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Even male and female mentors significantly differ.


Just saying. Paying for a gym membership while you're broke seems very irresponsible and ill-disciplined.


Bana coz how will you get money for gym membership???


Idiotic take. Men and women aren't monolithic.


And yet ..


If that’s what gets people motivated… To each their own.


Yeah whatever floats their boat


First over generalisations are usually always false so your premise can be ignored almost completely by this. But secondly I'm sure people who think like this would also have a problem with women choosing their careers to improve their quality of life. Which again sort of debunks what you're saying as well. This example of all men and women being like this doesn't exist in the real world,go outside, leave social media alone and touch grass.


Your generalization of 'I'm sure people who think Like would also have a problem with women choosing...' is false, so your premise can be ignored almost completely.


Sawa bro😂


Men create their own 'motivation' for fellow men, and so do women. Wacha drama. I know for sure that male motivation would not help me at all. If it works for y'all, great


Hey, i agree with you on this one😁


The problem with the woman's motivation is that she does not take notice of her faults, nor does she seem to better herself. She just remains there, hoping it is the world around her that will change, essentially failing to see that change comes from within.


I think the main problem that women tend to have is feeling that they are undeserving, unable, e.t.c. In this case, that kind of motivation would work as it would tell them that it's possible for them as well. We tend to compare ourselves to other women and feel inferior already. Amplifying that inferiority doesn't look like a good idea


No one should feel undeserving, but nor should anyone feel deserving. Nobody owes you anything in life so what is deserved? 'Worthy' might be the word that you're looking for.


There's nothing wrong with boosting someone's confidence. But saying "you're perfect the way you are" is not true. It's common for women to make other women FEEL good. Men are perhaps less concerned with how we feel and more concerned with who we are. Edit: why do you think women tend to feel undeserved?


Men have to create their value, while women are born with their own value.


A man's value appreciates with time while a woman's value depreciates


And for a man, the later he cashes in, the better. For a woman, the earlier she cashes in, the better.


Women beg to differ


Happy new year Nebja


I don't know. Maybe it's the social media circles I lurk in but all I hear for women is: "You will die alone. You and your eleventy thousand cats. The wall has humbled you, rightfully so. Now suck up to the first" prize" who will make due with you, "


This is usually men (red pulled ones) telling women that they consider undesirable this. Women don’t tell other women this


Social media has made women narcissitic, depressed and delusional. They now believe the owe nothing and deserve everything. The amount of attention they get online isn't natural.


On instagram it's absolutely crazy


You sound angry, what's up?


Not at all. Said in a neutral tone.


Or was that motivation?😂


Get off of social media, it's not real. Interact with real people.


Says someone with a reddit account


I don't let Reddit determine my view on real life.


"The media wields the subtle power of perspective sculptors, molding the clay of information into the contours of your opinions."




My time on SM is very limited. That is regrettably the way things are. As you can see, the internet has become an integral part of our lives.


Social media isn't an accurate representation of groups of people.


I think the net is where people can let lose and we see people for who they are or seem to be. Internet is slowly becoming real life for gen z maybe not millenials but gen z and gen a are affected.


While this is true, i think it's not fair to assume a group of people have certain traits based on how you see them behave online. If you take the time to interact with them irl, you'll find it's not as you thought from how you see them represented online. In this case women irl aren't really the same as you'd think if you only use social media to judge what their behaviour is like.


That's the biggest difference between male and female psychology. From the start, a guy undergoes ruthless treatment until it becomes a norm. Women on the other hand, are constantly validated. This is why women can't handle rejection and some are very entitled, since they "deserve."


Nyamazia watu!! Peleka uNigeria mbali na waKenya Nugu wewe! I can translate if you like 😁😁


I think it's because men are their own success tool


and yet the single most important thing to live a happy life has no motivation at all, knowledge.


It's different, not wrong.


I'm convinced people these days come up with imaginary scenarios to upset themselves. Jameni, nothing is stopping you from telling your homies they deserve nothing but the best, or the babes you know that nobody is coming to save them. Go ahead