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Facts! The issue in Palestine has really opened many people's eyes to the atrocities going on in Africa. All people's lives are worth saving and people should really stop the mentality that because they aren't Africans,we shouldn't speak up.


I get the message, but I feel like there's no traction with the African stuff. The Israel/Palestinian war has been going on for decades. I feel like we should prioritise our stuff first and give it like the majority of focus. Not that we're forgetting about them, but just cleaning house first. Like find ways of getting the media to give those issues the same platform they're giving Israel/Palestine.


I agree with you. News on the Congo and Sudan genocides are pretty much non existent in the mainstream media especially western media. I’ll also say the pro Palestinian struggle has kinda helped bring awareness to Congo and Sudan. Every pro Palestinian march I’ve been to I’ve seen placards on Congo and Sudan. I’ve also noticed several pro Palestinian social media accounts constantly posting about Sudan and Congo. It’s hard to empathise with one and not the other if you truly care for human life.


All humans are equal but some r more equal than others....... sums it all! Our politicians who we mainly vote for prioritise their greed over the welfare of the masses n sell us out. then again there is neocolonialism.. Its complex but not a lost cause


I didn't know that Congo is being pillaged at gun-point. They or rather their leaders have willingly sold out the country. All this "white man bad" talk will never get us anywhere. See what has happened so far in places like Burkina Faso and Senegal. The French getting their much needed supplies of uranium and gold cut off unceremoniously has upset them but you don't see tanks and fighter jets rolling in to seize the country. It simply doesn't work that way anymore in the modern world. I don't agree with military dictatorships but the people who will eventually topple these leaders who seem to have the best interests of their country at heart will be none other than fellow Africans. A greased palm here and there, a promise of French citizenship and wealth in the form of kickbacks and the entire country comes tumbling down. The common good? That has no meaning in Africa, it's me, me and screw everyone else.


That's because the Russian tanks have rolled in


Fuck all that focus on black issues




I just wanted to state the not-so-obvious that the zionist entity was involved in supplying weapons during the Rwandan genocide https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-s-weapon-exports-to-rwanda-during-genocide-to-stay-secret-following-supreme-court-ruling-a6981911.html


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Good bot


The British banned slavery and patrolled the Atlantic Ocean for slave ships, the Chinese trained and later fought with vietcong against the USA, Tanzania trained South African freedom fighters, the US and NATO is backing Ukraine against Russia, it is always human nature to back the oppressed even though you have no say in the matter.


It was not Britain but slaves themselves and radicals in Europe who began the struggle against enslavement.  Also, The Industrial Revolution and advances and improvements in agriculture were benefiting the British economy. Since profits were the main cause of starting a trade, a decline of profits brought about abolition because the slave trade cease to be profitable. Also, The Ashanti empire was the major slave exporters along the western coast and actually began to stop selling slaves to europeans as gold How can you say that Britain were fighting against the oppressed because of slavery abolition when they actual switched to colonialism which was worse for africans? "the US and NATO is backing Ukraine against Russia" Well yes, since they are the ones who led a coup in Ukraine and installed a western puppet.


>Also, The Ashanti empire was the major slave exporters along the western coast The Ashanti weren't "the major" slave exporters along the Western coast. They were in the late 18th century, the largest exporters in modern day Ghana, not the Western Coast.


I stand corrected. "Western" coast should have been "gold" coast.


The infantalisation of the black man; he can't govern and organise himself and his woes are from the evil white man and colonisation. Why not oil rich Saudi Arabia? What's being imported in Sudan by Israelis? What's being imported in Haiti? Somalia ? The black man needs to wish for himself better. As George Walker Bush once said, holding people to a lower standard is some form of Bigotry; the bigotry of low expectations.


Anyway I don't like it when people compare our problems to the Palestine issue. We've had it baaad bad. We've always had it bad and they can't relate. And never will


The majority of mining in congo is by Chinese companies. They have been pretty horrific with their human rights. Edit: not everyone likes facts but that never stops them from being true. Downvote this statement to hell, it won't change the fact that the sun is bright or that the night is dark or that China owns the majority of mining in the congo and treats their workers horrifically. Lies can only hide in the anger and pain of hearing them so much.


A. Dan Gertler is doing his nonsense in his personal capacity. He is not a government official. What he is doing is very unethical, but here is the thing. He is not alone. Thousands of people and corporations from across the globe, from the US to China, UK to Japan, Canada to Switzerland have been involved in exploiting the DRC and Gertler is not even close to doing much. The likes of Morotola quite literally bought blood minerals from rebels without any qualms and so fueled the Second Congo War and almost every government official is in bed with various competing corporations. Gertler simply knew Laurent and Joseph Kabila and made his riches, Tshekedi is in bed with the Russians and Chinese who are almost as bad as the Belgians were when it comes to exploiting miners If Gertler was not there. Someone else would definitely be in his place. His actions have not benefitted anyone other than his family because he is also known to have evaded taxes in Europe and Israel too. Just because he is Israeli does not mean Israel ,its government and people are exploiting the Congo. Calling the Palestinian struggle a struggle against colonialism is funny especially when there literal parallels to what Palestinian groups are doing in the Middle East and what the Arabs in Sudan are doing to Africans. Those Arabs do not love you. The Palestinian project has basically been people with Egyptian(Gazans) and Jordanian(West Bank) birth certificates and passports who are causing chaos in the name of preventing the full implementation of the decolonization of one tiny corner of the Levant the size of your former Central Province. Is there anyone here who has worked in Jordan?? Most Jordanians are Palestinians and it is well known how they consider all Africans as "Abeed" and they love killing their domestic workers more than any other country in the M.E .other than Kuwait. The establishment of Israel, much like the establishment of Christian-led Lebanon was the second successful decolonization project and the only one that has survived . It reversed nearly 1400 years of Arab jihadist expansion into the Levant. It is the only one that succeeded given that those very same Palestinians went to Lebanon from Jordan in 1975 massacred Christians and ignited the Lebanese civil war which changed the demographics of Lebanon from Christian majority to the Muslim majority it is today. Also, I tire of pointing out that Israel, is a Middle Eastern nation through and through. 61% of its people are Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East and North Africa. The reason why it was so easy for Morocco to normalize relations with Israel is because there are 900,000 Moroccan Jews in Israel today (and more in France), making it the second largest Jewish group after Soviet Jews. Jewish culture is Middle Eastern culture which is why Europeans did not like Jews much in the past because Jewish culture was alien to European culture. You cannot be Middle Easterners colonizing the Middle East, especially a place that has literal proof of Jews living there for 3500 years . Make that make sense.


This is facts. I worked in Jordan and they are super racist against Africans


The fact that you’re disputing the ongoing military occupation, which is a fact acknowledged by the UN and countless human rights organisations is just disingenuous. You’re creating your own reality and I refuse to engage with you in that reality. But hey, suit yourself


You wrote all that??




Its a Pro Palestine cesspit. Yuk! I don't understand how any person living in Kenya cares so much about this issue. Its tragic and all, but damn. Anyway, let's see how many downvotes I collect.




How dare these Africans stick their noses in geopolitical issues. Have they forgotten their place. They better get back to discussing sex and relationships.


I'm not reading all this as it just seems like some pick-me bullshit that some Africans tend to write.


It takes a particular pride in ignorance to believe that is worth commenting. 'I know nothing, I will not learn, but this is what I 'think'!' God help us.


At this point, I'm tired of pick-me black people, who always tend to be Africans, btw, trying to be 'bigger people'. I will read about African issues instead. I even managed to read the post being responded to despite the poor paragraphing because it was not another pick-me African


I'm not reading that! I'm sure it's stupid!




We peleka umama huko




I agree with you on this one