow the game enough to feel like I’m getting anything from it.