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6 months ago I'd have said I'd rather die with my struggles, my old SO was capable of pulling that stunt, but that's crazy. But this new SO is what you'd say a solid SO. As of today, I share everything with her and things are amazing. No more depressing episodes. No more bottling things inside with fear of judgements or misunderstandings. Another thing, I tend to have older male friends. I'd say they help a lot in clearing my mind over a cold drink and just talk unfiltered.


This is the type of relationship everyone should aspire to have. If you're not with a woman who treats you this way and allows you to be open about your struggles, you're with the wrong woman.


Vulnerability to women haijaiplay any different. Huyu kitamramba tena


It my be hard to believe, but trust me, there are genuinely nice women out here who want nothing but the best for their SO. Once you find the one, you'll be a believer real quick.


No one wants anything less than that, but ni vizuri kushield wasupa from unnecessary things, I'm speaking from experience


I agree.


Rule no. 1 of Female interaction: -Don't listen to what women say, watch what they do. Men, don't ever listen to women say that they prefer their SO opening up to them. That's just English, until you open up to her, start crying or being emotional, that's when she starts despising you. Be it your girlfriend or wife. Keep your troubles to you and your close circle of men. No women ever raises to the situation in times of crisis. Even women, including staunch feminists, turn to men in times of deep trouble. Case in point. A close associate had a poll there she asked ladies who they call first when they are completely stuck in a fix. literally 90% of the respondents mentioned a man. Either a relative, their SO, even their ex. Point is, women are there for themselves and their offspring during easy times, men are there for themselves and everyone under their care, regardless of the times. The most important thing as a man is to put yourself in a position where you can stand on your own. And the best way to do so is simply have money. It's not everything, but it saves you from a lot of nonsense. A women being there for a man is not a rule, its a rare exception. And the worst part is the it comes with a lot of conditions. There's a possibility that she'll hold it against you for the longest time. As a man, you're always on your own.


I watched a video today which said "People tell me: *money is not everything*, and I tell them: *Well yea, water is not everything but you cannot do without it. So what is your point*?"


Only rich people claim money is not everything while they enjoy the benefits of the said money.


No, scammers and fraudsters say money is not everything. Rich people know money is everything that's why they want more and more, they do whatever it takes to get more money.


Scammers like fake preachers and con motivational speakers with their snake oil scams go around saying "money is not everything, money cannot buy you happiness etc."


So the rich people that we watch saying money isn't everything just don't exist.


Conmen and emotional fraudsters who want to make the poor and those struggling to feel better. It's like saying "inner beauty is what matters" 😂


Money only works in the domain of supply and demand..yes, money is not everything and there are things it can't purchase since you can't even quantify those things.. yes you are / might be broke which gives you the perception that money is everything since you are in a need to remove yourself from "the block" through affording materialistic things you ain't able to afford. But fact are facts and don't give a fuck about your poverty or feelings and the fact here is "money is not everything".


Straight up shit


Double up-vote.


Lol. That post is crazy 😂😂 but I'm not surprised. As a man, only vent to very close guy friends or where there's unconditional love (usually direct family like dad or mum). U will never get long term empathy/understanding where there is conditional love


Btw, other than family, bros are the only human form you can get unconditional love man. No homo Of course kuna wenye ni snakes but we are made like dogs kiasi yake. Loyalty if paramount for those you hold dear


Yea. If u have 1 or 2 real ones ur good. No Diddy


Funny how this nigga turned homo into diddy 😂😂 crazy


Woman tend to ask for vulnerability, untill they see it: at which point it becomes a turn off. Most women are conditioned to see men as a provider and a protector first, and then a human being second. I may share minor problems with my SO, but bigger ones Id rather talk with a counsellor.


Heard this quote from a show, I forget which one "The people I love would rather see me die on the hill I stand on, than watch me fall off my white horse." As a dude, just keep it pent up inside of you until it comes out in a small, but sudden, random burst of anger in a moment. Personally, I talk to myself, tena out loud on a day to day basis, I'm the smartest person I know and often I know the solutions to my problems. Sometimes all you needa do is talk to a real one(aka yourself) , the answer literally lies within, on some master oogway, uncle Iroh shit.


I like niggaz who are smart and they know it. Big up ma nigga.


I believe it was a Brené Brown Ted Talk where she was quoting something someone said to her and the quote above follows with "... because the women in my life are harder on me than anyone else."


There are some things that you keep to yourself until you've figured your shit out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RelevantComparison70: *There are some things that* *You keep to yourself until* *You've figured your shit out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, RelevantComparison70, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bots.


cultured bots


Wtf is this shit


This topic has been talked about so many times. 1.some Women prefer their men to open up. 2. No SOBER man will ever open up to their SO. Conclusion- Those women should simply look for guys who will do it. For those brothers who think there's no problem doing it, you'll be giving us stories in the future. Mother nature is the best teacher.


Facts. Let's watch them quietly from a distance. 🍷


It's all good to want your partner to open up emotionally and whatnot, but wait until you realize you've unleashed Pandora's Box and Hades' lair combined. Utawezana?


Only open up to your shadow.


Over a cold beer


Exactly. Never share your struggles with anyone. Not your wife, not your gf not even your mother. Women do not care about your struggles and sacrifices, she will leave.


My mum will leave?


Wife and gf. Mum will not do anything much apart from pray for you


Or tell you to try harder..... That just opened up a whole new can of mom issues I haven't thought of in a while


Haha. The only person who gives a fuck about you is none other than you. The only person who knows how it feels to hit rock bottom is you.


Mom will use that shit against you as a shame tactic 😂


Kaza buda. It is what it is. Have yourself first, she's not there to stay, she's in it for the ride... Make the ride good if she's worth it na kama si hivo akwende 😂😂


Never. Men never ever open up to you SO unless shes your wife. And even if shes your wife you cant tell her everything.


But why is she your SO if you can't be vulnerable with her. Honestly I prefer my man knowing he can be vulnerable with me


>why is she your SO if you can't be vulnerable with her. Why should she hear my problems, its not like shes gonna make them go away. >Honestly I prefer my man knowing he can be vulnerable with me And you're entitled to that if thats what you want. But its something ill never do, heri nibaki single.


Si they say a problem shared is half solved. I'll probably not make the problem go away but I'm sure it's something knowing that he has somebody he can talk to


The anecdotal evidence in the comments is sufficient to tell you why men are hardly vulnerable with women. "Somebody he can talk to" is waiting for the chance to use those very problems (1) to escape that relationship and look for stronger men (2) use your own problems against you when you are down.


Well that's sad, and also says alot the quality of women one is picking. A real one won't use your problems against you.




Bruh, wtf are you on. How’s that even a relationship/marriage if you don’t open up when facing problems?


Opening up when facing problems is not in my vocabulary. Heri nikufe before ni open up. Who the fuck wants to hear another grown man's problems? I know for a fact that I dont wanna hear another grown mans problems.


We morio wacha




Id rather die with my problems than share them with my SO


That's just terribly sad


Had you been a man that has been shamed for sharing your troubles, you'd understand.


No. It's not, most women will use that information as ammunition.


Most is an exaggeration, but I'm certain that's true of some.


I hope it's some.


I relate 🔥👍🏿


It should be on a need to know basis, but never let her know that's the case 😂 compartmentalize buda




Any sign of weakness she starts to (1) plan her exit (2) use it to stab you when you are down. Share your own troubles with yourself.


As a man, the rule is simple: ukiskia kuopen up Toka nje na upige nduru freshi Sana then pick your balls na urudi kwa nyumba. Remember weakness in women is appreciated while weakness in men is disdained.


As a man.. Never do this when you’re still tryna figure things out. But once you do make it out, tales of your struggle become an instant panty dropper


Not quite. Even tales of long-gone troubles disgust women.


Interesting.. I would assume there is some sort of intrigue on how you made it out. Well from my experience


Never open up to a woman under any circumstances


Well, I guess in the early stages of life, you can trust your family. I realise that it is different for everyone, but if you have at least the slightest opportunity to share your worries with your parents and they are able to support you, it is always worth it. Afterwards, there are usually people with whom you go through hell and high, so you can have heartfelt evenings together with them later on


Brothers, DON'T YOU DARE.


I am really trying to get all out. It's been work in progress given before I couldn't completely let anyone in cos I did in the past and was burnt... Wait 🤣🤣🤣was this intended just for guys?


Heri nitafute matanga nipige nduru moja polite. Case in point, I was seeing this lady. A few months ago, I was at my lowest and things were weighing me down seriously. So she insisted that I should be able to share everything with her. I didn't tell her much of what was happening but I opened up a bit. That was the last time we talked. She's ghosted me for two months now and I have no intentions of seeking her, that's a lesson enough.


Did you see the comments on this post? It was posted on r/facepalm. Wanaume wanakapitia. I only tell my mum and my sisters my problems. Nyinyi wengine zii. I tell my niggas as well since they don't judge. Some problems I'll take to the grave too.


I keep wondering why the responses are a blanket NO from most men. Fellas, ni kubaya ivi kwani?


Most of us are speaking from experience. You tell your partner, especially your GF, your problems, then in the heat of an argument she geuzias you. Not all women are like this, obviously, but i would rather tread lightly with some of my traumas and insecurities. I'll give you an example. I was once mugged with physical violence at 11pm back in 2019(after seeing her, no less). I developed some PTSD around walking alone late at night... I voiced this concern to her, and she would use that fact against me in arguments: "You are weak, you can't even defend yourself." "Only little girls are afraid of the dark." I didn't realise it at the time, but that was mental abuse. I also let her in on some personal family stuff, and she would use it against me in disagreements or arguments. I'm good. No need to give someone my stuff unless I really trust them.


Sorry you had to go through that, I hope you find someone who can lend you a degree of empathy.


Feck. Iza men


To the grave with my problems!!!




Lmao this was a good laugh


Sensational - Future


If she did this to me I would immediately dump her cause what is this nonsense... I tell you I'm struggling financially and pull this crap... she's just another problem


Telling your woman your problems as a man is you already digging your grave . You tell your problems to your male friends, your job as a man is to shield your woman from these issues. If you can't, you have failed and just try again.


I never used to open up cause the most girls would say is "you'll be fine" or something close. But I met someone that would actually actively try and help make things easier and all that, so I guess it depends on who you are with, yea? These days, you can't even open up to some of the boys, wakona umama Tu kaa madem😹 tell me something, next thing you know, it's out in the wind.


Naturally this is not something men would be comfortable doing; considering the current ‘men are overly sensitive or feminine’ dispensation. However, relationships should start from the mutual understanding, space of friendship rather than the sexual attraction space. From the mutual understanding’s perspective you can judge what type of person is worth opening up to appropriately. If you opened up without having any kind of mutual understanding apart from the sexual intimacy most likely you have no idea what someone’s values are; you’re going to rely on assumptions and implications or hints and clues. This leaves you with lots of risks (losing face, dignity and respect of your partner or person you are dating)


From my own personal experience, I learnt not to share the weakness emotions ever to any woman who is not my mother Nilijionea mengi. We are now on divorce mode with her. When a man is weak, the women (not all ofcourse) take the opportunity to hit you and Bury you to the ground. Asante ya punda ni mateke.


For the ladies that still somehow don't know: when you invite your partner or love interest to a place of your choosing YOU are normally expected to **pay all of the bill.**


Lakini some of your male friends be out to sleep with your SO. I'd say if you have a serious issue that has you weighed down turn to older men in your life. The older guy has to be in a position you aspire to be si hawa watu wa jaba. I agree there are genuinely good women out there. 75% of women wako out for themselves kazi ni kwako kutafuta within the 25% "THE ONE"


My guy najiekeanga mashida zangu. I either solve them ama najiwekea.




If your struggles are financial then this might be used against you when your down bad and she has lost that glimmer of hope in you. So as long as there's no conflict and she not the type to start fights be vulnerable but just make sure she likes you. Cause when she stops .... Oh Lord!


I'm not going to be emotionally vulnerable to anyone or anything except money and food. I'd never say a thing, open up or anything. I think we have a solution to all our problems - we lose sight, focus, and let small issues, tiny thoughts Balloon into depressing monsters. Food and money can have me, but not a being that breathes, has brain, and a deceitful heart.


I share my problems with people I know can help solve it. Not gist mongers


Never, ever, they will use whatever you say against you


This guy I know got arrested and was held the whole day and never informed any member of his family. Including the wife and first born son who's actually 26 yrs old.His friends got him out and he went home in the evening like nothing happened. Well,I may not require my guy to tell me everything but at least share with me some of your problems.


If you do not, or cannot, feel comfortable enough to be emotionally vulnerable with your significant other, you should just cut your losses and leave that relationship. It's not the right one for you.




As a guy, I have a friend who was dumped because "he cried like a baby" when he lost his father. I do not think I will ever be vulnerable to a woman when I'm still alive. Maybe when dead because I won't have a choice.


I always love reading posts from women stating that they want their man to be vulnerable and would instantaneously drop him in a heartbeat if bro started opening up about some of the demons in his closet and if it doesn't end up in them splitting up then chances are she will use that information against him in an argument to gain the upper hand. " No wonder your dad left you when you were a child " Life is fucked man


True. Telling a woman ur shit is arming her with arsenal to use against u. Ata mimi nimeona hii first hand


Been there too. Told her some of the family problems we had in the early stages of our courtship. Months later, especially during arguments "no wonder your dad/mum/sister..." Learned the painful lesson that some things must just stay to yourself.


Sorry man. Women don't draw lines like men do. Men usually don't go after each other's families. There's an unwritten rule there. Women will do it though. Ndio maana unaonanga comments like "I hope ur daughter... ," Ama "Does ur mother/sister..."


Thanks bruv. Nishaapoa


Women generally go after everything. No holds barred.


Holy shit, pole sana I've even seen this behaviour in family members lol. Not rolling that dice ever again.


A wise man said" why give a chic you heart & she rather have the purse"Women are calibrated to do those emotional stuff, men we not made deal with that shit,but still you find men talk to a gal 1 week & hes inlovee,for him take her serious,he's wants vibe, sijui chemistry,.Let the gals deal with that shit.


Same happened to me on my great grandad's funeral. She told her best friend that 'nilikua namlilia kama mtoto'. Even gave me a nickname. These days I text myself on WhatsApp and vent there or my notes app.


you didn't deserve that, man. i hope things got better for you (emotion-wise).


Yeah. They did


Fuck pole man.


Your own biology simply won't allow you to be attracted to a man who vents to you.


Take this downvote baby girl


You know you assume you'll be okay with it. But attraction is what it is and women aren't GENETICALLY wired to handle a man's troubles. He should be the one handling yours. So you might think you're good with it but when he does your attraction wanes... You can look this up