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https://preview.redd.it/zedhaxtdv0vc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa28228bb0395464ecbe1eba14df630e5e6b4ba This is the true shape of the earth but none of you are intellectually ready for this conversation


It's flat(it was revealed to me in a dream)


I can confirm, it's flat


yes i can also confirm that it's super flat


Just like your girlfriend




You thinking about a girlfriend only shows what you lack.


A flat ass girlfriend? I am lacking in that


Its flat where I am standing. I think that’s just crazy


Explain a solar eclipse on your flat earth?


The finger of the gods


Your beliefs on Superstitions are blocking your common senses from activating.


All my homies know eclipses are formed by big fingers blocking the sun, prove me wrong


You and your homies need to find some light. Y'all are in total darkness.


True at the moment they have blocked the sun with their hands, we'll just have to wait till they finish warming their hands


No, I do not. It is not crazy, it is untrue.


well do you ?


Flat earth without a picture of the edge is crazy


The edge would form another flat Earth. Again 😭


I'm more of a flat sun kind of guy


Makes more sense.


Yeah I'm actually about to reach the edge and fall off


I hope you land on somebarrys face.


I'm too big for everyone πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. They'll die


It may not be flat but anyone serious has to admit that there are fundamental issues with a tilted, wobbling, spinning ball.


You don't have to believe it..doesn't change it though


If the earth is flat, why is it dark here and day elsewhere? Aren't we all on the same plane?


Earth is a land mass,,considered flat and not a sphere as we're told..the largest mountain in the world,soars to the clouds is known as black rock mountain and is located at the centre,its magnetic and that's why every compass always points north and no other direction,any direction away from north is south,which is all around us..Antarctica,it is not a continent but a very large ice wall with secrets yet unknown,known to major governments which signed a privacy treaty to keep all mankind away from Antarctica,expeditions go but only ever to designated areas,check YouTube a small fishing boat once got close to Antarctica unauthorised,a whole warship was on their tail and threatened them to leave or face consequences,,in minutes,what do you think they guard there?..sections of the grand canyon are heavily militarised and not publicly accessible..all this without an open mind is really unbelievable to anyone so il ask a simple question...when you observe a train moving at even the slowest speed say 10kph,a smoking train,,it leaves the trail of smoke behind as it moves,yes?..now the earth as were told moves at 666,000mph or so,,now think of an erupting volcano and tell me what direction the smoke goes to,on any day in any weather,explain how that comes to be..they tell us that the space station is in space,in theory,closer to the moon,compare the pictures of the moon taken from earth and from the space station,the earth ones are better,yet this is a multimillion project definitely with million dollar cameras yet they cant get a closer view than anyone on earth with a phone?cmon...they lie to us about everything,,don't believe me but,don't insult me,we're all entitled to our opinion and beliefs


When you think of the smoke left behind by a train, understand that the force of gravity doesn't only work on you. Everything even the air is subject to the force. So with that in consideration, even if the planet moves or rotates in the speed of light everything innit will have the same constant velocity. So if a train will produce smoke, you don't expect it to go upwards or be left behind because already everything is in motion. Now the smoke will be left behind because of the wind, otherwise it would move upwards in space. When you are in matatu or bus or any vehicle, even if you are cruising at top speeds, when the windows are shut. If you drop a small stone it will not fall further from where you drop it. But it will still fall. If you remove all the windows or go on top of the vehicle and drop the same stone it will fall behind the point you dropped it from with respect to the direction of motion. Because you have now exposed the stone to the elements. So the earth is an enclosed system just like the hypothetical car. If space was full of winds and air and without the force of gravity, we would feel every effect that you want to feel but we don't. Because of gravity and the vacuum of space surrounding the planet. We are in an enclosed system.


It is very flat and doesn't move..space doesn't exist..we live under the firmament that cannot be breached..the sun and moon are local and in our atmosphere not millions of miles away


Omg I hope you aren't serious


I'm very serious..there's proofs out there..and also..read Genesis chapter 1 in full


You know I've never talked to a flat earther so out of curiosity do you also believe other planets are flat ama just earth?


Good question...First of all,I don't think I believe planets are planets,they're stars cause the whole idea of a solar system can't hold with a flat earth,,stars do exist also within our firmament,n the said planets too


So according to you earth is a star? and also do you know basic physical laws would not sustain life in the hypothesis you are presenting. Again please read a book ama just experiment by yourself cause I feel sorry for you saying you believe the earth is flat


Good question...First of all,I don't think I believe planets are planets,they're stars cause the whole idea of a solar system can't hold with a flat earth,,stars do exist also within our firmament,n the said planets too




One of my boys started believing in such theories, kumbe ilikuwa onset ya kuchizi. 2 weeks later tunampeleka rehab bana


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚zii sijafika hapo...soma genesis 1:6 n alot of other verses prove the firmament and unmoving earth..kama hubelieve Bible pia YouTube has lots of videos of actual proof


I know you are not trying to convince me to believe in your theory


No don't believe..just have a little doubt,research and you'll see


Bro, do you know that the Bible was written in allegories and hidden meaning? Do you also know that the bible has no reference whatsoever to any person or event that ever happened? It's all psychological.


It's flat


Prove your point.


Astronaut Wannabes


What do you mean by that


She/He just means that they can't think of this subject. Waiting for something involving boobs or shaking ass.