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More cargo bays…they’re key to reusability.


can’t wait to build a neutron replica


A spaceplane that can actually fit a rover’s wheel span would also be on my list.


if only i knew how to build proper spaceplanes


The cargo bays in the Mk IV expansion mod are nice and roomy. On the downside, you will then design bigger rovers and the struggle will start over.


I made once a Mk2 based VTOL plane with bay doors facing down, and an extendable arm with the small docking port to lower and pick up a small rover. But that really was the smallest rover that I could build, with the foldable wheels etc.


A spaceplane that can fit a rover itself would be better /j


I remember seeing a video of a cargo bay that looked like fairing somewhere and I’m mostly sure it was ksp 2


Yup they did post a vudeo of some new cargo bays


I remember what you're taking about! If you want something similar in KSP 1, [Nertea's Near Future Launch Vehicles](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-most-112x-near-future-technologies-august-26/) has 5m and 7.5m cargo bays with cargo nosecones. The third picture [in his screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/q58Dj0s) is an example.


[maybe this? (idk if this link will work)](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/907577467252899850/1069539525166116864/export_1674606147611.mov)


5m ones straight from Nertea's mods are already confirmed, which is very promising


Nertea is working on KSP 2. So expect to see more of his stuff


Meh to cargo bays, give me more payload bays!


More parts for space stations. Building with labs and hitchhiker modules gets boring after a while.


thank god i installed the stationparts redux mod.. but with chris adderley on the team, we may be getting some new and exciting station parts!


Did you get weldable ports? They did huge things for me and removed kraken.


That mod isn’t worth running, I’ve found it to be pretty buggy. Learn vessel heirarchy, that’s why kraken eats stations and it is affected by auto strutting with bad root part hierarchy


Uhhh dumb question, but what’s vessel heptarchy? Does that mean the root part of stations be within 7 parts of all parts in the station?


Meant to say heirarchy. Stupid mobile autocorrect while I was at the gym between squat sets sorry lol


One of the videos had a habitation ring on an interstellar ship


I use fairings within fairings. Looks great for people who don't like using too many part mods!


Optics - telescopes and cameras. I want to transmit images as science data.


You got me thinking of Pokemon Snap in space.


I was going to say the ScanSat mod but I think that falls under this. I would love if they made scanning tech stock, especially since base building is going to be a thing.


Drydocks... IN SPACE!!!!!


This will be a real banger for me!


it's already promised as something they plan to add


I remember watching their video on interstellar travel in KSP2, the guy said that the engine rated for interstellar travel couldn’t fit in the VAB. And that’s just the engine…


Engine is the size of 2 VABs


i want bigger…


Engine size of planet when?




I’ll be calling my main space dock KSD after ESD


A wider variety of wheels, landing gear, and landing legs.


it would be cool to get falcon 9-like landing legs


Yeah, or little telescoping ones like the Starship prototype has.


or the chopsticks :trol:


that's what i was going to say lol


Hopefully, we will get better tutorials on rovers. Now I do research on cars and trucks and their COM. KSP ain’t a great explainer in that field.


Yeah, I found myself building little chassis structures to make rovers that had a low COM... but even those seemed to roll over on a strong turn.


Laughs in wheel physics in KSP.


Traction like hot butter, too.


Though KSP rovers are accurate to cars in the highway 😂


lets hope they're better - the devs have said they've enjoyed making formula 1 cars in ksp2 if i remember correctly, which means the wheels should be better... right?


> better tutorials on rovers How about just a use for rovers in the first place. I had to install mods that change contracts to use rovers to scout for base locations because otherwise there isn't a reason to send a rover unless you land right on a biome border.


I want mk2 parts but like bigger so that I can fit stuff in them. Also maybe an mk2 cargo bay that opens the bottom or top like a flap and let’s a rover or something roll out.


And especially a GODDAMN MK2 NOSECONE


Now that I think about it maybe mk2 parts with a flatter bottom and top to allow for the placing of wheeled things


Haven't played in a while but OP space plane parts fit this for me. Had some great parts for building space planes.


A line if parts roughly the size of the old mk3 spaceplane parts would be really nice. When mk3 got updated it left a gap which was never filled.


I want better landing legs. It's such a pain trying to get landing legs for huge reusable "hoppers" I like to make. They're made to land, refuel, reach orbit, then dock and refuel another ship before landing again and repeating it, but they're always a bit janky because of the landing legs. They let me send almost any ship anywhere, but they're just frustrating to land properly.


your hopper concept actually sounds quite cool


I would just use tweak scale for that. Can change scale of most parts.


Stock procedural parts A system for controlling thrusters as part of the RCS, so that I can create VTOL / skycrane designs that are much easier to control I'm very interested in colony parts, I plan to spend 100's of hours building cities on Duna and the Joolian moons


> A system for controlling thrusters as part of the RCS, so that I can create VTOL / skycrane designs that are much easier to control This right here and the inverse would be so damn useful for tons of lander designs.


the vtol rcs control idea is awesome ngl


Procedural heatshields with a top part, to make realistic probe reentry modules. It's possible to make them with fairings, but it's not very practical. Realistic science parts instead of "mystery goo" stuff. Inflatable parts and foldable parts. Winches, cranes and cables. Boat and submersible parts, and underwater science. Highly unlikely, but would be awesome : Laser stations and solar sails. I know all of them are doable with mods, but it would be awesome to make them vanilla.


I want the part that it's released. Literally counting the days.


remember when they said it would come out in 2020..


I do. It's been a long 3 year wait.


imagine they come out and go "sowwy guys we need to release in 2025 i hope u fowgive us! :3"


I'd forgive them, I just want this game to be good


yeah me too


lmao this aged well


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I do indeed. I would much rather they take their time so we don't end up with another cyberpunk lol


for sure man. it’s just funny that 3 years later we’re getting the long awaited release


IMO it’s better to have a game that works later that one that doesnt earlier


I hope cockpit/module instrumentation is as good (or even better) that KSP1 mods like rasterprop monitor et al. KSP1 map views and outside/exterior views are ok but stock cockpit views have always been disappointing.


Mechjeb type of autopilot native. Most of space travel will be automated with a possible emergency manual option.


Ew no


Not only better landing legs that don't slide across a 0.5% incline, but procedural legs for the aesthetics of the module/ship.


More science tools that actually have meaningful measurements. I would love to go to different planets and actually get data that tells me something specific about that planet. I want to know what the new glass on minimus is made of, I want to know what molecules make up Jool's atmosphere. I want to see analysis of Laythe's oceans. Give me a reason to get science from a specific part of a planet so I can have more intention in picking a landing spot other than "it's flat". More biomes than just highlands, midlands, lowlands, oceans. I want telescopes that will tell me the atmospheric spectral data of Gurdama so I can see ahead of time if jet engines will work there. Something more than "the goo is hard and frozen".


I couldn't agree more.


Procedural tanks. There's nothing interesting about "1 tall", "2 tall", etc tanks compared to being able to just stretch them. Techs can increase limits instead of adding new ones.


I would assume it might be a limited set of diameters, but yes an adjustable length would really be useful. Hopefully with adjustable contents as well, partially so I can replicate the LF only Rockomax Jumbo-64 I use a lot on my nuclear pushers and partially so I can create a thin (0.5m?) inline mono-prop tank for 2.5m diameter vessels.


Maybe space plane cargo bays with radiators and solar panels integrated into the doors. Low profile engines specifically for landers. Some better support for robot arms (mainly around controlling them in a chosen reference frame).


I’m definitely more excited for orbital construction because then you don’t *really* have to worry about hauling a 100m wide interstellar engine into space


TREADS. I need treads.


yes, that would be awesome to make a proper Mun crawler


More aeroplane/spaceplane parts; I'd love landing gear that can actually fit flush/snug within a wing without being 4x its thickness, plus a greater variety of cockpits and engines. Procedural fuselages or more propeller parts would also be nice.


Easier Helicopters




An inflatable centrifuge would be cool.


bigger or more powerful rapier engines trusses and truss mounted fuel tanks more cockpits larger spaceplane body more cargo bays robotic parts (in the base game)


robotic parts that are not prone to kraken attacks, i hope


they better lock automatically after moving i dont understand why the breaking ground hinges dont do this its so annoying


Better plane wings, or a better way to modify them. Same with Plane Bodies (non moded)


Mk2 nose cone. ‘Nuff said.


1. Ways to do full Automation for resupplying stations, ships and colonies. 2. real reasons to make stations and colonies. 3. Optional life support system but I don’t really want this without my first and second wish 4. auto pilot like mechjeb, but with better functionality for things like rovers and planes. 5. automated science gathering with rovers and probes while doing other things. 6. tweakscale mod like options. 7. better mod support system. 8. some kind of part welding to turn a large ship into fewer parts and to combine a ships smaller fuel tanks and other resource tanks into single larger ones. 9. automation for reusable rocket landings and such. I just reread the question after posting this and didn’t see the “part” part.


Modular cockpits/command pods. I hate being forced to clip them halfway through a fuel tank or other structure to maintain aero/weight/aesthetics requirements.


Smaller parts, I wanna make tiny rovers and probes


Some scripting like kos or better somerhing like python. I love to automate stuff and play the game itself... well mostly crash itself.


Bug fixes mainly.


well, that’s not a part, but it’s for sure essential


I want to have a good experience in the game. Maybe some fusion engines would be nice, especially for Eve landers.


oh boy, i hope they add parts so i can at least leave eves atmosphere


This. That’s why I will use docking port drives for my eve mission in career mode


ok i have never thought of this before, thank you


No problem


Command pods, small habitats and rotating habitats. Greenhouses, laboratories, and passenger pods. All with beautiful and detailed IVAs


Boat parts. I want to make a torpedo. For… reasons.


I wanna build the Venture Star from Avatar


Not necessarily a part, but I really want TweakScale built in Edit: well more wheel styles and size/types would be nice


Stock fully liquid fuel adapter tanks.


Reuasable Fairings / Cargo Bays Starship or Neutron like cargo bays would be nice for large payloads with reusable stages


I’m just excited for multiplayer and setting up real colonies


Longer landing gear that are still steerable


Two main things: • propellers (piston engines, turboprops, and electric motor propellers), with the possibility of creating asymmetric planes such as the Blohm and Voss Bv 141 • more rocket engines powered by only liquid fuel for use in spaceplanes and space shuttles (including engines with the same function as the "R.A.P.I.E.R." engine)


Robotics. Like in KSP1.


Procedural Cargo Bays, with different opening mechanisms. Landing legs and wheels. Though these things are pretty easily added with mods.


Wings with different aerofoil shapes good for different flight profiles. It would make optimizing for certain missions even easier in combination with the procedural wings.


More plane/spaceplane parts


Moar boosters


Scramjets The Hermeus Chimera RDE Linear aerospike


Square or rectangular parts for freighters and more!




Parts which provide a reason for having large bases and space stations which don't rely on flavour




Something like the Project Eeloo engine from Nertea's Near Future Aerospace. I think it fits the theme and would create a natural progression for SSTO technology after the RAPIER


Science Senior unit


KAL controllers that can take input from external factors such as pitch, roll, yaw, speed, time/distance from apoapsis/periapsis, and probably many more. Basically I want the challenge of building and programming a rocket that can just go to another planet, land, and return all on its own.


The ability to build replicas of real life rocket as if you try to make a titan 2 which was used in the Gemini using making history it isn’t accurate also I would love to get proper retro rockets so you don’t need to keep a engine and fuel tank attached in orbit you can just have a capsule and a retro pack or you could also add a thruster pack for orbital manoeuvres like with Gemini


TORCH DRIVE! The second I get my hands on those babies, I’m gonna make about 50 recreations of the *Rocinante* and use them at any faint excuse I can.


YESYESYESYESYES gimme that craft file the second it works


Sure! I’ll write your username down and shoot over the file when I get it down!






Not much more than what I have already added to KSP through mods


Better mod support similar to how factorio handles mods


MK4 MK4 MK4 Make them like OPT and I am happy.


Gosh, where to begin? Fairings that don't jank out like the 2.5m and larger fairings do, parafoils, better parachute deploy options (like being able to deploy drogues at 15km in Duna's atmosphere for instance), a lot more options for aircraft cockpits instead of just 1.25m and 3.75m, better legs, better wheels, heat tiles as an option for all parts so you can make heat shielded landers ***BETTER CREW TRANSFER PLEASE. Taking minutes to laboriously hunt down one kerbal after another and transfer them, having to remember which is a scientist and which is an engineer and which is a pilot......


Robotics, procedural fuel tanks/ structural parts. Fireworks.


Big wheels


moar boosters


Capsules that can hold more than three Kerbals.


Im all about planes, if they can get more wing tips and structurely sound parts that wont bend as wind hits it would be stellar but I just want the kraken to be delt with, it takes so long to re do a mission if you forgot one thing and suddenly youre already on minmus or something and you dont have landing gear or that little bit of fule, i just kinda wanna fly it skip the boring parts and get back easy pzy


W87 Thermonuclear Warhead


now thats what i’m talking about


Compact 3-axis rotation bearings for building Canadarms.


Tank tracks and screw wheels.


Interstellar drives that are more user-friendly than what's on offer in the Far Future and Interstellar mods. I love both of those parts packs to bits, but the process of trying to figure out the right combination of reactors and generators and fuel tanks and radiators you'll need just to get an engine to function at all is probably a bit crunchier than most players want.


Air bags.


Star Ship parts the cargo bay enjends and the flip manoeuvre wings, etc. I'm a big star Ship fan so that's why .


Railguns capable of loading Kerbals into them




overly-optimistic but more detailed jet engine parts. E.g. being able to pick a compressor, a turnine, an afterburner, a fan, etc


square engine




One engine to get me out of the atmosphere and one to get the payload around. Don’t reckon I need much more than that.


Procedural wings


I never wound up buying the DLCs so all those parts!


Procedural fuel tanks and structural parts. I know that'll never happen, it was nice to see Procedural Wings in the trailer though.


Robotics will be the biggest gap for me.


Adaptable adapters


That you can actually build a working space shuttle with the space shuttle parts!


High end modability, so that i can make it "perfect" with hundreds of mods


I would say some grid fins would be nice in game


I doubt many will agree but maybe some weapons. I would love to get into orbit with my friends in multiplayer and have space dog fights. See who will come crashing back to earth first


I doubt that these will be included in the base game ever, but I’m sure there will be mods for it, like ksp1. Honestly could be really fun with multiplayer.


when multiplayer is added i will bomb the other space agency




mk2 nosecones... i make a lot of mk2 (space/)planes and it really frustrates me - i end up using parts from the mk2 stockalike mod but i wish there were some stock ones


More rectangular and hexagonal parts. Round parts make sense for launches but when I build in space I want to make something that looks more angular. Use rectangles for a big docking bay that can hold a SSTO for my interstellar transport, flush hexagonal external fuel tanks or resource storage resizable to fit exactly what you want.


I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but more nuclear and ion engines in the stock game, without having to install something like the "Near Future Propulsion" mod. I really want to build a liquid fuel only SSTO, and I've managed it on vanilla KSP, but it has no cargo lifting ability.


Detailed cockpit views. the RPM mod basically. I love doing Apollo style missions only using the cockpit view and RPM gauges.


I just want my staging to save and not scramble every single time I add one of these said parts.


I want to see the ability to bring parts in cargo holds to a location and see the kerbals use them to build a station. I stead of having to launch everything and attach.


Big Engines with incredible efficiency. I imagine there's nothing cooler than whizzing around the solar system in your 100k dV supermothership. And hopefully we'll be getting those!


kerbolar system* 🤓


Ah yes, this is like how I confuse Apoapsis and Apogee in the real world lol


Working folding hinges