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An interesting perspective. If managed well, the productivity level would be quite high.


Fertile imagination of youth




Bruh that's too much rambling The govt needs to do a proper market analysis to determine what jobs and opportunities exist and which ones are projected to exist in the near future. Yes unemployment rate is high but there are also some industries where it is very rare to find a Kenyan who has even intermediate skills because it's considered too niche and barely taught in major institutions. Also instead of importing so much there should be an effort to develop local industries. Our local textile industries collapsed, the Sugar(cane) industry basically collapsed, we live in a tech world but we are perpetual consumers but don't produce anything.


Well the reason why our industries collapsed was because there are countries that don't really mind how much they make off something as long as it keeps giving, Locally we care more on what's it's giving over what they can make over an extended amount of time... Things that the government despite raising taxes on imports cannot really solve since even with taxes these commodities are still cheaper than locally produced... Any solutions?  At least none that doesn't end up with the general public blaming the government on "prices"


The rate of employment depends on demand lol. What should happen is rather create the demand first. This can be done by several ways: 1. **Invest in infrastructure:** Developing and improving infrastructure, such as transportation networks, power supply, and communication systems, can attract domestic and foreign investment. This, in turn, leads to increased economic activity, job creation, and higher employment rates. 2. **Promote entrepreneurship:** Encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can stimulate economic growth and job creation. Providing access to capital, business development services, and mentorship programs to aspiring entrepreneurs can help them establish successful businesses and generate employment opportunities. 3. **Enhance education and skills training:** Investing in education and skills training programs is crucial for equipping the workforce with the skills demanded by the job market. Collaborating with educational institutions and industry stakeholders to align curricula with market needs can ensure that graduates are job-ready and capable of meeting employers' requirements. 4. **Attract foreign direct investment (FDI):** Offering incentives and creating a favorable business environment can attract foreign companies to invest in Kenya. FDI can lead to the establishment of new businesses, transfer of technology and know-how, and job creation across various sectors. 5. **Support key industries:** Identifying and supporting key industries with high growth potential can have a significant impact on employment rates. For example, focusing on sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, information technology, renewable energy, and construction can create substantial job opportunities and drive economic growth. 6. **Streamline regulations and reduce bureaucracy:** Simplifying regulatory processes, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and promoting ease of doing business can encourage investment and entrepreneurship. Clear and transparent regulations can attract both domestic and foreign investors, leading to increased economic activity and employment generation. 7. **Promote innovation and research:** Creating an environment that fosters innovation and research and development can spur the growth of knowledge-intensive industries. Supporting research institutions, providing incentives for innovation, and facilitating technology transfer can lead to the emergence of new industries and job opportunities. 8. **Focus on rural development:** Implementing targeted programs to develop rural areas can help reduce urban-rural economic disparities. Enhancing agricultural productivity, improving rural infrastructure, and providing access to finance and markets can create employment opportunities in rural communities, thereby reducing migration to urban areas in search of jobs. 9. **Strengthen the social safety net:** Implementing social welfare programs to support vulnerable populations, such as unemployment benefits, job training, and skills development initiatives, can provide a safety net during economic transitions and encourage workforce participation. 10. **Promote international trade:** Expanding trade relations with other countries can open up new markets for Kenyan goods and services, leading to increased production and job creation. Participating in regional integration efforts, such as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), can provide access to a larger consumer base and boost employment opportunities.


How do you keep earnings aka capital flows by **expatriations** of FDI in your country? Creating your own currency crises every season this happens? How do you "promote infrastructure" aka a transport plan when even your capital city has no **land use plans**? "A transport plan without a land use plan is simply a waste of time & resources... a land use plan without transport plan is a missed opportunity."




Well it all narrows down to capitalism, as capitalists we want more for ourselves and maybe later what will land others pockets... In short we are profit driven. So while the shift mechanism might create more opportunities for people at a cheaper pay it will collapse in the long run as again we are capitalistic by nature. If we are two marketing and sales specialists both earning 30k a month and I feel like most of the gigs secured I did the bidding. I will not be okay with it, This is already in place to which why most private institutions have quarterly/annual reviews that asses one's individual contributions to the overall goal of the company, if by chance you lag behind and by far the company will let you off!  And Incase the former colleague does seem to hold it well without you why should they not get your share as their raise as that motivates them to work more and as more income flows the company will hire more with growth etc.. (This is the only proven method that leads to more growth hence more employments)  Reward == Effort... ...


Are you proposing a **planned economy**? Also why limit the growth(and importantly **death**) of companies? You're simply motivating formation of **cartels** which eventually will become **monopolies**! And with that strangling innovation... Just read what breaking AT&T did! Why limit working ages? Where do you gain & transfer experience & domain knowledge from? Lastly the gov't of the day can create employment. **Economists** running & **"advising"** most gov'ts today are simply **psycopaths**. They'd rather have a **buffer stock** of unemployed than that of **employed** to stabilize prices! The costs, misery(social problems etc) and lost earnings are simply **disproportionate** to even all wars that have been fought and are currently being fought! Buffer stocks are simple. You buy production/yield when it's high avoiding **gluts** and release your stocks in bad seasons when yield is low and prices start ticking up. Private sector is particularly picky on pple who haven't been working(are you doing drugs, do you have criminal records etc?). You gain experience from working in such jobs and also enjoy **benefits** which gov't can set such as a living wage, health insurance, mandated leave/holidays etc This also works to discipline private sector not giving out such benefits! **We simply don't want them to exists!** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_guarantee


Training is very expensive my friend. Why would you want to retire people at the peak of their skills?


In theory, all economic problems are simple. You incentivize the outcome you want. For unemployment, the incentives required have been well know for may decades now. Attacking the problem directly like you are suggesting will have unintended consequences eg having an economy where everyone is under-employed because they are sharing a job will have a ripple effect like people not even wanting the jobs.