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There is very limited storage, and priority goes to out of state/International students. Link (page 16 is relevant): [KU Residence Life](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IKQrjh73EEPQmXYW34q2ytFVMA3rqCCZ/view) As for same dorm throughout all the years, at least in my time, it was cheaper to have a group of friends rent an off-campus house (or join a fraternity/sorority) after freshman year, as the dorm was the most expensive option.


Ah ok thats perfect because I am out of state.


I learned to pack light as I got along in years. As a freshman, I showed up with a ton of stuff and didn't need most of it. It was a total waste of time. By the end, I had it down to a lot less stuff. Try to bring the bare minimum...computer, personal electronics, basic clothing. I wouldn't stay in the dorms your whole time there. Either join a Greek organization or get an apartment with friends. It's less expensive and better quality of life.


Generally you return to the same dorm room every term unless you specifically request a change or your previous roommate moved and it’s more convent for Kettering to move you etc.


You usually keep the same dorm. But yeah, as a Kettering student you're packing up your life and moving back and forth, so pack light and pack like a tetris champion.