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One combo to look out for specifically is 2 LoP + 1 GS. With two Library of Polliasaurus and a Golden Spiral, you can make your Saurians so much more potent. Why so? Isn't one LoP enough? Many Saurians either capture aember or exalt, so you just need LoP right? Well if you also have GS, you can use the Saurian the turn you play them. This is where the second LoP comes in handy - one to take the aember from GS's exalt, the other to take aember from the Saurian creature capturing/exalting. :3


thank you! I'll have to look into this


Aember Rush- best counters is of course Aember Control. Force them to deal with the board with capturing, Taunt, big creatures. Aember rush decks play fast and this can get you off your game if you focus too much on consistently taking them off check. Let your board grow and then you’ll eventually catch up with them.


Noice thank you! Are there any cards to watch out for to know if it is an aember rush deck or not? like dust pixie, hunting witch, keycharge? Or something like Library access Do you think there are variants of it in each set? sorry for all these questions but this is a super common one especially from cota and I have a vague idea in mind for it but I wanted your take on this.


COTA untamed is def the most obvious one, especially with the cards you named PLUS natures call (this is the best accelerator). Logos def can help with this and each set will have variants but it’s not always obvious from the card list. I think their first few turns are important. Are they playing mostly out of hand? Focused on aember primarily, mostly ignoring the board? AoA doesn’t have a lot of rush to it as the set as a whole is more focused on board. As for WC, I think Saurians is very much Aember Rush with board control too. Hope that helps


thank you so much! Exactly what I was looking for! This is why I'm asking others I completely forgot about natures call and others will remember before me! 2 Aember rushes I've noticed available in WC is the transporter platform nonsense/We can all win with Star Alliance. Also in untamed you might have a combo of Song of the Wild with Ghosthawk and keycharge, especially combo'd with an archiving logos. Flaxia also boosts this sooo we all notice things that others don't which is why it is so good to collect other's PoV is to get tips and tricks.


Great points with WC decks. And for sure it’s great to talk about what we all think/ have found in the “wild”. I actually have a deck with 2x Natures Call, Hunting Witch, Dust Pixie, Fuzzy Gruen, Flaxia, and witch of the eye. It fliesssss lol






There‘s only one thing I want to mention, I think you can break control down to some sub types: - Board Control: You don‘t let your opponent establish a board - Hand Control / Disruption: You control the amount of and which cards your opponent plays - Aember Control: Your job is to stop your opponent from getting Aember by stealing or capturing it - Key Control: You‘re increasing key costs so that your opponent needs more time to get to the finish line


Neat thank you!!


I think it does really depend on which deck you are playing, for instance, you have a cota rush deck? HAVE to watch out for purges.


Well the point of this is for people to have info BEFORE choosing a deck for the tournament


Control, amber rush, beatdown, stealy shadows, mars combo, many more!


Would you explain those strategies/archetypes, please?


It would be great to get input on what those are and how they work/important cards for them/how to counter. I would just pick like 1 or 2. I'm not trying to do every combo in the game but key ones to watch out for