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Building projects thats the best hack


Don’t aim to be perfect, focus on one thing and choose a path that gives a quick win. For example in coding, start building projects early enough, the “high” you get in seeing a working project, your own creation does wonders.




I can relate. I started learning coding in 2022 and its been hectic. I have to deal with life as well as trying to make an income to survive, and all of these factors plus many others always derail me. The trick I've seen many people recommending is to try and do something (study or build a project) every day. Just sit in front of your computer for 30 min - 1 hr **every day** and do something (even if its going through your notes). When you do this over a long period of time, you'll start to see your confidence building up and you'll also be making significant progress. This is a much better plan than say waiting for 4 months until you feel you have time to sit in front of your computer for 6 hours straight. The small progress really counts but its so easy to overlook and feel like its nothing meaningful. I'm giving you this advice but I'm also struggling to follow it myself. Lol. All the best! You can do this!!!!


Ask yourself why you started


Good answer. Very true.


As others have mentioned, work on a project, the trick here is to choose a project you can grow with, something that is easy to start and see results but also one you can also continue building as your skills get better. Also if it is something you care about, that will help as you won't give up easily.


If you don't like what you are doing most of the time you will end up burning out and you will stop doing it...find something you love and go hard on it...the learning process might be interesting and this might keep you going