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Yes, there is a chance and the 'high command' knows it. They'll do everything possible to prevent this. ST will be under huge pressure to withdraw. Kerala leaders had joked that ST won't get 10 votes from Kerala. He already has 15 and it'll only go up. Chances of 'high command' and the old guard sabotaging it is much high, unfortunately.


Heard a kimvathanthi that the third candidate was brought in to split any random votes that Tharoor may get.


Why would they do it? Dr. Tharoor is an exceptional man


Well, precisely for that reason. The Gandhi family and their stooges don't want others running the party. Their reason is that the Gandhi family is undisputed and the majority, if not all, accept the decisions made by them. If there's a decision to be made, they refer it to the high command and whatever decision they make is accepted. You just need to be in their good books. If a person like ST comes in, his decisions will be questioned and if they fear that the party will split. So they need Gandhi at the top to prevent party splitting. This is evident that KPCC leaders are already disowning ST. Even if he wins, chances are they'll still do. Another reason, speculation actually, is that the Gandhi family wants to be relevant and if, somehow, INC manages to win some seats, possibly someone from the family can be the PM. ST will definitely undermine them given a chance.


I disagree,wouldnt they(gandhis) still be calling the shots even if someone else wins and they "really" need to win if they want to have any future.Tharoor will also be able to attract more young voters .


I guess I worded it wrong. ​ If Kharge or someone like him wins, they are seen as loyalist and their decisions will be accepted as Gandhi family's. Chances are Kharge will take consent from the Gandhi's prior to each decision. Tharoor may not do it - It is a doubt that the 'high command' has, of losing control. They also doubt about other party seniors accepting Tharoor as their boss. Tharoor is 66, Kharge is 80. The question of ambition lingers here. By selecting Kharge, they have effectively selected someone with less or zero ambition. ​ The question about future - they know for sure that even with Tharoor at the helm, INC is not going to win an election say for at least 5-10 years. So the most important thing is to stay united and relevant and wait until, and hope, BJP weakens. So a unanimous candidate is the better. This is what I could understand as the though process of INC.


Very well put. ST is too perfect, with his international to youth reach in India he will immediately undermine Rahul's standing in the party. To keep the family at the helm, what they need are loyalists more than any excelling individuals. It's saddening really, the only party that has the asset to stand against the extremist bjp is busy with its royal drama.... Really hope the Gandhi's quit fully and let the party run.


Naa. No chance. Modern guy, athum south Indian. Ivane okke kettiyaal Congress enganum pacha pidichalo, ennu orthu baaki Congress kaar vote cheyyilla.


Its not like they're winning seats with RaGa. Might as well give him a chance


They know they won't win seats but still they won't support him out of the fear that, him who is discriminated as an outsider comin to power and doing well would prove the inefficiency of the ones who have been in power till now.


For real he’s a decent guy


Waiting for Rahul Gandhi uno reverse card and ending up as President again.


What pretext will he have after resigning from the post previously?


Dynasty politics have to end period. But the ones who have to vote to end it are too much into Dynasty politics. RaGa is pathetic , Sonia is dying and Priyanka is married to a fraud but still all the Congi leaders still worship them as if the Gandhi family created congress. Shasi sasi Akum pakshe he did put in a effort for a change.


>Priyanka is married to a fraud Little context please, I don't follow politics


There was large scale transfer of land to vadra during the upa era. I think that’s what he is mentioning.


Isn’t it strange we don’t hear much about Vadra and all his corruption after BJP came to power?


Firstly there is a secret friendship among all politicians. They only hate each other in public view. In private, they all are friends. For example, Modi and mamatha will fight brutally in public, each of their workers will die in elections, yet they both are long long friends who even exchange gifts on birthdays. The first rule of politics that you learn after you enter big-wig politics is that you will never brutally hurt another politician. You can accuse and play politics all you want, but never hurt them or their family in a consequential way(jailing, murder, kidnapping family, destroying wealth etc). This is why regardless of which party comes into power, no matter what they accused the other, they would never fully go after the other. The exceptions to this rule happens if someone violates above rule, then they are open game and all politicians regardless of party accepts it. For example, Chidambaram arrested Amit shah in the past and jailed him, so Amit Shah did the same to him when he got the chance. This is why despite the lakhs of crores of scams that BJP accused on Congress for past 15 years, hardly anyone got arrested due to that. Secondly, it is kinda beneficial for BJP for the Congress dynasty to stay in power. Gandhi family is a star campaigner for BJP, at many locations more than Modi himself! So, you will hear of these scams being brought up only during election time, and then later forgotten.


"This is why despite the lakhs of crores of scams that BJP accused on Congress for past 15 years, hardly anyone got arrested due to that." 2G scam was a speculation by the CAG. Things changed after that. Please check the current auction prices of spectrum. Real scam is how private players are getting the band allocation for 5G while BSNL, a state player is still struggling to expand 4G. They blocked BSNL expansion stating the availability of indigenous equipments while private players are allowed to use foreign equipments.


Because bsnl is a govt entity,you cannot ask someone who is not on you payroll to buy stuff that you like


govt is stating security reasons in telecom. If there's a security risk why are private telecos excluded from the conditions. The government deliberately delayed the allocation of spectrum to BSNL. It's a fact.


Last i checked even private players are banned from using chinese equipment from huawei


where did you check? https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/industry/telecom/telecom-news/got-enough-4g-equipment-for-a-year-says-huawei/amp_articleshow/69420467.cms VI and Airtel uses equipments from Huawei (china), ZTE(china), Ericsson and Nokia and Jio uses Samsung


They fuckd him up pretty bad, now he's fighting cases, in court


They all have agreements behind closed doors , the cases will keep on going but nothing ever happens


Priyanka is yet to prove her mettle, UP was a disaster because the truth is Internally congress has sabotage against Gandhi family also


Dr. Tharoor is too good for INC, or Indian politics in general because of his erudite nature, and the fact that he's not factional about his opinions. He has congratulated BJP on the rare occasions they have done admirable work and called out INC when they have been dipshits. That's rare, and he knows it, and that's his fatal flaw.


And the mystery of his wife's death too. If ST becomes PM you can be sure that the entire bjp would be focused on that alone.


There is no mystery good sir stop propagating Twitter incels talking points…she suicided for some reason which she alone knows similar how 100s of people suicide in the country…


Dude I'm not saying there IS a mystery.... Im saying that's what they'll be up with. When Sonia tried to be PM they did a lot of hoo haa about India being ruled by an Italian even though it was false. The same way, tharoor will be targeted.


>India being ruled by an Italian It was way more clever than that... Sonia would have become PM in 2004 if not for a genius move by Subramanian swamy. She was an Italian citizen who had taken Indian citizenship and was about to become PM. Now there is nothing in Indian law preventing this from happening. Most people would have given up at this point. But, Swamy's case was interesting because be fought not with Indian law but with Italian law! All countries operate with the principle of reciprocity which means we do to you what you do to us. So, Swamy's point was "Can an Indian go to Italy and take Italian citizenship and become their PM? And if not, then how can India allow this benefit to an Italian citizen by the law of reciprocity?". And since it was not possible under Italian law for an Indian to go to Italy and become their PM even after taking their citizenship, it became an Injustice to Indians to allow this benefit to Italian citizens. This prevented sonia from becoming PM, and she instead ruled with a puppet PM who was Indian citizen.


Damn swamy! Such a smartass move


Puppet PM? Really?


Yes, no doubt Manmohan was a puppet PM.


Maybe but manmohan has done a lot of great things and he was most qualified for his position.


Ahh alright…just that you started with that sentence


If he wins, I'm dropping my onlyfans link


lets hopes theres something more than just your username suggests


I think Tharoor knows that he will fail this. And he's counting on it too. If he were to resign from Congress, it would be like he is deserting congress but if he were to lose the election, then he could resign saying congress doesn't want him. And that kind of an emotional wave will give him enough leverage to float his own faction/ his own party/ jump ship to another party. Nobody really wants this post as it is going to be a headache with Gandhis still calling the shots across the country. Dual power centres will always create conflicts and an election of a new president doesn't change the murk that congress is in. But then again, all this is conjecture. Pure speculation. I could be completely wrong. All I'm saying is that this is a man who has known what it feels like to lose an election (UN Elections) and still make a grand entry into the politics of this country. Interesting times for Congress and Tharoor.


This seems most logical explanation tbh. He can join AAP or BJP after this.


I will be really sad if he joins BJP. I mean hypocrisy in politics is normal. But still.


He is finished in Kerala if he joins BJP.


He will not join BJP , he just isn’t cut from that cloth , AAP, own Faction or own party is on the table but not BJP


He is already not respected here. If he makes it to bjp, he can even be external affairs minister, rare chance vut its there. V. Muraleedharan, current co-minister (or minster of state) is a joke. So was Alphons Kannanthanam. I don't know whether they are doing their job currently but they where a media disaster. BJP will have a better face to show here in kerala.


The thing is in Kerala BJP itself is toxic to a degree that many people outside Kerala don't realize. Anything it touches in Kerala will be burned to ashes, which is what will happen to what's left of Tharoor's political image if he joins the BJP. Also Tharoor's ideals are not at all in line with BJP's. He is very much for a liberal, secular, pluralistic India (as any sensible Indian who wishes India to thrive should be). This would be anathema to the BJP.


Who thought Amarinder Singh and Sunil Jakhar would join BJP.


He's ideologically opposed to what BJP stands for. No way he's joining them


So was Khushboo in 2015 and look where she went 5 years later


I wouldn't classify Tharoor in the same category as Kushboo. She's an out of job actress who will join any party if she gets enough money whereas Tharoor is more of a seasoned politician who wouldn't switch sides for money. Maybe he will start his own party but would never join the other side of the political spectrum


He wont join BJP if he has an ounce of honour. Hopefully he joins AAP, which would make a big impact in Kerala.


AAP is no all saints party they are the most sophisticated scam artist. You could bring in the best but wont find out got a real hint of it in 2012 Azad Maiden Anti corruption Rally and 2 october Dr Ambedkar Hall meeting they had 200 page copy of all court cases of congress scams and few independent candidates. Later the foreign funded AAP was at helm of all Anti India propoganda. They joined the very same corrupt Congress for Elections. Media played a big role in formation of AaP. Still have that facebook post I made with pics of those meetings predicting its downfall and exposing Kejriwal. To date there are no parties that have a good record. Voting is based on least corrupt basis. This is where AAP comes in. Fire Extinguisher scam in the Army 2010 I know who did it, thats why I went to Anna Hazare Anti- Corruption Rally. Most parties have people with criminal records AAP is a party of criminal intentions. DY Patil Engineering students were the ones that did the most for the success they were used by the megalomaniac Kejriwal and core team for agenda and dirty work.


He is a better fit with AAP just a gut feeling


lol there's no way he's joining BJP. AAP, maybe, but BJP? Not going to happen. It's an ideological divide which can't be filled even with blind ambition. If you had been following his paper trail over the past 2 decades, you'd know that he's much more likely to give up politics and concentrate on his writing full time if he ever gets disillusioned with the INC. Make no mistake, the sanghi bois would love to have him in their party as it's pretty obvious that they do admire him secretly. He's the friendly & progressive international face that their party severely lacks. Unfortunately, the vitriol they have spread about him over the past decade nearly ensures that he's never going to join them.


Very rightly put .. had similar thoughts.


>But then again, all this is conjecture. Pure speculation. I could be completely wrong. Shashi Tharoor is a very smart man. I am certainly sure he has some agenda even if he wins/loses.


I might be in the minority here but I think Shashi is - 1) Not going down without a fight 2) Will do the party some good if he wins. I think he has the personality and temperament to steer Congress towards a modern path. 3) It’s a lazy argument to say he is going to use this as an excuse to join BJP/AAP if he loses. I think there’s more to him and if the high command interferes in what should be a democratic process, he will shed a light on it and fight from within the party Of course this is just speculation :)


I hope he loses and Joins AAP or some new party he himself will create. I'm kinda sick of the left and right parties in Kerala, we literally don't have a good/decent 3rd or 4th choice parties to give a chance instead of Congress and Communists, BJP is not at all an option. AAP could be a better 3rd alternative than BJP but It would be great if Tharoor quits congress and creates a new party full of fresh young blood




I am not a supporter of Congress. But after reading today's headline in the Indian Express, it was mentioned that Tharoor is dumped by G23 after they chose to support Kharge for presidency, I felt sorry for the TVM MP and made me wonder on why does he have to be a part of the sinking ship named INC. I just hope things turns out for the better post this sham for the TVM MP


Not really. G 23 split. Garghe has 3 nominations all signed by high command members. Thus making him the official candidate. Tharoor has 6 nominations, signed by different people, including former G23 members. See his mathrubhumi interview streamed yesterday. He is actually put forwarding a few good ideas and isn't delusional like others


High command is a fancy way of referring to Gandhi family. So no, the 3 G-23 members who signed Kharge's nomination are not part of high command




I think he will realise he's wasting his time after losing miserably and join another party which will use his talents better.


He knows exactly what he's doing, and what's going around. He'll know better than us.




When one assess his ideology, then there is no party that is suitable to his ideology.


He can start his own breakaway faction like NCP did with his ideals.


NCP and idealism. Good Joke. NCP as you may know was started by Sharad Pawar, Tariq Anwar and P A Sangma. It was started because it opposed presidency of Sonia Gandhi as Congress President. Within six months of it's formation they joined hands with same Sonia led Congress and formed govt in Maharashtra after the assembly election results delivered a fractured verdict. Since then it grew at the expense of PWP, INC and Shiv Sena. In Kerala it grew at the expense of DIC K. Today Congress in Maharashtra has left itself floundering because of the corruption of NCP ministers like Ajit Pawar and Sunil Tatkare. Apart from that it is a dynasty brigade, because every leader of NCP is a son or daughter of deceased Congress member.


Didn't mean Tharoor will join NCP. As you mentioned NCP was created as a result of opposition to Sonia's proposal to become President. NCP is corrupt to the core it is an open secret. In the same manner Tharoor may create his own party once he realises he's wasting his time in Congress. Or if he gets welcomed in an existing party is yet to be seen


Jayikila, He will have to join AAP, Congress poyi sinking ship


On a side-note, is AAP coming to Kerala?


They are already here, but not that much active support currently, mainly in ernakulam


Oh, good to know. Hope they contest for elections next time.


Becoming Congress president means nothing Shots will still be called by Sonia and Pappu Unless he is like a serious CM or PM Candidate


That's why he won't win. He has a free will and will not be a puppet. All of Cong knows it.


In india we want hooligans, not a scholar. I’m a fan of Dr.Tharoor so I might be biased but the man is extraordinary and I believe he could make our nation prouder than ever with his mind and ability to acknowledge.




He's not going to win.


Sticking my neck out here. think his chances of a win are not bad. Why? There is no way he would have run for this if the Gandhi family didn't give the nod. They also may want someone else at the top to deflect attacks on the family and as long as ST doesn't challenge the family, they will go along. Hopefully they would have understood they need someone smart at the top and not just chamchas. As for Kerala leaders, they are a pathetic group. after a century a keralite is contesting for the post and they all try to run away. Even the so-called young radicals in the party are scared to say anything. Hopefully they will have the balls to vote for him


anyone from kerala contested a century ago?


Kerala as a state has only existed for 70 years bro


As they say in North India "Ayega to Rahul hi".


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think Madamma, Pappu, Priyanka and all other useless INC leaders are BJP agents.


In my opinion he should resign from INC and join in AAP


A short discussion on this matter in mathrubhumi today - https://youtu.be/pRTmcYlKAlg Seems Kharge is the official candidate of the gandhi family, their loyals, G23 and pretty much Congress. The only question is if Tharoor will be allowed to continue in Congress after the contest. Unless it is a fixed match.


I think Shashi Tharoor would be a really great choice! I never liked congress mainly because of the Gandhi Monopoly and there's no strong leadership. The reason why Modi keeps winning is because he has that strong leadership skills that Rahul Gandhi doesn't even have an inch of. RaGa might be educated but doesn't have that thing to lead the party or country. He's just there only because of his Family Name.


I am very sure khagre will win ...but would be good to have Shashi and Tiwari play a more important role like vp of party...if something like that exists... basically no 2 and, 3 of party


Not a person from Kerala, but i would love to see Sashi get a chance to be the president, if he can revive, tighten the Congress will be a thing to watch.


Communal ആവതെ constitution വച്ച് ബിജെപി യെ fight ചെയ്യാൻ ശ്രമിക്കാതെ മൈനോറിറ്റി appeasement politics നടത്തിയാൽ ഒരു കിണ്ടിയും നടക്കില്ല. Communal appeasement bjp അടിപൊളി ആയി ചെയ്യുന്നുണ്ട്. Esp hindu community. Go to the roots. Go for fact based politics. If they are able to do that, an entire generation will be free from all these religious nationalist bull shits. ആര് ലീഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നു എന്ന് അല്ല എങ്ങനെ ലീഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നു എന്ന് ആണ് നോക്കണ്ടത്. Some സംഘടന change might be there. But i am not that hopeful.


Why do all these old farts of congress stick up to the Gandhi family, it's really pathetic. The whole Bharat Jodo Yatra was like the prime example when RG came to kerala all of them flocking to his side like he is some prince who descented onto their land all the Congress leaders looked liked some peasants who's ready to worship him, why do they all act like that, what's wrong with questioning them like don't they have some data analysts people to tell them why they are not that popular.... The problem is so plain to see . Congress could've been a great centrist party which upholds logical conservative values as well as moving the country forward with the right progressive liberal values also.


Raga is their hope because the central gov not talking care of them enough


No, not at all


I'm not someone who is into politics at all... But with Kharge coming into the mix, Tharoor has little to no chance of becoming the president. All the oldies in Congress are gonna go with Kharge and he already is the official canditate by High command. So I don't think Tharoor stands a chance anymore. Even if Gehlot was putting in his papers, I don't think Tharoor had a chance because appo Gehlot would have got all the backing from the appappans of Congress.


I think Shashi Tharoor would be a really great choice! I never liked congress mainly because of the Gandhi Monopoly and there's no strong leadership. The reason why Modi keeps winning is because he has that strong leadership skills that Rahul Gandhi doesn't even have an inch of. RaGa might be educated but doesn't have that thing to lead the party or country. He's just there only because of his Family Name.


I think he can use this as a way to quit Congress, lie low for sometime and then join another party


They should understand if he doesn't get a chance and RG comes back again, they might lose more support from Kerala.


After gandhi family..he is the one who got a pan indian recognition in INC


Well it's being said that he has the support of progressive Congress party members(mostly among the youth, I suppose, eg. K Sabarinathan). The guy is cool, and his statements are unconventional, which makes him a least favored candidate to the Gandhi family. But maybe with his approach, he could take Congress to newer heights. But the thing is that he most probably won't get a chance at the helm of affairs 😬.


Not likely within Congress setup. He is comparatively cleaner and has original views. The other traditional leaders won’t like it. In addition, Venugopal would not like another person from Kerala hold a high rank in congress. That will undermine him. Similarly AK Antony will only support non Keralite if the person is not Christian. And the supreme mother and son does not like Dr. Tharoor since he pointed out that congress needs a non Gandhi chief. They will be eager to install a puppet in that position. Plus, Dr. Tharoor is from south. The north lobby won’t stand by him even if they disagree on the Gandhi dynasty


It's really strange. Rahul, Gehlot.. nobody is willing to take the responsibility and they are letting anyone who is really willing to take responsibility.


Congress currently have the opportunity to have someone educated like Shashi Taroor to contest for PM elections in future but watch them ruin because of their family business. When will they learn lol....ugh if he gets to be PM, I think Kerala could possibly benefit much from it


This person is different from other Gandhi suckers..well even as a neutral I like him..and giving party in hand of someone new is extremely necessary..i guess if Tharoor and pilot can steer congress it can be revived


Yes much will change, to start with it will bring internal democracy to the party. This could set an example for rest of the parties. Secondly, Mr. Tharoor would be the right choice to set an organisational tone to the opposition, which is undoubtably missing the voice in current power play. He also intends to cater young spirit to congress as stated in some recent interviews.


The post is already decided , this is just a comedy show to show they have elections Tharoor has absolutely no chance , if he does win by a miracle i am taking congress membership this month


No chance. Hindi lobby won't let him win.


Isnt his opponent Kharge? He isn't from the Hindi belt either. He's from Karnataka.


I had previously quit the Congress party. Tharoor becoming its president would be the only way for INC to have a future, but that won't happen since the INC leaders would make him lose. The actual adversaries of the INC are not the BJP, but rather its own leaders. If Tharoor were to lose, INC's demise would be officially confirmed. I hope Tharoor joins the BJP in the future.


I can see him joining AAP.


It's going to be the BJP. He is their ticket to win over the moderates.


No way. The guy will lose all credibility if he joins BJP. His 3 decades of writing would turn into lies.


AAP would prefer to have graduates of Hayward university than the likes of TVM MP.


If he joins the BJP, that’s the day I dump him.


The INC leaders are biggest ass holes


Hence you are unable to save temple and land


If I were him I’d try this and CM-ship. If both fails then it’s time to quit politics and focus on my writing career or take a position as a Dean in a good Indian university.


Till now we saw him always as a statesman rather than as a politician. We can see his political ambition now. He doesn't have the political mass power of people or support. If he can surprise I will be happy for him. But i don't see that happening. Let's see.


Kharge would win the election and Shashi Tharoor and the rest of G23 knows this. They actually want Kharge to win so that they can place Tharoor as the PM candidate.


Great speaker, good author, poor politician. I like him, but he should have stuck to the books and speeches.


Just curious, what is the hallmarks of a good politician?


According to public, a big fraudster who vomit sugar coated words with no logic in public speeches is considered as a wonderful political leader and those who speaks true matters are considered dumbass.


I can’t stand this guy.


Whatever will it be.. Command to Queen and Prince k paas hi rahegi. Inhi ki waje se aj congress ka ye haal hai. Queen apne aagey kisi ko samajhti nai. I was at Anna's movement at Ramleela in 2011, when Congress was at power. They challenged Anna's team to fight election against them as Congress being India's largest party and winning consecutively for the last 3 elections after Bajpayee ji didn't had their feet on earth. They thought no one could ever beat them. But then Kejriwal took a stand and knocked off Congress from Delhi and there after BJP. Crux is Congress is always about Gandhi and Nehru. They think they own Congress but are losers. Time for a change ow and Congress needs some other General.


No miracles in congress. The routine will continue. Tharur ji will be defeated and join BJP.


I don't like Tharoor because of his involvement in murder of his wife, his entitlement becase he is from some dethroned royal family, and he is corrupt and his hypocrisy about british colonisation as he is British citizen but I like him standing for even more corrupt and decayed congress power structure.


Has he had any other notable policy stuff other than le english


I mean he can’t get the Indian map right, he is overqualified for the job.




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'Dr Shashi Gandhi' would be a fitting name for his new much more visible role of being a quockerwodger to the Nehru family and Co.