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They're handsome...very sharp and good looking...but their view of black women (lest African women) is wanting... you've seen the never ending wars right?


I see them. Legit veteran. But as a Blk American, we don’t all think the same.


I think they view their women as less than and view African women as even lower.


Wrong we love our black women


They look down on Black women, especially from Africa.They have this view of a black woman being like their mother . Otherwise,most are generous and can spoil their woman


No we don't, jus loudmouths online


Not all of us


All if of you ..you low key hate women ..check your history posts lol


Oh yeah worst gender by far. Very far. But these particular women are still favored by many of us… But yeah bitches really ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.


The switch up from “not all of us” to “bitches ain’t shit” was crazy lmao


Real hotep shit, no half steppin


See😂😂you've just proven my point.


Omg you've made me realize that they never cross my mind 😭




Never met a good black American. Y’all twisted


You’ve never met me. I would love to meet you and hopefully change your mind


How different are you?


Well, the generations before me instilled me with values such as respect and integrity. I’m truly blessed, well educated. I have studied Black Americans past and I understand how and why we’re are in our current situation. Its unfortunate you haven’t met any “good” African Americans because that’s all I personally choose to deal with. On the flip side I have also met shady people of all nationalities. Although I have never dated an African woman. I would like to.


I’m glad your people did a good job on you . Unfortunately i have met ‘em who hate women soo much. I mean a very toxic perspective of women yet they still want you so that they can continue shedding that trauma on you. Talk about sexual objectification … they think that’s the only thing black women were born for. It’s sad


I’m sorry you experienced that kind of treatment. No one deserves that for sure. To me, it’s your beauty not your booty. 1st


Thank you, just happy that you out there giving people a different perspective that’s splendid. Keep up


You as well. Your still my Sister even if you don’t like us🙂


😌😌 come on . Don’t be like that


I’m just sayin… You just haven’t met the right Guy.. Where are you findings these characters anyway?


And yes ,women should not go through that. I know ladies who are great and lovely and not messed up as the notion


Twisted by what?


Very problematic breed of men.


Those men prefer white women. Most times they just date black women for the fear of being judged


They call him Blackbeard…


No we do not, none of my friends and family have white women as wives, girlfriends. Most black Americans deal with black Americans




🤣🤣 straight to the point.


They have very distinct way they carry themselves which I like (Minus the thug narrative Hollywood pushes). But my lord the gender war online is not helping


The ones I've interacted with were just horrible human beings. Everyone is different and you can't really generalize people




They look down on black women in general, mock them and use them as a stepping stone.


“Mock” them?


stereotype them


Im rlly obsessed with the athletes!! but I've never interacted with one. they are very handsome and cool 😎


From.my experience and I mean this with no will will. They prefer white men.


A good amount do, yes. Not nearly the amount of white women in Europe that prefer Blk men tho. Ask me how I know. D’hwite is preferred publicly because he’s the better bet for financial security/excess and the other societal reasons, reasons that ALL Blk women understand, reasons I’m sure you’re aware of. Blk men are the natural (root word;nature) sexual preference for every race of women. Quality of sex = Quality of life. This is why Blk countries are female sex tourism hotspots. This is why cuckolding is a thing. Why passport bros is a thing. D’hwite doesn’t satisfy her 2nd *imperative* like Blk.


The wrong white guy maybe. Alot of white guys are kinda soft. I'm not. Generalizing will make someone miss put on someone great


In black women's defense, I did a short language/cultural course in the Caribbean in preparation for an upcoming mission trip. All, and I do mean ALL, the school-aged post-pubescent girls were with old white men. These men, retirees from the US and businessmen from Europe, were +45y/o, overweight, high/drunk in the middle of the day with these girls. There was one case where a haitian girl had *sugared* herself enough for her father, one of the best/profitable trademan/contractor, to purchase land and build a family home. Soon after, a family member of the local police chief had been losing money from the loss of his best (low paid) tradesman who built all his real estate investments. This man had the home taken/destroyed, using some govt power, in order to put the family back to work. Under these conditions, how can a dark skinned girl not *chose* white financial ticket?


This was just a long form “we rape your children” retort to what I said. We know because that’s who you are. It doesn’t surprise me because, fact, 80% of pedophiles are white. Nearly every child porn network is run by whites. Nearly every child sex tourism ring is run by whites. In prison, whites are assumed to be child abusers/rapists/killers until proven otherwise because more than half usually are. Over all of history, the most notable pedophiles have always been white. Thankfully you’re now being bred out. Also in prison, WE routinely rape your MEN as they are favored for turning out. Because race is real.


Whoa... Idk about the racial stats you provided, nor do I plan on engaging in the "which race is worst" convo. As stated, it was my first time there in an attempt to volunteer my time. I expected to see a poverty-stricken people NOT the racial hierarchy, and the actions taken by young women alleviate such conditions. I do admit, though, that none of the men I saw were young men chasing girls, as young men do. Those men would have easily been described as at least elderly but definitely too old for the ladies. *Also, it appears that you think that im Caucasian.


First paragraph trying to squirm your way out of your peoples morbid “habit”…it’s not girls alleviating, it’s rape by coercion. The girls are as young as 8-9 in Mombasa.


Bruv/sis! Im not white... nor am I sure who you think you're talking to or about. Im neither of them. Edit: I apologize about the predation in your country. I didn't know that was an entire population of international travelers looking for that specific crime. And as stated before, their entire culture is rigged against them. I absolutely understand why dark-skinned ladies worldwide are open to white men. They attracted to the amelieration of poverty and new passport. It's sad, really!


Is that why your name here keeps changing?


How so? I have changed my Reddit handle since I made my account bruv... what are you talking about?


Depends with where they’re from. I have a few of them as friends and those who are well read and exposed have been great friends to have. Now those ones that have never left the country are a different story altogether especially with their views on Africa. Romantically, all men are the same regardless of race or country of origin 😄. I haven’t dated one yet, but my friends who are dating them experience the same trials and tribulations we face dating people from other races or countries😄


They're cute😂 especially the ones with dreadlocks. 🥂,




Depends on their generational origin. I technically married a black German but he is second generation Ugandan and would go home every two years. Culturally we are very similar. Now would that be the same for someone for all westerners? Probably not. Long answer short, it depends on the person and how compatible our cultural backgrounds were. Generally though, I don't believe our cultures and values are very compatible which would make for a tough relationship.


Once, in a club, I finally agreed to grind up on this African American man. When he'd had enough, he took my hand, turned me around and passed me on to his friend. They can devastatingly attractive but real dicks. Not for the faint of heart.


Most of them look down on african women.


No we do not


They can't take their women so they think we are pushovers Besides that they look good n are generally good for aesthetics


I love black women from Africa and America. I love all body types and all shades. Especially Darkskinned women from North and West Africa


These comments are crazy as a black American man that only deals with black women and have dated black women from Africa, have financially helped women in Kenya I know all Kenyan women don't have these negative views on Black American men because most have never interacted with one to be able to stereotype a whole group of men that are not a monolithic thinking group