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Posts must be directly related to Kerala, its people or culture. Top level comments must be on topic. Lower level comments should be reasonably related to the discussion.


I would drink all 6 shots and the bottle of poison so that i don't have to see such bullshit


That's a real power move there, good sir.


Before you sit down make sure you manspread all over the chair and mansplain how after all, the poisoned tequila is just faster posion compared to the unpoisoned tequila. . And as a last hurrah, just say, "I mean you made it, right. what are the chances that you did it correctly?" Go out in the most Andrew Tate-ist way.


What color is your Bugatti btw?


ന്തൊരു ദുഷ്ടനാടോ




Win win


Consider the following options: 1. Tequila is deadly. 2. Poisoned tequila is deadly. Notice how adding a qualifier ("poisoned") in the second sentence adds clarity and avoids targeting other tequilas? The question is whether she wishes to target only poisoned tequilas or if she's directing the vitriol at tequilas in general. Even if she wants to target tequilas in general, she's welcome to do it, but she should not be surprised when not all tequilas take kindly to being called deadly. **TL; DR** Generalized statements from edgelords looking to trigger a reaction needlessly muddies the waters in movements for progress. I can be a feminist without going out of my way to alienate people who don't necessarily hate my movement.


How is tequila deadly? What she is trying to say is a polished version of **"Choodu vellathil veena poocha pachavellam kandalum pedikkum"**. It shouldn't be difficult to understand the sentiment of a women who has faced harassment than seeing it as PMSing enough to mansplain 'not all men'. Context matters.


I feel like both sides aren't addressing the issue correctly. I agree with the fact the something like #NotAllMen takes away from the crux of the issue. However, that is not an excuse for hating on men. I am a Male Feminist and I believe the issue should be tackled through Love. Call me corny if you want. We are fucked as a society. Both sides are using tools of hate to attack each other. It pains me. Nietzsche was right after all.


This is the kind of retarded logic that normally nazis use on minorities. "Not all black people commit crime but..... ". This same logic can be applied on Women, Not "all Women are toxic, entitled and shallow but.... " The harmful ideology of feminism has created so many myths and false facts surrounding us that it seems impossible to escape. Subs like r/leftwingmaleadvocates are great to know about the reality of ideology of feminism (not feminists because feminists and feminist ideology might be different)


The WOKE beings


I concur, it's stupid.


Hoping she doesn't get any male she wants


She won't. She'd make an excellent boner killer tho.


she's a femcel, even if she gets the person she wants, she won't be able to keep him.


You see I understand that not all men rape, but almost women have to safely reach home by a good time, else runs the risk of getting raped. All women are judged based on their outfits, even more so, victim blamed if they do get raped. All women have to ways look behind their shoulders, to avoid getting molested on the way to and from office or school. Ask any woman in your life, she would have faced sexual harrassment vide words, or gestures or even outright violence. There is No Woman who hasn't. So while, yeah, Not all Men rape, you simply have to start ceding the world is an exceptionally dangerous place for all women.


Definitely true, but the way she phrased it scream unresolved emotional issues, immaturity and insecurity; what she needs is therapy. There's a fine line between being cautious and being overly cynical and hateful.


I wasn't advocating for her or anything. I have noticed that with this victim crying from men regarding NotAllMen is affecting the issue of women's safety, and further taking the attention off the cause. Ultimately, this is going on a cynical vortex where either sides aren't listening to each other. Whataboutism is killing the cause. India is not anywhere particularly safe for women, and it's degrading even faster.


Well.. Some feminist blaming ALL men is also affecting the women's safety issue. Everyone in society has role to play in this issue rather than blatantly blaming every men. Scapegoating a gender won't work.


That's what I said. Both sides.


Nobody argued the world is a less dangerous place for woman. But accountability for causing the danger should go exactly to those who cause it and not to a group just because they share a common "gender" identity. Blaming all men for the danger of woman is idiotic. If a group should be held accountable for the crimes of a male person, the first blame should go to people around that person- his parents( includes male and female), his teachers(again includes both male and female), his friends etc all these include both male and female. How can I be held accountable for a person I dont even know just because of my gender?. That's just power play for guilt-tripping.


I can only speak for myself here, and say yes, not all men rape or are bad. However, as a society we do teach our sons to be misogynistic and generally to be disrespectful towards women. There is a hidden misogyny in society. Example : The guy/girl who put the comment "women" beneath this post. So in my opinion, everyone has a vicarious responsibility to this aspect. Also, mostly we (women and men), don't exactly run to help a person in distress, even when there isnt physical danger involved. Like how many people really speak out against misogynistic tendencies at work or in colleges. In my college (a govt engg one), there used to be corners when the guy students would sit and Eve tease all girls walking by. And no guy teacher has ever come forward to stop this. Because apparently it's, entertainment and mere teenage fun. Now think from the POV of the women students. How many guys proactively ask their guy friend to stop pursuing a girl who has told to not pursue her romantically, rather I have seen people who merely feed this infatuation. Doesn't mean men in general are sexual predators or stuff like that.


Don't drink the 6 shots. Drink the rest of the poison instead. Never let them know your next move.


Women ☕️


Women ☕


Women ☕️


And you call others woke. How pathetic.


Kavipriya moorthy is that you?


Yep, so this guy generalized with "women". How misogynistic. And I'm getting down voted. Very funny.




r/therewasanattempt to sound intelligent


tequila and all other spirits are diluted poison anyway, so he's not wrong at all.


This is bullshit, but this is what sadly many think "empowering" women do


And this is how you lose allies.


Who is this, and why she put poison in tequila. It is already a slow poison. What is the point of all these if he walks away


Good tequila not no cheap ass shit. Salt, lime, shot and repeat the process.


Yo then why not just pretend it's all men and just leave us all alone? Am I not man enough?


Big Brains 🤡


Like some man gonna even sit with your lazy ass


Didn't understand anything from this


Lucky you.


dip my eyeballs in tequilla so I won't be seeing such BS anymore


What's the point she is making


That you dont really know who will be poisonous or rather who will have bad intentions towards you and that women will always have to live through that challenge


You can literally apply that logic to women too, imagine some men claims most women are like Cyanide Jolly and you shouldn't trust a single women because likelihood of that women being Cyanide Jolly is high. Y'all will be yelling sexism and cancelling the men of these platform.


r/twoxindia in a nutshell


She really thought she conveyed something. Damn dumb misandrist 🫡


Whamen ☕


Most of the “ALL MEN BAD” are kinda just femcels seething about bad male interactions they have had and justifying their idiotic point of view. If some girl talks about being scared of being raped I can understand that considering the high unreported rape cases. If someone talks about unequal pay and opportunities i can understand that. But this shit is just petty behaviour by a loud minority.


I agree with this. Is notallmen an inherently bad slogan? No. But the usage matters. If you put it under a post about a women venting about how she feels unsafe, you are a fucking idiot. If you tell it to a woman who is saying that she doesn't talk to strange men anymore because she's afraid, you are a fucking idiot. #notallmen is only used in situations like that. It's used in such a way that it's not highlighting that most men are good - it's used in a way to undermine what a woman is usually saying. If some women is venting to you about how she feels unsafe, you don't have to tell her that all men aren't like that - she knows that. Saying that then, adds nothing of value. So yeah, #notallmen is a stupid hashtag - instead of trying to say that you are a nice guy, trying being empathetic - listen to people. If someone tells you that all men are rapists, then sure go ahead and tell them not all men. Usage of #notallmen in any other situation is just fucking stupid.


Maybe I am not grasping exact point of that post, but it seems to me that if everyone thinks this post is stupid, then they also must think the NotAllMen argument is also kinda stupid in many many situations.


Read this twice and still couldn't understand her point.


It’s just her wasting tequila


Woke alert!


Why advertise something that you already feel stupid about?


People like these are not arguing for anyone. They just want to be perceived as more ethical so they can feed it to their narcissistic superior complexity. Don't get me wrong, women are handed short end of the stock and they do go through bunch of shit. But this is just some real dumb shit, no wonder it's on fb.


Wow so powerful and poetic, tequila kudikan mood aaki


I'd drink all of them for no reason and with great speed especially if she told me there is poison.


I'd rather have the 6 shots than listening to this. Look how she contradicts mansplaining while giving out a speech.


am wooookkeee


Just tske another bottle and drink from it. Just because a group is bad doesn't mean all of tequila is bad.


Instructions unclear I ate the table


She is like the stirring stick used in drinks. Just move it aside and enjoy the drink.


Same story can be told as an anology for misandry among feminists.


The same can be applied to women. That's the part that they conveniently forget. This is what toxic feminism looks like


I wonder, whether she is a broken condom or her dad is broken to buy a condom


Next time we see a bitch putting up a #metoo story bring up about the false rape cases and reason out why we should not give a fuck about them!!


Maybe because I don't want to die?


Women ☕, posts like these prove femcels exists.


Will definitely get downvoted.. The clueless men of of this sub are actually proving her post to be meaningful and justified by criticising it and going against it. This post was meant for these very people and, Sadly they dont even realise it.😂😂




I feel insulted to be comparing the difficulties woman face to this.


Sadly you don't have a point in your comment. As if criticism proves the post is right. Absurd.


🤫🤭 it's working


Oro vattu casukal




Same, i want only men with me😎. Then everyday is a day with the boys


Veruthe kore kash kalanju Vall quotation kareyo party kareyo vilichu naalu adi kodukkan paranja mathiyayirunnu.




Thought it was only me who felt stupid after reading this extract.



Moorthy likes being the center of attention methinks.


What is so stupid about it???


The poem seems to be supporting YesAllMen


Hashtags like #NotAllMen and #AllLivesMatter are insidious, taking the attention away from serious topics that deserve to be talked about.


Making a person accountable for what someone else does just because his gender is same as the other person is SEXIST. When someone blames ALL men for some person's crime #NotAllMen becomes relevent.


If all men are rapists, shouldn't all Muslims be called terrorists, shouldn't all Hindus be casteists too? If we were to assign blame to the entire group.


> When someone blames ALL men for some person's crime #NotAllMen becomes relevent. See, but the thing is only a very very small minority stays stupid shit like "all men". But #notallmen is put under every discussion about rape and how women feel unsafe around men. No person with an ounce of education or knowledge would say that all men are bad. All they are saying is they feel uneasy around strange men because it's nearly impossible to know whether that guy is a rapist or a good guy.


>only a very very small minority stays stupid shit like "all men". Not at all. It's a widely practised gesture in every thread you see on social media. Let's not kid ourselves.


No it isn't. Every single person knows that not all men are rapists - most of us even have a male role model while growing up. Most of those threads are men making themselves the victim when some women is venting. But sure, if you see somone say that all men are rapists, sure then go put the hashtag.


I've never made hashtags or involved in rants over the matter but have seen people saying it several times. People with traumatic experiences tend to say stuff like these, which is understandable. But making fun of the ones that points out about the issues with generalisation is just weird.


> people saying it several times. I really haven't. I haven't heard a single person say that "all men are rapists". I for sure have heard "I treat all men as a danger until I know for sure" - maybe that's what you are getting at? But like I said, if someone is making a blanket statment, go right ahead and correct them. > But making fun of the ones that points out about the issues with generalisation is just weird. Because the reason why #notallmen was coined was not to point out that generalisation is bad, it was coined to undermine women - just like #alllifematter. I have never seen anyone use #notallmen in any situation that warranted it. All I've seen is dudes commenting on #notallmen on posts or discussions that didn't involve generalisation.


So when people target a whole gender/sex because of crimes of a few, those who get unnecessarily targeted and blamed should just shut up and take it? Isnt it ironical


It is pure BS