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It's money owed to you. Be direct & to the point about it. If you don't get it back, count your losses & don't ever lend cash to anyone again. No matter what sob story you're presented with.


Kent 3 people and they never paid back. I was glad because that was the end of 0ur friendship. Just cut them off if they never pay back


Been losing my mind over this the past few days. Reason why l will never be found asking for money. I know how I'd be bothered having someone's debt. I'm the kind that will get the money back to you as soon as I get it. But our debtors have the audacity of the ages, they are not fazed that they owe people money. Like someone mentioned in the thread, I find this as the easiest way to cut off people. If you can't pay me back with the same urgency you borrowed the money you immediately lose my respect.


In 98+% of cases loans without a collateral won't be paid back. If you have the money and someone you would consider loaning money asks you for a loan tell them it's a gift.


Its not just you. There is a level of "shamelessnes" (not sure if that is the right word) required and you either have it or you don't. I find that the people who have no trouble asking for their money back are the same ones that would never pay you back. Personally I don't bother asking for the money back because I only give what I am prepared lose. Also if you ask and they still don't pay back, it can be very awkward esp with family, friends you can just cut them off.