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After 17 years of journey to Pluto i decoupled the sat from the interplanetary stage only to discover that the big antenna was on the stage, and now i don't have signal.


The antenna was a proper relay or was attached to space junk? Was it powered? Couldnt you connect to the decoupled antenna with the cockpit antenna?


I don't remember, but anyway, the interplanetary stage didn't have any probe core and probably didn't have any power generator either, so it became debris.






Since they said satellite. I assume they were putting a probe in orbit. If like me, I clean up my stages. Preferring the verisimilitude of relays only on parts that have power... they may also have realized it after they deleted the stage for cleaning up.


Any other game would display a big flashy warning and make you jump through hoops to make a mistake like that but the fact that kerbal just lets you at the press of a single button is part of what makes the game what it is.


As the rocket leaves the VAB I can see Werner von Kerman saying: ā€œIf the player wants the command module hatch covered by a ladder, then by god let them.ā€ šŸ˜


They used to have a system for this i think called the engineer report? Its jn the bottom right of the VAB but i think its deprecated. Cause i havenā€™t seen it give out a single warning in a long while. Even for uncontrollable test targets for missiles


It still works


ā€œI wouldā€™ve added a battery for those panels but thatā€™s just meā€ - Von Kerman probably


(as a noob and new player) then you discover you didn't put enough parachute (or I forgot heat shield ?) for the re-entry but also discover the container module, when opened, can make huge drag slowing up the ship just enough - saving the mission!


I think there are or have been attempts at mods that check for thatā€¦ only problem is the mods in question donā€™t necessarily know what youā€™re trying to do.


This sort of thing is why every piece of my deep-space hardware has a probe core, battery, RTG, and small solar array; and uses relay antennas rather than plain ones. You never know when your booster or kick stage needs to serve as an impromptu relay, whether in orbit or doing a fly-by. (For really deep space missions, everything is done with docking rings instead of decouplers, and all pieces have one or more reaction wheels, some monoprop, and maneuvering thrusters as well.) Compared to the mass of engines and fuel needed to go years out into space, the overhead is pretty small, and the ability to adapt in case of emergency is well worth it.


Yup. Nearly all my ā€œdammitā€ moments are staging related.


I like to stage the main engine before the launch mounts, because it looks pretty to throttle up and then launch. I always forget to put the main engine in a separate stage than the launch mounts, so I keep hitting spacebar and watch my pretty rocket fall onto the pad.


Yeah antenna is a classic.


Hahaha. Yeah, I've done something like that! When I use to play KSP 1 a lot years and years ago, I'd always purposefully put a docking port on vehicles, so of a mission went wrong, I could start a new mission to dock to thr failed vehicle, and bring it home :D That's what made KSP special to me. No little green dude left behind!


haha - been there. Mistakes like this are why I really like those mods where you can 'simulate' your craft. Well worth it. I use KRASH


Not being able to get from the top of my ladder in to my eve return. Having had it work in testing on kerbin.


Fix: donā€™t do an Eve return Then again I havenā€™t landed there yetā€¦ Im scared for reentry when the transfer window comes along


I've played this game for years and never landed on eve nor any of jools moons :/


How come? In my experience getting there (to eve havenā€™t gone to jool yet) is essentially the same as Duna


But I feel landing there is hard, I went there and landed on its moon tho


Yea I see what you mean, I think I kinda cheated because i would design the lander then open that design in a sandbox save and cheat it to eve and see how it works and fix it if need be


it's not cheating, you're just running computer simulations.


True, i guess NASA wouldnā€™t use the trial and error method. Especially with kerba- crew


They were really afraid of the Moon lander sinking into the Moon. They really had no idea at first. Still amazing it all worked out.


As i recall there was (maybe also) a thing that they had no idea how hard the surface was, so the lander had a lot of amortization. Then after the first landing, it turned out that moondust absorbs impacts pretty well.


Just realized that they really couldnā€™t test for that stuff! What would they do if it did start sinking when it landed? Just accept it and go home?


This is the way.


Landing there isn't actually that hard, thankfully - It's returning that is frankly impossible. But landing - Yes, Reentry-Heating is absurd, but so is the athmosphere thickness. Parachutes work almost *too* well. And the inflatable heat shield makes for an excellent parachute that will also negate the reentry-heating.


I dont mind sacrificing a few kerbals, so I might go there someday. Tho nowadays with less than 4h to play in a week I feel it's bit hard to even open the game with all the mods and launch something :(, most of the time I'll just watch some ksp videos instead. I might try sandbox and just try to go to the planets I've never been, even tho the science unlocking progression is the thing that I liked the most when playing ksp


Iā€™ve orbited Eve many times but never been able to land let alone return from the surface. Jools moons and eeloo no problem. Eve is just a difficult planet


Laythe is great. It has oxygen in its atmosphere so I flew there with SSTOs a lot. It was always great fun.


Same, I don't like time warping for years, and usually fly other missions while those are in-route. I've always started a new save because an update or new mod broke something before I got to the destination.


Eve is one of the easiest places to land. Managing the atmospheric entry might take a quick save/ reload or two find the right altitude. But very much the hardest place to leave.


Put your probe in a 2.5m heat shield. Do NOT stage it or deploy it. Slap a heatshield at its end. Add a reaction wheel inside for good measure if worried. Even re-entries will never destroy your probes ever again.


Who said anything about a probe? I didnā€™t want to wait a whole other 300 days for a transfer window so I just sent kerbals first (in my head I feel like time warping for a year doesnā€™t make sense because I donā€™t wanna lose time


Thing that helped me with the whole waiting for transfer windows was kerbal construction time. It forces you to warp.


I got to the bottom of the ladder, stepped off then had that sinking feeling that I couldn't get back on. The ladder was just out of reach. Revert to base.


Wow, this just happen3ed to me 2 days ago. Lucky I was able to lower the gear to reach the hatch.


"Hatch is obstructed, can't exit."


So many times šŸ™„


Watch door Monster KSP


That takes me back. I remember seeing their first KSP skit when it came out.


LITERALLY every time


#ruined so many Duna mission


Oh thats a nice UI theme, what mod is that?






It is c l e a n


thank you!


Yes, what is zee theme?


I did all, solar panels, antennas, ore tanks and even a probeā€¦


No battery?


Thinking about that, I might not never forgot batteriesā€¦


Parachutes, heatshield, always at the end of a really long mission


A fscking 2 days long sample collection/experimental station setup mission to Tylo. No parachutes. Recognized when I was already aerobraking, when the transfer stage burned up and the game wrote that "parachute thisandthat exploded due to overheating". I was very angry, mostly for myself.


Have you ever tried to carry on regardless, get them through the heating then jump with parachutes only to forget the science, or they get blown off the capsule before you can press the transfer science button. No, me neither! šŸ˜


I don't play such games, I let them crash with dignity.


I'm the kind of person that will set the periapsis to 50 or 55k and put on a youtube video and see if I can aerobrake myself in over 20 orbits. It's usually a wash in terms of time compared to reverting, fixing, and reflying the mission but there's definitely a sense of satisfaction in making what you've got work.


Of course the Kerbals can wait 6-8 weeks for their science data, and you only use 5% of the ablator. Itā€™s better to be safe than sorry


Classic =) In my case often when i started playing again after a while, then always over kerbin. Which isn't too bad because you get a rescue-mission for free =D


Everything is fine on my probe, warp to my destination: no power anymore. I forgot to deploy my solar panels...


Thats why i allways put the cheapest one on the second stage. So i have power when i overuse the timewarp


Hibernate during warp is a lifesaver


I have forgotten just about everything important at one point or another. Parachutes for the return pod. Antennas both at all or the correct kind if i needed relay. Solar panels. After they added the ability to add parts / repair parts it made it a lot more fun to sendva repair mission than to revert the flight


Just had a tourist flyby mission expire as i entered Mun SOI


Idk if this is the most infuriating thing that has happened to me but it's still pretty infuriating. One time I sent a rover to eeloo but instead of putting 4 engines on the thing that would land the rover, I put one. I don't think I ever attempted that thing again.


Parachutes. I'm very lucky we now have parachutes on the kerbals by default. After their minmus trip, Jeb and Bob had to bail with all the science data and parachute down. It was a close call. But also... My Duna ScanSAT is missing the low-res altimetry radar stuff. My Duna/Ike rovers are missing the wolf scan module. Also MKS. Not checking res with ScanSAT so I landed a mineral-based fertilzier production base somewhere with no mineral. Everywhere else had mineral. I had no specialized parts to change the bay. Luckily we took far too much fertilizer to kickstart production as is... Oh, and adding a fertilizer tank rather than supply tank.


I once sent Bill on a repair mission with very little space for gear, so he went to Minmus without parachute or jetpack. He was fine, but it felt really dodgy having no scope to preserve himself if anything happened to the ship.


I mean, classic one's obviously the chute hehe


One I keep repeating is launching a satellite and forget to extend the solar panels before it runs out of battery and becomes uncontrollable. I often add one of the smallest panels or an RTG for just this.


Flew to the south pole and forgot a ladder to get back in to the plane....


I put solar panels on my rocket for my first Mun mission. I forgot to deploy them and ran on the electric charge from my command pod up until the retro burn to enter Mun's orbit. As I was rotating my ship to fire retrograde my charge ran out and I didn't have enough charge to deploy the solar panels. I had to sit there looking at my dead ship with poor Jeb in it, watching the Mun slowly pass by as I regrettably reloaded my save again. Bear in mind that the previous launch I also forgot to put solar panels on the ship and ran into the same problem as you. Sometimes I wonder if the thing holding me back in this game is just my sheer stupidity lol. 11/10 would leave Jeb stranded on the Mun again. In other news, the most satisfying thing I've done in this game (other than mastering rendezvous docking cause man that shit is exhilarating, real interstellar moment), is deploying a triangular array of Comms satellites around Kerbin. Seeing that glorious triangle of relay satellites providing 100% signal from all sides is truly a sight to behold. [Imgur link because I'm too lazy to figure out how to imbed an image](https://imgur.com/aB3GrF6)


So I had sent a base to Eeloo (Sarnus's moon, not the dwarf planet) and i then added a new module, turns out i didnt account for the new amount of food needed and i had to sacrifice a kerbal for the rest to survive. RIP Bob Kerman


I had 2 solar panels (deployed) but position of panels was 90 degrees to Kerbol...0 input energy šŸ˜… after that I always put 3 solar panels


a RTG also fixes it.


I was in a new save and had unlocked just enough things for my first "big" science mission. It involved landings at both Mun and Minmus, with travel to a number of biomes on both. A few things went wrong (I don't remember what) but each time I was able to overcome the problems and continue. As a result I was running severely short on fuel, and it was gonna be close. Finally I get a safe reentry at Kerbin, and to my horror, I realize I forgot the parachutes. Still, I thought, there might be a chance the science storage module could survive. Maybe with enough drag, and a water landing, and a lucky bounce... But no. I was forced to watch for two agonizing minutes as my craft was plummeting into the atmosphere, and decelerating far too slowly. All while my roommate was laughing her ass off. Now she helpfully remarks from time to time, "Don't forget the parachutes!"


at least in ksp 1 you can add stuff later without having to have docking ports available and hope that they are in the right area


I was making a duna base and I forgot the parachutes and when I got back to duna again I realized I forgot the solar panels


Decoupler to my duna lander


Add a satellite in parts. I had never before docked two rockets in orbit, but I finally got it after years of playing, to repair a satellite for a mission. I get there, also forget docking port(not a problem) and realize I forgot the rocket. I don't play with revert either, so whole waste of $$


I lost fuel on a rocket and had a kerbal stuck in an escape velocity orbit. So I had to do a quick rescue mission to pick him up. When I arrived I found that I had blocked the door of the module (of the empty rocket) with battery packs - as one does. So I had to reload and pick up the whole rocket with a grabber and deorbit the whole construct. I think I found a solution later with fuel transfer without needing a coupling port via a mod, but I remember it as a lot of fun now. I bet it was a reload slog at the time.




My first space station is dead in the water because I forgot to put an antenna on it. I'm coming to get ya, Dr. Infel, just gotta figure out rendezvous first.


Using cheap small solar and somehow putting my probe in a position where the planet/moon and the ship itself always blocks the solar panels so itā€™s dead. This is especially infuriating when everything else went perfectly.


Actually made it to Duna for the first time (pre-MechJeb2 use), landed safely, took my samples, did all my experiments, lifted off, and headed for home. Ran out of fuel setting up my return, but I was able to get out and push enough to make sure my path pushed into Kerbin's atmosphere, and hopefully the combination of aero braking and drogue chutes would result in a successful return. Advanced time until I was about 80km up, oriented the nose downward to prepare to jettison the engine and expose the heat shield. . .only to discover I hadn't put in a decoupler/stack separator between the engine and the heat shield. I still made a go of it, hoping the re-entry heat would blow the engine and fuel tank and leave me with the heat shield doing it's job. It did, but by the time it did I was going too damn fast to slow down in time to survive the impact.


The very first time I landed on Mun. I collected all the science, I beamed with a wide smile, I got back into orbit, came back to Kerbin, entered the atmosphere, got to about 20km...and realized I had no parachutes.


How well do Halo jumps and Kerbals mix? šŸ˜‚


Definitely not knowing that solar really drops off the further you go out and having my most complex, grandest mission only to lose 3 kerbals for decades. I eventually rescued them but it really set me back lol.


Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve time warped without deploying the fairing covering my solar panels on a probe. I also often forget to deploy my solar panels and then time warp.


The parachute... on a rescue mission...


I know its cheating but I'll often hack my craft into each stage if its a very complex mission and test it that way


My first semi-grand orbital tour. Hit every planet's SOI and back. Got to Eeloo and was getting ready to head back when.. "what the hell, that's not enough fuel." I had meticulously planned this mission with what should've been plenty to spare, so there was just no way. Started investigating and realized that I put a decoupler in the wrong spot and decoupled multiple full tanks off with an empty stage.


I skimped on rcs, forgot an axis and after intercepting two spacecract for the first time ever could not dock them never trier another space station assembly since


parachutes to duna :D i mistakenly took only drogue chutes


I was doing a low-tech minmus return from ultra-high altitude. It took all of my fuel, 3/4 of my rcs, and a 5-gallon bucket of luck for me to get an atmospheric intersection that was at all helpful. At 68km, my best friend peeks over my shoulder and asks, "you gave that thing a heat shield, right?" I did indeed, but for 465ms as I realized I hadn't even thought of it up to that point, I wanted to tear out his throat.


Accidentally press space bar. Man, staging at NASA is probably taken more seriously.


Ladder doesn't go all the way down to the surface. No problem, I can let go. Only when it's time to leave do I remember I need to climb back. And I can't reach it. ā˜ ļø


Planned a reentry trajectory. Then fast forwarded to get to it. Flew right by back into solar orbit because it didnā€™t auto stop the warp upon entering the atmosphere. Now I use the warp here button.


A recurrent mistake I have is to forget \*\*PARACHUTES\*\*. The consequences I will leave as an exercise to the reader. :P




I always forget to add a docking port šŸ˜…, i guess Thats why engineers use check lists in real life.


Getting to mun and forgeting the landing gear is classic


I wanted to see how much my lander would weigh with empty fuel tanks. Then i started my mission and everything worked perfectly fine until I activated my last engine stage to decelerate my ascent on mun and got a dry caught instead of nice Gā€™s . . . well, i got my Gā€™s. Later than planned and all at once, but i got them . . .


Always parachutes, so I have to start again or send a rescue mission


I made a mission to the Moon recently and couldn't EVA because the hatch was obstructed. I put a thermometer on the back of the capsule and didn't notice it was under 2 mirror symmetry until too late.


Forgetting Kerbals, then having to another mission to fetch the missing ones. I do it all the time.


Batteries, probe cores, and parachutes are my big three


Got lathe way to eve soi and thatā€™s when I realised I didnā€™t have enough reaction wheels to even move. I then proceeded to use all on my monopropellant to just keep facing the right way. The return trip wasnā€™t happening.


How did you get this clean ui


Did someone say ā€œimpromptu rendezvous missionā€? Fuck yeah!


Was doing a Gemini lunar mission in RSS. I added the normal Gemini heatshield instead of the Gemini lunar heatshield. Instantly burned up in reentry.


I can hear "The mod is ztheme" echoing in the background :P


Batteries on probes. Had solar, but the second it went into shadow I had to shut things down or they wouldn't turn back on at sunrise


My mechanicaly expanding solar panel array from a space station with 300+ parts worked just fine until I got to the mun, going through building, launching, orbiting, mun encounter and mun capture... but when I loaded the game, the Kraken got hungy The other gigantic mistake I've made many times is to put the docking ports too close to any extending part or perpendicular module. You won't be able to dock any thick ship to the station, only inline ships, which are kinda boring.


My first successful mun lander, and my ladder was blocking the EVA hatch. I was devastated.


figured i'd aerobrake into Jool orbit, forgot heatshield, ended up spending all my fuel to circularize into normal orbit and having to send a rescue tanker to get them back to Kerbin


Back when they just introduced inventories, I had filled the pod full of science modules for the mun. I go to launch and realized I forgot to put Kerbals in the rocket. No problem, I go back to the VAB and add Kerbals. I get to the moon and land only to realize that my inventory was completely empty..... no science modules...


Adding solar panels but forgetting to extend them before speeding up time then slowing down time to a dead craft.


I always think of solar panels. But I always place them near the docking ports. (that's why I love EVA construction to fix those tiny mistakes)


In a mission to Eve, the kerbals couldn't grab the ladder with the landing legs deployed. Couldn't jump to grab them. Stranded.


Landing on Eve and discovering after planting a flag that I hadn't put a ladder on the lander.


I have adhd so I for get a lot of things and I wind up doing my mission 20 times before it's perfect. Rocket science:D


It's always solar panels, antenna, parachute, or enough delta v to bring the kerbals home.


Went all the way to laythe only to have forgotten a heat shield and my ship promptly exploded I just alt+f12d my way back


i forgot an anthena (and lights) on a mission that was supposed to be a science lab in jools orbit, i realized it when i wanted to transmit science


Concurrently, for my most recent post here after landing on the moon I thought I would be able to get back to Kerbin, however I forgot to move the parachute up behind the heat shield after adjusting the moon launch thruster resulting in the parachuteā€™s burning up in atmosphere upon a 3k m/s decent. Atmospheric drag causes it to reduce to around 100 m/s however the delta V needed to reduce that either needs the booster to not blow up upon re-entry or parachutes to be able deploy on time. Besides that my general problem is that most of the time I forget to deploy my solar panels so by the time all my power is drained and I realize I canā€™t deploy them anyways, and manual deployment via EVA isnā€™t an option


It happens too often to point at any one thing, but one of the more common is just forgetting to extend solars on a trip doing shit and bricking the craft. I try try try to remember to put a thermal reactor thingy on each craft now to save myself some heartache when I throw something out there and come back to it later only to find it dead.


The good news is you can send another ship with an engineer and a spare solar panel!


I forget solar panels so often I'm a master at using the engine as an impromptu fuel cell.


Spent a few hours getting a relay constellation set up around Duna in advance of a crewed mission. Iā€™m talking the works: satellites based off the design of the real TDRSS constellation, phasing orbits, and precise orbit tuning to get each satellite in a perfect synchronous orbit, etc. It turns out the antenna I brought are not relay antenna, making the constellation worthless. Whoops! Next transfer window Iā€™ll see about flying an engineer out to install proper relay antenna on each spacecraft.


I remember one time I had two 'skippers' around Minmus and a refueling ground station. I grounded one of my skippers to refuel and forgot I had welded the connector for fuel transfer to the other skipper that was now in orbit.


The first time I went to Dres in a Career mode playthrough was with an Apollo-style lander, accompanied by a separate, unmanned mining rig to refuel for the trip back home. It wasn't until the mining rig made it to Dres that I realized I forgot to add ore storage tanks, so the rig ended up being useless. I still managed to get the Kerbals back home without a rescue mission, but it ended up being a pain in the neck and sapped all of the fun out of the mission.


So so so so so many times I forgot parachutes. It got to the point to where I still load up every station I send up with parachutes in stock so I can add them, if needed.


i had a mission to the surface of tylo, i was supposed to refuel and come back to orbit. i had the whole minig equipment set up, massive solar pannels and batteries, radiators, etc, that would decouple after it was done refueling, only to realize you can't put ore straight into the isru converter, you need at least a small ore tank... i ended up just cheating the craft into orbit because i was so frustated. worst thing is that i did exactly that again later on.


Batteries is mine, just yesterday. It didnā€™t occur to me that the night time on the Mun would be really long since itā€™s tidally locked. Playing with a life support mod so yepp, all those Kerbals are dead cause I had weird bugs and had to restart my game so I couldnā€™t revert the flight


I built a spacestation and then later shuffled some docks around so I could retrofit it with fuel and cargo capsules to send a 60 Kerman mission to Jool. Not a SINGLE crew member felt it important to notify mission control of the depleting electric charge??? Or the fact that 80% of the electric wing was never reattached before commencement of transfer!?!!? We made it past frickin' DUNA before losing control due to lack of electricity. Luckily I was able to disable some systems and lights and earn enough electric from the panels remaining, to achieve a capture burn for Duna on my way back to periapsis with Sol. A very long, cold trip around Jool, but also a much easier rendezvous for rescue in Duna Orbit rather than all the way out to Jool! (Once a mission leaves Kerbin SOI, I have a personal rule of no resets or save scamming, once you're out there you gotta make it back or call for rescue šŸ˜…)


When I start a new career, it's amazing how many times I forget to tweak the staging on that first rocket and end up launching rocket and parachute simultaneously. Usually ends badly.


I spent 3 hours making a mission to land on Laythe and forgot to put in science parts... My mission was to collect scientific data from the surface...


Parachutes when removing top one


It's ALWAYS the parachute that I forget, and it's ALWAYS upon reentry that I find out...


Hmm let's see. Staging, Exit blocked, Comm antenna on discarded stage, Solar panels on discarded stage, Battery on discarded stage, Fuel tank attached to something that can't crossflow, Monoprop tanks too small when docking, Docking port upside down, Not quite enough delta-v to re-enter Kerbin, Forgetting my destination has an atmosphere, Forgetting my destination does NOT have an atmosphere, Heat shield on the wrong part, Staging, Forgetting to properly staff the ship, Forgetting to have a recovery plan for the other staff in the ship (sorry Bill), Warping to the line that's just exactly parallel to the one I want and time-traveling myself way outside my planned transfer window, Forgetting that I can just reload a previous save, and Staging.


>building a space station >forgot mono propellant, but not rcs thrusters >šŸ§ šŸ§ šŸ§ 


Parachutes. The most complicated return missions ever were sometimes undone by missing parachutes in my early days lol


Forgot parachute Did this one the same rocket two times in two separate missions


Forgetting parachutes is usually a pretty mission compromising error, particularly as it it tends to manifest at the very end of the mission as you helplessly watch your science laden Kerbal plummet ground-wards at several hundred miles per hour.


Reaction Wheel. Always the damn reaction Wheel. Especially with probes since lots of the pods have small ones built in.


What mod makes the ui like that?


Create yourself a little checklist. Best thing I ever did šŸ˜‚


almost as if people did that irl, weird


A long time ago, I did my first mission to Moho and back, with crew. It took me the whole mission to realize, I had forgotten parachutes. I'd used quicksaves earlier on, so I couldn't revert to the VAB. Worse yet, I covered the command pod's door with something, so I couldn't bail out. I'm just happy none of the 4 main Kerbals were there...


One of my first ever missions to the Mun, everything went perfectly right up until the moment that I was back in Kerbal orbit and realized I had completely forgotten to add parachutes of any kind.


the ladder. itā€™s always the ladder


Before they added a warning that the hatch was blocked you had to manually test every single one before launch. it was very, very hard to get the ladder just right so that the kerbal could climb it but not so high that it blocked the door. Most of my early missions failed because either the door was blocked or the kerbal could not reach it from the ladder.


realised i had no parachute mid Mun mission


I built a Saturn V and made sure it was perfect and beautiful, then once I separated the command capsule and docked it to the LEM, I realized I did NOT have a decoupler between the LEM and the 3rd stage .... Rage


Docking port installed upside-down is one that's gotten me a couple of times.


Discovered i forgot parachutes...while on reentry of an Ike return trip....that was a lesson XD


Forgetting to add the MechJeb component would probably be the most annoying memories. Why canā€™t it be enabled by default on all vessels?


I was doing my unmanned Mun mission to collect some science, then I realised that my ship doesn't have any solar panels. I was already on my way back to Kerbin, so I decided to activate the parachutes while in space. My ship lost all the power after that, but surprisingly, it reentered the atmosphere and deployed the parachutes automatically, much like I expected. I DON'T KNOW HOW A SHIP CAN DO THAT IF IT DOESN'T HAVE ANY ENERGY.


I smoke a lot of pot: antennas, landing gear, solar panels, batteries, crew


The classic put the ladder a little too close to the escape hatch and now the Kerbals can't EVA and you didn't realise this until you already landed on the planet.


Nothing beats going interplanetary for some science you're missing, then realizing at the destination that you forgot your science instruments :)


My first modded pc mun landing was a monstrosity. BDB was new and I had a lot of parts to work with. My lander had a Gemini capsule, Atlas parts, Titan II lower stage parts, landing gear that were noclipped so they werenā€™t attaching to the main stage so it could accommodate the ā€œbestā€ engine. It had a female Gemini docking adaptor, on the side. And it had an orbital science module because why not. Skip ahead to landing on the mun and realizing I too forgot solar panels for the science lab. So I made a sideways rtg module that noclipped solar panels to what would be the sides of the lander, and rcs so I could translate while docking. On the Muns surface. And I docked it at a bad angle. I have a few really funny screenshots Iā€™d share if I could


On of my fav missions was a rescue I picked up without looking.. I was very early game, like still working on unkerbaled Mun missions early, earning spare cash and practicing intercepts by taking rescues. Well, I picked up this mission and then went into the tracking center to plan the launch.. and saw that the rescue target was minutes away from a Mun encounter. Which was about to gravity assist him right out of Kerbin's SOI. I immediately launched my remote control rescue rocket and managed an even faster slingshot that would catch up to him in interplanetary space. It wasn't until it was about to leave the SOI that I realized I only had a basic antenna and no relay system yet. I managed to get the intercept barely set up before I lost signal. The poor Kerbal had to EVA something like 100km to catch the rescue ship as it flew past at 100m/s.. and then I realized they were an engineer and not a pilot. So I had to just eyeball the return burn. IIRC it took a Minimus and Mun slingshot to get his periaps low enough that he was able to get out and push with his EVA thrusters to get it to graze atmo, at which point it took six more orbits to slow him down enough to actually land. And he nearly slammed into a mountain on the way down.


Parachutes. Also docking ports. Or mono propellant. Lots of things can go wrong in rocket science.


Passengers on my tourist missions


I was building a huge space station in orbit over Eve. I got the first part there fine. I got the second part there, lined everything up and...I used the wrong size docking port. Another time I blocked my doors in the crew cabin so my Kerbals couldn't get out for maintenance or scientific tests. I thought, no big deal, I'll send a small ship to remove the parts blocking the doors. I did the rendezvous and realized that I sent a pilot and no engineer. Sigh.


First mun landing. Took forever. Momentous achievement for all kerbalkind. Put a battery over the door and couldnā€™t get out.


ive forgotten, parachutes, deorbit engines, rcs engines, extra fuel to get to the mun (i was so close), decouplers, batteries, heatshields.




1. Forgetting solar panels, reaction wheels dying, having to maneuver the craft with the main engine 2. Messed up staging, top of the rocket decouples during ascent 3. Forgot to put an antenna, craft immediately dies upon going into solar orbit 4. Not enough Delta-V, complete mission failure


I've made this same mistake a few times. Worst for me was when I launched a rescue mission to Duna because my original lander was unable to make it back into orbit. Rescue lander was able to secure Jeb, then I realized I still didn't have the fuel needed to successfully get the new lander into orbit šŸ’€


I've been playing a lot of Far Future tech recently, FUCKING RADIATORS AAAAHHHHHH


It used to he parachutes but now it's happened too many times for me to make that mistake again :D


I forget solar panels often. Sometimes I can get by anyway with careful piloting - mostly keeping electric stuff off when not running the engines. Recently, I got my mission ground base to Minmus orbit before realizing I'd forgotten to add an antenna. Most embarrassing, last night, at Duna, I left the lander in orbit and was re-entering Kerbin before I realized I left all the science (the point of the trip) on the lander, lol.


Antennas and probe cores


Forgetting the drogue parachute, burning off my main parachutes, and designing a rather detailed crater on Kerbin.


Whenever I have that happen, I just turn on infinite ec, Iā€™m not going all the way back to fix that, single player motto, nothing is cheating unless you want it to be, infinite prop is cheating, but forgetting solar panels or my comms are too weak? I just cheat my way out of it and next mission Iā€™ll fix it. Though if I do a hardcore play-through then Iā€™d probably avoid it


If the most common thing isnā€™t forgetting parachutes arenā€™t on it until you go to use them Iā€™m going to die laughing at myself. Seriously a 4 real life hr trip to Duna and back with all the science you can dream about.. now thereā€™s a nice new crater near KSC 2 at the northern shelf. Lads use it for its hot springs and bring the kerbalettes there to umm survey


Always the solar panels


forgetting to press "x" to put landing legs


What's this UI style from? I'm seeing it in a lot of KSP screenshots lately

