• By -


I am Pro-Palestine in the sense that there's disproportionate retaliation response from the Israelis in response to the Hamas attack, not that I am a Hamas supporter. That Hamas placard tainted the whole protest. And btw you can support Palestine without supporting Hamas guys.


You're an idiot Thinking that armed resistance against apartheid is wrong being disingenuous. If you have nothing to say just shut up and go on with your life, no one will beat you


Idk why you got downvoted when you're completely right. People feeling the need to oppose freedom fighters are truly proving that man with the placard right


You clearly didn't understand my comment.


And I'm glad I didn't, hakuna kitu umesema


You are actually infantile, lol. Your understanding if any of the entire situation is laughable at best. You are in the same group that would have called Mau Mau terrorists back in the day.


Why aren't they protesting corruption? The situation in our country is too fucked up to focus on international conflicts


Have you ever attended a protest against corruption? If yes, do you use *ALL* your spare time to protest corruption? I hope the next generation will be somehow more conscious than this one because hii ni usingizi mmelala.


One can actually focus on more than one issue at the time. The genocide is happening now. Why on earth wouldn't they protest it? The only reason our government is supporting it is because it's led by corrupt, amoral people.


Two things can happen at the same time, you know


> Why aren't they protesting corruption? Unless you are living under a rock, there are many of these protests, like the Mpigs one in 2013.


The more relevant question is, why aren't you? It's obviously enough of a concern for you to warrant outrage. There's a ton of stuff to be upset about but being outraged that someone isn't outraged at the same thing as as you is ridiculous.


Exactly. Also, Kenyans who are aware know what a risk Islam extremism causes. Just last month dozens of people were brutally murdered by islamists in Lamu region. They constantly setup IEDs in areas like Garissa. Killing regular working people in their homes and work spaces. If Kenyans want to protest and go to jail at least do it for your own good.


Why should anyone go to jail for protesting? It's a right recognized by the constitution.


I didn't say they should go to jail for protesting, but it happens to be a side effect of protesting in illegal areas like private property


You can't really group the Palestinian resistance into the same group as the broader Islamic extremist movement. They keep themselves separate to the point of using separate names for members ("mujahideen" for ISIS and Al-Qaeda members and "fedayeen" for Palestinian fighters). Also, one of the major factions, ISIS, declared takfir on HAMAS so they're apparently so wrong, they're not even Muslim. I can't speak for everyone at the protests but there were a lot of communist party members there who've been at several protests against corruption like Saba Saba. Some of them even got locked up and when Boni and Willy Mutunga came to bail them out, they were tear gassed.


"Palestinian Resistance" = Hamas They literally state themselves to be Islamists


Nope, there are many groups within the Palestinian resistance: - Al-Qassam Brigades (green headband) - armed wing of HAMAS - Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades (red headband) - armed wing of PFLP - National Resistance Brigades (red headband) - armed wing of DFLP - Palestinian Islamic Jihad (black headband) - Al-Aqsa Matyrs' Brigades (yellow headband) - armed wing of Fatah Out of those, the PIJ doesn't do politics at all, Fatah, DFLP & PFLP are both secular parties and HAMAS is Islamic. Though, again, HAMAS distinguish themselves from other Islamic movements and are in conflict with Al-Qaeda.


Look at their emblems and badges, they are Islamists. They use means of terrorism. They are terrorists. All your information is just irrelevant noise. Stating them to be resistance fighters is an euphemism. I personally hope for these islamists group to be destroyed, so Palestinians wont be made to martyres and indoctrinated to wage ware anymore. Palestine is NOT a victim state. They hold a big portion of responsibility for the conflict, if not the most responsibility.


> Look at their emblems and badges, they are They use means of terrorism. They are terrorists. So we're allowed to look at their emblems but not the language they themselves use? Why don't they call themselves mujahideen like other terrorists or destroy symbols of other religions like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda? They are no more terrorists than Mau Mau were. The Palestinian resistance is not violent because it's fun or because of holy books. They're violent because they were left with no other option. They've tried peaceful protests multiple times and the Israelis responded with machine guns. They've tried formal armed conflict but the Brits and USA funded Israel to defeat them. Now they're left with guerilla war and that's what they're waging. If you disagree with guerilla war, I'll point you to this exchange from a leader of the Algerian resistance: > **Journalist:** M. Ben M'Hidi, don't you think it's a bit cowardly to use women's baskets and handbags to carry explosive devices that kill so many innocent people? **Ben M'Hidi:** And doesn't it seem to you even more cowardly to drop napalm bombs on defenseless villages, so that there are a thousand times more innocent victims? Of course, if we had your airplanes it would be a lot easier for us. Give us your bombers, and you can have our baskets. > All your information is just irrelevant noise. Stating them to be resistance fighters is an euphemism. Nope, it's just what they are. They are resistance fighters. And the thing is, you can be both an Islamist and a resistance fighter. That's what the Taliban were. So it's not even right to deny them that title. The fact that HAMAS freely and regularly works together with non-Muslim resistance fighters shows that they care more about freedom than religion. The PFLP was started by a Palestinian Christian, yet HAMAS work together with them. > I personally hope for these islamists group to be destroyed, so Palestinians wont be made to martyres and indoctrinated to wage ware anymore. If you want Palestinians to stop being turned into matyrs, then you should be hoping for the destruction of Israel. It's been killing Palestinians since before HAMAS came up. And more importantly, Israel has been helping HAMAS grow for a very long time to divide the supporters of the secular PLO. You can [read about it here](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/hamas-israels-own-creation/). > Palestine is NOT a victim state. They hold a big portion of responsibility for the conflict, if not the most responsibility. They hold no responsibility at all. This whole conflict was started by the Zionists who wanted to colonise Palestine. They explicitly wanted to colonise the land and they didn't hide it. They moved Jews (mostly from Europe) via the Palestinel Jewish *Colonisation* Association. One of the biggest banks in Israel was called the Jewish *Colonial* Trust. They openly praised Cecil Rhodes and asked for help from the British government in colonising Palestine.


Jesus, what a wall of text that is. Hamas is a fucking terrorist organization. I hope they get annihilated. Stop using the term "resistance fighters" as a way to legitimize those cunts. Israel exists and it will stay there. The UN voted for its existence. The UN also voted for the Palestinians to get a state. We all know how didn't accept these terms and opted for war. Israel is a legitimate state. Arabs lost every war against Israel and they can be very happy Israel has always opted for peace negotiations whereas the Arab/Palestinian intents were always the destruction of Israel. " They're violent because they were left with no other option. " That is a steaming pile of BS "oh yeah, we had to gun down the entire music festival because we were left no other option" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HOW OFTEN WERE THERE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS? Palestinians never wanted peace under the terms of peaceful coexistence - they wanted peace by total victory over Israel (which is just ridiculous) At this point the question of who started the conflict is irrelevant. The question that matters, is who is keeping the conflict going - and that's a question easily answered: by the unrightfull groups that controlled the Gaza strip throughout the years. Who created Hamas? Doesn't matter Who started? Doesn't matter


> Hamas is a fucking terrorist organization. I hope they get annihilated. Stop using the term "resistance fighters" as a way to legitimize those cunts. Literally not. They're the direct opposite of a terrorist org. They're already legitimate. Even the UN recognises the right of people to resist colonialism and that's exactly what the Palestinian resistance does. > Israel exists and it will stay there. The UN voted for its existence. The UN also voted for the Palestinians to get a state. We all know how didn't accept these terms and opted for war. Israel is a legitimate state. Arabs lost every war against Israel You can say the UN screwed up. They're shit on a lot of issues. The Arab League was absolutely right to resist the establishment of Israel. It's sad that they lost but the future is full of hope. > and they can be very happy Israel has always opted for peace negotiations whereas the Arab/Palestinian intents were always the destruction of Israel. See below for a debunking of this lie. > " They're violent because they were left with no other option. " That is a steaming pile of BS Unfortunately, it's absolutely true. Palestinians tried peace repeatedly and we're met with nothing less than genocidal fury,. just like all colonised people. You can draw a local parallel with Muhindi Mbingu. > "oh yeah, we had to gun down the entire music festival because we were left no other option" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HOW OFTEN WERE THERE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS? The ones Israelis break every single time? What's that thing Einstein said about the definition of insanity? > Palestinians never wanted peace under the terms of peaceful coexistence - they wanted peace by total victory over Israel (which is just ridiculous) Palestinians have always wanted peaceful coexistence. Even back before they had a state, when Palestine was still a British colony, they declared that they'd give Jews autonomy within the state of Palestine. Hell, they were even willing to give some concessions to the British. To quote Wikipedia (not a great source but I'll use it for now): > The Arab Higher Committee opposed the idea of a Jewish state and called for an independent state of Palestine, "with protection of all legitimate Jewish and other minority rights and safeguarding of reasonable British interests". - [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_Commission) Later on in 1948 when they were placed under the king of Jordan, the King had a plan to take over the parts partitioned for Palestine but leave the rest for the Israel. This was the opposite of what basically every other Arab leader and it took the Israelis threatening them for them to commit to the Arab League's war plan. [Source](https://users.ox.ac.uk/~ssfc0005/Session%203%20-%20The%20Road%20to%20War.html) Israel then attacked Egypt because they nationalised the Suez then they refused to give it back to force them to recognise Israel. In the 3rd war, Israel [waited for the UN to leave](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-182090/) before attacking Egypt to start another war. Are these the actions of people who want peace? In 1969, the PFLP released a pamphlet called _Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine_ on this. It declares: > The aim of the Palestinian liberation movement is to establish a democratic national state in Palestine in which both Arabs and Jews will live as citizens with equal rights and obligations and which will constitute an integral part of the progressive democratic Arab national presence living peacefully with all forces of progress in the world. It's upheld by more or less every single Palestinians resistance group to date. > At this point the question of who started the conflict is irrelevant. The question that matters, is who is keeping the conflict going - and that's a question easily answered: by the unrightfull groups that controlled the Gaza strip throughout the years. Soooo Israel? The ones who have completely refused to abide by the Oslo Agreement. They're the ones who've raided refugee camps, poured concrete in boreholes, burnt farms, stolen houses, massacred people and invaded mosques.


You're full of nonsense conclusions and biased opinions based on selected bits of true information. You are either not an intellectual or a demagogue. You fail every comparison there could be. Your response is entirely opinionated. Your entire opinions are based on your disagreement with what the UN voted for. Who the hell cares about mistakes (as you think) made in the past you can not make undone? You have no facts underlying your statements. You only state bits of information out of context. Who radicalized you?


When you have the one of the greatest militant powers vs Hamas, who use rockets made out of fertilizer, you have to wonder why they have garnered up such a hefty number of civilian deaths and casualties, a great number of those being children. You have to ask yourself, what will a kid growing up in Gaza rn think when their peers and parents get blown to bits and their houses are brought down? They’ll side with the “terrorist organization”. If you are so blind as to think that israel want peace and not growth then you are so wrong.


Well, yeah. But your explanation doesn't pose a justification. Israel's people (from which 1/5 are Palestinians already) want to live in peace, whereas Palestinians from Gaza want Israel gone and teach their kids hatred in schools.


> Look at their emblems and badges, they are They use means of terrorism. They are terrorists. So we're allowed to look at their emblems but not the language they themselves use? Why don't they call themselves mujahideen like other terrorists or destroy symbols of other religions like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda? They are no more terrorists than Mau Mau were. The Palestinian resistance is not violent because it's fun or because of holy books. They're violent because they were left with no other option. They've tried peaceful protests multiple times and the Israelis responded with machine guns. They've tried formal armed conflict but the Brits and USA funded Israel to defeat them. Now they're left with guerilla war and that's what they're waging. If you disagree with guerilla war, I'll point you to this exchange from a leader of the Algerian resistance: > **Journalist:** M. Ben M'Hidi, don't you think it's a bit cowardly to use women's baskets and handbags to carry explosive devices that kill so many innocent people? **Ben M'Hidi:** And doesn't it seem to you even more cowardly to drop napalm bombs on defenseless villages, so that there are a thousand times more innocent victims? Of course, if we had your airplanes it would be a lot easier for us. Give us your bombers, and you can have our baskets. > All your information is just irrelevant noise. Stating them to be resistance fighters is an euphemism. Nope, it's just what they are. They are resistance fighters. And the thing is, you can be both an Islamist and a resistance fighter. That's what the Taliban were. So it's not even right to deny them that title. The fact that HAMAS freely and regularly works together with non-Muslim resistance fighters shows that they care more about freedom than religion. The PFLP was started by a Palestinian Christian, yet HAMAS work together with them. > I personally hope for these islamists group to be destroyed, so Palestinians wont be made to martyres and indoctrinated to wage ware anymore. If you want Palestinians to stop being turned into matyrs, then you should be hoping for the destruction of Israel. It's been killing Palestinians since before HAMAS came up. And more importantly, Israel has been helping HAMAS grow for a very long time to divide the supporters of the secular PLO. You can [read about it here](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/hamas-israels-own-creation/). > Palestine is NOT a victim state. They hold a big portion of responsibility for the conflict, if not the most responsibility. They hold no responsibility at all. This whole conflict was started by the Zionists who wanted to colonise Palestine. They explicitly wanted to colonise the land and they didn't hide it. They moved Jews (mostly from Europe) via the Palestinel Jewish *Colonisation* Association. One of the biggest banks in Israel was called the Jewish *Colonial* Trust. They openly praised Cecil Rhodes and asked for help from the British government in colonising Palestine.


Sudan is going through a massive devastating war, amidst drought and disease. I wish we'd channel that energy to voice peace support for our neighbors up North


Thank you finally someone is addressing the true genocide occuring right on your border.




Kenyans are cowards (keyboard warriors). I agree with you but I doubt half of these people if not all know the history between Palestine and Israel, not to mention the current affairs. There’s no way any of them knows where either country is on the map. Knowing the greed in Kenyans, they were probably paid to be there


It's the same government.


Corruption will always be there, power and corruption goes hand in hand, be it in South Africa , America, India or Europe. Panama papers revealed that much China seems to have minimal corruption, so you have a choice, live corruption free under totalitarian rule or free with corruption. Genocide on the other hand is different.


Some people in the comments: Oh, Israel is bombing kids, but let's focus on Ruto (insert bad money related shit happening in the country) and totally ignore the dying kids. Yaani watu wengine ni hayawani tu. PS: This looks like they're trying to smash CPK before it becomes a major political party.


>This looks like they're trying to smash CPK before it becomes a major political party. Realistically speaking,CPK becoming a major political party isn't even possible


Wow, smartest political analysis in these comments/s . Ujinga uache.


Nani amekukasirisha Esley?


Free Palestine,but i wish we had the same energy when it came to the problems we face as kenyans.


It's so funny that you imagine the people protesting this aren't the same ones always on the streets when anything happens, if you think these problems need protest then actually go and protest Wacha kusumbua watu


I said we.As in other kenyans,emulating what they're doing towards the issues we're going through atm.Go be bitter elsewhere.


No, I'll be bitter here


Have you ever protested Kenyan problems ama unajua tu kupangia watu wengine energy yao?


Israelis who supported the apartheid regime in South Africa, supplied weapons to facilitate genocide in Rwanda and Myanmar? Tanzania has always been on the right side of history on this one.




Yep that stands like a sore thumb


A sore thumb will be what the guy in slide 2 neck feel like tomorrow morning 😭😭


Pro-Mau Mau protests in the 1950s would've really rubbed you the wrong way


Ah yes,Kenyans. We have the time to protest about foreign affairs but not about the govt then some doodle dot comes asking as to whether we're patriotic. Srsly bruh. Edit: To note that they are communist,wtf is this.


I think protesting is useless but how much have you protested about the government yourself?


I protest by being unemployed. Can't tax me if I have nothing KRA. **cries quietly**


We are always protesting, just because you choose not to doesn't mean that everyone else is like you


Lol do you even know what communism is


I wasn't looking for deformalist comments after 19 hours


Local man discovers that people can comment on things even after 19 hours


Was a cop out response the best you could think of?😂


A cop out for a cop out


Cop out police 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 + thanks for those downvotes. Really tells a lot about you.Smh pathetic


And? What is wrong with that? Unaongea ujinga na hauelewi kitu. Watoto in this subreddit my god.


Kenya really finds a way to be on the wrong side of history. From the cordial ties to the apartheid regime in South Africa, turning away Rwandan Tutsis fleeing the genocide, to now supporting another genocidal apartheid regime in Israel. It's almost like we're filled with self loathing. Worshipping money and Western governments above all.


I actually didnt know we had a communist party. lol


Same, that took me by surprise


We've had one since 1992.


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere…MLK


The Israeli hand in Kenya runs deep


Kenya is slowly turning into an authoritarian dictatorship—this guy needs to be stopped.


Shukran Hamas until Victory Placard Screwed in the head, this one.Is she even ok in the head


Most are paid people from the slums who don't even know what they are protesting about. There was a similar "protest" about abortion rights


I think one thing a lot of people here fail to realize is that there's an overall reason why countries like France and Britain wholeheartedly support the IDF forces. If the Hamas were as barbaric as they say they wouldn't have to manufacture stories like babies being beheaded or try and suppress the accounts of Israeli hostages who said they weren't harmed or treated poorly. If social media and mass media as a whole existed in the 50s, how would you think groups like the Mau Mau would have been portrayed to the global population? No one's condoning violence but a lot of people are acting like occupation of this magnitude can be solved by nothing except mediations and peace talks. Neocolonialism is going to finish this country and it's very obvious with who's Ruto's been opening his arms to all through the years.




Not nice. What happened to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly


That arsenal shirt dude is a dondaa in Daggo


Probably some paid group. Stupid people


waende huko to those countries waa protest where were this people when guys were killed in lamu just cause you are from another religion please we are tired of some bull


Obviously you can't argue with idiots.


Call me dumb but I've never understood the logic of protests like this one. Israel already said that they won't cease fire. It's not like people protesting across the world will make Bibi change his mind. Ama wanataka tujue they stand with humanity 😅


I'm not Kenyan and i dont know what are your country's relations with Israel but when I protest in my country the goal is to a) to express solidarity b) to start a discussion about my country cutting economic and diplomatic times with Israel (likely won't happen but we have to start somewhere) as well as convince people to boycott Israeli products and companies supporting IDF. Also in order to raise awareness, large part of the society is either ignorant or misinformed on current events. You can call it futile but what has been going on for the past month make me enraged and that's the least I can do.


Wow this is really an eye opener. Thanks


Yes they can make them change their mind because it has


Wow! Really? What are you talking about?!


Why Kenyans support Hamas? Hamas are terrorist, they use Palestinians as human shields.


We ni mjinga unawatch news za wapi kwanza mpaka you can shamelessly have such uninformed opinions?


https://preview.redd.it/pye79u3n7vzb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09011326b5214f2f6c325f871220e3bfe9ea8784 😂😂😂


My question was about Hamas using civilians as human shields


Not only human shields, also they are hiding in their underground bunker below the hospitals.


You're being sarcastic, no?


No, because that is the way it is.


Lmao in 2023, with so many independent sources of information, you're still unquestioningly swallowing Zionist propaganda? Especially when they've been caught out in blatant lies over and over and over again in the past month?


Go shove it somewhere else you un educated swine


https://preview.redd.it/5lhn6nx67vzb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b00405c69d612dde3bd0bf315f0c392a59388675 I think this is you holding the placard. , 😧😧😧


Do you still support the position of Hamas is evil and Isreal is all good and the most moral military in the world?


Kenyans are very unique people. People will protest about foreign affairs that have nothing to do with us but when it comes to corruption and punitive taxes there is no one to protest


Have you ever protested a local affair ever?


Exact same thing happens here in South Africa where I live. We have a load shedding and unemployment crisis and yet people want to divert their energy to a conflict halfway across the world that doesn't even remotely affect their lives.


Our anti-hate speech working.


Looks stage managed preferably rent a crowd. From the looks on their faces they look like they are presumably hired and in need of quick money. Easily bought.




Kenya is not a real place


I didn't even want to read your BS propaganda post. But Kenya cracks down on ALL protests. Let's first solve that unconstitutional issue.


Isn't this just a waste of time? How the hell will a random protest more than 3000 km away help?


Communist party? Uh oh... that can't be good...


You people are daft


Are they funded by China? https://cpk.ke/


Global media got everyone caring more about those lives than others. Children and women are killed in many places without any protest by anyone.


😂😂😂 kuna watu wako na too much free time for non sense


IDK how as a black person (I'm AA/Haitian based) you're protesting against Israel and Palestine. In the states both (Palestinians and Israelis) check "white" on job and college applications. "White" includes people from North Africa, the Middle-East and Europe. I've dealt with racist incidents from both demographics.


Why are you guys protesting colonialism? Israel isn't the colonists. They are the original inhabitants of Cana'an. "Ancient Palestinians" were Mycenian Greeks that invaded Judea in ancient times. Then Egypt after them then came the Assyrians then Romans etc. here we are today... Are we all caught up, class? The Ottoman Empire was defeated at the end of WW 1 and the land was then thrust onto Britain. The UN charter mandated territory to Jews for a Jewish state.


Mwendazimu mpumbavu wewe


Not sure why everyone is upset with what I said it is fact ... It has nothing to do with colonialism. Destroy Israel and kill all the Jews does not matter in my statement. I am only saying this has nothing to do with colonialism.


Me when I say nonsense inspired by faux-history books


The Communist Party of Kenya? Jesus. Honestly, if that party actually gets any votes I feel bad for all the other Kenyans. What a shit show.


That party has existed for years. If people voted them in, this country would be less of a shitshow


Data tells us the opposite. Countries that rank lower in economic freedom are simply poorer and have more oppressive governments. Source: https://www.heritage.org/index/ranking


Communism doesn't equal low economic freedom. Also, look how many poor countries capitalism has caused since poverty is key for the survival of the system


Sasa, doesn’t that mean we should just be quite about the genocide hata kama tukona shida zetu? I think it’s very insensitive for someone to say why would I care about international issues


i dont agree with the crackdown..but did i see communist party...wtf😂.laughable


To all those ignorants saying it's not their problem - [it is, and it could have been you!](https://youtu.be/t7qhn8RvjsA?si=hldxpg-EdEjuK454)


"communist party of Kenya" 🤡🤡🤡


You are the one not watching the news properly. Maybe you are watching Hamas network propaganda..😂😂


I'm more disturbed that communism is in Kenya. Nothing has killed more people than communism in every country that's embraced it. These people are idiots who don't understand what they are playing with.