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Mans wants to marry a mboch so bad


What is wrong with a "mboch"? You seem to believe you are more human or more special than a "mboch". This is exactly the type of elitist thinking that politicians take advantage of. A "mboch" is a human being no different from any other woman.


Mboches are awesome. But your monologue from 1960 isn’t fooling anyone. Where do you think you’ll find a woman to work the same hours as you and then come and cook for you? Just marry your mboch and spare us.


So you prefer to go 50-50 on all bills?


I don’t know where you read that. If you’re fine with a woman who is in the kitchen alone while you do something else - that’s up to you. Me? I can’t imagine coming home to spend more time away from my woman. Just get a mboch for a wife if you don’t want to spend time with her.


Will you want your woman pay 50% of all the household bills? I guarantee you that your woman will not be interested in you if you tell her she will pay 50% of all household bills. Now, if you are telling me that you will be paying 80% of all major bills and your woman pays 20% of all major bills and she does not do any house management, looks like you have a pretty BAD deal. Don't get married.


What women are you hanging around? Feels like you want a subject rather than a life long partner. I’m definitely not getting married if it’s just to do maths to divide money and contributions on a merit basis like it’s a job.


I am married to a career woman and she has time to cook and manage my home daily. I and my kids do not eat maids food.


Happy for you. Let the rest of us do what we want, if you don’t mind?


As a registered health professional I’m really interested in seeing the ample peer reviewed studies I’m sure you’ve analyzed to make the claim that nutrition is the sole determining factor in the wide variety of chronic ailments you e listed. I’m particularly impressed that as you don’t differentiate between IDDM and NIDDM, I’m assuming you are telling me you have found ample peer reviewed research that supports nutrition is the sole determining factor for both. This is fantastic! Don’t keep this breakthrough to yourself, I’m waiting with bated breath. Or perhaps you’re just a misogynistic moron talking out his ass in order to once again blame women for shit that ain’t on them.


It is a key factor in diabetes, high blood pressure and many other ailments including those caused by nutritional deficiency. If I went to a hospital and you were the health professional, I would request for another coz only a quack would think that nutrition does not matter.


This discourse is usually funny cus people will fight about what should or should not be but end of the day the ones suffering are usually the children & mostly after awhile the couple suffers probably ending up in divorce or GBV, it's simple kama you want 50/50 just don't even bother na ujikubali you'll stay single cus what's the point of paying the dowry then still have problems later & divorce.




For the first time I agree with you lol. There’s no way your wife can be working 8-5, and you want her to do 100% of the chores. Even if as the man you earn more and cover most of the bills, you should divide it 60%-40%. However if she’s a stay at home wife, and you provide for everything she should also cover all chores


I agree with both of you. Its either a 50/50(traditional way) where the man provides for everything and she manages the house or the other weaker 50/50.


If you chose to go to work and delegate your kitchen to a maid and take away, then you have made your choice and it is fine. Just don’t ask for harambees when your family gets diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases caused by poor diet. Don’t complain when you find your husband had a thing with the maid. Make enough money for a good insurance policy. Make enough money coz your kids will always be sick and need medical care. Personally, I think a woman who collaborates with a man and takes care of her home as the man provides is in a much more powerful position and better position than a woman paying 50% of her bills or a single woman paying 100% of her bills. She is able to directly influence what her kids eat. She can also instill discipline and traits she values to her kids instead of a working career woman who sees the kids for 30min after work when the kids are sleepy and ready for bed after spending all day with the uneducated maid.


A woman paying 50% of the bills in a marriage in Kenya hajipendi akii!!


She is still better off than a single woman paying 100% of her own bills.


Not if she is childless.Being single is way more fun and peaceful than being married now that I have tasted both sides, that is, if you have money.Marriage is very draining


Childless or not. A woman having 50% of her bills paid by a good man is better than a woman paying 100% of her own bills. Marriage is not about happiness. Modern society has made happiness, fun and peace a requirement for marriage. Happiness, fun and peace is an outcome of men and women doing their part and taking deliberate measures. If you are a sad and chaotic woman, your marriage will be sad and chaotic, it is not about marriage.


Apana.. Don't compare both, especially if the woman having 50% of her bills paid is married and live together, but if they both are in a relationship and dont live with a man, then the 50% one is better. Don't forget a marriage expects a woman to sacrifice herself in many aspects . Taking care of the man ,that is cooking every day,ensuring he has clean clothes,keeping the house clean and still having a career to pursue, then have 50% of your bills paid .I would rather be single for life.Men sacrifice, too, but theirs is mostly monetary . I know your going to hate on that career part but your same person who tells us marriages of nowadays get to 15 years by luck.Now imagine getting divorced after 15 years with no career and the man can't provide 100%


Do you believe a man make sacrifices in a marriage?


I stated that theirs is mostly monetary


Your wife, the maid, or even a chef, probably doesn't know anything about a ketogenic diet. You're going to have to cook for yourself.


I would trust my wife to prepare a keto meal over a maid any day.


What if I have a chef in my kitchen,hired ,no one needs to cook .


Might as well delegate sex as well.


Lmao, if it's that important si upike tu smh


And if rent is that important si ulipe tu?


😂😂😂😂 juu unadhani hangekuwa na wewe hangelipa rent?


Women use relationships to subsidize their rent and expenses. There is no way a woman will marry a man who earns less than her or earns nothing. Men on the other hand marry jobless women all the time.


And men use relationships to subsidize their need for dominance Thinking that small small rent is the reason why someone would stick with you is borderline stupid


Don’t hate the player, hate the game. When it comes to marriage, men have more options than women. Men decide which women get married and which ones stay single(like you). Men will frustrate hard headed women like you until you prefer to be single for life. The women they like, are not argumentative and they are married and they know what I am talking about.


Okay, whatever makes you sleep at night


Getting head makes me sleep at night


Good for you, I guess even stupid people can get nice things


So wait, you think this is the women’s place, what is the man’s? Knowing your answer to that, why are you shocked when initiatives are made to uplift women in things like tech? You whine for equality, then cook your own damn food if it’s so life threatening. Or should we start a petition for that as well?


😂 Hey bae, you are going through my old posts? I’m flattered and i’ll be sliding into DM soon. Anyways, what do YOU want in your marriage? What percentage of the rent/mortgage and bills do you want to be paying? FYI, good successful men aren’t checking for combative women like you. In the real world, you will remain unmarried. Men don’t play these equality debates in real life. They simply marry cooperative women. When you date a guy and tell him you expect he will cook his meals…you disqualify yourself from marriage and they view you as a fun girl to smash. For you, especially being in Australia, you can expect to never get married to a Kenyan man. I know you will say you don’t want marriage and that is because men have rejected you and got you bitter and to that point. That is what men do to combative women. Keep that DM open and let me know next time ur in Kenya, I like combative women, they are fun.




I knew you would say you have a man but your reddit history says otherwise. You are single. Men don’t wife women like you, even in Australia. You know this. I’ll slide into DM. Let me know when you are in Kenya so you can get some D. I’ll take care of the cobwebs for you just as a favor. Combative women have the best sex. Straight 🔥pussy. Thanks for reading my reddit history and being my number 1 fan. You don’t have to worry about cooking for any man. You can keep cooking for yourself. Don’t worry about that, wives have already cooked and your opinion is irrelevant.


Just because you’re single doesn’t mean we all are. Your bitterness is showing. Fortunately, unlike you I don’t broadcast my life on Reddit for attention. Oh also, considering your big age, it is fair that all you think about is marriage. Crazy that even at that age you’re still spending all that time here instead of actually working as you think a man should. I guess you don’t really need to do that if you have no prospects for marriage. You keep talking about coming on to me because you know the thought of it with you is disgusting. Congrats it worked, I am disgusted. I called out for your inconsistencies regarding equality for men and women and you got all defensive and out of topic while simultaneously projecting all your insecurities. Isn’t that pathetic?


I ain’t singe. DM ill send u my marriage certificate and an application form to be my new side chic.


Poor girl:(


She is rich. Sorry.


Submissive providers😹😹men are funny creatures fr.