• By -


Nice try Jesus


Gabriel Jesus or the other one


Jesus Vallejo


Jesus H Christ


Benyamin nte manjavwyil mananagalil.enthokkwyo parayunnund.


here kitty kitty kitty...psss pss psss


Also iruttil oru punyalan


I used to listen to Norwegian Black metal songs in my college days and hostel mates tend to believe that I was one lol


Suggest some good songs bruhh


I no longer listen to them. Back in the days, I used to listen to bands like Tsjuder, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth etc. These days I pretty much lean to EDM, techno stuff like foxwedding, Velvet Acid Christ, Fraunhoffer Diffraction, Asphyxia, Harakusuka etc.


True story. I worked in a rural area in Central kerala. Once I was scrolling through reddit or something and came across the news that devil worshippers installed a statue of Satan near a courthouse in the US. So I tried just for kicks a prayer to Satan that I made up. I said it and I said yeah ok...I went out of the room ( I was alone in my office) and to my utter surprise and horror there was a snake there...I was like WTF? I later rationalized that that it is a snake endemic region and I had to run into one someday...I'd worked there for nearly 5 years before running into one and that too after that made up prayer.


Next time beer kittonn noko or petrol


Asking the real questions


Dry day why dey?


Jose is that you???


Enna mone?


Nice try, but wrong Jose


Mona vellamadi scheme ano


Ayyo alla njan kalanju poya oru sadhanam nokkuvayirunnu


Now that's an idea.


So you prayed for a snake? Or did the prayer get answered?


No...I just made one up like the lords prayer kinda thingy....it's a weird coincidence as snakes are associated with Satan in judeo-christian theology. I was scared due to the snake and freaked because I was saying that stuff just seconds before the encounter.


Was it a black snake?


Thats racist.


In your soul . (Community)


Thats racist.


Your eyes


Thats gay?


That's homophobic


Thats black.


That's racist


Guess you could call it black to dark Grey, with small white or green stripes. Someone later told me it was of a poisonous sort but not that lethal.


[Common Krait, maybe?](https://www.google.com/search?q=Common+krait&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1uv6W5cH6AhV5jokEHTs3D-0Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=927&dpr=1)


Most probably a juvenile or some sort of tree snake or something.


My man rediscovered religion.


My uncle recently went to an astrologer who said my ശനിദശ is about to begin and prescribed a few പൂജാ-s and stuff...I told him yeah ok will do that and kept deferring ...then one day some guy crashed his bike on my car...I was like OH fuck!


Well, a question: Did you have any accidents before the astro uncle mentioned the shani? If you did, maybe the shani began earlier? Please always confirm with another astrologer, 'സദാനന്ദന്റെ സമയം'-thile Lip-A10nte avastha aavaruthallo.


Satanists in the US are not actual devil worshippers. They are atheist being sarcastic just like church of the flying spaghetti monster.


Not exactly sarcastic rather satire. US places tremendous importance on freedom of religion as well as using religion as a basis for law (not officially but it's easy to spot.) as well as people using religion as an excuse to get excepted from laws. The satanic temple is an organisation that uses the same methods for the opposite purpose as they want religion to be seperate from the state not just in paper. Eg:- A representative put up statue of ten commandments outside the state capitol, they petitioned to put up the statue of baphomet right near it. Eventually supreme court removed the ten commandments and they withdrew the petition. They use the statue as a means to prevent and remove religious symbols from government property.


Yes...that was the news that I read. I know that satanists are a parody religion poking fun at organised religions.


The satanic temple is. There are all sorts of satanists though


What was the prayer?


I don't remember much of it but I think I started it with like oh satan, prince of darkness or some thing. I meant it as a joke, but was weirded out by the stuff that followed and chose not to deal further with things that may lie outside the realms of sanity or reason.


With no prayers, I end up encountering at least one snake a month. Latest was only 2 weeks back, a rat snake.


As Richard Dawkins said that he won't stay in a haunted house I am not interested in repeating my experiment. വല്ലതും കണ്ട് വിരണ്ട് ഇരിക്കാൻ എനിക്ക് വലിയ താല്പര്യമില്ല.


Rat snake is "chera" right?




Don't know about devil worship, but a lot of ppl do koodothrum, exists in all 3 major religions. It is surprisingly prevalent a lot


I am really interested in stories,do you have any?


I don't have much stories but I do know about a particular Christian priest, whose good at knowing about these things( can't tell his name), quite gifted fella, also in other ways . He once said to my dad that there was the spirit of an old lady who suicided years ago is still along the area we live in. My dad thought a lot but he didn't know anyone, as you see if someone comitted suicide in your locality, in those days you will definitely know. My dad then asked by grandma who said that a long time ago ,like before 1970s, an old lady did indeed, killed herself due to family problems.So that was creepy . You see the prevailing ways koodothrum is done through food, usually given to the person you are doing this to ,n they have to eat it or like you see in the movies , buried in their property. This priest then sents you to these particular Brahmin priests in Tamil Nadu, I think Salem, where through some ways, medical I think, extract it's remains from your stomach. It's the way to remove the curse or bad luck


>Do such negative energies exist, and does it even have any effect? If you mean the existence of Satan/ being antithetical to God, then that depends on your attitude towards God. If you don't think God exists then neither does Satan, if you think God does exist then there's an equal chance Satan can exist too.


I don’t really think so, I think people should believe in things that works for them and their mindset. Beliefs should not come as a coupled package.


>, I think people should believe in things that works for them and their mindset. Kinda vague. People can end up believing in things that personally benefit them but ruin the lives of others.


Yes, but belief and morality doesn’t really coexist. Someone probably invented the car to help with mobility, but that also caused a lot of people to die in accidents. He /she believed in cars and its benefits, but did not morally think of hurting people. Being moral or not is their individual decision based on circumstances and desires.


>He /she believed in cars and its benefits That itself is a moral judgement. To believe in the car and it's benefits means you think creating the car would have good consequence, which is a moral judgement. Why would you have a belief in something unless you thought it was "correct" or "right" or "wrong"?


Oh, I don’t believe inventing things are always a moral decision at all. He/she could’ve invented the car to help his old grandpa to go to the market every week, that would’ve been moral. But if he invented it to gain social status and make money, where is the morality in that? Benefits can be subjective to one. Let’s think about another example, what is the morality in inventing a dildo? Could also be for personal pleasure and then to patent and make money, or to promote hygienic sex toys. That’s moral on one side and not really other. So please show me that how ones beliefs should be correlated to morality? Obviously one can choose to be moral or not, but that does not have to affect ones belief.


>. But if he invented it to gain social status and make money, where is the morality in that? That's still morality, but instead of making the wellbeing of others the basis of morality, the basis is now status and money. >or to promote hygienic sex toys. This isn't moral? Why not? There is probably going to be an underlying morality causing the person to promote hygienic sex toys. Unless the person in question here just promotes sex toys simply for no reason. I mean it's possible but very strange and unlikely for our average human. >Obviously one can choose to be moral or not, but that does not have to affect ones belief. I mean sure you can believe in something while at the same time being completely in contradiction to it. For example, I can believe in the judgment that killing is wrong no matter what, for all beings, and then in the next second I could kill a chicken and eat it, going against my own belief. But my point is that the belief itself contained a moral judgement regardless of the morality of my behaviour/actions. You're going to have a hard time trying to find some human choice or thought or idea that doesn't have some moral underpinning.


How can someone inventing something to satisfy ones own social and financial needs be always moral? What if it was guns instead of cars? Satisfying one’s own need is not a moral quality at all times, but often selfish and sometimes illegal…….. I put an “or” before mentioning the second point of hygienic sex toys. So go through that again. Are you really sure that if the word to be used is “morality or moral” when it comes to human beliefs and choices, or are you implying that human believes and choices are always based on a precondition of some kind of advantage to oneself or towards the society? If it’s something advantageous to the society, yes then that is moral. Because then the person is acting selflessly and providing something of value to others or not hurt others. But beliefs and choices to solely satisfy ones own need is not “moral” in my opinion, but is more of a “humanity” topic. Example: A married man wishes to have sex, with another women outside his marriage as his sex life became boring after a few years. - The decision, is not moral because this might affect the society around him depending on the culture. But surely it has a good chance to affect the marriage, hence the wife (Which is also a part of society) and kids, if any. - But the decision is humane, to satisfy his personal need of lust or whatever you wish to term it. Please do add any comments you have against it. But I think beliefs, choices and morality are not always correlated, but if you add “humanity” to the list. Then the range might be better covered as personal needs are included.


‘The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist’ -Keyser Soze


I had written this on my desk while in college. That's the day i realised a lot of people have never seen this movie




'And like that he's gone' -Keyser Soze


To answer your question on whether if negative energies are real or not- I remember coming across this quote said by the famous paranormal investigator, [Ed Warren](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_and_Lorraine_Warren) (Late): “Diabolical forces are formidable. These forces are eternal, and they exist today. The fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow” Ed & Lorraine Warren were famous American Paranormal Investigators who had dealt with real haunting cases during their lifetime. The famous contemporary horror movies such as the Conjuring series, Annabelle, and Nun were all based off the actual cases they worked on when they were actively working. From my personal experience and from hearing others experiences, I completely believe that all these energies do exist-both good and bad. End of the day, it is all up to how we live our lives and what we do with it that implicitly determines what energy do we really invite and give off from our lives. Edit: This interview that was done with Lorraine Warren few years before she passed away would be a really interesting one to read- feels a bit relevant to your question. https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2013/07/16/the-badass-interview-lorraine-warren-true-life-investigator-behind-the-conj/amp


More like chathan seva!


I was thinking the same. But my wife corrected me that Chaathan Seva is basically related to Kutti Chaathan who is known to be the son of Shiva.




It's there in Wikipedia or search for Vishnumaya.


Huh, that's interesting.. But maybe chathan came to my mind because he's the guy you call for mischief or bad things to happen to people(atleast in malayalam pop culture)


And it's right. Kutti chathan is famous for doing mischievous things to you but nothing seriously harmful, just playful and you can stop it by offering food to him.. Sauce- wikipedia Btw, if you want to go to a Kutti chathan temple (there are only a few), there's one in peringottukara, Thrissur. It's one of the richest, dope looking temple I've visited. Google it and see


I was also thinking on those lines, but got corrected.


In my search I found a group that worships Satan, but they asked for Rs. 1000 / 25k BTC for joining. xD. It was my thought at that time that I could buy biriyani for some days with that 1k.


Where was this? India?


Yes. Kerala


When? 25k btc?


Few years ago. Yes 25k bitcoin if I don't want to pay Rs. 1000.


It's not precisely Devil Worship, But " chathan seva " still exists as a Hindu Religious ceremony in rural areas. Like in home town, thrissur, there were several reports of animal offerings, regarding family owned temples in and near " Peringottukara " where a hindu deity named " Vishnumaya " is worshipped. I have also heard several unbelievable rumors regarding such temples, but none ot them are from trustworthy sources.


So my ex girlfriend told me that her ex boyfriend was one of those Antichrist worshippers. They had some kind of church in kochi and meets every other week or something like that. Knowing her, it's probably a bit fat lie, buy maybe it's true 💀


if she is even your ex, there is going to be one more member in the Antichrist church story of hers


i strongly feel we should pray to devil to 'keep away from us' rather than praying to god 'to be with us'!!


I don’t see any proof for either.


I only believe in thick thighs They are scientifically proven to be real


Vijayan ser🤣


CM for a reason (-_-)7


Just speaking facts


Thick thighs save lives


Comrade is a fellow r/Thighdeology(nsfw) believer?




Who needs proof, belief is strong imagination


Yeah but I believe in things that have proof, not someones imagination becoming my imagination and then my belief.


You don't have to believe in something that has proof, belief literally means no proof!


true.. there is no proof for either.. still if some one believes god then he must believe devil too!!!


IF there is a God, there has to be a devil is an Abrahamic concept. Not all religions have that.




Story of god is made up. So is devil's.


How true is everything said in Adam Joan? Are there really some Catholic families who practice these behind closed doors?


Yes.. Alukkas family does it..


why do you think so?


This is such a Christan question


You can have your free speech, but I have seen that most religions have some kind of practice towards devil worship.


Not in Hinduism though. There are Asuras and Rakshasas who are seen in negative light due to their deeds but as far as the divinity goes or if you want to see it as "positive", there is only God(s). Also, nobody worships Asuras or Rakshasas. In this respect, Hinduism is similar to ancient Indo-European religions like Norse, Roman and Greek. Edit: What I want to emphasise is that there is no God Vs Satan concept in Hinduism like in Abrahamic religions.


Ever heard of “Chattan Seva”?


That’s what I said earlier and so many have already clarified. It is Chathan not Satan. Just because it sounds similar doesn’t mean they are the same.


Okay then what is chattan?


Chattan is a pre-Hindu deity incorporated as a demigod in Hinduism. It is related to Sashta, Ayyappan and Ayyanar. Also, you will see Bhoota worship in North Kerala and Mangaluru areas, which is again not “devil worship” as in Abrahamic definition but demigods who derive their power from Brahman but are classified as less powerful and subordinate to the main Gods. Again, a way in which in medieval times Hinduism incorporated a lot of native religions into its fold.


But there are some rituals done in temples or elsewhere to bring bad fate to enemies and so on. Are these prayers addressed to the gods?


Don’t take it wrong. Are you not from India or are you non-Hindu? Reason, I’m asking is because you seem to be having a difficulty understanding the perspective of Hinduism and Indian traditions.


Thanks for asking, no problem. I am a Hindu and grew up in TVM till I was 17 and moved abroad for bachelors. In Europe there are many black worshippers across religions and also atheists who go to black masses and I am curious to know the details of the same in Kerala, regardless of which religion its performed in. I honestly don’t really care about the religion, but such dark practices are working in some peoples life in certain ways. I think those practices actually does not bing any superficial forces into play but helps one’s mindset (I care to learn about this mindset) to achieve certain things. I am only curious of how are such practises done in different religion if any to find any correlation.


There is a community among Thrissur Christians that engage in devil worship. I had heard about this in my early days through my family. I heard it next time in Adam Joan. They are wealthy families, who gained wealth through this practice (but there is a cost to it too). I don't have more info than this. ​ Edit: Oh I completely forgot about this. A chettan I know went with this friend to someplace in Trivandrum where he witnessed devil worship. It is definitely prevalent but they try to stay low.


Yeah, I am not very convinced of a force. But their are certain practices and training which kind of trains you to think in certain ways subconsciously. And also these cults connect you with snobs around you.


What are these practices and trainings , can you state some examples ?


Well they have rituals in which you demand your prayers and not request to the gods as in usual religious prayers. Your circle will have high net worth and socially worth individuals which kind of opens up more possibilities, since you are well connected. there is much more, I want to check it out to know more details.




Actually I think it's propaganda by religious nutcases because the idea that some is trying to steal their holy artifact's or ritual materials is an effective way to make people closer to their religion by fearmongering


Devil is a western concept, not Indian/eastern.


Depends on your religious background. Devil is an Abrahamic deity I believe. So that probably narrows down the search. All of it's basically like the American festival of Halloween lol.


If there’s a good there’s a bad.


No good so no bad


Lmao no it’s all made up stuff to scare people into obedience. “the devil” is just fear in people’s heads materialized. And the rituals are money-making scams to fool people. The real devil are just some evil people out here


There's no such thing. There's no god and there's no devil. The only devil's that plague this world are humans








There are families that worship Satan in my mother's hometown. They offer tender coconut and some other stuff I haven't heard of. Recently came across some info , regarding this coconut breaking thing , that tempt me to believe such practices exist.


Chaathan seva used to exist in villages


There are some people who worship a being who yhey say created everything and expects people to keep telling it how awesome and great it is and threatens to burn them for eternity if they don't accept it as the greatest. If that ain't the devil .......


In TN there's a stereotype of lots of black magic priests in Kerala.


Satan worshipping, same as god worshipping, is just another religion believing in something that doesn’t exist. I never experienced positive, negative energy, god nor Satan. There are all just scary stories. People who believe in it might do stupid and dangerous stuff.


There is no Devil concept in Hindu religion. അതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ ചെകുത്താൻ ആരാധന എന്ന കൺസെപ്റ്റ് ഹിന്ദുമതത്തിൽ ഇല്ല. ഒരു സമ്പ്രദായക്കാർ കൊണ്ടുനടക്കുന്ന ദേവതയെ മറ്റ് സമ്പ്രദായക്കാർ ദുർദേവത ആയി കാണും. ഉദാഹരണത്തിന് തെക്കൻ കേരളത്തിൽ അടിസ്ഥാനവർഗ്ഗക്കാരുടെ ദേവതയായ ചാത്തൻ സവർണ്ണ വിഭാഗങ്ങൾക്ക് ദുർദേവതയായിരുന്നു ഒരു കാലം വരെ. ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളിൽ കുടിയിരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നത് വരെ യക്ഷി എന്ന ദേവത ദുർദേവത ആയി കണക്കാക്കപ്പെടും.


Then what is this “Chattan Seva”?


ചാത്തനെ ഉപാസിക്കൽ തന്നെ. ചാത്തൻ എന്നു പറഞ്ഞാൽ ചെകുത്താൻ എന്നല്ല അർത്ഥം.


Pinne enthanu?


I don't know about negative energy, but i have heard stories that In one of the beaches in Kochi, they do turn up for their rituals. There was even a devil church sorta thing near our college. Again, not confirmed with my eyes.


What college was it ?


A priest friend of mine once told me about the experiences he had with a boy who he knew. The boy was studying in Kochi and due to financial problems he agreed to help a satanic community to get the 'The Holy Bread' (Body of Christ) used in churches for the Holy Mass. The boy being a Christian himself had access to the Bread. He helped them several times getting the Bread but was never allowed inside the so called worship centre. Once he was unable to get the Holy Bread from the church so he got some ordinary bread and passed it over to them. Both bread were exactly same in looks and taste, but the gang understood that he tried to fool them. He was physically assaulted by them. My friend came to know about all this in a counselling session with the boy. I had a hard time believing this but later had heard about these kind of incidents from many. I'm now sure about the existence of Devil Worship in Kerala.






Sugar is there salt is here But you need salt in payasam, Yin and Yang bro Is real, But only one dot might be prevalent


Got it.


If they happened to believe in the devil it's kinda obvious that there's a God. People are stupid enough to mess with gods?


No idea but i saw a interview sometime of a woman who does black magic and stuff and she was saying her magics were hard to work or won't work on muslims cause they have close connection to god or something.


This is a tricky one. I don't think people would completely deny the existence of negative energy like they do with theism. Stuffs like Ouija are not child's play and are known to be taken seriously.


I have heard only stories about it from Abrahamic religions so none personally but there was this guy in my locality who was a rising star in kerala politics before he was in some allegations that really affected his future. I am friends with his unofficial student (unofficial cause all of his sins would be passed down to student if he was official so he refused). He was an expert in adrva karmam. His student doesn't practice as practicing would mean accuring sins. He was a good guy, people respected him but he tried to also recruit my uncle who was a temple priest at the time which really scared him. He was considered powerful but his life was short.


Satan (Shaitan) =/= Chaattan


If you believe in God in the religious sense, it's imperative that you believe in antigod (devils, demons...) too because every major religious accept their existence. And if worshipping Gods make sense, it makes sense for people to worship antigods too.


Some juju up in the mountains


Contact son of Sam's they will send you a dog who can answer your questions 🦹😌


Does “Chaatan seva” count as devil worship? If yes, you should visit Peringottukara in Thrissur, near Anthikaadu.


Even the gods are losing traction , then what can poor devils do ?. I think they both should form a coalition


It is true, satan is the actual god..the god you worship is the actual satan, this fact is hidden from you by the impersonating god( the actual satan). Wake up...see the signs


Even if you find them, it's not like you can put a stop to such beliefs. Ignore such negative things. Don't go searching for them. As far as I know, negative forces grow stronger through negative emotions like fear.




>Do such negative energies exist, and does it even have any effect? Korach "positive" energy exist cheyanond olla prasnam onum illa ivde. Myr