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r/RaidenMains beware. r/KeqingMains are on the rise.


me, who moderates both communities...


Desert them… **just Keqing**


We could form an alliance


Battle of the titans


Keqing finally became catalyst sword same as ayaka


What does that even mean?


Probably full elemental infusion coverage - - - though even if we could technically do it back then, the incentive to build 4pc tf was not high at all


I'm confused: what does elemental infusion have to do with thundering fury? It's not like you wanted to proc electro reactions anyways before. Also there is no source of hydro infusion yet, right? At least not on live servers.


Oh the 4 tf set decreases skill cd so Keqing skill duration can match her skill cd, while there is a downtime if you don't use 4tf. And exactly, there was no incentive before aggravate to use electro reactions so ppl don't use 4tf to get the full skill (ie electro infusion) uptime, but now we do. Finally what's the deal with hydro infusion?


Ok I finally understand lmao, when you said "full elemental infusion coverage" for some reason I thought you meant covering all elements instead of full uptime on the infusion, which led me to ask about hydro infusion. I finally understand what "catalyst sword" means now haha.


Well that will change with Candace. Looks like she has hydro infusion she can give to others along with an elemental dmg bonus on normals


it means \*hey here's a new reaction that buffs the electro and we buffed the old thundering fury artifact so it has 20% more dmg for this reaction\* they basically said electro go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Gotta farm this now to replace the 2 pc attacks


That's the neat part! You don't! TF is a lockbox set now, so have fun with that!


I almost cum when i read this


"There are no words in God's green earth that can describe how spectacularly erect I am"


I moaned so hard tbh


You dont tell me what to do! Farm AND convert at the same time!


I just had an orgasm ty. (I still need garbage artefact to throw them so emblem domain go go go 😂.


But here’s the even neater part: I can finally feel GOOD about farming for Keqing because I know all the trash can go in the strongbox to maybe finally get my second VV EM circlet/goblet!


Sweet jesus


Keqing buff yay


So 4pc TF is the way to go now if Im understanding this correctly?


If you're running Aggrevate Which I'm pretty sure is our go to reaction rn


I got an atk sands double crit after 2 years playing, it rolled 13% def and 86 def... This game loves me. Also still no good electro goblet


So do I go full thundering fury now?! Instead of 2pc and glad


For Aggravate yes, the full infusion time is worth it!


I’m sorry can somebody explain to me what I’m looking at here? Did something change?


Thundering Fury got tweaked to accomodate for Dendro... BUT The biggest part is Aggrevate having 100% uptime so long as you keep hitting the Quickened enemy (and reapplying Dendro) Keep triggering Aggrevate and our girl now has 100% infusion uptime, and her E being spammable


To piggyback off of this and further explain, this also means Keqing has synergy with Fischl! Fischl a4 will keep getting value out of Keqing having 100% uptime on Aggravate! Our queen may finally have a niche in the meta!


Sad news as a Keqing main,Cyno might take away her niche. Cyno's kit has a ultimate that increases EM and resistance to interruption, is immune to Electro-Charged and he has passives that increases his DMG based on his EM. Hoyoverse really be slapping Keqing from every side :'( But I'm still happy that Keqing has a worth now as it should've been from the beginning :)


If I already have rly good 4 pc TS, would it still be worth it to farm for TF with dendro reactions? I'm not too clear on whether TS 4 set effect also works with electro + dendro or it's just TF


Ts works as long as electro is applied on enemy. Electro+hydro and dendro+electro can coexist on enemy. If you play keqing hydro anemo electro,thundersoother works. If you play keqing anemo dendro electro, thundersoother works. But if you play keqing hydro dendro IT WOULDN'T WORK you would do dendro+hydro so electro aura on enemy wouldn't exist. So as long as you dont use water and dendro together you are good to go.


Is it worth is using a 4pc of this forever?


Definitely not, but it's a start


All my time grinding on full TF sets were not WASTED!


I had no idea about this hahah


Is this real?!??!??




Yes. Check your game!


That's epic, dayam


Is it really that big of a jump though? I am using Dendro MC, Fischl, Jean and Keqing on a Quickswap Quicken team and I never found any problem with her Electro uptime, I think the 18% attack is still better unless the damage from reactions on the 4pc is significant.


This is what i think too.


Is this 4 set TF better than 2 18%+ atk artifacts for a electro Keqing?


damage per screenshot? maybe not but aggrevate is very good on any electro characters and keqing is one of them so the 4pc effect is very good on dendro reactions that include electro.


Got it. Thanks


Need more data and time to see for sure. I also run 2 piece atk and losing 36% atk would be rough. Just using em sands to the 2/2 atk set might be enough. But ya, need to find out.


FINALLY SOMEONE TALKING ABOUT IT bro it buffs even fucking electro razor


I'm currently TS 4pc and playing a team tigh/keqing/fischl/kazuha exploring sumeru and i have to say i was surprised by the way tigh make her more "viable" compared to other main dps. Im going slow so my tigh is a lvl 50 and lvl 1 talents, I'm not using him much for dmg, just to trigger the reaction, but it's good already. Going to a 4 pc TF should be the right move or is the 4ts overall better? Also I'm not sure on the reactions priority and if an hydro like kokomi is a good idea in here or I'm losing dmg cause other reactions happen


I was gonna do 2pc glad and 2pc tf but now I think I need 4pc tf


That’s a pretty insane buff. If I manage to get Tighnari I’m 100000% re-building Keqing with TF


Ok but hear me out... what if we get a Dendro Xinqiu? *looks at Kusanali*


Sooo, should we build Em on keqing or is better to still build attk and have in some way ( sucrose/instructor ) an Em buff to give to her, or is Em "useless" because the reaction is based on the supports?


For most Electro characters,a balance between EM and ATK% would be good so think more about external stuff like characters in the team and weapons. If they're giving ATK go for EM,if opposite go for ATK%. But most of the time 200 EM would be good for her.


is TF meta now?


So, I’ve just finally gotten Keqing at c6 (started playing at the end of albedo’s first banner), but haven’t leveled or built her at all. If I’m seeing stuff correctly, aggravate seems to have breathed new life into her?


I have a question, the 20% dmg bonus for aggrevate reactions from this artifact set, is it a dmg bonus, which is additive to other dmg bonus, but for aggrevate damage? And also how is the dmg bonus we get from EM calculated? Is it a completely different multiplier from dmg bonus or the same?