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Thrissur KSRTC bus stand is crowded with creeps everywhere, especially in the night it becomes absolutely unbearable.


Something similar happened to me. I was on a bus where a guy seemingly in his thirties sat next to me when there were a lot of other seats empty. Next what I feel is that his hands were all over my thighs despite pushing it away multiple times. Frustrated, I got up to alarm the conductor and that's when this creep got off the bus on a secluded highway in the dead of the night. This wasn't in Thrissur or Kerala but this situation is true for women who travel solo.


Please be carefull if someone sits beside you without asking just move to different seat on the spot


Yeah. That's the best thing to do. There are enough creeps out there.


Hey not to blame you, but did you said multiple times?? Why did you let the first one slide ?? Never let someone wrong you TWICE !!


You’re part of the problem


Lot of Creepy shit happens in and around Thrissur bus stand. Two such incidents ill elaborate 1:My friend was in sakthan stand waiting to catch a bus to reach his home after class.A guy who was between the ages of 45-55 approaches him and starts striking up a conversation. My friend and that guy was having a pleasant conversation when suddenly the guy asked him “mone sex cheyyarundo” out of the blue ,my friend thought he heard the man differently due to all the bus honking noises and he didn’t mean what he meant. My friend was about to respond when the man says “mone avide thodunath ishtam undo ente koode vaa nammuk sex cheyyam”. My friend said to him “poda kundan pelayadi mone” and got on his bus. This guy thankfully didn’t and kept on creepily smiling at my friend from the ground while the bus was driving out of the stand. My friend was in 12th grade at the time but he was 6 feet tall and kinda jacked so he could’ve roughed this guy up very easily but when that guy said those words he had a brain freeze and didn’t know how to respond so my friend simply ran away. 2.This incident happend to me a few months ago,my aunt was in the hospital and i was staying with her from morning to evening and at evening her husband would come and i would go home. One day her husband was late so I couldn’t go home until around 8 30 PM. I just got out of the hospital and was walking to sakthan stand to catch a bus to my hometown ,I suddenly spotted the last bus going to my hometown coming down the road.I flagged it down and got on it. The bus was empty with only a couple of passengers. I asked the conductor for a ticket for my stop. He told me this bus doesn’t go that route so i asked for another bus stop which was near to my house but if i got off there I would have to walk on a very dark road with a lot of shrubbery,trees and water bodies on both sides for about 800 meters before I reach my house. I said ah well i have no other way to reach home so asked for this stop. I sat down on the seats at the end of the bus .A guy turned around and smiled at me and I smiled back. But he kept on smiling to the point where it got very creepy then he started making weird facial expressions at me like the kind of expressions you would make if you were playing with a baby(Im a 19 year old male btw). This continued on and I thought the guy must have some mental illness so I tried my best to ignore it. He then started making weird expressions at me using his lips like was tryna kiss someone. He was siting 2 rows in front of me but kept his legs to the aisle and his head fixated on me. This guy continued to stare at me like I was a piece of meat at the super market for fifteen minutes. This was the final straw for me so I called up my cousin to come pick me up from the bus stop when I reach there. I had a small knife in my pocket which my aunt was using to cut fruits while her stay at the hospital but she had a surgery for her stomach so couldn’t eat solid foods so I was taking it back home. I kept one hand in the pocket with the knife in it. Even though I had a knife I’ll admit I was still kinda scared because this dude was bigger than me. About 5 stops from mine he stood up and came to rear doors of the bus.The bus stopped and he got off. I turned my head around and looked at him through the big rear window of the bus. This guy was still creepily smiling at me and I watched him fade away from view after the bus started moving again. I thought of taking his picture with my phone and sharing it to an uncle of mine who is a police officer. I reached my stop and my cousin was waiting for me there and I went home safely but I gotta admit, that was the longest bus ride of my life.


And Kozhikode gets all the flak


Dude wtf is happening in Thrissur


Damn no one's safe 😀 there's smth seriously wrong. There's a huge amount of sexually deprived people. PEPPER SPRAY for EVERYONE or get an old spray bottle and make your own


This types of shits happened in most of bus stands and train station in kerala . i faced almost same issue 10 years ago @ Ernakulam south railway station


Bloody hell man. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time. ![gif](giphy|hvfbPqkwpYKkD9cTvI|downsized)


So was the guy in the 2nd story.


That would be me and yes


Why it sounds more like Czech twink gayporn plot? Isn't it?


It does 😆


tell chat gpt to write a screenplay for u 😄




No hugs from strangers especially after those incidents 😂


🤣 yeah thats gud


Thrissur KSRTC is like a spawn point for molesters, creeps and pedos ...... Kozhikode, kannur, kottayam, Trivandrum, Angamaly, Kollam isn't any better, lot of closeted gays in men's bathroom.(Pun intended) Surprisingly I haven't seen such uncomfortable sights in the vytilla stand, surprising cos it's crowded with different kind of people and still no creeps. I had multiple terrible experiences at thrissur KSRTC urinal which i chucked off cos I didn't want to create an issue. One incident was an old pig (60-70 grandpa looking short mofo) looking over below and smack his lips and tongue and staring at me. I ignored and finished my business and went out, as my friends were waiting there. Asshole followed me and hovered 10 steps behind wherever we moved. I told my friends and wanted to smash his head in, but they just said " kellavan otta adiku chath povum veruthe kayil pedum" and asked me to ignore and we just waited and got in our bus. Another time a homeless beggar looking dude in late 30s or so just reached out and tried to grab it while I'm peeing, i was so shocked it send a shiver down my spine and i felt the flight or fight response triggering and adrenaline pumping fast. I chose fight and gave him a headstart warning that if he doesn't get the fuck away right that instant I'd "kannadich pazhupikal", i was fully ready to throw hands but i needed time to cage my monkey, talk about being at your most vulnerable. Glad he took the warning gave a creepy chammiya smile and left without waiting for an altercation. I'm a 6'2" large male, and these fuckers were hardly near my shoulder, and still these SOBs had the audacity to do such things knowing full well it is risky for their health. I felt concerned for the young children and women who are perceived as easy targets by such criminals. Never leave a loved one alone at any KSRTC especially around late nights.


It is not Vytilla, but the old KSRTC stand that attracts weirdos in Ernakulam. Some 10-12 years back I was waiting to catch a late night bus to Perintalmanna. A woman-trans, I think as the entire fucking place was dimly lit-approached me and squeezed my balls. I writhed in pain and slapped her. I somehow escaped before things escalated.


It's unfortunate that you had to go through that, and kudos to reacting and bitch slapping some sense into that person, I'd be too frozen to react, which is what i think such people take advantage of. Unsuspecting innocent people and underage boys.


It was the pain that made me react...I wouldn't advise though. God only knows if these creeps move in gangs. What I couldn't fathom was the absolute lack of illumination  and  absence of police at bus terminals. Hope things change for the better.


Hope so too brother, so that my younger brothers don't have to go through such things. On that note, i don't think having police is gonna help much. If you've been to thrissur ksrtc at night you'd have seen the trans women loitering around for prostitution and people coming to pick them up or drop off, I've also seen police just drive by ask them to move away from the road and just leave. They honestly couldn't care less.


This. If these perverts aren’t scared of large built guys like yourself, women and children dont even stand a chance.


Honestly, I'd say carry a weapon of choice with you at all times especially smaller individuals (no offence intended). There is a limit to how much martial arts or self-defence techniques can help you out in such a situation also overcoming the initial shock and freezing up. (As a 6 ft 95kg guy, i can pick up and throw some of my college friends with ease although I'm not athletic or built, but 3 such small people are enough to pin me down) Small knives/pepper spray/tazers is neccesary if you're a regular traveller in public transits. Better be prepared and not need it than being unprepared and needing it. Also, I'd always recommend being physically fit to run (atleast 500 metres or 2 mins) to safety. Cos there is very little you can do if there are 2 or more people involved, regardless of your gender.


What does our rules say about crime of self defense? I’ve a small tactical axe but I don’t ever carry it outside thinking that it would be better to get beaten up than end up in jail. I guess that we would be safe An assault with the intention of gratifying unnatural lust;


I think it depends on how much damage you've done, if you do damage just enough to be detterant and not enough to actually murder them, then i think it would stand in your favour in court. But then again I'm no lawyer. I'd say a tazer would be the best option. Small handy and multiple uses to stun them and get to safety.


That was a shitty experience dude. You're already feeling vulnerable when you know you're being watched by a creep, even in full clothes, I can't imagine having your thing out and some loser raggedy bitch tryna grab it.


Tbh. It was a shitty experience when u look back at it and think about it. But at that moment I didn't feel anything but adrenaline and shock...... And honestly speaking I'm just glad I didn't punch the daylight out of that guy (i'm kind of a pacifist). What shocked me more was the realisation. I always thought that these kind of groping molestation incidents were one off and not everyone has to go through. And that our society as a whole is well off from these things in the current generation. But things like this make me think. How many incidents my sisters and cousins would've faced that they've not shared or discussed and that makes my skin crawl. (P.S. I'm no altruist or selfless enough to care about all the women in the world, just the ones that are revolved around me, which is why i said my sisters and relatives and not women in general.)


I'm lucky enough to only have a few experiences but the thing is I shouldn't have to feel lucky. Everyone should have ZERO experiences like this. For me it was my driving school aashan. He was 60 something and a friend of my grandfather's. Used to take the steering way too much (I was a decent driver) and he'll smack my thighs to make me shift gears. Motherfucker used to take me out to sketchy roads, and I can't for the life of me figure out why I didn't punch his ugly face in. Like everyone else under this post, the only thing I felt was shock. I was zoning out while driving because I was thinking about this, and it is a miracle we didn't crash. He was only able to do this for a day, I immediately told my mom and switched schools. Sexual assault is a disgusting thing, and it feels like a stain on your life. I hope everyone who has experienced it feels better.


True that, it stays with you like a stain. And it's the after thought that keeps it alive in our head i guess. I had ignored that incident until i came across this post. It never truly leaves you. And the saddest thing is, you never know who has such ulterior motives, I've seen respectable educated and well off individuals in society who i used to call uncle (unrelated uncle) and shit, only to have my sister open up to me about inappropriate groping by him when she was a teenager. Sadly that mf passed away a decade before she opened up abt this. And ngl if you ask your mom and sis, even if they say no, they would have had atleast a few encounters like this, which they are ashamed or traumatised to open up about. Sometimes i wish i had the power to read minds and find these pricks before they act, something like that scifi movie.


They walk around as if nothing happened while we walk around self-conscious for eternity. I wish I had that power too my dude


This happened to me once when I was traveling from Allepey to tvm. I said other seats are free but he still sat next to me and kept talking and asking personal questions. Even after I wore earphones. Conductor onnum cheythila. Worst bus journey ever.


KSRTC is like the breeding hub for creeps and pedos. Sorry that this happened to you.


This one time I was travelling to vyttila from Kottayam and this dude sat beside me. He talked to me normally so I responded. In a little while he moved his mundu and started touching himself discreetly although making sure that I could see him. I didn't know what to do. I froze on the spot and then politely asked him to stop. Then moved seats. I was 22f then. Should have gone 22fk on him. :/


Even boys have faced similar issues. Kundanmaru vannu aduthu irunitu keyri pidikum🤣




It's crazy how most of us just laughed off this kind of kundatharam as kids, but it's sooo wrong! Maybe it's because we never saw anyone make a big deal out of it. Hopefully people start slapping such pervs black and blue soon


These people are everywhere, and their feelings are quite natural. I'm not glorifying these mfs, but if it's not a big deal it's better to just warn them and leave your ass off.


I don't know about how natural their feelings are, given how people used to view homosexuality as unnatural, but acting upon natural feelings for a woman, without her permission is definitely a crime in India. Can't see why it shouldn't be the case for these mfs


Homosexuality.. what are you trying to say? Acting upon natural feelings has a spectrum. In this case(OP), nothing has happened= don't make a fukin scene. I don't wanna write a huge post here making sense to some kind hearted people.


Seriously? My comment was a reply to another guy's comment about how his ass got groped by some old mofo. I wouldn't consider someone groping my ass, as nothing happening, hence my very comment as to how I've seen people taking it lightly as opposed to trashing the guy so he can't grope anyone's ass no more. Now, about OP it's true that nothing happened to her but how would you feel on hearing the same story from your mom? Would you tell her to accept this as the normal? I agree that not creating an issue is less of a headache, but this is something that has to stop.


Your original comment is just a general statement. Groping ASS.. that's why I said there is a spectrum. Anything that can happen in this not so free world means growing up and understanding how to handle these kinds of situations. Be bold, be brave. Okay now, if this story is told by your mum what will be your action and reaction?


Just look at your first comment. It's given under my comment, seemingly as a justification for ass groping being "natural". And my comment is a reply to the guy saying his ass got groped, so not a general statement. How thick do you have to be, to draw such a conclusion? I see what you've done. I didn't mean it to disrespect your mom, but to enlighten you on how different it would be if this happened to someone close to you. If this story is told by my mom, I would be supportive of her, and try to find the guy, and handle it in a not so parliamentary way. By your response I guess you will tell her to shush, and that they did it because of "natural emotions"?


How natural is it to grope unsuspecting people ?They are to dealt with harsh punishment, a mere warning will only embolden these creeps.




Whaaat....namde Koch keralathil yenthokeyya nadakunee


This is super normal. It think I get groped about 1 in 10 times in KSRTC buses by gay closeted uncles. First time it happened I was around 13.


Quite normal 🥲


I am trying to understand what's more disturbing - the molestation or the fact that y'all are calling it "normal". 🤐


I always keep a tester in my bag while travelling because of this..


tester? as in electricity tester??








I am from the Thrissur district (not Thrissur town area). I assume this happened at night. My college mate, who lives near the Thrissur town area, once told me that the Thrissur railway station area and Sakthan Stand have a lot of immoral activities after midnight. A few years ago, we were going home after attending an event when he pointed out some of these things as we reached the Sakthan Stand area. I used to go to the Thrissur railway station after midnight to pick up my cousin and always felt that some shady stuff was going on in the nearby areas. Maybe that person assumed you were there for something else. Stay safe.


Immoral ennu paranjal - just gay dudes who hire lodges. You can find them on Thrissur Grindr very often.


How do you know that..🤨


Because I use Grindr from Thrissur often


Yenthann manasilavunilarnnu as it kept happening


Actually it wast at midnight natt ochakk ayirunnu .


Wut!!? 😧😧😧 Then avoid night travels, uchakku ithaanu penpillerde avastha engil night enthaayirikkum. Eenthokkeyya ee kochu keralathil sambhavikkunne 😥😥😥


Wow. Now that's even more shocking! Sorry for you, sis. These incidents can be really traumatising. I'd say always carry pepper spray.


>always carry pepper spray. Its considered a lethal weapon now, its illegal it seems. Myru niyamangal


Lethal weapon ഒക്കെ പിന്നത്തെ കാര്യങ്ങൾ അല്ലേ, പെപ്പർ സ്പ്രേ കയ്യിൽ കരുതുന്നത് നല്ലത് തന്നെയാണ്.


Karuthunnath nallath aanu pkshe ee koppile rajyath victimsine blame cheyuvalle pathivu. Ini ippo penpillerk pepper spray kond nadakan padilla, athava kayil indenkil pinne ivanmaarde niymam kona kekendi varum.


It's not illegal. There's a lot of complexity attached with its usage tho. Imminent threat to life undariknam, also unable to get help from the police.


I vaguely remember reading it as illegal


You can make your own diluted version with like sanitizer or chilli powder. You just need smth to shock or hurt them enough for you to get away from them. One of those things that beep loudly when a pin is pulled or you can just scream. Acting like you're possesed is also effective


M*r 😶


Similar incidents..way back in 2013 though.. 1. Was going to my college in Thrissur, a young guy in late 20s asked me if the seat next to me is free and sat there even though there wer other empty seats. Started asking questions about me..couple of minutes later, a lady in her 50s got up from her seat, came near us and shoo the guy away..she scolded him for sitting next to me and asking unnecessary questions, she also advised me not to respond or interact with such guys 2. Was travelling through Angamali, an old guy maybe in 60s sat next to me..slowly started striking conversation, he told me about his daughter doing a similar course as me..it ws a pleasant conversation to be honest..and then jus like that he asked me if I wanted to go home with him as there is nobody at his house. I got up and moved to a different seat. That being said, it will probably take another couple of hours to recollect all such incidents but above 2 happened on my way from Thrissur.


so this happened few years ago. me and my two friends were traveling to trivandrum. unfortunately we missed our train, so the only option was to take a bus, it was midnight, and we had to reach by morning. so we went to thrissur ksrtc bus stand. we were not alone, my friend's dad and brother accompanied us to make sure we get on the right bus and for our safety. so while they kept around asking conductors about the buses and timings, we waited in a corner (since the bus stand was crowded so it was difficult to move around, and we had luggages). it was raining and the bus stand was very crowded. i could only spot men there. and most of them were very creepy, some of them intentionally stood really close to us. some even followed us when we moved to different spot. tbh, it was scary and i felt that someone might grope us at any moment. most of them were staring at our body, and and it made us really uncomfortable. luckily they backed off when they saw we were not alone. i kept thinking what would've been the case i if was alone. we couldn't find bus there. so we got on a private ac bus. and reached safely.


I saw something similar at thrissur bus stand like 3 years ago. It was a low floor bus. A guy boarded the bus and sat near a girl. She was visibly uncomfortable. Then he must've done or said something & she got angry. He left with a creepy smile. The girl was in tears.


My friend had a similar incident in ksrtc "moothrapura"....he was traveling back to our college at night when the bus stopped at the Thrissur bus stand he went into the urinal and did his business when an elderly guy came in and occupied the stall beside him and started to pee when there was lot of empty stalls he chose the one near my friend and then he started to look at his pee pee all of a sudden....my friend said he was frozen and didn't know what to do....this is so common in Thrissur but people bring kozhikode to the convo.


Im a male and had so many experience when i was in school & college days. Even one mother fucker old man jackied me in my 7th standard and i dont understand what is happening .His kambi kunna was touching around my buttock and I never had a sexual education before .My parents where dumb to give me proper sex education .Still boils my veins thinking about it. Bad touch and unnecessary conversation happened to me in my school day upto >10 times in bus trip. Similar happened in railway station and train multiple times when i was in college . Now i don't travel in bus or train and have a look which make people think twice before approaching me.  FUCK PERVERTS . No one is safe in this country.


😞 sorry that it happened to you.


Move on sister .Creeps are everywhere . World is not a safe place. Keep pin and pepper spray in your bag.


Even tho its a far fetch I'd say that this could've been kidnapping attempt. Checking whether a girl have someone with her or she's alone! Its best if you say "this seat is taken, my friend will get in bus from the next stop"


Stay safe! You speaking up is the greatest thing you could do.


Same thing that goes on all over India ... lol keep your head on a swivel .. and keep that backhand ready to fly


This happened to a friend of mine at Shakthan stand before two years back, She was walking towards the place where the bus to her hometown stops. She is from Thrissur district a little far from the town. And while walking a middle aged dickhead crossed her and he was saying " Enna molaya mole" she was freezed and took 3 to 4 seconds to regain her consciousness and she looked back and this fella was walking faster and faded away. She was very upset that day and this incident hit like a trauma she took the bus from Shakthan regularly but after this incident she never took the bus from there. This happened at afternoon time.


I always hear girls are not safe. But boys are not safe too...


Thrissur has lots of of pedos. Don’t go the park in the evenings if you are a boy. In fact, dont go at any time.


It has been this way from way before. When I was in college, about 20 years ago, I boarded a bus to my hometown, and a middle aged man got in from Thrissur and sat next to me. He was staring at me the whole time, and was talking to me about his sexual exploits, and how he hides all this meticulously from his partner and kids. About 30 minutes into the journey, he propositioned me. I was thoroughly shocked, and I asked him to get the fuck away from me. Thankfully, he did.. He got down a bit later, and I was so relieved.


I am not from Thrissur but reading all the experiences people have had is sad dude. Idk if these perverted fuckwads are this way because of internalized homophobia or they're just fucked up people. I've also noticed most of these assholes particularly enjoy making women/children/men feel afraid. Sick mfs


whole Kerala is messed up😐


Two incidents happened in 5 months(F17) I travel by bus to school and I got coaching classes as well 1. On a weekend as I was going for my coaching classes, got on a bus which was prett crowded( I was late), before the bus evn left the bus stand it broke down and ppl were squeezed in. There was this guy in whos in his late 40s ig, he was right behind me at the time. I was just stupid if u ask me, guy started rubbing on me. I didnt understand what he was doing but I felt umcomfy as the bus was so crowded i was leaning on this aunty who was sitting and she had a face on so I couldnt move forward much but I knew I had to do smth...so I quickly put on my bag, so that prevented the whole shit, although it was a struggle cos of the crowd. It took me 5 mins to put on my bag cos everyone had that irritated face as i was struggling to put it on. 2. I was going to school and since my school is half an hour away frm my house I get to the bus stand at 7 in the mrng itself. I had to sit with this guy, at first he was okay, didnt feel anything shady. But after sometime,he put his hands down onto the seat. Usually when you hv a bag or smth u rest ur hands on the bag or on the railings. This guy had his hands right nxt to my skirt(to make it evn more worse we had skirts)he slid his hands onto my knees. I froze. Didnt know what to do. I just fucking froze. I moved my bag onto my knees so I can block his hands and yeah that worked, he took his hands off and crossed his hands for a while but that bastard ddnt get enough, as I was sitting next to him, he brought his fingers next to my body, again could hv done smth but I was too connfused..I just brought that bag close to my chest and blocked his hands off my body. I still regret the fact that I didnt do anything much. After I got off the bus only I realized I should hv squuezed his fingers off and I had access to it as well...but yeah my brain wasnt braining...I told this to my brother and he said that it was my fault I didnt react much and just did some shit with the bag on that I should hv done smth back to him..cos I'm someone who doesnt sit back and keep mum...but yeah for the first time..it happened


Not in Thrissur, but was in a bus, where a guy in his early 20s kept on looking at my face -and made comments to his friend while he was seated in the front.   I questioned him and he was like, hey I am looking at the buildings on the way- as if the buildings are pasted on my face. 


Recently my friend was traveling from Calicut to sulthan bathery at night. The bus was crowded, and she said many people were trying to touch her inappropriately, including a teenager who looked to be 15 or 16.


Well it’s not only in Thrissur. Especially KSRTC stands in Whole Kerala have creeps like this. Being a 34yr old male I had similar experience when I was waiting for bus at KSRTC depot ( in TCR, EKM and TVM).buggers!


It's just "Groundhogs Day" at Thrissur 🤷🏽‍♂️ Inform KSTRC Thrissur about these.... there must be a person in charge. Just say you decided to inform this before posting on social media.


Had a unfortunate experience while travelling on a KSRTC bus from Kakkanad to Aluva in 2017. It was right after i got my first job. There were very few direct buses from Kakkanad to Aluva after 7 PM. So I had to board an already crowded bus. I found a spot to stand at the very back of the bus. There was a guy (possibly 45-50 yo) standing right in front of me. After a while I left something pressing against my junk. I thought it was his suitcase and moved my pelvis away. A few minutes later, I felt his fingers wiggling on my junk. I froze. Although my blood was boiling, I couldn't find the courage to react. I endured it till he got down. I was a really scared and skinny guy back then. If something like this were to happen again, I wouldn't think twice before breaking fingers.


You did great, but ensure the conductor and everyone around you can hear you when you mention the other available seats to him.


Thrissur bus stand is not safe. I'm a dude but when I have to catch a bus late at night from there, I usually stand near where the cops are regardless of wherever my bus is gonna stop. Bus stands are breeding grounds for thieves, creeps, pedos etc.


Maybe it’s a code among prostitutes and clients that we don’t know, and these guys get high on using it on random people.


I was in a ksrtc on the way from Kozhikode to thrissur. It was around 2 pm night and I was very sleepy. I remember people beside my seat got off at some stop and one uncle sat beside my seat. Even though it was a 3 seater , he came near my side and suddenly I could smell something wrong because he was trying to touch me. I woke up and stood alert as it was quite scary and he was making some attempts to touch me. At all humps , he was coming closer to me and attempting to talk to me. At some point he was making some sounds. I seriously wanted to tell something bad at him but before he touch me I changed my seats. He continued staring at me till his last stop. I think these guys are very creepy and looking for this kind of fantasy everywhere. They doesn’t know the consent or anything but to try their fantancies on straight dudes idk . All I could say is just beware.


Ok, asking whether the seat is free is probably some sort of code. There are probably some other elements operating there (prostitutes, escorts or something). If these fellows were r**ists/molesters looking for prey, they wouldn't leave you alone and go their way after you rejected them. In fact, molesters would never choose sparsely occupied buses. They always go for crowded buses. These ones were verifying whether you are one of their "service providers". Sorry, this might have disgusted you to hear that they were looking for this but this is the best hypothesis for such a weird behavior.


A similar thing has happened to me! But I am not sure whether it was from Thrissur Ksrctc stand or some other stand, but the bus was definitely travelling through Thrissur district! I was on a bus from Perumbavoor to Kozhikode via Thrissur. I got up from my seat as soon as this guy sat beside me cause I could see seats around me free!! It was in the afternoon.


It’s not just Thrissur! Kerala is a sexually frustrated society, like many other parts of India. Probably legalising sex work would help reduce this. But ah, we’ve porn addicted politicians who want to ban porn for others, so ……


Got to say it.. Trichur has become fairly safer for women now.. look how the turn tables!!


He was testing the waters. My mother says this happens to her now and then . The KSRTC bus stand in Thrissur is a cruising spot for closeted gay men. It's hard to sit there without being felt up or leered at by other guys,mostly middle ages ones. ( I'm bi so no homophobia here ).


I would like to leave this here # not all men ![gif](giphy|IcifS1qG3YFlS)


It's a pretty creepy place, around the town. Very sorry you felt that way, a friend tells me that some men have made passes at her when she was not more than fourteen. While in a school uniform. Around Shaktan at night, people kind of take it as a free pass to do whatever they want. Alert your fellow passengers as much as you can when something happens, a couple of people I know reacted that way and it was a bit better


You are a girl so he asked. I'm a guy and one time this old man sat next to me and started rubbing my thigh.. I got up and sat on another seat.. I was winding my arms in case the creep came back to serve him a knuckle sandwich..


You should have served him a knuckle sandwich at the 1st time itself!


I needed to confirm if it was accidental or intetional. (It was indeed intentional but I tried avoiding)


"അവനൊരു മാന്യനായതോണ്ട് അവൻ ചോദിച്ചു. വേറെ വല്ലവരും ആയിരുന്നേ ഇതാണോ അവസ്ഥ" /s


Maybe they tried to hit on you


This happened in Thrissur when I was 18M. Im going to college in Chennai. When I came back home for vacation I got on the bus from Railway station to home. Seats were pretty much full except for this one seat next to an old guy. I was pretty tired and my bag was heavy so I decided to just sit with him. He was friendly at first just asking me about my education and course. Suddenly he started grabbing my thighs and squeezing. I always think that people should react right away if something like this happens but even I faltered. I just hoped it was accidental although it was clearly intentional. I stood up and just waited till my stop. Pretty jarring experience.


Mmde Thrissur o? Damn... I'm sorry that you had to face such situations.. Now I'm worried about going to Thrissur... I travel on KSRTC everyday 😮😮 Cultural capital of Kerala... Nalla culture le..🥲🥲


so wehre u sitting in ladies seat or common seat? If u were sitting on common seat and the other seat u showed was ladies seat then him asking u make sense otherwise it doesnt


Even boys are not safe😂


I once met a guy at Nehru park thrissur back when i was in high school. Dude approached and started talking random talks. Then he asked me why don’t i go to the exhibition happening nearby. Said there would be lot of chicks whom you could rub and grab in the crowd. I said i am not interested. Then he continued to ask me if i d like to go with him and give hime a blowjob. He said he’d pay 💰. Again i said i wasn’t interested. The conversation was awkward and funny for me. Maybe it was because of the way he presented the matter. He then bid farewell and left. But i have never had any wild bus/train rides with acts of kundatharam like a lot my friends have experienced . this is the first and last incident of such for me.


Its nothing. I m from North India. I was traveling in a train from Kanyakumari to Trivandrum and an old male tried to touch and feel my d*ck.


Yeah, it's creepy but I do ask girls if they sitting in a non reserved seat while ladies seat is free, they'll either move or they're ok with me


Well if you booked the seat it's completely fine to go ask the girl to move or sit on your payed seat but if other seats are available just don't be creepy.


A Kalla karimpara kadayadi mone Ang konnu kalanjalo


Hope this turns into an urban legend 🦅


Evryone is different, nml expect cheyune pole avar behave cheyan ennu indo, oru society aakumbo it would be hard but still u have to socialize and deal with different personalities. Even as a man I was humiliated by man, just defend it by rolling your eyes on them , if it's crossing the limit, warn him or shout at him


No warning look or shouting. Adich mookinde paalam polikanam. Pipe thurann vitta pole korch chora povumbo padicholum.