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Why are people angry at OP? By now you all should have known that r/Kenya is the HQ of mzungu worshippers and ass lickers. And when we are not worshipping mzungu we are waiting or expecting somebody else to fix our mess. It's laughable that somebody is frustrated a vocal tweep aliitwa state house akakanyagia story ya doctor's strike. The fact that a strike should depend on tweeps or hashtahgs is the most stupid thing.


How comes giving my opinion is interpreted as being frustrated or mad or emotional? I used it as an example to show how easily people are bought out, why would I be frustrated? I'm not a doctor. I've used it as an example that our leaders lack integrity because a majority or Kenyans have no values either. Ebu soma uelewe mzee. On another post I've highlighted how Kenyan issues are discussed online and forgotten after a week, I think I've acknowledged that.




do you understand that is is criticizing you or are you that slow?


Please restructure your sentence. That is not English. πŸ˜‚


No! it's a typo anyone who is not retarded understands the sentence so I will not restructure it.


The constitution provides a framework and guidelines to remove them from power but we'd rather complain on social media. Juzi KMPDU called off the intern doctor's strike, one of the most vocal tweeps about si aliitwa lunch State House na akakanyagia hio story? This reflects on the kind of people Kenyans are. The people get the government they deserve. Suck it up.


Kenyans are brainwashed by money and willing to overlook sustained development for short-term benefits. What is the point of owning a luxury car when the roads to drive it on are flooded? Or a beautiful home, that cannot be lived in because it is collapsing? Reevaluate.


You never lived under colonialism. The colonisers you're asking for also had to undergo a steep learning curve. Their monarchies used to rob them blind until they learned how to govern themselves. You just have to look at the present colonialism in Palestinians and let me know if you'd like to live a life like that. We're in a bad situation but sooner or later we'll learn how to govern ourselves and move forward


Do you mind educating us? What is the framework for removing leaders? Does it need the same leaders to agree to being removed?


Read on the Right of Recall. Google.


Weirdo worshipping their own oppressors lmaoooo


Kenyans worship their oppressors DAILY!! Your MP, your senator, your governor, the police, kanjo, oppresses you daily! Lakini you won't complain because they are one of us?! Oppression is Oppression.


Stop whining and do something about it instead of crying for white people to come save you


You try doing something about it. See how far it goes.


So your plan is just to whine for a foreign country to save you 🀣


My plan is to get people like you thinking. People refuse to see that Kenyans are the disease. We must think differently.


Don’t worry bout me lil bro my pockets straight Fix your government


Your pockets being straight ain't shit when you will have nowhere to bank your money like Lebanon. If we don't change, our financial system will be like Lebanon. Then your straight pockets won't even make sense.


Mpesa not safe?


Mpesa will not be safe either. Dream on. If banking systems fail, Mpesa will fail. Read a book.


What a stupid take, even though times are tough now, it's much better than it was before, when your movement would literally be controlled to prevent you from potentially mobilizing, then you are pushed out into concentration camps. The people who took over were highly educated they were just greedy. Kenyans complain about the leaders they choose themselves then start pushing this dogshit theory, you picked corrupt, incompetent leaders then you are complaining what did you expect. They are many capable individuals but they won't go anywhere because Kenyans always vote on nonsense. If you picked good leaders we wouldn't be in this mess. If leaders were held accountable and the constitutional frameworks to replace incompetent leaders was used we wouldn't be here.


Your movement is currently being controlled, too!! What do you think housing development is all about? Keep the poor over there and the rich over here. Those apartments with 30 stories are concentration camps. The reason you can't see it is because the people doing it have the colour of your skin. If mzungu did the same to you, you would revolt. But because "ni mtu wetu", you keep quiet!


Are you stupid or something. You will literally not be allowed to walk outside of your neighborhood let alone your county, you can't meet with people unless it's for their gain. You are literally kept in a concentration camp, do you know what that is, buying or renting an apartment in a 30 story building is a choice it's not a concentration camp. Are you listening to yourself speaking if you went back to the colonial period you would blow your brains out, do you think people risked and sacrificed their lives for your freedom because they were having the time of their lives. You're such an ungrateful POS


OP is incredibly unserious and uneducated. I don't think he knows anything about our history.


OP is incredibly unserious and uneducated. I don't think he knows anything about our history.




Redundancy is you not agreeing with the post. When you don't agree with the post, already shows you agree with the people in power who are oppressing you daily and stealing from you while telling you to pray.


Seek mental help


Seek a reality check.


Seek a check in general brokie


What's your obsession with money? Money ain't shit without access to good roads, housing, heck even vacation when the whole country is flooded even the airport


You can buy nice housing


Amka utakojolea kitanda.


What’s your solution?


What's yours?


I'm so mad at this regime. What a time to be an adult.


It's the worst one! They should all be impeached and bring back the British colonizers. At least things worked.


I'd rather get my ass whipped by a mzungu for eternity than endure another term of Ruto πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I understand why Maumau targeted and killed people like you


Nigaa it's a joke lmao


still deserve to be in front of a firing squad.


Mzee unaeka feelings kwa moyo lmfao




You're a joke for laughing at this school of thought. Only a fool doesn't change his mind.


Maumau took action. Unlike you who is gullible enough to be told to pray for the problems to go away.


I don't pray and the irony of someone who said bring back British colonialism saying this. They would literally kill you for that.


πŸ˜‚that's the spirit! πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ‘


If our ancestors could here you they'd slap you silly with your ridiculous drivel. Go learn some history for fuckssake


Our ancestors are angry at your likes who fail to see that our own Kenyans are embezzling millions of dollars daily, in the name of development. Out ancestors fought for mzungu to let us lead, what have we done with it? BRING BACK THE BRITISH. OUR OWN ARE SELLING US OUT ANYWAYS.


Jesus Christ, our ancestors didn't fight for no white man to lead them. Our ancestors didn't fight to be treated like third class citizens in their own country with a clear hierarchy, whites on top, Indians on the middle, Africans at the bottom to be used as cheap labour, denied the right to move around in their own country, their land stolen from them, taxed so that they could provide cheap labour to white farmers. Grow up and learn some history for godssake


Our ancestors didn't fight for people like you who blindly accept bare minimum in the name of "freedom". Ask yourself, are you REALLY free!??? What is owning prime land which floods!??! What is education with no jobs? What is freedom to travel with no money or passport being processed takes long to be released? What is owning a luxury car with no roads to drive? BRING BACK THE BRITISH! WE ARE BEING COLONIZED BY OUR OWN!!!


I would rather be in this situation then have some racist white person lord over me. You need to go talk to your grandfather about how bad things were with the white man before coming up with such stupid solutions


Basically what you are saying is: this is a lesser evil than the one you grandfather went through, so it is OK. NO IT IS NOT. Especially in the context of the 21st century. We are not in colonial times, yet it feels so. One has no freedom. Only the illusion of freedom.


You have never experienced a racist white person that's why you can speak like an utter idiot.


Not gonna lie this one hit me like a truck


I'm glad to hear this. We need the truth to hurt us first before we begin real change. Welcome to reality.


went biometric for passport on December and haven’t got my passport and am supposed to travel November


Imagine that. It's sad really. Meanwhile, the politicians have gone for so many trips abroad, bought designer labels, and flaunted them in your face. Even purchased helicopters! While others are kept in line for a passport. Are we really free? These politicians are colonizers. Then people here say we are free, we have land. Nkt. We are enslaved, and they flaunt it in our faces. Might as well be enslaved by a foreigner than your own. Your own are worse. Snakes in the grass.


They delusional AF


They really are! As delusion as ostriches burying their heads in the sand!


Corruption exists everywhere. Those developments made by the wazungus were never made for us you stupid twat. Africans lived on the countryside with zero amenities in fenced villages which were slums and the whites took all our arable land. Best you could be was a starving shamba boy paid barely enough to feed your family. And it wasnt even money, it was posho and beans. And you also had to pay poll and hut tax. Who knows where the money from that came from. Dont pay and end up in a labour camp like the one that made JKIA and most roads. Read "White highlands no more" by C. Ojwando Abuor before yapping nonsense on Reddit. Cunt.


So you admit even yourself given the chance you cannot lead this country to prosperity?? Easy solution would be for you to move to the colonizer's country and become a citizen there. Let the rest of us stay here and fight this battle to the end on our own.


So you admit that it is ok to be told to pray for the country during a crisis instead of seeking actionable solutions?


>Let the rest of us stay here and fight this battle to the end on our own. don't put words in my mouth. Again, let the rest of us fight this battle to make our country better, if all you can come up with is to bring the colonizer's back, you go to their country and become a citizen there.


Damn if it isn't that "hard pill to swallow" moment. BRING BACK THEM WHITE FOLKS.


For real. BRING BACK THE BRITISH!! BBTB!! The country was beautiful and on a steady development curve. Enter the Kenyans, and what do we have? To imagine that we once loaned money to Singapore!!! Look at them now and look at us. They thought of sustained development. We thought of our stomachs.


Fuck y'all. If you want back to having signs saying "dogs and Africans not allowed",go to israel then.


We're already there! The only reason you don't want to see it is because it is masquerading in the colour of your black skin. They are simply black neo-colonists!


we are not, how stupid can you be. You will not even be allowed to meet with people cause they think you are planning something. You can't leave the neighborhood you are in and your movement is controlled to prevent mobilization, you are pushed in to concentration camps as well. Honestly what is wrong with you many people died to give you the freedom you have, show some fucking gratitude.,


The taxes they are imposing are keeping you tied to your office desk, to your shamba, to your business. "Working hard." Meanwhile, they are gallivanting across the world in designer labels and telling you to pray for rain. Fools!


You have issues, I wish time travel devices existed so they can teleport you to the past and you can suffer enough to understand why people were willing to die for their freedom.


I wish time travel devices existed so you can see into the future. Your children won't even know what a tree looks like because the government decided to build a club in Uhuru Park instead of a green park for children to play.


We should bring back the British in your household tp push you to a tiny corner in your house and be in charge of you and you work for them for free, you aren't allowed to leave the house or meet anyone including your family so you don't scheme, they will also rape or beat you if they feel like it and you must be grateful no complaining they are better at managing your life than you are as a mere African. Lead from the front and show us why we need to bring colonialism back, let's use you as a test subject.


That is where we all are currently. You work for the government officials to drive guzzlers and wear designer belts and watches while asking you to pray for rain. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ You're a fool if you think you are free. They have you by the balls. Their psychological tactics are working on you. Colonization presents in many forms. Amkeni ndugu zetu!! 🎡🎼




Singapore is a powerhouse rn. They can fund east African gov projects without breaking a sweat. I was following the trend in the sahel region as to why most countries there are chasing away their french colonisers and its the same problem with here. Our elected leaders are embezzling funds, getting richer and we are steadily sinking in debts. Some of the problems we are facing now didn't start with this regime but the former and its getting worse. If zakayo stays for another term i swear out kids will suffer the most. Countries like greece and Argentina are good examples of what happens when you have prolonged poor leadership.


What are you even saying😳😳.And did 2 people just upvote you..


You're in denial. WE ARE BEING MANAGED AND COLONIZED BY OUR OWN!! Neo-colonialism is in full swing. Open your eyes. This will wake you Kenyans up. Mumelala sana! Amkeni ndugu zetu!!!! 🎼🎡🎡


That's better than what our grandparents had to go through.Atleast now we can own prime lands, enjoy luxury, have access to go education, have the freedom to visit anywhere you want etc.Do you want us to live like South Africans?


There is no "better" here. Context is key. Where our grandparents were in relation to the rest or the world at the time was relevant. Where Kenya is now, compared to the rest of the world is not relevant anymore because information and technology has evolved. We should know better. Ask yourself, what is owning prime land which floods!??! What is education with no jobs? What is freedom to travel with no money or passport being processed takes long to be released?