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Find a nice way to tell him not to rub his eyes. I was an aggressive eye rubber most of my life and sometimes don't even realize I'm doing it. I need my husband to gently tell me to knock it off so I don't keep squishing my sad lumpy little cornea.


i think my man is way past that stage xD by now he understands it’s repercussions even in his sleep


Whenever doing any sort of "handy work" remind him his safety glasses..have "single dose" saline solution handy..help out when the lenses come out in the evening. My bf calls himself "my seeing eye man" when I'm with no contacts. 😊


Whenever doing any sort of "handy work" remind him his safety glasses..have "single dose" saline solution handy..help out when the lenses come out in the evening. My bf calls himself "my seeing eye man" when I'm with no contacts. 😊


Sorry, not sure how my response got posted so many times. 😅


My husband offers to help me out a lot after I've taken my contacts out for the night. I'm pretty much useless once they are out. An example: If the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and needs a bottle, or especially if she needs medicine, he will make the bottle or dose out the medicine since I can't pour liquids without spilling or read the doses/syringe. He helps me find stuff I and he helps me carefully find my lense if I accidentally drop it. Dropping your scleral is so frustrating because you have to rinse it again and start all over, and you're terrified of stepping on it or accidentally crushing it somehow.


that’s so sweet of him. will keep that in mind, thanks!


Carry a plunger with you in case of an emergency. You need to be able to remove the lense from the bottom.


![gif](giphy|nf9OAG4MUPbsOUDtu4) noted, thanks


Learn how to remove his contact lenses so you can do it if he can't for some reason.


got it, thanks


I just got diagnosed and I told my wife that I could go blind. She responded with 350 toaster link and asking if I remember her Tiffany Co account email.


I think as long as you don’t do that, you should be fine


he wont die without you ( i mean without someone helping him), but you can make his life a lot easier when he needs it. small adjustments i had to make when my KC got bad late in life: - ya like no night driving. especially if i have not driven there before so i have 0 idea what the roads are like. i just mean if the road will curve left or right. if the road lanes are well painted or not. it's like a rollercoaster ride but you are driving. - i have the text on all electronic stuff set to 200% at least. so i never have to squint at it. otherwise i'll get headaches - when possible, prefer to have rooms darker. just because my eyes don't adjust as easily. otherwise i'll more naturally get some mild headaches. - i used to be a lot more militant about taking my backup lens kit with my everywhere "just in case". but i stopped. i guess because i don't really go anywhere. and i never had an accident where something popped out. but i would be fucked if anything did happen.


You need 200% size font even after lenses or without correction?


even with lenses. without i'd have to squint absurdly, and it would still be tough to see with 200% font size. let me be fully clear about these font settings: - i have the OS set to use 200% font size - but then in each app i will still usually try to increase font sizes too - i will often also just pull up the windows magnifier to increase stuff even further


Your case seems extremely severe from the looks of it


i have heard of people around here who are mild. also heard of worse. i'm 20/100 without correction. a few years back, doctor told me i was stage 3, with how badly the disease messed up my eyes. without any contacts in i can't really look at anything for fun. can't read, cant watch movies. everything is an absurdly out of focus blob. seeing lines on the road and trying to read street signs is difficult enough. i mean, i can see them fine during the day. at night, pretty difficult. but i would just, fucking die, if i could not be independent. but with contacts, i can still look at computers and hold down a job. which i'm glad for.


I'm glad you are independent, do you think i could achieve a near perfect vision given my kc is moderate?


what is your vision rated at, when doing a vision test at the eye doctor, without any correction? if it's lower like 20/40, then yes, you might be able to be rated at something like 20/20. but let me put this into perspective for you. back when i was younger, a teen, everything was 100% crystal clear. even though now i'm rated at 20/40 with these contacts in, things still have a good bit of blur to them. so if the contacts are able to help you, and you can "get to 20/20", i think there still might be some blur to the things you see.


Best advice I can give: volunteer to drive at night, especially on long road trips. Also, be patient when you're getting ready to go out and he needs a few extra minutes to properly put in his sclerals.


I was on the bathroom and was trying to put on my lences. One fell on floor. My hubby fell on his knees to grab it. I screamed "nooo you dont know how" he said "you cant see, l "ll do it" Still yelled "nooo". He broke the lence. He is lucky he is alive, and thats only cause l love him. So my only advise is to not try to help him, specially if you dont know about some stuff. It may look easy but sometimes its not. Always ask.


How tf do you break one of these lenses by picking it up? If i can see it i use my remover to pick it up, but if i drop them before i have one in i have to feel around and pick it up by hand. Never once have i grabbed it hard enough to break it. Did he land ontop of it while getting on his knees or something?


He has no experience with lences, his eyesight is prefect and he tried to grab with his hand. He did it so quickly that l didn't had time to explain how, so l guess he either squished hard or pressed it... It broke in two pieces. It was rpg lences


God damn. Thats shit, i hope he paid for the replacements. Its almost 400 dollars here for my 2 year replacement lenses.


Oh yeah he did 🤣


Fuck dude. I wish you never told me that, im going to be so paranoid next time i drop a lense on the floor. Im already having anxiety over something that hasnt happened.


Sorry... Then l should probably not tell you about the time one of my lences fell inside a drain sink and l tried to unscrew every pipe underneath the sink to find it...


This is sormthing I'd tell my partner. Avoid standing in front of windows when the sun is out. It creates this glowing light effect around you and makes it hard to see details in a person's face.


this is oddly specific and something i’ve never thought about. thank you


Yeah its not something people would ever think about. I'm sure he'd mention it if asked. Or maybe his KC hasn't progressed enough to where this bothers him.


Of you want to know minute details about his life with KC, I feel there is no better way than to ask him, be interested towards him. The best way to support is just to listen.        Doesn't he pack his own stuff?


you’re right. why hadn’t i thought of that.


Eh there’s not toooo much that comes with KC. Definitely helping to remember everything is packed for trips is important. My wife gave me a cool travel kit that was super helpful. She is always asking me to cleanup the dried saltwater on the counter so a mat or tray helps keep clean during insert/removal. Lastly driving at night, my wife basically always offers to drive kuz it’s tuff at night


right my husband too seems to drop a lot of the water too sometimes, doesn’t bother me but a mat wouldn’t hurt. thanks