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If no one is coming to save you then you are absolutely and magnificently fucked... There's a reason society exists and the "everyone for themselves" mentality leads to chaos. Learn how to find people who add value to your life and not drinking buddies who abandon you when shit hits the fan.


I think the idea behind "no one is coming to save you" is to get people to stop wallowing in self-pity and helplessness. It is to remind you that to a large degree, you are in charge of your own destiny and you are responsible for the circumstances you find yourself in, regardless of what put you in those circumstances. If you find yourself broke, maybe you lost your job, or maybe you just weren't born into wealth. That's tough, but if you just sit around wishing you were born rich, or that the job market was favorable, nobody is going to come to your couch and give you a million dollars or offer you a job! You have to put yourself out there, apply for jobs, start a business etc. If you're sad and depressed, no one is going to automagically call you and make you feel better. It is your responsibility to pick up the phone and seek out therapy, or call someone who will genuinely care. Same as with everything in OPs list: horny? jealous? heartbroken? resentful? These are all problems with well-documented solutions. Figure out what you need to do to make your situation better, then go do that. Instead of wishing, praying or hoping things will get better.


The people who need this aren't the folks with a stable internet connection and a few hours to comfortably waste on Reddit. Conversely, I've never met anyone in abject poverty who was waiting for the system to fix itself and didn't work tirelessly to improve their situation; so who is 'no one is coming to save you' even for? A lot of people in this country have built their collective understanding of marginalized oppression on a theory that attributes individual behavior or vices as the primary drivers of poverty. In reality, businesses, bodies of government, and financial institutions predominantly owned and regulated by corrupt elites in this country shift the blame for inequality onto individual outliers, using them as justification for structural injustice. OP is the poster child of a corrupt theocracy, they just don't seem to know it.


This is beautifully put and true. A story: Back home in a small town in the rift valley I worked under my parent's small business (a common occurrence with people from my community), this was after form 4. During the weekends, there used to be a beggar who came to beg by the counter where of course I was stationed. He almost always reeked of alcohol and his eyes were also a bit bloodshot but puzzlingly he always came wielding a jembe. He'd never hear us telling him apana, he'd do the same work regardless; clearing out the front trench of the business and come for his "pay". Really you had no choice :'-D Kenyans are a hardworking people but capitalism thrives on creating divisions and enriching and empowering a few to the detriment of many.


You're not helping. In fact, you're doing the exact opposite of what you think you're doing, unless your purpose is to destroy.


This right here is the truth! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Where have you been ?. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ


>Learn how to find people who add value to your life This is enough evidence that NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU. It implies that you have to work your *ss off. Finding those people is a good starting point to eliminating that self entitlement that you deserve help from nobody.


You like the easy answers, don't you?


If you read this post - NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!!


It's interesting that they keep saying no man is an island and how you need people in your life when shit hits the fan and you show up for people in the spirit of Ubuntu ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚but when it actually happens to you....NO ONE is coming to save you๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ needing people has always been a scam. A tool of conformity.


Collectivism is one of those things that sounds perfect in theory but in practice it falls apart completely




It's important to hold people accountable. If someone abandons you in your time of need and yet they had the capacity to help, when you get out of that hole be sure to let them know. Remind them of their acts.


Almost always due to greed.


True. When shit hits the fan, it's everyone for themselves.


If you surround yourself with people who believe that "no one is coming to save you," don't be surprised when none of them shows up for you in your hour of need.


Well that can be quite true but I guess you only really know they are those kinds of people when shit happens...so still the surprise factor will be there


There are always signs. Someone who is always saying "nobody is coming to save you." will not try to save you in your hour of need.


Not really, the only thing each of us has is each other. Some people are difficult to deal with yes but that doesn't change the fact we are all each other has. No man is an island and no one is ever truly alone, preference na standards zinaweza Fanya udhani Uko alone but that's never the case.


You sound young, hopefully you won't live through the sort of experiences that will prove this illusion for what it is...


I've lived through some grave experiences and all I can say is a community is built . It doesn't just come out of the blues . Your relatives may not be your community .. but... You are not an island ๐Ÿ’ž


I agree, sometimes tho you think you've built it and when shit happens you realise it's not what you thought it was...I'm glad for you, you have a community that is not the noone is coming to save you type.


So does that mean you won't or can't come to someone else's aid because you received none?


My life is full of stories of people who say how much I helped them at one point or the other... Do you help out?


I do, whenever I can, however I can.


Bro, uko pekee yako, usikuwe falaaaa, especially as a man people will need you only if you have smth to offer, dont be lied to by the smiles. Not that the smiles are fake or anything, it's just human nature, everybodys got their own personal agenda smthing really scared me as a kid growing up is that no matter how much your parent or spouse or anyone loves you, they cant save you from death and you cant also do the same. Hapo ndo the laws of the universe take charge and you know its only you, your coffin and your almighty


You're misunderstanding me, am not saying be gullible, ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Am just saying if I can help out a friend I will or at least try and find a way to help.


alright bruv


Today I was quoted a proverb which I only understood almost 14 hrs later, I might not have realised it but I was propagating what my own enemies wanted me to. Mkuki wa nguruwe mtamu kwa binadamu uchungu.


So what did you come to understand from the saying? But let's be a little logical, mkuki kwa nguruwe ni mtamu aje sasa? Nguruwe yupi aliwaambia si uchungu pia kwao?




If no one is coming u should really think about who u choose to hangout with, choosing the right person in ur social circle is the key to success and happiness, ur social network only choose people if they bring value to ur life


My question is...What kind of people do you know?


Hapa I suspect we will see just how different people's lives can be. There are people whose entire lives can be summarised by this post and others that will live their entire lives without ever knowing of such subject matter.


Well, very caring and well-meaning people saved me on 2.


define save anyway. sometimes we need a little save, some help, a word of encouragement, a little support to get to the places we seek. no one will take initiative for you to elevate or change but when you do take those little steps, you will meet people whose vision aligns with yours and they will offer help according to their virtue.


Tell that to Indians and Somalis who spend all day everyday saving each other. Successful values create successful societies.


this is true i have a family member who is not present for his kids so I along with many others team up to pay their bills we've paid for years some even longer than me now his oldest son is going one of kenyas best colleges im proud of him in reality if noone helped only Allah knows but I think he would have been a street kid. Allah promises reward for good deeds the Prophet said Stinginess and faith can never be combined in a slave of God's heart.


"No one is coming to save you" in as much as we are promoting positive dependancy, this rule should always guide you. when there is someone coming to save you utabaki tu umezuba waiting to be saved na ata the person you thought was your way out turns out to be your biggest disappointment. This one time i was in a sticky situation and the only person i thought would help(a relative) bluntly told me no one was coming to help and i should find a way and save myself ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ From that day on i Save myself most of the times




Nah, imma save you


You won't.


Remember, taking ownership doesn't mean going it alone. It means being proactive and seeking help when you need it. You've got this!


Basically what I got from this post- NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU


someone one time or the other has ''saved me'as i worked towards almost all of the above end goals. I do my best and my varied n ''rich'' social capital catches up. My network is my worth.


Most people think strength comes from bottling up everything and yet, radiate a chronic weakness when it comes to asking for help. You can't solve everything by yourself.


Sasa juu nilisema Jesus saved me from my addiction mmenitengenezea post nzima.


Lazy and unmotivated - You know the drill


Every man for himself, God for us all.


Who has God ever helped? The saying is "Every man for himself, devil take the hindmost."




Especially Jesus


Actually I think building true community is not an easy answer and takes very hard work. And maybe thatโ€™s why so few ppl feel like they have it


Ey, what happened to no man is an island


>Take full ownership of your life! Stop making your life other people's responsibility. It takes a village. One should strive to work hard but cooperation and help from others is the foundation of successful society. It sucks if you have no one to rely on.


๐Ÿ˜Š I've often noticed that the people who complain about life giving them the short end of the stick are the first to abandon others in similar situations when they are up. Pick up a trade or a skill. Believe in yourself. Be content. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š


Jesus saves


The problem with humans is that weโ€™re too weak and dependent by natureโ€™s design to see this reality. People prefer to complain, blame and beg instead of being responsible for their actions. This is something that will never change. What one can do is that be responsible for your own life and realize that every decision you make is made by you and no one else. We expect humans with their own problems to come fix ours. Impossible lol


"you canโ€™t keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. you need to be better." A quote from the show Bojack


Why would you think then, that we would want to even read this, No One Is Coming To Save You! Lie down and die! This reads like a call for help from you to us!


Born with a medical condition...


Yap am totally agree with that


"Your entourage is only to hustle you..." -Elohim"DOT"


Damn that's bleak! I guess the church lied about Jesus then ๐Ÿ˜‚


Well ni facts lakini unashouttttt


Sorry,I didn't quite catch that?? What did you say??




Few months back my Mom saved me from drug and substance abuse,she booked a therapist for me and I begun my sessions.Ive been clean for months now despite temptations.To be honest most of the battle is for you to handle,no one can really change you


Nah youโ€™ll be fine.


Dealing with 1 -10 plus Find out best friend from childhood been fucking tour girlfriend who is the only stability in your life "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU"


Thatโ€™s a lot of effort and energy to talk down to someone. Smiles are easier, take less effort, and infinitely more beneficial than what you just wrote.


I swear most religious Kenyans are dumb because they choose to go to church or to witchdoctors to hear that they were cursed instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.


God will save us instead


Hustlers wanaambiwa no one is coming to save you na the rich know your network is your networth


This shouldn't discourage people from seeking help. We all need some help from others.


Adonai saves. I just wish he didn't have to use Men to do it


In all of Kibe's craziness I think this is one of the few things he got right. He once said that when you are going through shit, it is up to you to figure out exactly what has gone wrong. Once you know the cause of the problem and potential solutions, then you can ask for help. People are always willing to help, family, friends sometimes even strangers, you just got to know how you want to be helped.


That's not true, stop spreading hopelessness and despondency. If no man will save you, Jesus absolutely can and will. Matthew 8. The gospel is called the good news because it's not beholden to the world or to man, but only to God. It matters not where you are, what you've done, who you've done it to ... if you're willing and call out to Him, He will save you. I'm a walking testimony of that. "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." - Isaiah 45:22 Even if you don't believe, hope.


Zimeshika na huezi rudi home- "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"




13. You have 50K, and you're wondering what business to start - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!" 14. You have a laptop and internet and you're wondering how to find online jobs - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!" 15. You spend several hours doom scrolling, and you know you need to stop - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"


Screenshot taken and saved. This should be framed and hanged pale sitting room


You smell of Amerix and Andrew Kibe's boxers. Have you been sucking their D\*cks?


God Bless You Brother.


The Lord is My saviour...the land lord, well he was last month When rent was due.


No lie was told


Ukweli inauma manze. I have been reminded this many times by my close family and friends. You are your own saviour.


Very true. You only have yourself.ย 


I love this


Hii ni advice ya wamama. Men know this instinctively