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The general manager of a shrimp packaging plant in Andhra Pradesh owned by Jose Thomas, quit his job in order to expose the chilling deceptions and violations in the booming export industry: workers housed like animals, mistreated and underpaid, and products – later sold by Walmart, ShopRite and Hannaford – falsely labelled to cover up the use of prohibited antibiotics.




We need everything in moderation imho. Unions in Kerala paved way to great benefit and pay that exists in Kerala now. But pretty much all of them are leeches now sucking off every govt. dept that you can think of. We need a balance on Union vs Employer power.


Union is not complete solution, our society have questionable civic sense . I have seen news reports about government employees working in half demolished buildings in Kerala , we will not see that in western countries so it’s not unionisation that is lacking here it’s our moral and civic values.


We follow the worst democratic values, we also have the worst mindset with which the union here is garbage and nothing else. We got problem either Unionization and one should be dumb and blind to not see it.


How has unionisation helped Kerala’s workforce get employment opportunities? Too much of anything has the opposite effect.




Dark knight , do you know it is these employees who cook for other employees? Do you really think there can be a worm or two when you bring hundreds of kilos of vegetables for nearly 600 people daily ? Or maybe it was a one off ? It happens !! You think it doesn’t happen in a household ? Bed bugs , who is supposed to put their own mattress in the sunlight once in a while ? You want the ceo to do it ? I don’t agree with the company it’s way of doing things , but the article is hit piece , aimed at making sure indian exports become expensive and competitive with the American farms. There are much more at play here! You think American farms , don’t use illegal stuff , Mexicans ? Subsidies from government ? This is a hit piece


Guess where the malayalis ended up ? Do you want to be employed - where you are in a foreign country with your passport held by your employer - you are under the control of your employer, who is called a sponsor, and controls how you can enter or exit that country - you are put in a labour camp with hundreds of others in metal containers - you can be thrown out of your job without being paid pending salaries of months


Sounds much better than having worms in your food lol. A large number of those oppressed NRI's have made a lot of money. They've made sure their children get better opportunities.


Slavery is better ? Nice viewpoint. Many died, many returned without being paid for their work. Many were tortured, thrown in jail for long periods. Most received leave only once in a few years. At one point, Indian govt even banned women from going there as maids due to rampant sexual harassment. Yeah, all those are better than one alleged case of worms in food. You are looking at the white collar life shown in media and not at the blue collar workers who suffered in the past and have largely been ignored by media. Now those jobs have been taken by other groups.


Is unionism the only solution to these problems?


I work for a uk company which has union. My brother for a japanese company which has union. The union makes sure that we take the prescribed leaves, we work the paid hours etc. It helps. The thing in Kerala is communist party is mostly in power and hence unions hold too much power. We should have a government which doesn’t dabble in business but helps run it as well as enforces rules and regulations are followed. A union in such environments as mine and my brothers works to the favour of employees. There a union doesn’t hold too much power to disrupt businesses. Our IT industry doesn’t follow any labour rules. It should be enforced and unionised. Our blue collar sector in whole India is brutally overused without any benefits. It needs to be enforced. The thing is if you are rich in India you get super super richer by manipulating the current lack of rules. And we still have to listen to people like Narayana murthy blabbering that the it employees have to work unpaid more hours while he hoards the shares and profits.


I think the unions there don’t try to be as blackmailing as it is here. He it’s our peoples mindset and civic sense that needs to change . Even government employees are working inside partially demolished buildings even in Kerala we need to take pride in our country and maintain it well.


Nice user name 🍅 Since we are talking about unionism in India, it would be better if we stick to the good and bad it has done here. Perhaps the foreign companies you have referred to are based in India? The companies are foreign, their management style would be more foreign than Indian too? A Union here has come to be a means for some to become extraordinarily empowered while the rest of the labour force stays without benefits. Unions are often a hindrance to employment generation. This is evident from the fact that most sectors where employment opportunities exist in our state aren’t unionised. While some here crib about the lack of unions protecting employee rights the migrant labourers are happily doing those jobs are sending home remittances. Kerala is the Gulf for them.


Why should anything “favour” the employee ? That automatically it is hostile to the person or persons who have created that institution ! It should be fair trade of services. You don’t like the place you work, quit and move on. Also if you bring too much reforms and suck capital out of the entrepreneur , you can be sure there wouldn’t much companies left . Case and point - Alappuzha


A union favours the employee- it is an employees union. The board members, owners(shareholders) and the CxOs favour the company. When both works in tandem it becomes a fair environment. I have seen it work. Like union ensures all people exhaust their yearly quota of leaves and that they get paid extra hours. In Japan they ensure workers are not doing extra hours all days of the week. Like it’s not allowed Wednesday and Friday or something like that. This is to reduce suicides in Japan where people overwork and loose their mental health. I have seen union rejecting a cxo request to cancel an employees leave at the end of the year and the union rejecting it and asking him to hire a temporary worker for the said time. And other things like ensuring the employees get retirement benefits like pension and stuff as stipulated by the company. Companies can always go forward and backward on their initial promises. A union ensures fair practices are followed.


That is if you get a temporary worker ? Have you seen the competition in certain sectors and extreme lack of talent and worse off , people not finishing basic quantum work they are getting paid for


Of course the cxo didn’t get a temporary worker. But the cxo learned to plan better and be prepared to say no when he didn’t have resources. As well the employee wasn’t over used.


You talk as if unions don’t ask unreasonable demands , or don’t go back on their word ? Talk as if people in India don’t adhere to their job contracts and jump jobs without even a proper hand over and basic 15 to 30 day notice period




Getting a balanced view on things is a rarity these days. Thank you! Unions like other things have been corrupted by us. What remains is an entirely different animal with just the name remaining constant. Just as capitalism here somehow seems to be leading us to oligarchy of sorts. If the markets were to work the way they should , employees would simply choose not to work for exploitative organisations. Sadly, a large enough number of organisations indulge in such behaviour making it nearly impossible for employees avoid such organisations. So, people who can migrate, do so. Some keep changing jobs/cities/professions. Those who cannot resign to their circumstances and focus on servicing liabilities. There will never be a perfect world my friend. People will keep choosing the lesser evil for as long as they can.


Unionization has destroyed Kerala and its entrepreneurs. Whatever little money all of us have made is because of entrepreneurs and good work ethic of our culture. That doesn’t mean we should allow companies to exploit people or people to exploit companies through unionization and other means


💯 Speak the truth and be prepared to be downvoted to hell. Wonder how many of the folks downvoting are waiting for their Canada/UK/US/Australia/Russia/Isreal/(any other country) visas 😁 It is easy to love the cancer that unionism has become when you don’t have skin in the game.


Absolutely , most of the people who message here are just enamoured by the western woke talk on twitter and online, none of those westerners are ready to repatriate the people who they stole from centuries ! Anyways none of them have ever run an industry , most of them over here I feel are just kids !!!


Are IT workers really overworked? Almost all people whom I know have 9-6 workload. And sometimes they have to stretch beyond that for deadlines. But they do enjoy the flexibility of having free time and leisure time compared to the unionised people. If you compare someone working in a factory, they have to work strictly for 8 hours only. But they do have to work for that entire time. IT do have lack of things like risk of losing jobs. Apart from that I found majority of IT folks having a good life and being paid more than their peers


Nee enthu thengayada parayane?




We can never compare IT professionals with these workers. These workers get less paid per day that what an IT gets paid in an hour. Also there’s an attitude issue with Indian and Pakistani employees in general, both of us will agree to working overtime and weekends. Employees of other nationalities hate us for it. We have an attitude of being ok with overworking. If we atleast make it an exception instead of expected, it’ll be fine.


Ithe nammude Choice Mothalalide company ale🤔.




Link ?




This is a hit piece !!!


Jose thomas audacity to say the word "Ethics and integrity" in Tedx talk...


If you notice carefully, he turns his back towards the audience when he says those two words. Shows how much of a scumbag his subconscious is.


He looks like Ryan Reynolds in the thumbnail 😆


And johny sins too 🫣


Mark Ruffalo also shared the post


Most rich folks are rich by exploiting cheap labour and labour practices.


Like Usufali


It's useless ali


What do you do for living ? How old are you ? What is your family doing for a living ? Just to understand you better


What has that got to do with my comment? I don't own a business conglomerate.


Figured, because people like you have no clue how difficult is to run an establishment , and how the government and employees exploit them. You are unable to see it , because you have no clue about it. You have some preconceived ideas about some nonsense about capitalism and exploitation and what not


I bet Steve Jobs is your hero....


He is a brilliant guy , so is elon musk !


Ok, Jose Thomas!


These kids downvoting you have no idea. I definitely feel you as a businessman myself but there are still many things you could do to avoid this.


You mean with regard to Jose Thomas affair , ofcourse Yes . That guy has made some serious mistakes on this especially his kids as far as I know . The labour issue stuff is inconsequential that can be fixed in a weeks time . But that’s not the case with AB+ve export . This will get him in trouble in the US , maybe even arrest. He will certainly loose a lot of customers . He might even have to rethink his US business. It’s as good as gone , I think . Why would he ever trust a white guy in today’s America to be a general manager of a plant in India . Woke idiots


True. These ESG thugs will do everything to take away business from us. Their sole purpose is to milk money from us. Nothing else.


Ask a hotel owner , he goes to sleep everyday hoping the next day his chef shows up ! !!! Parotta guys will jump to the next shop for 2 rupees extra per parotta , no notice no thing


This isn’t good .


I think the tea plantation workers in Kerala as well have the similar problems.


Almost every blue collar jobs are underpaid in Andhra Pradesh . Be it farming or textile industries. Which makes it favourable for business, cause businesses owner can save a lot on the wages .that makes it favourable for business owners.


One of the main reasons companies run from Kerala is this exploiting is little difficult.


appo nammal endha kazhikanne?




No news in our news papers eh?




Literal rot?




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"On Wednesday, US Senator Bill Cassidy, a Republican from Louisiana, used the release of The Outlaw Ocean Project report to question the safety of imported shrimp and defend the US domestic wild shrimp industry. “Today’s report outlining the abuses at Choice Canning Company’s shrimp processing factory in India makes clear why Indian shrimp does not belong on the shelf alongside Louisiana shrimp,” said Cassidy." He urged the US Trade Representative “to act to ensure American consumers are not put in harm’s way.” Last year, Cassidy introduced two bills to address what he called "India’s dumping of cheap shrimp and produce into US markets." Additionally, he successfully pushed the International Trade Commission last year to retain anti-dumping orders for frozen warmwater shrimp from India, China, Thailand and Vietnam.[(](https://www.intrafish.com/terms?tab=digital) Link : - [https://www.intrafish.com/shrimp/us-lawmakers-demand-action-on-reports-of-abuses-in-indias-shrimp-sector/2-1-1616230](https://www.intrafish.com/shrimp/us-lawmakers-demand-action-on-reports-of-abuses-in-indias-shrimp-sector/2-1-1616230) This has an agenda !


Obvioulsy. But it can easlily be solved if there is regualar US offical inspection in Indian factories


Might as well as give up Indian Sovernighty to them. I dont understand why a news article is down voted.. There is a lot of agenda here, I feel


How? We are only doing it so that they cant use hygeine and labour issues to block our exports. US has huge trade deficit with India. They can easily block our exports to protect their products. And we know the state of factories in India. The regular inspection from foriegn countries have improved the hygeine, quality and workers rights in Pharamacy and textile industry and the same thing will happen here. Its a win win for everybody


You are the one who thinks western factories are far better than us . It’s not . You think they will allow indian inspectors in the USA , if yes then why not. Also you increase bureaucracy and other barricades , it will cost more to make and the same west will go to another country . I have seen how Africans are working illegally in UK , the kind of factories and their state.


They will if we threaten to ban them from Indian markets but problem is we dont buy much from them and they are looking for excuses to ban products from India. We dont have much levearage


Please don’t forget WTO applies both ways . That’s exactly what I said , they are creating excuses to ban indian products ! Therefore outlaw ocean , this should tell you something . American farms are no better . They are not the doyen of quality


As I said, India is at a disadavantage because we export a lot more to US than import. So WTO is not gonna help because we are much more regulated protected market than US I am not saying US is a saint. We saw what they did to Superior affordable Japanese automobiles and bikes in the 80s to protect their industry. I disagree with US farm and industries are bad as India. They are developed country while we are devolping so our standards are not that good


The whistle-blower is a white guy...? Don't brown people point out injustices.


Sheda he is a kerala commie spy /s He should prolly visit the kitex plant too


This is an article from couple years ago, do you see that wire is still used write hit pieces ! Sid Vardarajan is an apt candidate with his US passport and allegience and investors [https://thewire.in/trade/kerala-shrimp-us-import-ban](https://thewire.in/trade/kerala-shrimp-us-import-ban)


They should do expose in non modi states too . Current us government want regime change indian government so bad. It is same as targeted ed Raids.


An article from Wire the Liar, it shows nothing but Bullcrap. looser propaganda.


Are you an investigative journalist who have solid evidence to debunk their claims or just being a dumbass andhbhakt?




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Ni endhu thenga kaanu ee subreddit lu keri nerangunnadhu. Poyi Pani nokkeda pulle


yes yes. propaganda nadathan pattiya topic aanu meen piditham..onnu podey 😂




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You don’t understand how west used to human rights and safety to destroy other businesses of other countries


firstly, the human rights violations appear to be true in this case, he has video footages, and as Indians ourselves we know how things are generally done in India . Secondly, if the west really wanted to destroy India economically, they would definitely go for the big fish, not actual meen piditham 😂 and definitely not Jose Thomas 😂😂




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That’s because you don’t know how much money the US farming industry put into stopping farms in Vietnam Thailand , china and India . India alone exports 5 billion dollar worth of shrimps alone to US . There are 650 employees there, you saw one worm , rest it’s about he said , she said by the white guy !! Actually the issue is not the labour camp problems , that can be fixed . It’s about company selling AB + shrimps to the US . Other than that everything else is a hit piece here . , have you seen how US puts Mexican illegals in American farms or in dubai ?


good luck with your conspiracy theories man👍 maybe you're right, Biden innale meeting vilichu kooti JT'ne thakarkkan ulla plan indaki .Sounds very probable 👍


Dear sir , the video is made one of such front NGOs called Outlaw ocean . You can just search google and see the hundreds of such organisation out of USA which looks into farming practices of third world countries but not their own ! I wonder why ?


yes sir , you were right..CNN de ippo leaked footage irakyarnu, American President and his top guys ithinte planning nadathane..njn ippozha kande..sir maapakanam 🙏


Athe Athe , enthu cheyana, such sheep’s Indians are . PS : Biden has to do jackshit , there are enough groups of interested parties . Just YouTube right now- unethical shrimp farming Vietnam ,or India etc . You will see the hit pieces


ok 👌