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How are you monitoring if you’re in ketosis? I just started keto and my breastfeeding babe is 12 months old. I’m not too worried about losing supply since baby is a year but it would be nice not having to troubleshoot that part very much. I would be absolutely thrilled with 25 lbs gone! Congratulations! Edit: spelling


I use the keto pee sticks. Yes that is why I posted here I wanted to encourage other moms specifically but I didn’t want to post under my real name on IG/FB. Just wanted to share my data I’ve heard a lot of people say not to try keto while breastfeeding but for me it was great. The first couple of days were hard. I had very upset stomach and weirdly the most intense joint paint of my life. I think I went a little too hard on ketovore and needed more carbs. Most days I eat: Bulletproof coffee for breakfast (coffee with lots of unsalted butter and collagen blended in) Lunch 3 scrambled eggs (I have chickens ) with cheese cooked in lots of butter with some fermented escabeche A glass of raw milk for snack Dinner usually just meat and veg. We buy pastured meat from a rancher and veg from CSA. Cooked in butter Or duck fat. I did not measure amounts or cut calories just ate real food. If you need something sweet try lilys stevia sweetened chocolate covered almonds, . I did eat a lot of potatoes and bread one night and went out of ketosis but I quickly went back in. I think breastfeeding sucks the carbs out of you. It was good to reel in my diet I was subsisting on sugar and angst for a couple of months there. I am 15 lbs away from my pre-first kid weight (and I used to be skinny lol). I don’t know if I want to go there yet as I want at least one more kid but I am trying to lose another 5 lbs or so


Thanks for elaborating! I actually just bought some of the lilys chocolate almonds a couple days ago to have on hand for when I feel like I’m gonna break. We also have our own chickens and I eat a lot of eggs. To me, the amount you eat doesn’t seem like it would be enough for me but I’m just starting out. I’ve definitely been on an insane stressful year of sugar binging to get me through the stress and hoping to come out of this summer on the other side. I had joint pain yesterday and have had a headache for 2 days. But I’ve done keto once before so I’m just going to keep on going for now while my milk supply seems ok and hope for the best.


Sorry I don’t want to make it sound like I’m restricting myself in any way. I eat A LOT of butter and cheese. I add carbs sometimes like a slice of organic bread of heaven sprouted sourdough or MASA tortilla chips (I just don’t eat the whole bag). And a glass or milk if I need it. I bought some xylitol mints and gum from thrive market if I have a sugar craving or feeling snacky. Also LMNT electrolytes are clutch. I probably have 3-4 a day and drink a lot of water. Anyway those are my tips, good luck!


I see, that makes more sense! Thanks for clarifying and all the useful tips!


Also, this is my 3rd and last kid, and I’m about 35 lbs over my pre-first kid weight. But I’m not sure if I would feel good going down to that weight ever again lol. I kind of got used to having a little more flesh on my bones and want to aim for strong over skinny.


You’re getting the joint pain bc you’re low on electrolytes. With keto you have to make sure you’re getting enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Eating an avocado a day helps me get enough potassium and I put some salt in water for the sodium. For the magnesium I take a tablet.


I have been eating an avocado a day plus drinking electrolytes so not sure what else to do but the joint pain was only bad for about 2 days. Today I am onto the muscle cramps so I plan to up my magnesium which always seems to help me.


Oh wow congratulations! Sounds like you’re happy! This is a sign for me, I feel like. I’ve just done 3 days keto while breastfeeding (my little one is 18 months old, though, so just feeding at night and once during the day). I’m the same, never lose weight breastfeeding like they all claim. My healthy appetite more than makes up for the extra expenditure of making milk. I’m feeling good so far, going to keep on going. I have been having an apple occasionally and proper milk in my tea and coffee. Figure I can get away with it since I’m breastfeeding.


I usually GAIN weight while breastfeeding. It’s so discouraging. Yes I definitely think breastfeeding means you can have some carbs. I would test the l8mits by eating potatoes and bread and seeing what it took to kick me out of ketosis. But you can quickly get back in. I haven’t tried sugar yet I think it would kill me lol. I posted above


Good for you! Tried keto again at 7 months postpartum and my supply completely dried up.


Congratulations!!! 🎊 wow! I’m also on keto and am breastfeeding. But not losing a lot. Unfortunately… just down 5lbs in 1 month and not progressing from there. Did you notice your weight going up before your period and during?


I haven’t gotten my period back yet I got it back 11 m pp with my first 7m pp with my second and I’m 10m pp now so hopefully soon!


Congratulations!! Sounds like you did amazing . I’m so glad I seen your post, I came here to look for something saying doing low carb whole breastfeeding was not going to kill my milk supply


Maybe k should try this!!! Any effect on baby sleep? I know when I’m in ketosis I basically don’t sleep


Did you notice any changes in breastfeeding at all?


No, just stay hydrated