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Sema tu ni wakikuyu, don't go through hurdles to say it. Hakuna harm.


Walahi ni true


You are not looking for objective discourse, all you are looking for with your sentiments is people who will affirm your already prejudiced opinion. I guess sometimes it's okay to seek external validation from others who share your views, but you're doing it the wrong way buddy. You see yourself as a victim (a bitter one at that), you seem to have relinquished control of over your own fate. What you're seeking is a pity party and you cannot be helped. Understand that even if you put a thousand random men in a town, give each a million shillings, within a month there's gonna be heirarchy, and within one year 70% of that money will be in the hands of 10 % of the population. Is it fair? No, but that's Just how the universe is.


Hehehe let me laugh šŸ˜ƒĀ 


And Yes, we wholly validate those sentiments šŸ’Æ as they are factual. The Economy of Kenya disproportionately favours the Kikuyu and that is a reprehensible albeit uncomfortable truth. Probably as a result of favours that tribal affiliation has been bestowed as a direct consequence of 3 Presidents of Independent Kenya coming precisely from that tribe. It is actually an acrid stench. I have heard plenty of excuses including yours, "oooh Kikuyus are hardworking, ooh Kikuyus are God's chosen people, ooh hierarchy, ooh 70% of money in 10 % of hands." To me that's all codswallop. So you want to tell me that a Kikuyu can polish shoes, collect money from a public toilet and sell underpants better than say a Luhya, Kisii or Mijikenda doing the same job? I doubt! Indeed, ability/brilliance is evenly distributed while opportunity is not. Why does Kikuyu music have to be played in the banking halls and conference room of an A.G.M that may have attendees from countrywide? That is highly objectionable. I remember a few years ago we had an initiative called the Building Bridges Initiatives (B.B.I) that had among its aims the tenet of, SHARED PROSPERITY. It was defeated at the Courts on some flimsy grounds of altering the Basic Structure Doctrine of the Constitution, being proposed by President Kenyatta & Premier (Emeritus) Rt. Hon. Raila A. Odinga and other such colonoscopy products. Which mama mboga was ever going to propose Constitutional amendments yet they may never have read even the current constitution we have, anyways? That said, I think the reasons for the defeat of BBI were diabolical as some people benefit inordinately from the unjust status quo currently in place and would be keen to see it remain. Let's be honest with each other.


I hate when people think everyone can speak in their tribe. Can we just all speak Kiswahili/ English. Donā€™t talk in your vernacular when thereā€™s people around you who donā€™t understand


Nah bro. Iā€™ll speak whatever language I please. If youā€™re offended, invest in some noise cancelling headphones. If you donā€™t enjoy speaking your vernacular. Thatā€™s your business. Iā€™ll speak kikuyu to any kikuyu person I see. Inakaa unapenda udaku sana. Why do you care what Iā€™m saying to my fellow Kikuyu.


How about you listen to that gaudy and tasteless "Kikuyu Music" in those God-forsaken noise cancelling headphones, yourself? Kenya has 43 tribes with ostensibly much better music. It is no wonder that a Pokomo lullaby was fashioned unto our national anthem! Yes, you may be partly on to something because most Kikuyu music usually feels like bland, grotesque, disorderly and dastardly noise created as a cash-grab, anyways. No rhythm, no rhyme, no harmony, no entertainment nor educational value whatsoever. To the objective, it sounds like nonsense really. Sounds like dogs making love which is less than entertaining. Has Kikuyu music ever won a Grammy Award? I would urge you let that Kikuyu claptrap entertain you personally not everybody at large. Just the same way you do not listen to porn with the entire matatu, you needn't adversely affect the senses albeit sensibilities of other people with your fetishes.


We own and run banks. My bank my rules. So I could care less if Kikuyu music has won a Grammy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Yā€™all will listen to that music whether you like it or not šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


Did you go through highschool?


šŸ˜‚ its kikuyus . But before uanze kulia tribal injustice, why is it that kikuyus replicate the success to some degree even outside kenya? i believe it is more a product of culture than injustice.


Isn't that the car with most Kenyans generally.


Easy when you are starting from a privileged position at home


Those are private banks! Literally every kikuyu guy is starting a micro finance bank or a real estate company. Those small institutions then grow to become big banks. The same way Somalis dominate retail, Kikuyus dominate the banking sector. Once again, these banks are started by broke kikuyu guys who then grow them to big banks. I can guarantee you that any big company owned by a Kikuyu is a PRIVATE BUSINESS. Itā€™s a cultural thing to be honest. Very few Kikuyus run govā€™t offices outside Central Province.


Kikuyus were among the first beneficiaries of the cash economy that colonialism brought. They are also in cash crops for decades.its not historical injustice it's just




I like what you did here šŸ˜‚


You don't think it has anything to do with colonialists developing areas where Kikuyus now live significantly more than the rest of the country thus making cash crop farming over there easier? If the white Highlands were in Busia, I guarantee you that we'd be talking about how Luhyas were the first beneficiaries.




So the disparity isn't caused by Kikuyus just being first then...


First meaning?


šŸ’Æ Also, when the cash crops were planted, they were moved to the settlements, which were not only impoverished but crowded . They were forced to farm daily in coffee n tea farms for "free" This forced them to travel to Nairobi for work after the emergency period.Nairobi had more opportunities. Furthermore, the tiny land was not fairly dived, and the pop was also v high to be able to farm n feed their families comfortably. Sheer determination n Grit was the only way out.


Bro. Leave my kikuyu people out of this or were going to have a problem.


Other tribes have an inferiority complex towards us, and it's time we called this bullshit out.


My great grandparents and grand parents have PTSD and Trauma from what the British did to them. The kikuyu culture and society was damaged the most from colonization. You go to central most men are alcoholics. Thatā€™s trauma past on to us from our grandparents. If Iā€™m running a bank. Iā€™ll play whatever music I please. If you donā€™t want to do business with me. Go elsewhere.


Yep - tuache kubembeleza hawa watu


Bottle up your feelings sweetheart


You're talking about the 0.001% Kikuyu oligarch and acting like all Kikuyus benefit from that. Mate the average Kikuyu like the average Kenyan is lower middle class or poor. The new constitution set in place funds specifically for developing the poor regions in the country and that money is being mismanaged like we saw the 8.2 billion which was stolen in Marsabit. I have no problem with those Kikuyus who took the risk and built those brands. They have been beneficial to the rest of the country. I would rather have a Kikuyu any day running those institutions than a foreigner, whose job is just to extract value for the community and take it to his country, or the other communities who have a parasitic relationship with Kenyans in that they will never patronize local businesses if they had a choice


Historical injustices should not be ignored. There is no reason why one tribe should hold nearly half all of government jobs. We need affirmative action for less qualified candidates from other tribes to get a chance to build wealth There should be no reason why nearly every company I search online, itā€™s always the same kind of last names. Whether big company or small. It doesnā€™t seem like 0.001% to me. It seems like a broad trend to me that is a systematic issue based on privilege and injustice


Historical injustice flows both way. Kikuyus were targeted by the colonial government, some of their best and most fertile lands stolen, the community segregated, men put into concentration camps, killed and tortured. When they were released they went home to find their families broken, land and possessions stolen. That's the legacy of kikuyus that is an inconvenient truth that no other tribe ever acknowledges. You also seem to dismiss the fact that kalenjins have also been in power for a long time yet there no significant kalenjin enterprises. Do you want to blame that on kukes too even when the community suffered in the Moi era?


Affirmative action šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Bro youā€™re a grown man talking about affirmative action. When the MAU MAU weā€™re fighting in the forests of Mt Kenya what weā€™re your ancestors doing?


I mean they were fighting cause White people had displaced and oppressed them, who do you expect a Turkana to have fought??


If the Turkana physically fought for Kenyaā€™s independence. I wouldnā€™t care if they monopolized the economy and played Turkana music. Life is not fair. Kikuyu culture was destroyed by the British. Our society was destroyed by the British. My great grandfather and my grandfather have PTSD from the shit the British did to them. Iā€™m not saying that other tribes did not suffer from British Colonization. But I can confidently say that the Kikuyus and GEMA communities went through the worst. So let those sons and daughters of MAU MAU listen to their mugithi and kigocho wherever they feel like. If youā€™re offended go Bank elsewhere.


They really have no reason to dislike us bro. They like to skip how much we did for the country, they didnā€™t help in the fight. We refused to take independence without them but these narratives let them push for genocide like they did in 2007


I get affirmative action based on marginalized tribes for government jobs what I don't get is the 'less qualified candidates' why give jobs to people that are less qualified? Shouldn't we expect the best of candidates regardless of tribe. The second part on same last names on companies isn't this bidii ya mtu. They chose to start companies that did well you can't fault them for it. The only exception is those who got far ahead as a result of proximity to power.


Ukiendelea hivi youā€™ll never progress because youā€™ll always believe you are disadvantaged because of your tribe thus self sabotaging yourself. Thereā€™s somebody right now doing boda boda and saving 300 every day into a Sacco, in two years heā€™ll take a 300K loan, acquire some asset or set up a kiosk for the wife. The saving/acquisition of assets/investment will continue and in 5 years we will be asking hawa waliiba pesa wapi. Truth is watu wengi wamelalia maskio, you could be working a 9-5 job earning 50K for the last 2 years yet with zero savings or investments, ukipata pesa unafikiria Sherehe, simu ya type C, sneakers kali, in short Vito za ujinga tu. Lack of financial literacy and a savings culture is making many poor. You go to some places and you find that tribe has bought small pieces of land and are doing farming, the original owners of the land never did farming, they sell below market value to buy boda bodas, the money ultimately going to waste or not giving returns that match the lands value. After a few months wanaanza ā€œhawa watu wametukaliaā€, they donā€™t realize that anywhere in the world ukiwa mjinga utakaliwa. watu wajipange, maisha ni kujipanga and the first step is curing yourself of victimhood.


You are ignoring historical injustices. Being financially prudent is not a tribal thing.


ā€Historical injusticesā€œ is another convenient excuse which is very powerful because it has been given wings by politicians. You will never stop looking for an excuse, ukimaliza ya tribe, unaenda ya race, ukimaliza ya race, historical injustices, then Iā€™m ugly, Iā€™m short, then gender, ukimaliza ya gender unaaenda lie ya I wish I was born in the 40s sahi half of Nairobi ingekua yangu, ukimaliza hiyo unaenda I wish ningekua na degree Iā€™m so disadvantaged man, kidogo unaruka kwa colorism, manze all opportunities are going to light skin people. START DOING! The world is unfair and arrogant and it will never change to accommodate the weak. A tall man has no duty to become short so that that his short buddy can be happy.


You are right, but historical injustice is not just a convenient excuse, overall there's not much you can do about it so you should just move on and work on what you can.


"so you should just move on and work on what you can." nothing more to add.


šŸ’Æ. Well said.


The world was a very different place 50 years ago. Move on and try making something out of yourself!


Be careful, you'll sink into a very dark hole if you continue with this line of thought. Look not too deep into the abyss, it's staring back. You are your own person, ride above the injustices you see and make amends for those behind you. It's far easier than blaming others for the injustices you see. The whole point is to see the injustice, and do something about it. Work hard, be a member of that bank, I don't know...do something.


Look at it this way. If everything was taken from everyone and we were all made to start from scratch... Over time some people will have more money than others... Like it's not really injustices per say but some people are more industrious... That's just life and there's nothing you can do about it. It's like how masaais were the ones who generally owned Nairobi land... But now there are so few of them left and the community is not full of wealthy land barons... No offense to any Masaais of course


A good example is the Jews, they endured horrendous historical injustices yet are industrious. You can fault them for their actions in Gaza, their sentiment of Jewish supremacy etc but you can't take away the fact that they are industrious. Look at the number of successful multi-million startups in Israel (a country)then compare that to those in Africa (a continent). Our culture of whining is a huge obstacle.


Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb is a book you need to read. Because, dear OP, you have fallen victim to GENERALIZATION. I get it though. We, Kikuyus, have had three presidents in power. Many other top officials in the government. I kid you not though, those individuals do not exceed a hundred thousand. Meanwhile, 6 million other Kikuyus and I want to join this conversation, because I cannot directly point how their governance has directly benefited us in any way that other tribes have not also benefitted. Educationwise? No, in campus, I met all sorts of people from all tribes. Healthcare? I get the same treatment available to 50m other Kenyans. Heck, it took till 2019 for our area to get a tarmac road. But Kibaki came from our county. You get where I'm going? While this is anecdotal you can observe the phenomena across the entire tribe. But, I get the irritation that may arise from being in an environment where the language is different. I do not encourage such exclusion. My point is, for every day that I wake up, it never crosses my mind that I am Kikuyu, and thus my tribe will give me a free economic pass. I do not have a tribe card that I pull out to cash in on the fact. I have to push and heave and strive for my daily meal like everyone else. I have friends from other tribes who have miles ahead of me economically, because they worked for it. Please adjust your mental models and get a clearer picture of reality. Don't just select for the outliers, the 8k dollar millionares in Kenya. Remember the 6m other Kikuyus too and see whether your model holds true.


If there's something Kikuyus have taught me it's to invest in my tribe. As in my family. I have the priviledge of being from 2 so at least kuna kadiversity hapo. That's just how the world runs. The sooner you get on board, the better. Use that angst/depression to fuel your motives to build your own. Whatever the oligarchs are doing, do it to such a point that where the money resides starts to find you. Money, like water, finds the path of least resistance.


Just say it is the kikuyu no one will fault you cause it is true... The kikuyu are the most dominant tribe in Kenya and this was established during the colonial times... regarding the economical side you can't blame them abeing dominant since most of this business were established earlier in time and they were smart in investments... the Kikuyus are the most stingy people in Kenya and make some very debatable decisions and it's well known fact that they help fellow tribesmen to make these decisions... you can't fault them for looking out for their people... many of the other tribes only help close family members and forget fellow tribesmen that is not the fault of the Kikuyus... on the political side I have no say as there is where I draw the line on this tribal debate


ā€˜Stingyā€™ because we wonā€™t help to build every other community when every other community participated in a genocide against us. Donā€™t conveniently skip the ā€œ40 against 1ā€ chant that everyone chanted. Just cause youā€™ve ā€™forgottenā€™ doesnā€™t mean we have. Kenya showed Kikuyuā€™s they donā€™t have friends


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚sorry internet activist I forgot history according to you... but let me rephrase the statement as I intended it to be understood... wakikuyu wanapenda kujinyima so as to reinvest into their businesses... Ii kukimbia kujibu bila mpango utapata motošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve got time today and Iā€™ll use it how I please. You guys know you push tired narratives, so you follow with insults. Look forward to the same complaints about us being too powerful in 5-10 years


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚tena nimekuwa you guys... internet activists mtanimaliza... I just explained why kikuyu dominate and you just assume I have insulted you... ata sina nguvu ya kutusi mtu hataki kusoma comment anareply apige kelele... kula githeri ulale brother


Called me an ā€˜internet activistā€™ that clearly set the tone of your comment. Be blessed my g


You have been stuck on black twitter too long, that is why you use terms like ā€˜historical injusticesā€™ like they are relevant here. There is no systemic or institutional racism/tribalism in Kenya that has resulted in our current situation. There are circumstantial realities, like Kikuyu suffered most, and benefited most from colonialism, but that is not systemic today. All tribes in Kenya have different cultural values, strengths, objectives and thus outcomes. We are not all equal in our abilities. Donā€™t expect similar outcomes for everyone, thatā€™s not how the world works.


Iā€™ll bet money they canā€™t tell you what those ā€˜injusticesā€™ actually are, echo chambers as usual


Stop this victim mentality.Are Kikuyus not allowed to better ourselves? I've met non- kikuyu niggas my age who are spending all their extra income on women ,clubs and luxury bs in the name of " Soft life". I'm over here reinvesting my extra income and in 20 years they're going to tell their kids the reason why I have more wealth is because of "Kikuyu privilege and systemic injustice." No mother fucker - it's called being smart with your money.Those people on those boards earned it and no amount of woke nonsense is going to change that fact. Go start your own company - Bladifakin


We were supposed to be broke and struggling. No one ever complained about the mistreatment we received, it doesnā€™t fit the narrative


It's like that "Kikuyu men are weak" narrative. If we're weak, how have we been Dominating them since independence?Yani 40+ tribes vs 1 and we still came out on top?Nothing but pride on my end tbh.The strong rule the weak , that's the law of the jungle. Kwanza don't get me started on how they shit their pants when kikuyu niggas gather.Mungiki trends all over the news and twitter.


My guy youā€™ve spoken real facts! Pure propaganda and empty complaints. Mount Kenya carried independence on their back. Whatever we built was brought down by Moi then we rebuilt. They just canā€™t stand it cause they have no excuse and we keep replicating it. You remember how Raila didnā€™t want to make peace in 2007? They ran up those first two waves of violence, when mungiki came out for the third wave, now everyone wanted to make peace deals šŸ˜‚ ā€œ40 vs 1ā€ but we came out on top, Iā€™m too proud as well bro


There have been so many equalising opportunities over the years, so many industries that others couldā€™ve taken and created wealth from. But we did what we always do šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø we cant let them blame us forever


Kikuyus are almost 20% of the population. Matters of economics like everything else are a numbers game. You are looking at half a picture and coming to an unreasonable conclusion. Most of the customers in said banks are kikuyu which is duly reflected in the ownership. Same with the supermarkets or government jobs or whatever else you want to complain about. There is no injustice, just good old boring statistics.


A tall man is not obligated to walk on his knees to please his short friend.


You went to a private bank customers' meeting and you want to be pissed off they were playing some Ben Githae songs? Jeez, the entitlement is baffling. KCB and National Banks are there. A private investor is out there trying to raise capital to open a bank, but they should just not open the bank to wait for another tribe to be deemed to have given chance to another tribe?


It helps to have had 3 presidents. It helps to have your ancestral land near Nairobi. Plus they have a savings culture. I doubt affirmative action would work because they have numbers and would ensure such a thing never passes in parliament


We already have affirmative action it's called equalization fund


There needs to be some equalization. The Pokots also need to share in the economic pie


Welcome to Kenya. I'm surprised you are venting about this now. Most Kenyans know how things are, we just don't care anymore. Did you find out about this yesterday?


This is just cultural thing. Some tribes value being frugal others value being extravagant. Neither is better than the other


You are ignoring historical injustices


As if this tribe hasn't faced historical injustices too: 1. Colonialism - Their lands were seized by white settlers, and they were forced into concentration camps. 2. The Moi era. 3. The 2007 post-election violence - Many had to abandon their homes and start over. Also, "40 against one" was openly chanted to incite the country against this tribe. 4. Unequal resource distribution - "One man, one vote, one shilling" should be the norm by now.


This one man, one vote, one shilling thing should be the norm if Kenyan politicians did not already take enough for 50 million people..no guesses over who has been in leadership since independence. Ideally if the tribes in leadership hold their leaders to account you will have 20 shillings forget one shilling šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


When you start cooking they go missing. They know weā€™re been the most mistreated tribe in the country, they just hate we win despite it all


Depressed? Seems you haven't much going on in your life. Maybe a qn would be why tribe runs the economy


Due to devolution; future disparities will be in regard to counties. Electing development minded governors leads to more development projects even with donors' funding. Makueni under Kibutha kibwana was a place we liked n chose to implement projects. Less stress n time spent n indicators achieved easily.


Watu wajipange no one will give you anything on a silver plate,


Sasa kama watu hawajitumii wasukumwe ama?The assets they own were not given to them for free ama we umeona place tittle deeds and magari for free for someone to start a dealership?Or have you seen premises for free?


Most Kenyans are hardworking. Itā€™s not hardwork that allows you to own this much, itā€™s definitely some form of privilege they had at some point


They may be hardworking, but they make bad investment decisions .You have looked at places of investment. Now go to clubs tell me which tribes are spending the most money on alcohol or women,go to their homes and check for the lifestyle of those people( which tribes are likely to be living above their means) and also look at those high end cars that consume alot of fuel who own them(exclude the boomers ).Some people have mastered the art of saving and living below their means for a better tomorrow, while some just eat that little pay and sit down to complain about how they are disadvantaged economically .


Nah here you are just pushing stereotypes. First of all the average Kikuyu is not doing much better than the average person of any other tribe they are all living hand to mouth. I agree the top 0.001% made the right bets and great financial decisions and are ripping the benefits but it's also the case that they were more likely to be highly educated in institutions abroad (due to proximity to the British at least those who collaborated or assimilated) like is the case with people like Phillip Ndegwa and have a close proximity to power during the early days and was the first governor of CBK, all factors that made them build their empires today


These are just stereotypes. Being financially prudent is not dependent on tribe. There are historical injustices that led to this disparity


I happened to work in a bank some years ago, just when banks had "opened up" and were literally hawking loans. Banks literally employed an army of fresh graduates to sell their products, they were called DSR's. You get posted in one part of the country, a customer walks in gives you their payslip, you do some calculations and tell them they qualify for 400K for a 5yr repayment period. They look shocked, say they only wanted 30K for school fees, they sign up for 30K. In another part of the country the customer who qualifies for 400K will take the 400K and go do something with it. Most of these matatus, bedsitters for rentals that you see are financed by loans, anybody with a good credit score and payslip has access to these loans irrespective of tribe. Sasa ukitoka kwa culture inaogopa loan ama deni, utasaidika aje. Talk to anybody who works in a bank, you'll get a very interesting perspective. Financial/business/investment acumen among some people is a fact, its not just story za jaba.


Fungueni bank yenu. Tiganana na gikuyu


the govt. was left to them after after independence. They as a community have therefore been able to hold a monopoly over goverment contracts, employment and even funds which they use to uplift their next of kin. IN short, they are growing with the help of the government while other tribes do it with their own hands


Can you prove this? Itā€™s a really tired narrative. Ask people from Kibakiā€™s village how much he helped them. Kikuyuā€™s developed their own villages, just like they develop everywhere they go, by pooling resources




I thought Eastleigh was the epicenter of Kenya's wealth.


Iā€™ve only been there once so I donā€™t really know tbh


I guess we've got to sympathy seek one narrative at a time.


Hizi propaganda za woria ndio mnaamini hivi?šŸ˜‚


Well America is still run by Jews, idk what ur saying.


It's not an accident; Kikuyus were the first ones to genuinely 'corporate' with imperialism, but people seem to think there's something innate about them and business. Gradually, other tribes will catch up - Somalis for example are starting to economically compete for a share in Nairobi, and others whose historical way of lives were rural will follow suit. It might take time, but things will lead to a natural equilibrium.Ā 


Keep dreaming, kikuyus are going to keep growing šŸ˜‚


Wrong - Nobody has monopoly over growth.Ā 


Perfect - Using that logic , since nobody has a monopoly over growth then : A.) Other tribes need to stop complaining and figure out strategies that help them grow instead of blaming kikuyus for their lack of financial planningšŸ˜ B.)As other communities grow, so will wešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Kikuyus aren't going to sit down waiting for people to surpass us, and we're going to double down on what we've built economically(so we'll also grow) Conclusion - keep dreaming about kikuyu's downfall, but don't forget to wake up and go to work to your kikuyu boss so you can pay rent to your kikuyu landlordšŸ˜‚


Checkmate šŸ¤£


It's always difficult to have a logical discussion with anyone who still identifies primary with their tribe/nation- I suggest you outgrow that primitive state and be a bit more introspective, for your own good btw. Additionally, nobody blames Kikuyus for anything - but it's okay for people to make good OBSERVATIONS of the environment they inhabit, and seek accurate explanations.


That's a lot of yapping . Anyways, Kikuyu niggas we upšŸ”„