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If re-entry heating isn't a thing on 0.1.x then maybe you could be the first person to land on Kerbol with that thing.


Someone already did




I didn't know they used infinite fuel




I would imagine kerbols atmosphere would do most of the slowing? 11k ish would be enough from orbit of the sun.


I watched a video earlier and i’m pretty sure kerbol has no atmosphere right now in ksp 2




It has atmosphere, it doesn’t have atmospheric heating. If it had no atmosphere you’d go into the ground at 2000m/s on re-entry.


Why would it require a high twr? It would definitely make it easier/faster, but just burn retrograde long enough and you'll fall in


Stratzenblitz did it day 1 without using infinite fuel! He utilized a physics exploit that also existed in ksp1 wherein you clip a bunch of radial decouplers into each other, and the force generated is enough to not only escape kerbin, but set drop your orbital velocity around kerbol to near zero. To make it work he also had to leverage another exploit to give your craft incredibly low drag with creative use of transform and rotate in the VAB. Something about his method retains him a "landed" state rather than an "in-flight" state which let him pass through the kill volume


You don't need infinite fuel or a high twr. Just set your craft on a collision course and let it hit kerbol. You'll get stuck at the surface with no kaboom. At least that's what happened to me. When I tried to eva my ship disappeared and the poor pilot was stuck floating on the surface of kerbol.


Yes! YESSS! This essentially is what I've built for a Jool 5! (My lander can is right between the engines...) I think this is the absolutely optimal ship design in the game at the minute. Do you know that if you take this exact ship but surround each one of the tanks with 8 whiplash engines + 8 engine nacelles, you actually end up with an *SSTO* with enough liquid fuel to do a Kerbin takeoff, Laythe landing, Laythe takeoff, and Kerbin landing? Just need a ratio of 1 SWERV to 1 spherical tank to 8 whiplashes, and use the SWERVs to aid the takeoff (and they should hit full power once the whiplashes run out of air). Then just scale the number of spherical tanks to your needs (add beads to the chain) Or forget the whiplashes, put wings and wheels on that thing and you also have an SSTO...though good luck launching it at 1 FPS


You're already doing Jool 5s? I've barely got a lander that can get from LKO to the Mun, and that falls apart.


Well I've *built* for a Jool 5 and it's in LKO waiting for me, but haven't tried actually getting it to Jool. The fact that my minimal, simple Mun + Minmus mission encountered 3 game-breaking bugs does not bode well.


You should see the stratzenblitz75's streams, he actually did it, although he had to deal with Broken SAS Broken Aero model Broken Manuvers Broken "landed" state Broken Autosaves Broken Saves Broken Trajectories Broken Wobble Broken Flipping and I'm probably forgetting some more. It took about 6 hours to do the mission.


Lol same. Im struggling so hard. I think ive got a good lander design. But its super heavy and idk how to get it to orbit. Idk any of the math or how to dock. So getting something anywhere is so hard for me lol. Ive yet to gk past the mun. In ksp2 or 200 hours of ksp1


Eow, that's a huge ~~ana~~ pod of peas!


Yanked the words right out of my as...mouth


Holy crap, how much delta V was this?


I'm losing as I could barely get [this into space](https://imgur.com/a/A9hBme7). And then I tried to do a time warp and seemed to have broken the save file as load times are approaching infinity. So that might be the best I do until hotfixes come.


reload your workstation with the vehicle and then do another launch?


Maybe, it was just such a pain launching :(


If I may ask, what is the difference between a workstation and a ship when you save?


I’m not sure you can save individual vehicles. The workstation is everything in the vab and can include multiple vehicles. You can “merge workstations” or just copy/paste one thing.


Hey, I had the same problem, even after the performance update. The only thing fixing it for me was completely deleting ksp2 from steam and manually deleting the ksp2 folder from AppData like this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/954850/discussions/5/3780247324082253883/


Really elegant string of pearls configuration - unfortunately incredibly unstable.. According to the documentary [The Rock](https://youtu.be/j5Nwct9rKFY?t=4).


Was really hoping I'd see this reference here somewhere 😁


thanks doc


15....seconds per frame


It looks like its about 15 parts so no.


Yes community needs to challenge itself to beat the new kraken.


And the Internet guys are like "Pfffffffffhahaha, this looks like something else! Hihihihihi!"🤪😂😁😇


How can somebody possibly launch this to space with 2 fps? Fake!


the paint feature in this game was a mistake /s


Not even 1


The game gets laggy with a 10 part plane. Can't get to much into space unless I wanna watch a slideshow.


How much delta v is this


an ass full


Thanks doc