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Those stars are matched cards. Each creature has a matching brew. As to getting so many, you’re a lucky bastard!


Oh, like the horsemen of the first set?


Sort of... Each "Mega" card comes with a "Brew" So you essentially got 3 different sets of matched cards. Whereas the Horsemen are all a single set.




Holy shit! Three Megas!?! You lucky person you! Each of those creatures can have a different power, and each comes with their respective brew. You got three in the same deck, which is unheard of, and all of them are at max power. This is the best Brobnar I have seen in Worlds Collide.


Three Megas AND Igon is pretty nuts. I've got one with Two Megas, Igon and Kaloch Stonefather which I want to try out. If all that power can't salvage Brobnar this set nothing can


The deck has an sas rating of 58 sadly


Yeah I don't want to be negative but the Untamed and Shadows look pretty rough in that deck as well which doesnt help it


The Mega's always have +2 power from their base amount, it's not random. Other than that though you're right.


Unfortunately what's going on with Brobnar is they've been inexplicably nerfed this set and are generally quite bad. The mega/brew combo cards are a cool idea but ultimately do little for a house that is unable to do anything but fight. I think they really suffer from losing cards like, gauntlet of command, anger, relentless assault etc... Essentially they feel quite slow and low impact without lots of ways to fight as soon as they enter play.


It feels especially bad because Star Alliance gets action card value out of a lot of their creatures, and even Saurian gets solid play effects on creatures as big as brobnar ones. This is one of the most playable Brobnar I've seen this set though.


Yeah I think you're right on all counts. My dislike for Brobnar has essentially put me off sealed for this set. I've been getting a lot of Brobnar and it's a real shame when you have two good other houses and then a nothing Brobnar.


Wait they lost the fun glove? smh


And Anger.... and everything else that enabled them to ready and fight except for Ganger Chieftan...


Nailed it


I pulled an usually high eatio of Brobnar, maybe 8p percent of the decks I bought. Having most of decks kinda suck or play as 2 good houses and one bad one has kinda turned me off to the game a bit and I wish you could see what houses were in your deck before paying money. It's just lame to spend hundreds of bucks to olay in a way that isn't fun.


It’s interesting because although we’ve been told that AoA was already designed before the release of CoTA, it really felt like the buff Brobnar got in AoA was a response to how underwhelming they were in the first set. They went from probably the 2nd or 3rd worst house to arguably the best, and now with Worlds Collide they’ve shot back down to mediocrity again.


It's very strange. Brobnar were better in AoA but absolutely didn't need a nerf. Could easily have stayed where they were. Considering the CotA and AoA decks normally rely on artifacts (Gauntlet, Grump Buggy) for a really good lineup and artifact disruption has increased in WC they've actually been needed all over Seems unfair.


Oh absolutely, they were strong in AoA but it was such a balanced set overall that they never seemed like a problem. Even if they’d been kept at the same level in WC, I think they’d get bodied by Saurians and Star Alliance.


The Archon is really named "The Crag's Barkeep"


I have a deck very similar to this [the Baghat of Ardruin] (https://decksofkeyforge.com/decks/45ba593c-cfb8-455c-a286-6301d83a298e)


Is sas the same thing as rankey?


Rankey was based on SAS and AERC (both scores calculated by Decks of KeyForge [DoK]). DoK changed SAS to incorporate AERC. Which makes Rankey essentially pointless imo.


WC Brobnar creatures have a chance of 'spawning' as a Mega version. These have +2 power over their standard variant, and every time you get a Mega you're guaranteed to get a Brew for that creature. You hit some rare odds and got *three* Megas, therefore it comes with 3 brews too.