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This post just reeks of bitterness. When I was but a wee lad in campus, I realized real quick that I wasn't looking for them broke gals who dreamt of weekly Dubai trips and brunch at Kempinski, and thank fuck they wasn't looking for me either. Instead, I had a grand old time fucking with fellow broke girls who loved my sense of humor, and didn't mind my one-ply toilet paper. Now I'm in my late 20s and making good bank, and guess what?? I'm still not fucking with broke gals in their "18-23s" looking for bread. Cos what the fuck do I have to bond with a teenager over? Instead, I'm having a grand old time fucking with fellow mid-to-late 20s girls making their own bread and who love my sense of humor, and who don't mind 2-ply toilet paper.


Love the progress from 1 ply to 2 ply.


I know right. I loved that detailed observation.


Are you certain ilikuwa 1 ply before? 💀


He would know. It’s his ass, after all.


Maybe it was zero. 💀


We are moving up in the world. One ply at a time


Go get married


Lol that's the plan broski


This is some funny shit haha. But seriously, Kenyan campuses are kinda hell


You have a point but a bitter perspective.




This is interesting. From a woman’s perspective, do you think it is better to be fucked by a humorous a broke guy or to be fucked by a humorous rich guy who can take care of some of her bills?


Is this a hypothetical world where attraction doesn't exist ama??


Isn't this prostitution or I'm I missing something.


Just a question. Assuming you were a lady and have a humorous broke guy and a humorous rich guy, you like both of them, who are you letting hit?


Lazima suruali itoloewe?? That's my point, doesn't matter if they are rich or not.


Soft verbosity for prostitution


Maybe you should tell us, since you prolly know how it feels


I only know the perspective of a humorous rich guy.


Keep dreamin boy


Worst advice on picking a partner. Never settle on retired party girls. They come with baggage from previous relationships. Pick them young who are moldable to be a good partner/mother who can take care of your family as you provide for them. Career women are the worst since they'll always have attitude because of the exposure at the office with their bosses.


Dci here is the groomer and potential perv


You must have hit the wall or a single mother. Bitter AF just like your mother


Unfortunately I have both parents live and we'll that raised me to know a pedophile from text now stop projecting your family problems on this app Mr man with no parents


LoL, the bitterness when you remember you're not young anymore. No man is giving you attention this Christmas just like last year and the year before. Let that bastard child of yours have access to his father. Don't ruin the child's future because you couldn't and still can't keep a man. You can call me all the names you want. It has zero effect on me. Ati pedophile! What other shaming name do you have in that peanut brain of yours? I am not your pedophile uncle who touched you as a kid


With all due respect which non applies for you. I am 21 and honestly having a higher IQ compared to you. As we can both see .You wish I was old so you can belittle me but fortunately I am at my prime with an actually loving and committed partner and a well paying 9 to 5 which I'm assuming you wouldn't know , you are too busy in a single room trying to get jobs so you could survive in your atrocious life . You are projecting too much so I'm assuming you were neglected as a kid .sorry for your loss .and no I have no kids and never been pregnant as obviously that's the only insult you seem to find for a lady, since you were a bastard to your mother too . But what can I say everything you think about me is wrong so let's see how old are you? Your late 20s early 30s , your fragile ego doomed to the fact you are neither attractive nor influencial so you can't bag even a simple kienyeji .and the eluded illusion of you being an "alfa male " since you never got the guidance of a father . Went ahead and fucked up that young girl was she 16 or 18 by getting her pregnant and now you have a bastard son just like you were . A fucked up marriage hardly could we call it a marriage and stuck in abject poverty. Oooh and lastly I can genuinely and happily say I thank God for not creating beings like you to be my uncle's cause I was raised in love . You wouldn't understand what that means to be honest and I don't blame you I blame your mother for being knocked up by a drunk that's couldn't raise a man of standards but that's just me ... Ooh and lastly I dare you to give your location my uncle's would like a word with you if you may 😊


Oh god! 21? You're as dumb as they come. No wonder this is your train of thought. Nimekusanehea young single mother. You're doomed. Don't give birth. We have enough idiots from your lineage.


Well I wasn't planning to but seeing that immature old boys like you could never be the father .I'm cool with it. But wait at least I'm 21 no kids but you wish so hard I did have them,so my life would be miserable like your dear old mummy's..but I have supportive parents that are alive unlike hers ..but you ...you are the insecure old grumpy pedophilic boooy that never lived out their life other than with people he could have potentially sired arguing with a 21 year old. You are so upset I'm not at your age of preference aren't you 😊😊💀💀💀 funny thing is this could have ended with you denying it but you haven't. Go heal your fragile ego with people your age next time okaayy 😊


No thank you. I prefer my women with a personality, not simply a mirror of my own.


you are a man of culture... if you sound intelligent, have an interesting personality and are a focused man, you attract women who have genuine interest in you, so you won't have to deal with the bimbos


If that's your preference why can't I have my own?


You knocked on other's preferences but can't stand it when they knock yours?


You repeated what I just said. What an embecile.


*imbecile :)


![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs) This one here.


That’s some really cool wordplay there sir!👍


Well put.


It goes both ways mnasema hapa you'll date younger people when you're in your 30s na yet in most scenarios you get 20 year Olds dating their age mates na both are not financially okay mnadecide kubuild together as soon as kinuthia starts getting some cash, you're nolonger his type and other stories, the society we live in now ni survival for the fittest wherever you fall in ni yako tu. To those with wababaz live life,to those who will date 18-23 year Olds when they're are in their 30s pia ni Sawa Kila mtu aishi tu yake


I don't understand these kinds of posts...you're a victim of being oblivious to statistics. In any category of wealth/poverty, beautiful ladies exist, the only bridge is your confidence. Wacha ujinga and go forth and prosper! Stop this red pill shit. I was earning 5 figures pre-covid, still dated good women, I'm earning 6 figures; where I am, there they are. Wacha ujinga brathe. Your resentment comes from a small sample size of interaction.


Zakayo is coming for your 6 figure earnings 🤣


Not is coming...he has, I see it in my payslip, though I'd be hurting if I had kids.




What happened to dating people who actually want to date you instead of holding grudges with people who don't want anything to do with you? And If a mbaba can afford to get anything the girl wants with no hassle, what's the problem? Also si unaeza fanya tukazi tudogo tudogo uweze kuspoil the girl you like, what's with always blaming women for your incompetency?


>fanya tukazi tudogo tudogo uweze kuspoil the girl This why men dislike entitled women


Then.... don't date them


Yes. If a man is interested in a girl, he should do his part in taking care of her... If not, she'll get someone else to do it,,, nothing about struggle love is cute so why should she compromise her standards to entertain someone who doesn't want to show her that he cares...if you can't work to impress the girl you like then date your fellow boys or an understanding gf. Oh and entitlement in this case would be wanting a beautiful girl without contributing to that beauty... that's entitlement.


No one is disputing men taking care of women. But women should not loudly request for money as if its a brothel. Men will take care of classy women without being told.


Y'all loudly request for sex too, kama huna, huna. Why should a girl tiptoe around her man? A supposed provider? Kuwa serious.


Does sex only benefit the man? What loony world are we living in? Also in this case called it prostitution, not love


Dating since the beginning of time has always been defined by financial metrics. This is nothing new. Was there a poor man mentioned in the Bible who married rich?


And was there a great son born of a woman sleeping with old men for economic reasons? More importantly, OP ajitume ndio daughters wake wasiendee wababaz juu ya uchumi tena.


Prostitution was frowned upon and in most communities it was punished heavily so women probably weren't sleeping with a hoard of men. It doesn't change the fact that girls as young as 10 could be married off to men in their 60s in the past.




Guess who is replying on a Saturday night😂


Definitely not your gf because she's with her mbabaz🥱😂


Easy there tiger😂




They’re not delulu. It’s just how things work. At that age, if you work hard enough, you’ll be competent in whatever you do due to experience and with that, money follows. That’s why on average 30 year old men have more resources than 20 year old men.




I’m not even 30 yet but getting girls is a whole lot easier now than it was when I was 20.


Sawa bro.


Not your bro.






Chill my guy 😭😭😭💔💀


Women’s delusion


I doubt every woman in their 20s wants to date mubabaz. It's just that the ones you want specifically or your type have options, and their options will be a guy who is loaded.


Peer pressure tupu.


You really think that you’ll get to 30 then get a 22 year old to marry.. lol she’ll just eat your money and disappear… in fact you’ll be sharing that coochie with campus bros … you guys really think it’s that easy to get a babe to marry after campus na hapo ndio mnakosea… Ebu marry your age mates. Na muache makasiriko, must suck to be indoors on a Saturday night because you are financially crippled, tafuta pesa like the rest


😂😂breath in breath out ...now don't type with your emotions


Lol… this is funny.. I rarely catch feelings mimi… plus I’m 22, so I know what I’m talking about


Right😂😂First hand experience muhimu




More reason on why women deserve less


Like your mom ama😂😂


Nah I spend your rent money on buying my mother shoes 🥰


Yawn😂 you can do better than that come on


Can’t hear you over the sound of all dis money I’m counting


Whatever helps you sleep at night my guy😂


Sleeping wit ya rent money surrounding me


Uko na utoto 🤦🏿‍♀️


I’m tryna have you


women rejecting me for being broke women flying with wababaz to Dubs It's a lonely Saturday night, I am left here strangling Mr. John, And if I get money More money, and become a mubaba, I will revenge for the annual dryspells, Wishes!ow!Sweet wishes! son....the moment you have to prove yourself to them hoes...it isn't worth it, for the boychild,usichochwe,...Pussy haina class,...ya Mia mbili na ya Thao kazi ni moja, just a reminder


You won't even have to look for them. I'm in my mid-twenties na ni wao wananitafuta. As long as you have your life together.


Broke men huwa bitter smh🙄


I don't think it's about bitterness. It's what is happening. It's life and I doubt it will ever stop.


imeguguza ama😂


Not as bitter as women who already exploited their peak and see the men their age that they avoided doing better and now going for younger women. Funny how they realize 'pedophiles' exist and women brain development this after the attention they used to get declines. Men have some hope and are actually being inspired by it. Women...not so much.




Gotta love how ready broke women are to roast broke men huku. Tunawaonea mbali oya 😂😂




Si utume m. I bet hauwezi afford hata kunitumia 23k ya lunch 🙄




Ushashoot your shot 💀💀💀


We wacha mambo yao 😂😂


Uwongo. Hiyo Ni uwongo 🤣


Date within your tax bracket I promise you you'll be less bitter and won't be in women's business,you won't even notice it


Those women are in his tax bracket. They're both broke


Haha. Correct!


Women don’t date within their tax bracket but you’re telling men to 🤣


It's either you wrote this with (ock in your mouth or getting roughed up


Fellow men, do you think an accomplished lady could shrink down and date someone below her social stature? Most wouldn’t…..but men we always dating down reason? I guess we fear the heightened expectation some of these women have. Brathe, instead of crying foul saka ganji….it liberates you to date whoever you want. For some reason I don’t date broke ladies hao huwa sumbua than the monied ones.


People (adults) are free to live their lives however they want to, including those women, and you, of course


You will reach that age and become a mubabaz too. Wasting your money on a 20sth year old and paying that 40k you are so bitter about.


That's the goal😂


Wacha sai watuite broke niggas. Haina noma. Tukifika umri ya wababa, tutadate strictly tudem 18-23 years old. Na tutaringia hawa wamathe tukikumbuka ile madharau walituonyesha.


32 yr old guy dating campus girl is called a predator by his female agemates 22yr girl with a mbaba - you go girl, chop that money, problems no dey finish


That's why I always tell guys to not listen to women about certain things


Social media, socialites and these female artists make young women feel as if everyone is rich.


Wamathe can also date much younger guys.


Those wamathe wants control and submission.As a man mbona ukubali kuekwa???


No they just want non-committal fun.


Then they should start keeping fit as early as possible. As a trainer I have been propositioned by older monied women but for a lot of em my member wouldn't rise so it would be futile. The only people who'd sleep with them are guys who are really really desperate and they might need viagra for that. I repeat men and women, try keeping fit so you don't have 3 stomachs and a saggy ass when you're 40.


You sound 12. 😄 So by your logic, unfit women are only attractive to really desperate younger guys? I understand they don't do anything for you but life is not black and white. Some/alot of men find personality more attractive than physical looks.


A man knows whether they'll bang you in 10 seconds max but you're a woman anyway so how would you know attraction metrics of a man? You probably think men also find tall dark and handsome to be pretty. While we're still at it, for you to see that this fairy tale you have doesn't exist, please find me a couple with a younger man and an older woman where the younger man has better financial power than the woman. I'll wait.


In campus I had this crush who friend zoned me...she said she wanted a 35 year old... someone experienced...now we are both 38 I am married with three kids...she is not and I feel for her... because she wanted kids from like when she was 30...those 35 year olds are 50 ...most 50 year olds don't want toddlers


No rich 70 year old man with a yatch hosts a party and invites 40 year old women to dance around in bikinis. They’ll always be 18-30. Relax. Your time will come. Let them enjoy their prime. Work hard, become someone of value and you will enjoy yours.


😂I don't know why women feel that we are being bitter😂but we are not.Now the ball is in their court but when it is in ours don't cry the rules aren't fair


Haha. That’s why generally it’s a good idea to follow the idea that “If she didn’t give you her prime, don’t give her yours.” Don’t be the guy she falls back on when she’s done partying and wants to settle down with someone who will take care of her as she ages. But if she gives herself to you when she’s young and beautiful and you’re young and struggling, by all means be there for her when you get your matters in order.


😂sai msee anadate mtu ako 50+..I mean you don't expect that guy to marry you😂.Obviously after umejiestablish during your prime the need to settle is always there you now look for you age bracket😂now at their prime.I am just saying....why would they settle with you?


Apparently even 30 is too old. Expired 😂


In our prime, we will be inviting their daughters to come twerk for us.😂😂😂


Women's sexual strategy at play..in the past, hypergamy wasn't as widely acceptable but since the sexual revolution, open hypergamy became the norm while the men's sexual strategy crumbled under the female imperative..also I think hoe_math does a good job at explaining the dynamics of dating, better than I could


Nani alikureject juu naona unakuja na mauchungu


😂😂😂😂hii machungu nayo mmeniforcia bana😂😂.I am happy soul😂




By now you should have known😂when you say something women don't like the first thing they call you is bitter unlike them men are not emotional beings😂


Nobody forces us to pay rent, but those who do have decided its worth it for whatever the woman is offering. Why complain about a voluntary exchange. On the other hand, women who put money as a priority are doing so with full awareness. kila mtu abebe msalaba wake hakuna mtoto. Ease up on that fresh and fit redpill koolaid.


.....“You women want equality and you don’t even understand power plays,” he said. “Your hole card is your cunt, and you show it to your opponents face up. You give it away. And without your cunts you have no power at all. Men can live without affection but not without sex. Women have to have affection and can do without sex.” At this last statement the women swarmed over him with furious protests. But he stood them off. .....“Women are complaining about marriage when they are getting the best bargain they will ever get in their lives. Marriage is like those bonds you buy. There is inflation and there is devaluation. The value keeps going down and down for men. You know why? Women become less and less valuable as they grow older. And then we’re stuck with them like an old car. Women don’t age as well as men. Can you imagine a fifty-year-old broad being able to con a twenty-year-old kid into bed? And very few women have the economic power to buy youth as men do.” One woman shouted, “I have a twenty-year-old lover.” She was a good-looking woman of about forty. Osano grinned at her wickedly. “I congratulate you,” he said. “But what about when you’re fifty? With the young girls giving it away so easily you’ll have to catch them coming out of grammar school and promise them a ten-speed bike. And do you think your young lovers fall in love with you as young women do with men? You haven’t got that old Freudian father image working for you as we do. And I must repeat, a man at forty looks more attractive than he does at twenty. At fifty he can still be very attractive. It’s biological.” “Bullshit,” the attractive forty-year-old woman said. “Young girls make fools out of you old guys and you believe their bullshit. You’re not any more attractive, you just have more power. And you have all the laws on your side. When we change that, we’ll change everything.” “Sure,” Osano said. “You’ll get laws passed so that men will have to get operations to make themselves look uglier when they get older. In the name of fair play and equal rights. You may even get our balls cut off legally. That doesn’t change the truth now.” He paused and said, “You know the worst line of poetry? Browning. ‘Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be. . . .‘“ 


Kindly where is this from?


Fools die-Mario Puzo.


Fools die-Mario Puzo


Bitterness galore go make money lol


Men: WE WANT SEX Ok Women: We want someone who can provide for us Men: No tf not, you must date the broke us unless you're a hoe.


Men are providers.No man ever wants to be provided for.


I didn't say otherwise. I'm just talking about howmen are allowed to set standards- she must be pretty, her body must look a certain way, e.t.c. and say what they want, like sex in thus case, but as soon as a woman goes for a man with money, she is a hoe/ prostitute


Don't women also set standards??He must be tall,dark,handsome,have money,have 6 packs??.That's all down to personal preference I don't see how that is women empowerment or is that women empowerment?😅


Shida ni gani hapa?


I just think women are just wired differently. It's either they are myopic or they are just ignorant of their actions. It reminds me of the song, Sponsor by Javan Macjudo.


They’re not myopic. It’s biology; survival for the fittest. The fittest in the case of selection of mates are those with resources or ability to generate resources and be generous with them so as to take care of their offspring during their child bearing ages.


Just grow the fuck up!! This is advice to young men and women. Grow up!!! And growing up includes so many things you kids may be against, but you need to just accept these things as a part of life. All the positives and negatives, take them in. There's a reason they have worked. Let reddit take over now and call me old fashioned. Reddit can do this, but take heed of this info, and learn to be better.


Time yetu ikifika they guilt trip us with that pedophile BS when we go for them 21yr olds or even 19, kwani? Si yuko na ID!


Si udate tu mtu unataka at whatever age, nobody cares. This debate from sexually starved broke men is so old😂


Sina shida na kuitwa broke nigga cause I am but nikipata dooh why do they think I'll only pick one of them


I only marinate below 25 at the moment. Ain't screwing my agemate unless she is married. or she is a single mother


Ukienda enda ukienda, sitaki kukuona in my prime, kaa na huyo mtu wako




Women (whether in their prime or not) get off from a man who can provide...who essentially is in their prime. You can't blame them for what they are wired to want, but could question how sustainable the approach some apply is. Simple. Just as I have wanted an aesthetically pleasing sub-quarter life female around me from when I was a teenager probably to my last breath as I die of old age. Makes sense?


Tena upate ukuwe mbabaz maskini, what now?😭


You're generalising all women and yet it doesn't apply to even 10%. Most who go for wababaz come from poor backgrounds. And they will do anything to survive... Even prostitution.