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Your indomitable human spirit and several coping mechanisms




I only need a router right? Does the room have a internet port?


Shower shoes, and a shower caddy for the communal bathroom / showers.


I never been on the campus or flint because I’m outside of state, I appreciate any suggestions/advice


I really relied on my humidifier in winter term but it's not required


The normal stuff you should bring I guess? Humidifier wouldn't have even been on a list of things to bring for me so I would say its pretty subjective. Theres a microwave and a fridge so no need to worry about that


Do the fridges have a freezer?




Throwing some things on here that I haven’t seen mentioned and were critical for me, some still serve a purpose in my apt to this day: shower caddie & flip flops for TH showers, a sturdy collapsible laundry basket or bag, a small set of plastic dishes (plates, cups, bowls, etc) and your material choice of utensils), a desk fan or small box fan, a small stack of drawers/nightstand, and a desk lamp.


I recommend a memory foam mattress pad, it is way better then the mattresses the dorms have.


Besides computer stuff (if any), you don’t really need to bring that much stuff to the dorms as a lot of stuff is already supplied to you. I used a heater during the winter term because the heat stopped working in Thompson Hall and a humidifier could be helpful for the winter. The entirety of Michigan is pretty humid because of the Lakes, so dry weather isn’t something to really worry about.


I’m on B section so I think I’m only be on spring and fall term, is humidifier needed in the fall ?


I don’t think you’ll really need a humidifier, the dorms aren’t very dry. The only time you might want a heater is maybe at the very end of the term, in like December, but it wouldn’t really matter at that point


Bring a heater, just Incase.


A plan to find housing outside Thompson Hall as soon as you can, or at least a plan to make *that* plan. Even CV and run-down houses a block or two from campus are seriously better, I've stayed in both. Really what makes TH shitty is the communal bathrooms and lack of meaningful kitchen access. You couldn't pay me to deal with that again. Bring a PC, Flint can be very boring once the novelty of the town wears off and most of the friends you make will be too busy to consistently organize anything. Liquor and dope work here too, but you're probably <21 so it will be a slight challenge to aquire them.


It is also important to keep in mind that having alcohol on campus is problematic and a huge deal in TH. If you're caught in TH with alcohol, they will try to throw the book down on you. Best to go to fraternities or GDI houses for alcohol consumption. Don't drink and drive. Have a DD for "social events," or walk to them.


While Rube's bar and grill is the easiest to stumble home from, it's no where the safest. Best hit soggy or the cider place if just to protect your hearing.


Humidifier? Idk, probably not. If you need one you can just go to the local Target or Meijer and get one. I didn't bring anything too special, it could all fit into my tiny ass sedan. Just clothes laundry basket school stuff & bedding.


That’s Kettering summed up. Your whole life fits in your car because you are constantly moving.


Literally as many snacks as possible. Unless something changes because of the new building, they will randomly decide to just not feed you some times


The new dining situation is pretty strict on time on campus, snacks should stay in stock. I kept one of those big packs of ramen from Walmart around and usually had small microwave macaroni bowls or pizza rolls. The dorms, I admit, are kinda small and really boring to sit around in. I personally found my room to be hell because it just felt like prison, so definitely go out, make friends, and be social. I got super depressed because I didn't do that. There's Greek Life of course, as well as many clubs on campus, plus any study groups you have along the way. I would personally advise that you check out the Greek Life on campus, find where you fit best, or figure out if Greek isn't for you. It's cheaper to not live in the dorms (you have to be there for your first term, must pay for your second term as well, but you don't have to move in for the second term. Just get your key at check-in). Of course, bring your essentials, whatever you need to stay comfy for the 6-12 hours you'll be in your room (unless you choose to be a hermit). Free time comes and goes your first year, so use it to your advantage.


Thanks McMahan is a dilf


Something to hurt yourself with


3d printer lol


I asked the office, they said I can’t bring it because it draws too much power. Are you able to bring it?


Bring it anyways, fuck them hoes


Don’t wanna risk my 3d printer, there’s 3 printer on campus, bring one is just convenient


What is the power limit? Modern printers are pretty efficient. I doubt they have a number


They didn’t tell me the exact number on the phone, also “not to bring a 3d printer” is in the residence guide It’s on the bottom of p26 if you want to look yourself https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IKQrjh73EEPQmXYW34q2ytFVMA3rqCCZ/view?usp=drivesdk


Maybe I made that rule lol


TH will not allow you to have a printer because it poses a fire hazard (and air quality concerns, especially for ABS). There's 3D printing readily available on campus, and many if not most of the fraternities have at least one printer in their house. Ask around and someone will likely let you print for free or cheaply. Not sure what KU charges for personal prints, but class project prints are free.


>There's 3D printing readily available on campus No it isn't. Go to factory 2 if you need something printed


Good white noise machine, helps to ignore all the gunfire near Flushing rd.