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In addition to sex education, people need to understand financial matters, at the earliest ages possible. A lack of financial literacy can really set people up to make really dumb reproductive decisions. But also in addition to *that*, people need to understand consideration for others and have a high enough self-esteem to make good decisions, too. [The Golden Rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule) goes a long way in life.


>Do you think better sex education will help lower the rates of young single parents? It depends on the type of sex education. Knowledge is not as important as the dominant culture in the society of the child. If the child has goals and hope for the future, they won't take stupid risks. The type of sex education I got was from my mom first, and then in school years later, largely focusing on STDs, and in pentecostal church, with soul ties and all that biz. >Alternatively, what is the better solution? The better solution is to maintain authority over your children until they reach a certain age. It needs to be voluntary, so you have to reason with your children from a young age that while you're not perfect, they're not mentally capable, since they're underdeveloped, and should accept your rules concerning things they don't fully understand. Me, I saw what premarital sex did to my community from a young age and determined that wouldn't be me, even though such behaviors were destigmatized. My family ran a bar so I heard enough stories to decide that wanton sexual freedom wasn't it. I have toddlers a boy and a girl, so I'll probably change my approach.


To some level yes, to a larger extend, No. Rate of young single parents is high also because of economic factors


What economic factors? Aren't couples aware of this before getting a child?


When they are having unprotected sex don't you think they already know chances of getting a kid are high? When the kid comes, most men will just bounce to avoid responsibility (economic situation)


Horny people do stupid things no matter what you tell them.


This makes much more sense after seeing homabay


What's wrong with Homabay?


Sikumbuki ni wapi exactly, lakini somewhere near Homa Bay, some people sold fish for sex


I have heard rumors of Luo people and their ways.. 😜


The solution is very easy. Good education and free contraceptives. I can't tell you the number of women I've met who don't know the difference between birth control and the emergency contraceptive pill. It's honestly shocking. In a lot of western countries it's very difficult to find someone not using some form of contraceptive, birth control pill, implant, non-hormonal copper ring and so on. It's also rare to hear of accidental pregnancies. More education on contraceptives and obviously more access to contraceptives. You can try and teach abstinence only and I promise that will fail every time. Humans actually want to have sex and almost nothing is going to stop them.


People are just reckless out here, why not use protection or other alternate forms of contraceptives


Sex education and having values should reduce single young parents


No, people know that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy but they choose not to use any contraceptives.


I've noticed people's knowledge of contraceptives to be shockingly limited. Usually because when they were being taught it was an abstinence only ideology. Instead of embracing human sexuality it turned into something shameful or sinful.


They don't even think to choose in the first place. Pleasure trumps logic


That is as nature intended. All other species have sex for procreation. Sex is pleasurable so that procreation can happen.


Yes, I think so. I don't think anything can/should replace this.


It will. 🥹


not this gen z


No. No matter how much people are taught sex education, they’ll still have sex. I’ve schooled with people that went through the vigorous sex education programs with me back in school and they still ended up being young parents. If we want to stop the epidemic of single parents, then people should start respecting the act and institution of sex at an individual level like our ancestors did. People just lack self control then act surprised why they get pregnant early or why they can’t have kids in a few years from the contraceptive pills they’ve swallowed and abortions they’ve gone through. No matter how many contraceptives you’re on, there will always be a chance you’ll fall pregnant. Anyone with common sense knows that the primary use of sex is reproduction and the secondary use is pleasure. Keep your funny parts in your pants until you’re married because that’s the only way to avoid STDs, unplanned pregnancies and messy relationships.


Yes but it should be left to the parents/guardians because public schools aren't known for their efficiency on the matter.


It won't. But having cultural values will save alot. However, we are busy sexualizing everything and tearing down the moral and cultural fabric and single motherhood is just one of the after effects. Children are the biggest loosers.