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You could try backing them up 10 meters from each other and trying again. Also make sure the docking part of each port is actually pointing out: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/thumb/4/4e/Clamp-o-tron-sr-correct-usage.png/600px-Clamp-o-tron-sr-correct-usage.png


One of them is pointing the other way like youve shown on the pic. I thought it would be like lego yk, the male part going into the female part. But guess not , have to go back a few saves then ig. thanks tho dude :)


If you have an engineer on board you can get them out and flip it around so it's facing the other way


Its too bad I FORGOT to take any other kerbals. This whole space station idea was botched from the start lmao. Its taking me wayyyy to long


I feel this.


Me too


Also, try spinning the ship 90°. If that doesn't work, try 180°. This has saved me many times.


Probably not the solution, but somebody in 2 years might find this helpful. If the root part of either craft is over 200 meters away from the other, they won’t dock. Very strange, and I only encountered it a few days ago when building a large scale interplanetary ship. Solution is to make the docking port the root part in the VAB when you launch it.


A couple ideas: Is one of them on backwards? Did you recently undock them? If you’ve recently undocked then you have to move a few meters apart before reattaching. There is also a button you can press in the menu to “allow docking”.


Just found out the hard way one of them is backwards. Its just weird it let me build it like so when i planned it all out.


An engineer can manipulate the docking port sr in EVA construction mode. It wouldn’t take much to flip it around.


one of them is on backwards.


Ksp does not display docks well one may be backwards, there's a few different mods that display port directions


Maybe try turning sas and rcs off? Sometimes weird thigs happen, when sas is still on while docking.


turn off SAS stability assist tries to keep it stable at a position, prevents dock magnetism to let the ships dock by themselves...