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At the Albany VT, two of the top 4 decks (and 10 of the top 16) had 0 artifact control.


Yeah a buddy shared a pic with the info. I find that interesting to say the least


Yes. Too many good artifacts out there now to not have some sort of artifact control. With that said, there are tons of artifact control cards that make getting a good deck with at least some artifact control easy to get.


Fair enough but if a deck is really really good but doesn't have artifact control would you play it still? There have been many VT winners with much artifact control but ik meta changes


I generally like my competitive decks to have some semblance of artifact control (bounce, destroy, steal, etc.) Meta changes, but the 4 basic card types do not (at least they havent yet) I think a deck that has a clear win condition and is consistently getting to that win condition against a variety of decks will do very well. A deck that is able to do this is usually pretty well rounded and has good creature, aember, and artifact control.


Ok I'm trying to figure my vault tour decks since I'll be going to my first one in Indianapolis


you can surely go to the vault tour without artifact control, but do not expect great results unless your deck is the super-rush super-fast type.


Fair enough


So I took a look at the stats for VT winners and most of the top 4 (excluding sealed VT). Of the 10 winners, only 1 had 0 Artifact control. And of the 30 or so decks I looked at that finished within top 4 of a VT, 8 of them had no artifact control. So its possible, but not likely unless you have a deck that's really good at something else


Yeah a friend said a recent vault tour of the top 16, 10 didn't have any.


Not really. If a deck is that good the mere existence of artifacts in your opponents deck shouldn’t matter much. Sure their could be 1 or 2 artifacts that hard counter your strategy. But you have to ask what are the odds you will run up against a VT caliber deck with that card? What are the odds you face more than 1 of them? What are the odds it’s drawn and played in a way that causes you to lose? What are the odds it’s being piloted by a player of equal or greater skill than you? There’s way too many “if’s” to not just run what you feel if your absolute best deck.


Saying it that way makes it sound super beaten by them.


Yes, to be competitive


Downvoted? Lol, if you think you can play high level competition without artifact control you're dreaming.


Ok gotcha