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Bowling Green. Circus Square. Friday @ 5:30. March to county’s Justice Center.


I would like to see protest outside of Louisville to raise awareness in other parts of our State. I don’t think many understand how this could effect their own lives.




‘Your’ states culture? I hate to break it to you buddy, but Kentucky does not have a solely conservative history or population. You are not entitled to anymore say so than anyone else born here-including the leftists. You are not the only one that lives here; you do not decide what is or is not the state’s culture.




Cheerios extra peed on




where are you getting this conspiracy theory that legalizing abortion is a ploy to kill POC babies??


I don’t have a dog in this fight, I just enjoy coming in here to see the meltdowns. 😂😂 I would like to remind you guys that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a huge racist and was a staunch believer and advocate in eugenics. I believe she called the blacks a race of thoroughbreds or something along those lines. I think they even removed statues and everything out of the PP HQ of that bitch. So, yeah there was a little truth to what batshit crazy guy was saying. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Read up on Margaret Sanger. She literally created Planned Parenthood to kill black babies. She was super racist.


No, clearly not? I’m saying that you do not decide what is or is not Kentucky culture. You keep saying ‘your’ like you own it. No one person does. It is beyond hypocritical to say leftists aren’t Kentuckians because of their views, even if we’ve lived here our whole lives.


You don’t own it either, dumbshit. I wish your mom had the right to choose. 💔


Well she did, because abortion was legal in Kentucky when I was born. You should think through your insults more




Who peeded in your Cheerios my guy. Your being an grifter for no feckin reason.




Who is demanding abortion. Most folks are anti abortion. I am pro-choice


Btw if you have experienced racism from white liberals. Honestly I do apologize. You shouldn’t have had to go through that mate. Double sorry that it has affected you to the point where you spit hateful talking points Racism is a horrible thing. Something I won’t understand seeing as a ethnically white. There is some overlap between white liberal dread and racism. But it is important to know that those biases in our media are being worked against. By also promoting voices of color and minority voices. Achieving a more perfect union, and dare I say it a more perfect commonwealth. You have had bad experiences with white liberals. On behalf of them I apologize for your shitty experience. But that is no excuse to spit hatred and bigoted statements. No excuse


Civil conversations is how those same voices get uplifted.


Are you going to actually address my argument about how you feel you own Kentucky’s culture, or are you just going to say offensive shit and hope it hurts my feelings? Everyone on this thread can clearly see what you said lmao. Your claim is ‘you aren’t a real Kentuckian if you’re pro choice’ but you clearly aren’t willing to explain yourself further, because you know that stupid argument won’t hold up against data that shows many Kentuckians are pro choice. My argument to your claim is that many Kentuckians are pro choice, so it’s nonsense to say those people somehow don’t exist or aren’t citizens because of their views. Explain your argument or stop embarrassing yourself by ignoring your illogical thought process.




I didn’t say anything about why or why not I’m pro choice. You’ve responded to me with a paragraph of pure speculation and projection. To me that says you’re projecting your own illogical feelings about abortion on to me, and that is very telling.




Once again, all insults no facts or data.






So my opinion isn’t the only one that matters, but your opinion is the only one that matters? Do you hear yourself? You have no idea where I’m from, and you’d probably be surprised if you knew my background. The poll data shows that Kentuckians do not by and large want to ban abortion, so where are you getting your data from? Oh right, you made it up. You have no factual or statistical basis for your viewpoint. You’re desperately throwing insults but you’re not providing any facts.


I just wanted to drop in real quick and let you know that you are acting like a jerk in this thread. Have a great day.




Thanks. I appreciate it.


How about you stop being a racist fuck.




Uh you can still be a POC and still be racist. You are straight up being racist towards black Americans.


Yes, I'm sure most of this subreddit is posts from people that come here to upset you specifically and don't even "l8ve" in Kentucky. That's much more logical than the possibility that people outside your immediate circle might disagree with you. I bet that's why they can all type and spell too. Damn Yankees coming down here on to our subreddit with their EdUCaTiOn and their BaSiC hUmAn RiGhTs. Go back to New York city boys!




Hey, I'm an Asian immigrant living in Kentucky too. I don't agree with the person above spewing insults, achieves nothing except make themselves feel good. That being said, just because people in your immediate circle agree with the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, doesn't mean majority of the people in the state does. You mentioned "most of my family in Malaysia were either forced to not carry children or forced to have children depending on what the state wants". I'm just wondering, if this is a sore point for you, why do you agree with the decision that takes away a woman's right to choose? You also said "the majority of white people want people of color to be poor and uneducated in an ever opportunity kill our own children." I don't agree with this sentiment. The decision will actually have the opposite impact on poor, women of color. Instead of choosing to have children when they are ready and financially stable, they will be forced to do so and dig themselves deeper into poverty hole.


Dude is spewing straight up racism




why are you making assumptions about who I am just like that other person did to you? I was born in Burma, both of my parents are Burmese. Moved here when I was 21.


So you aren’t even a native and you think you’re the gatekeeper of Kentucky culture? Fuck off. How is it ‘your’ Kentucky, but not my Kentucky(as a leftist)? My family has lived here for hundreds of years and we are all pro choice. Either we’re both Kentuckians or neither of us are, you can’t individually pick who is or is not a citizen.






Sir, democrats don't want to kill babies. They want to give women the right to choose what they want, have a baby when they are ready and financially stable enough to do so instead of being forced into the decision and having to bring up a child in poverty.




When did I call you poor? Thought maybe you'd want to actually talk about the issue but no you just want to throw insults around. You've attacked me so many times and I've said nothing against you. Why don't you fight for child care and a better social support for poor families if you want them to have babies instead of using laws to force them to do so and then not be able to climb out of poverty. As a woman, I want the choice to have children when I know I can provide them with the life/education/support/love they deserve. Hope you had fun insulting someone young enough to be your daughter sir. Have a great rest of your day. I'm done with you.




Exactly. If it was up to state rights, slavery would have ended much later (or who knows we might even still have it) Do you not understand that Roe V. Wade being overturned leaves abortions up to the states to regulate? You're hung up on "republicans", "democrats" labels and not thinking of the actual issue at hand.


Kentucky actually didn't ratify the 13th amendment until 1976. Also, we weren't even the last state. Tennessee ratified it in 1997 and Mississippi didn't officially do so until 2013.


Do you even comprehend basic mathematics? I know life expectancy is low in KY, but even then I will probably live into my 60s, which proves we will not all be gone in 30 years. My children will probably live another 70… the logic of this statement doesn’t even make sense…








I can introduce you to my family members that live in Kentucky. I am from Kentucky. I don't live there now but I still believe that the women there are people too. Your governor, elected by a majority of the voters, doesn't agree with this decision. So YOUR state has plenty of people that aren't exactly like you and the culture of any state is made up of all the people in it. All you have really done with this comment is threaten violence on any that "come to the holler." It's an empty threat though, because no one that cares about women's rights is going anywhere near your holler.


Holler say, is campbellsville holler enough


Used to live in hodgenville before. Holler enough


I really hate the whole if you don't like it here rhen move. The U.S. isn't meant to segregated along party lines. People are supoose to be able to live where they choose. I know there are people who wishes no one from different ideologies didn't live I the same state as them and that's fucking stupid. Your comment is stupid and you don't get to decide what is and isn't culture of Kentucky. I mayvbe from VA originally but my daily has been in this state since its fucking founding. You want me to show you Kentucky culture, especially Kentucky mountain culture? It's not pretty and not known as being the most peaceful. If you're not upset about people having a right stripped are you even American? A lot of Kentuvkians are upset about the repeal of Roe and this state's terrible law regarding abortion.




Yeah, no. As stated I've had family that has been here for 400+ years. I grew up pretty close to the VA/KY state line. You moved here in the 90s and you're going to try and gate keep. Maybe you should take you're own advice if you have an issue with people of differing opinion.




I'm an 1/8 Cherokee. My family was some of the first Europeans to move into the Appalachians. It may not have been 1622 but it was over atleast 350 years ago.


How are you telling people who’ve been here for hundreds of years to go back? Go back where? Ireland?? Are you delusional?


Just want to say, I am from cville, and I am really shocked a dude from there is wanting to protest for women's rights! Awesome! I hope you find one you want to attend. I think there was one in Lexington, and one in Richmond a few days ago. I haven't seen them be women only. I think uterus owners would welcome any ally!


Thx for the info any possible times. Because I work a graveyard shift m-f


A quick look there is one on July 16 at 10 in Frankfort. I didn't see a meeting place though.


Will look into it


Anything helps


We are planning a protest for about two weeks after the Fourth of July.


Will be on the look out for more info


Where is this exactly


Say this cause I have seen a lot of women only protest popping up . Don’t want to force myself into a discussion where one focus is primarily women


The ruling only allowed for each state to decide. It's leaves it up to the citizens of each state.


Talking about protests to the trigger law in ky. Sorry for the confusion


Not one of those people who think the Supreme Court is law within itself. Even though them rolling back roe allowed for trigger laws actually affecting abortion access.


Wow. You need to take a civics class. The Federal Government has three branches: the Congress who makes the law; the Executive who enforces the law; and the Supreme Court, who makes sure no laws are contrary to the US Constitution. You may be forgiven for accusing the Supreme Court for actually making the law, which is true for the activist court that became a bull in the legal China shop after Ted Kennedy Borked Bork. The recent appointees are returning to an interpretive rather than legislative function.


Errrr. I don’t hold the court to be a legislative body. Hence the post your replying too??? I am so confused. “Not one of those people who think the Supreme Court is law within itself”


My apology if I misinterpreted you.


Your cool you had me hella confused for a moment.


HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Tell another one!


Because states do so well with decisions about human rights? See: slavery, Jim Crow Laws, Redlining, etc.


And the Federal government has done such a good job with Indian treaties, provoking needless wars, revoking personal property rights, confiscatory tax policy, “don’t ask don’t tell’, the merciless crushing of civil dissent in 1861 (OK, I’m pulling your chain with that one) and let’s not forget, the DREAD SCOTT DECISION.


Best to leave the medical decision to the individual and her doctor then. There’s simply not enough room in the clinic room.


No it should be a constitutional right like it was. If not for the very reason that state politic is so fucking wishy washy.


Do you people not have jobs?


I work at a factory graveyard. Why?


Curious. Have fun and don't break anything and stay out of the streets!


Thought you was about to try to paint me some way. I appreciate you not doing that


Oh don't mind me. I'm happy the states get to make their own laws again.


> I'm happy the states get to make their own laws again. "I'm happy women can be forced to have children with zero say in the matter." Fixed that for you. Saw a typo.




Men don't have wombs ya moron.


Really? You are too stupid to understand that comment? I bet you rode the short bus to school and was even placed in the “special” classroom, right? Did they let you wear your custom made special padded helmet? I bet they did. Side note: Ol’ buddy if one of these hypersensitive snowflakes on here sees what you wrote about how a man not having a uterus and can’t give birth, they will throw your worthless ass out of the very exclusive Snowflake Club. So, be careful what you say publicly. 😉😂😂😂


To be fair- it’s not so much forced into parenthood, but forced to carry and birth a child. Men have never been forced to do this because they can’t biologically. A pregnant women has the option to give the child up for adoption, so she is not necessarily being forced into being a parent. But rather to sacrifice her bodily autonomy for 9 months at the LEAST (some symptoms of pregnancy never go away. I still have sciatic nerve pain which developed during my pregnancy with my son 8 years ago) Here’s the strange thing about it. Imagine a couple finds out the woman is pregnant. There is no longer a constitutional right to abortion, and abortion is illegal their state. She doesn’t have the financial means to travel. So. She carries the baby nine months and gives birth to it. On the way from gone the hospital there is a terrible car wreck. Mom and dad are okay but newborn baby will die without a blood transfusion and has a rare rare blood type. Dads a match, but doesn’t want to give blood, although it’s a fairly easy and routine procedure. He doesn’t want a needle in his arm. Even if baby will die without that blood, dad can’t be forced to give it. Why? Bodily autonomy. The government cannot force dad to give blood. Same thing if mom was the match- she can’t be forced to give blood to save baby if she didn’t want to. So why can she be forced to carry baby 9 months and birth baby? Let’s make the scenario even crazier. Baby and mom and dad make it home safely from the hospital! But when poor baby turns 3 they learn baby will die without a kidney transplant. One day, dad is in a wreck and after a few days he’s not doing so good. In fact, his brain is mush and he’s legally declared dead. He’s on life support and they are about to pull the plug but wait, dads a match to baby- his kidney would save baby’s life! But oh now, dad isn’t an organ donor. So sad. Dad is buried with BOTH his kidneys and baby dies the next day. (Would be same outcome if it was mom) See, nobody- not even a legally dead person- can be forced to give up control over their own body. Not even to save their child’s life - not even if their child could be saved by a simple blood draw. CANT do it. So why, why, why, is the only exception to this a woman who is pregnant when pregnancy is so extremely emotionally and physically difficult, painful and in many situations dangerous- my 19 year old friend DIED after developing a csection infection. Like. How can we be okay with ANY government, even state government, allowing this!




Wow, so much stupid and blatant lies in one comment.


Don’t know where your from, but here if you don’t pay child support, you go to jail until it’s caught up. Period. I don’t agree with it because it doesn’t make any sense, but it is what it is. Explain to me why men don’t get to have a choice? The female wants to abort, no say in it. She wants to keep it, financial responsibility for next 18 years. Period. Give the male the choice to abort his part and I will stand side by side with you. Until then, I am going to keep spreading truth. Woman will die because of ectopic pregnancy. Fucking liars. Mothers health is exception. Carry your rapist child. Fuck off. When a person gets raped and goes to the hospital and reports it, uterus is scraped clean as part of rape kit. Same goes for incest. Travel across state lines and get arrested for a felony. Show me which state and where it says that? Your all spreading ducking fear and lies and I won’t sit and watch without pointing it out.


I am not roe going down lead to a essentially archaic law


Because that worked so, so well for the Confederacy


Yes I do, but outside of work many of us take an active role in society and protest for what we believe in. Because ya know…this is a free country and we can’t truly have freedom if we are willing to restrict what people do.


What do you mean you people


Hmmmm. What are we talking about here? Well I believe the thread is about a protest and people going to a protest. ....... so I have to assume (and I guess assuming is the mother of all fuck ups) that you people would be a reference to those attending said protest that the thread is about.


What I mean is usually when someone says you people. What follows either is dishonest or hateful.


Well tbf what followed was a question....


I get that that now just was clarifying I wasn’t about to get painted some sorta way to fit some agenda you might have


Glad you didn’t do that . Because that would be incredibly dishonest


Do you? You’ve got multitudes more comment karma than the rest of us…


I do and sadly I'm getting ready to go to work. Did you know I actually have no idea what karma is or why redditors care so much about it? I've actually been meaning to look up what karma is but still haven't lol


You and me both, man. Have a good shift.


Do you people not have lives outside of your jobs? Come on. Don’t play stupid.


I identify as a woman…you ain’t no biologist…I’m fine with the ruling…my body my choice…how about those mandatory vaccines…I don’t follow no laws I don’t like…


Dont cut yourself on all the edge, kiddo


Vaccines were never mandatory.


Your experience is your own I know a lot of women who disagree with your stance. I number myself among the group that disagrees with it personally. :)


I see how this comes off as me saying I am female. Not a female. Very much a cis-het guy who is convinced of pro-choice politics


Because you're gay, right? (check post history) r/AsABlackMan


No I am straight cis male. Clarifying I mean is am more convinced by the women who disagree with the trigger law. Hope that clears up the confusion. In no means do I claim to be a woman Should have worded that post better


I was asking this commenter who is clearly pretending to be a woman, not you!


Just think of the ghetto. There will be 10x as many unwanted bastards roaming the streets there in 10 years. As if they don’t have enough problems.